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  • RMweb Premium

My two walked there but they'd have had to be bloody lazy not to. Front door - school gate = 10 yards! The head teacher tried to introduce a "walking bus" scheme. That was about as popular as a smack round the head. The "walking bus" didn't have leather seats, heaters or on-board DVD players. Walking bus, zero, mummy's BMW X5, one.


None of these gadgets were installed in the Austin 7 either, owned by our neighbour who, very occasionally, took us to school.  

Another neighbour had a 1964 Rover 2000. This did have leather seats though, or PVC equivalent! :) 

Taking a look at the place now on Google maps it seems that the dairy opposite the school has gone (most likely about +30 years ago) as has the sweet shop opposite the school, too. 

I bet the bullet holes are still in the brickwork of the school though! 

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Andy, I'm not aware of the dairy or sweet shop? Our little bungalow dated from the late 30s and I know it was used as a teaching annexe during the war. There was a clause in the deeds forbidding its use as a sweet shop!






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  • RMweb Gold

My two walked there but they'd have had to be bloody lazy not to. Front door - school gate = 10 yards! The head teacher tried to introduce a "walking bus" scheme. That was about as popular as a smack round the head. The "walking bus" didn't have leather seats, heaters or on-board DVD players. Walking bus, zero, mummy's BMW X5, one.

These days I try if possible to avoid what I describe as 'kicking out time at the zoo'...an unhealthy time to be on the nation's roads.There is no anti social act on this planet to which a parent will not stoop in order to cocoon its infant in its four track or similar status conveyance at the beginning or ending of the school day and relations between a school and the residents of surrounding neighbourhoods are stretched to breaking point.Anyone dwelling in such an area has my heartfelt sympathy......especially when many cannot access or exit their own homes at certain times of the day because they are hemmed in by parked vehicles.

One way around the situation is for a school to negotiate temporary parking at,perhaps a nearby leisure centre or church hall...not easy.You can't stop 'em...they know their rights.....responsibilities? Ah,now,that's another matter.


One who fought many battles.....most of them losing ones....from the other side of the fence.

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  • RMweb Gold

FiL liked to have lunch in garden centre (in common with a lot of the elderly these seem to think slald is approriate to most hot dishes. One centre thought me rather odd to ask for garden peas instead of salad


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  • RMweb Gold

There are a few occasions in this life when things exceed your expectations by a substantial margin. I have just had such an experience.


Regular readers will recall that I weekly ring my MiL in Wimbledon, where she lives in sheltered accommodation. Last Autumn her eyesight deteriorated dramatically, so she really can hardly see anything worthwhile any more. She believes the time has come for a care home of some sort, before she manages to fall over something she can't see, or leaves the gas on or whatever. A daily care worker visits her, for one hour. By their nature these people rotate and so do not know what needs to be done - and MiL has an appalling short-term memory, so can't recall what she had realised needed doing. So I knew that Merton BC "knew" about her, but ringing them was not something I fancied, being convinced I'd go round in silly circles to find the right department, let alone person.




From the website I selected care of older people - and on ringing got through to a real person within less than a minute. She typed MiL's name into her machine - and immediately came up with the name of an assigned officer. Seconds later I was talking to him - and he was word perfect on MiL's situation and what was now being proposed. No referring to files or anything. Just like that. Impressed! I don't think Merton can take her into their full-time care at this stage, but am completely reassured they are on her case. In the real world of budgets and resources, you can't ask for more.



Ian,I have just shown your post to my wife who,for many years,managed the Adult Care services in our neck of the woods..She was happily impressed.

It has become fashionable to berate Social Service Care.....much of it is unjustified.Great to see someone rate good practice,if only once in a while.Thank you for that.

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Not a good start to the day with son and fiancée having to have their oldest dog put down. She was about 15/16 and had been rescued by Yvonne pregnant and abandoned in a locked up house. The owners had moved. Naturally it has hit them very hard. The dog has been having fits for the last couple of years but, with the help of our excellent vets, had managed to pull through, until last night.


It doesn't help that we're 250 miles away, but they'll manage. They now have two dogs, one was a pup from the pregnancy, one adopted when the original owner fell ill, and two adopted cats, the most recent one given to them by a ten year old neighbour who's mother had told him to go out with a 12 week old kitten and lose it. That was at Christmas. Instead he went round to them.


They also have a tankful of tropical fish, and these seem to be breeding. Lucky (the Christmas kitten) seems to think that they're lunch - or at least an aperitif.

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  • RMweb Premium

Andy, I'm not aware of the dairy or sweet shop? Our little bungalow dated from the late 30s and I know it was used as a teaching annexe during the war. There was a clause in the deeds forbidding its use as a sweet shop!




The Unigate dairy distribution site was just round the corner. Now built on for flats it seems (left on this picture).

Baldocks the sweet shop was just across the traffic lights on the London Road. It was either the Chinese chippy or the barber's shop in this photo.




The two-storey building opposite your bungalow used to be known as "The library", although it seemed to be used for craft lessons quite often by some classes. I seem to remember it also had a TV too which we used to occasionally watch "programs for schools" to support geography topic work. Of course there was no grassed area for running around on, so school races were held on tarmac. Technically, tarmac made more slippery by sand. How I remember the grazed knees! 


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  • RMweb Gold

Waitrose is where the Safeway used to be. It is a fairly small Waitrose compared to the giant one in Southchurch (why isn't it East Southend?) on the way to Shoeburyness.

For the nearer Waitrose I have found that shopping just before school pick up time means there will be space in the car park but it does fill up quickly after 3pm (as does the shop). 

I've done my packing for the trip to Brussels. Robbie seemed perfectly happy at the kennels. No whimpering or trying to run back to me as I've seen other dogs do. Perhaps it was because the kennel assistant was holding two sacks of his dog food?



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  • RMweb Premium

The Manchester Grauniad!  takes me back.. you didn't buy it to read .. you bought it for the spellung mistook spotting and grammer erors....


Alas - no longer the case!


Having worked in the Building Services industry for a while to find the supermarket to shop in look above your heads.... no tiles/closed ceiling - cheap and nasty .. can you see any cabling?? if so well....


Enjoy the rest of the day and roll on Friday!!



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Is that still open? Seems odd, or nostalgia?? Oh it's Concorde with an "e" BTW :jester: (ducks to avoid flak!!!)

I remember being in there in the '70's-'80's was a rather excellent way to start a trans-atlantic flight.



Do you remember the original Virgin “Upper Class” lounge? It had a large LGB layout in it that you could play with.......


Best, Pete.

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Morning all




Andrew C - point of accuracy/anorak mode: Morris Marina, not Austin, aka ADO28 (Amalgamated Drawing Office).


For some reason you just reminded me of the Austin Princess (ADO71)..........worse than an earworm.....the secretary of Harrow Rifle and Pistol Club owned one. Strange because he was a very intelligent man too


Trust you are still having a great day!  Pete.

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  • RMweb Gold

For some reason you just reminded me of the Austin Princess (ADO71)..........worse than an earworm.....the secretary of Harrow Rifle and Pistol Club owned one. Strange because he was a very intelligent man too


Trust you are still having a great day!  Pete.

Ah - that reminds me of the clever ad campaign devised for tv. This consisted of a series of catchy questions, to all of which the answer was Yes! Fortunately they clinicked it with the workforce, which fell about laughing when asked "Can you fit a coil to a Princess?"


And yes, day still going well, despite heavy shower a couple of hours ago and attendant loss of Internet connection. The string must have got wet. Chicken Provencale going down well w fresh tagliatelle and a glass of wine...

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  • RMweb Gold

Ah - that reminds me of the clever ad campaign devised for tv. This consisted of a series of catchy questions, to all of which the answer was Yes! Fortunately they clinicked it with the workforce, which fell about laughing when asked "Can you fit a coil to a Princess?"


And yes, day still going well, despite heavy shower a couple of hours ago and attendant loss of Internet connection. The string must have got wet. Chicken Provencale going down well w fresh tagliatelle and a glass of wine...

.......or two or.....?

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  • RMweb Gold

Fortunately they clinicked it with the workforce, which fell about laughing when asked "Can you fit a coil to a Princess?"



That was also the subject of an old joke about Prince Charles suing BL when Diana got pregnant....................

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning, a cool (!!) 18c here, with 25c just like Trev's forecast again for later.  Yesterday certainly made26, bloomin hot for here.


Photogenic?  Oh no, not NHN.  Donk is though, he does calendars for his friends.


attachicon.gifP1010144 (Large).JPG


That deserves an Aah! button.

That brilliant pic must have sneaked in while I was doing a post.

I've only just come across it on my return to ERs after a day of weathering.

Catch up on the rest now.



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  • RMweb Premium

Well, got up this morning to discover a rash starting on both forearms. So I troop off the the morning drop in surgery.


It seems I am allergic to the factor 30 sun cream I put on my forearms on Tuesday when taking GD to the park :yes:


So I've been prescribed a steroid cream to get rid of the rash,


Be good all of you,




You poor thing.  Hope it clears up soon.


Just noticed:

9 o'clock. Channel +! [Edit 4+1]  Amazing spaces : Shed of the Year.  I wonder how many of them feature a model railway?

Edited by southern42
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Do you remember the original Virgin “Upper Class” lounge? It had a large LGB layout in it that you could play with.......


Best, Pete.


Sadly no. I always either traveled BOAC/BA in peasant class, Concorde (only 3 times) or Laker Skytrain when I lived in New York. Had I known I'd probably have opted for that but that was likely mostly after I was living here and flew back on Northwest direct.

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Remember it well, Pete as I used it to go back and forth to the States with Virgin Atlantic, but once I took on a real International job with travel to Europe and Asia, I changed to BA to rack up my Gold Card and Air Miles.  Had Virgin covered all the European destinations, then I may well have stayed with them.


Concorde only three times, Ian!  You lucky man, I only managed it once, but was so glad I did.  Right after 9/11, no one was flying business class, so BA offered a Business Flight out and back on Concorde as a sales tactic.  I didn't need much convincing….:-)

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You poor thing.  Hope it clears up soon.


Just noticed:

9 o'clock. Channel +! [Edit 4+1]  Amazing spaces : Shed of the Year.  I wonder how many of them feature a model railway?


If it's the same ones shown here, then sadly none of them...



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Looks like my memory is at fault and it was a Marklin? I cannot blow up the photo or read that text, unfortunately...


Thanks, Gordon.


Gone (along with the free massage and fags)..........


Best, Pete.

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