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Afternoon All


Well that's TWO wanderers returned to the fold now - Debs, great to see you back again (I too have had a long absence due to personal reasons).


Managed to get drawn into one of the most pleasant tasks this afternoon. Our food waste gets disposed of in the same wheelie bin as the garden refuse/grass cuttings etc - and is removed every TWO weeks - the hot weather recently has resulted in a filthy mess of a mix of everything, which also managed to get wet - so I had the enviable task of scraping the bottom of the bin, then cleaning it with a pressure washer and treating the whole thing with Jeyes fluid - I've had two showers now, and will probably need another before bed.


Lily is really not enjoying this hot weather at all, off her food, and moping around looking for a cool place to sleep - she is presently lying on the living room floor with her feet in the air - if I go for the camera, she'll be on her feet before I can press the button, unfortunately. I got something, so here's the sleeping beauty herself.


Regards to All



Aaarrgh, Dead Dog! Dead Dog! As I am wont to say about Schotty as he, like poor Lily, does not like the heat and lies around in the coolest part of the house doing his damnedest impression of a Canine corpse (strangely enough he will not go into the cellar alone unless accompanied. And the cellar IS the coolest place in the house). Mind you, Schotty's dislike of the heat was predicted back in the winter when, out walking one snowy day, he found a stick and laid down to gnaw it nadgers deep in a snow drift, totally oblivious to the cold.


Which clown decided to cut back waste collection in your neck of the woods? I'm sure that the usual excuses about budget cuts are trotted out (funny though, how these cuts never seem to impact on the highly paid higher echelons, nor job losses affect the PC positions - like diversify awareness officers and the like [sorry to point out the flaming obvious, but anyone with half a brain recognizes that humans come in assorted colours, genders, religions and sexual orientations... I surely don't need the council to tell me that]).


Anyway, still looking for a lady friend for Schotty - does Lily have any sisters or nieces?


To paraphrase (sort of) A Clockwork Orange "zoobies polished, jimmy jams on, time for nighty night nights

Edited by iL Dottore
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. Basically the cheapest bit of crap that Connex could get.!

I wouldn't blame the manufacturer, they just build what the customer wants (in my present job, I have worked with customers who are so clueless or so penny pinching that it is impossible to educate them as to what they need as opposed to what some consultant or [worse] finance type says they should have). I am certain the manufacturer could have built Connex a high quality train (your comment about the train being designed to carry air conditioning but it not being installed says it all, really)


But what you describe is typical of too many businesses today: building down to price, instead of building up to a specification. DB and SBB have their faults, but they make many of the UK TOCs look like the rank amateurs they are

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Missed who?

BoD ... that may not be the best question you have ever asked......be afraid.... be very afraid.......


head for the hills (or Castle Eden Dene at least!)...




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Well, having successfully avoided saying ONE WORD in the wailing-and-gnashing-of-teeth (Bachmann..) thread, I just stuck my foot in my mouth in the "modular" thread. Expecting flak so will be hiding in the treches for a while I'm sure, and racking up those valuable "DISAGREE" points - wonder where they can be redeemed :)


In other news it is a lovely afternoon/early evening here 28 and sunny and we are having a surprise dinner with our daughter in a couple of hours - who is flying in and decided to let us know :)

Note: Those who have much more sense than to inwardly digest rambling (especially mine) here, won't recall she's a flight instructor at the Univ. of North Dakota - therefore an explanation - she's flying down here as one of her Air China students needs to get some cross-country time. So here for dinner, then a night flight back.

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BoD ... that may not be the best question you have ever asked......be afraid.... be very afraid.......


head for the hills (or Castle Eden Dene at least!)...




Steady on . . . We can't have riff-raff in our Dene . . . . . . . It's a conservation area! ! ! !

Edited by Two_sugars
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Evening all,

Great news that Debs is back! I was mortified when you went off air Debs, especially in view of that lovely and supportive PM you sent me what seems like ages ago. Poor Sherry and Polly have been struggling to keep us chaps in line and so they will be especially pleased that 'the cavalry' has arrived!

Got my appointment with the surgeon in today's post - Monday 3pm - when I hope to glean enough information to make a decision whether to go under the knife or not. I'll obviously convey the results later that day or Tuesday.

Sometimes you start a job with the best of intentions but then wonder half way through why you thought of it in the first place. Our patio set and three seater swing is quite large, and at seven years old was beginning to show signs of rust so I decided to strip it into its component parts and coat it with smooth 'Hammerite'. I'm now roughly half way through the task and must confess that maybe oiling it would have been a much easier option. Still, could be brownie points at the end as Joanna likes the colour so far!

By the way Price Andrew married 'Fergie' today in 1986 - probably wishes he hadn't now?

So the Commonwealth games are officially opened - I'm glad they didn't try to top the London Olympic opening ceremony as that would have been impossible! They did there own thing, including Nelson Mandela speaking on the large screen (probably a recording!), and lest we forget, it's supposed to be about the sport! Not my favourite spectacle but for those who enjoy it, I hope it goes well and without incident.

Nightcap time once again,

Kind regards,


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Two_Sugars --- is that why it's got grit big spikey fences everywhere now that its NT....  At least i could climb the small gate to get to Jacob's ladder when i was younger and that was in the "bad old days" when they had game keepers......

Edited by Barry O
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Sadly I must agree with you . . . When I moved to Peterlee, mid sixties, was all over the place avoiding  them, sleeping out overnight in the caves etc. . . but these days it seems to be more  . . . Sanitized and "safe" . . . No place for teenage lads to run free . . . . Haven't been down there for a while . . . . .But . . . . We're getting our beaches back from the years of pit waste! ! ! ! . . . I walked from Easington to Hawthorn and back on Sunday  Evening. . . . . . . . Reminded me why I came home in  the Seventies . . .

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Phew! Caught up at last.  As fast as I got to the end of a page, another page - or two - appeared.

A couple of days out making the most of the weather - wow - wasn't it 'ot mum?


Back to landscaping tomorrow (not sure whether that's 4mm colour scale or 00 green gauge) ready for the weekend in Craig y Don, Llandudno.


Good to have you back, Debs.

Helped to keep them all in order.   :offtopic:

You know, one word from me and they do as they like. :mosking:



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It got up to 32C here today but felt hotter due to the humidity. Big T-Storms have passed through and the next week looks gorgeous - in fact forecasters say it will be unusually below average in both temperature and humidity. At least on the East Coast (I always forget about the sheer size of this place compared to the UK.


Did I tell you that when I first came to the US to live I was working on a special project for EMI Music and they sent me to North Carolina, Greensboro (lovely town) for peace. I knew no one.

I remember watching the afternoon news from the local ABC affiliate and when the weather for the next day came up on the map it said: “PMT - Storms” (it was an error) but I thought: "Jeez - I’m not leaving the house!” - and wondering just how smart their forecasters were...............


Best, Pete.

Edited by trisonic
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I'm watching a program on Mumbai's rallways. Ye gods! I knew they were pretty chaotic, but I never realised just how bad they were. Doors permanently open, people riding on the top of overhead-electric EMUs, an average of ten people a day hit by trains, etc. Now they're showing 'instant' slum clearance for system expansion ...

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Morning All,


I've just shipped Mrs iD off to Bern for her to earn the wage that keeps me in T-Bone steaks and the HM in marrow bones... So, as is the case every weekday but one, I have a little while to kill before I have to walk the dog and start working. Frequently I use this time to catch up with wonderful world of model railways here on RMWeb, although lately - thanks to theatre activities - my modelling has stopped dead in the water... Oh well after the last performance and with colder weather I will return to the fold..


Now I've just had a thought (don't do this at home, boys and girls, I'm a trained professional), as we ER denizens are a) wonderful people and b] great lovers of dogs, cats, rabbits and other 4 legged fauna, what about putting together an ER/RMWeb 2015 pet calendar which we can then offer to the rest of RMWeb as a download for a small contribution to a charity of our choice? Between us I think we have enough livestock to do a dog calendar, a cat calendar and a quadruped calendar (horses, rabbits, llamas...) the hard part will be creating the animal-model railway connection in the photos (though for cats that may be fairly easy - given the stories abounding of them sleeping on layouts and being destructive of model rolling stock).


Just a thought


Stay Frosty!

Edited by iL Dottore
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One of our local theatre companies in Teignmouth raised over £2k for a leukaemia charity from the sale of their calendars. The pictures were from their production of "Calendar Girls"!!


O/H bought one and keeps it in his bathroom!!


On to other matters: DD2, having for the moment laid aside her big sulk re Mum and Dad separating, has decided to descend on us from today for six nights along with her entourage of five! They are saving hard to visit DD1 in Australia next summer so a holiday in Devon is seen as a cheap option (for whom?!)


I'm not bitter (Ahem!) and this will probably be the last chance for them to stay with us in this house as it will be going on the market soon. We've already begun divorce proceedings using an online service.


Weather uncertain with the odd rumble of thunder around. Hope you all have sunny skies (unless you're in a part of the world where it's night!!)

Edited by Ashcombe
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…but we've only got four girls. If you want to do three months each, I'm sure that will be fine…..

Laughing out loud.......!


Let's break with tradition and include a few guys - I'm sure some of you are photogenic?!

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Morning all...


Sunny now but rain expected to start later this morning. Sat here with brekkie and a cuppa while SWMBO remains sleeping – I sometimes wish I could sleep as long as she can...

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The calendar pics were rather different from that one, Pete......!


I'm currently "resting" from acting as I plan to be in France for a month soon, for some reason!!


Next play I'd like to audition for is "Tom's Midnight Garden", scheduled for mid December.

Edited by Ashcombe
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  • RMweb Gold

Debs is back? I really must keep up.


Thats brilliant news - expecting collie towers updates and pics of machinery that I have no idea what it does but it looks really cool!


Welcome back debs we missed you. Good morning everybody else.

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Another hot sunny day is in prospect.

After yesterday's discussion about disinfectant (and looking for it) I realised that my shed was somewhat in disarray so this morning I will be rearranging the contents. When advised of this intention my so called better half said "Does that mean you'll be throwing out all that stuff you were keeping just in case it was needed and never has been?" Does she not know that a man's shed is his raison d'être? It is his kingdom, the contents are his subjects and he has a duty of care. He must never abdicate his responsibility for them!   :no: 

Have a good one,


Edited by grandadbob
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Morning All,


It is another nice morning here, but the night was rather disturbed.  The police helicopter was flying for most of the night as they were looking for someone who shot a policeman dead.  No sign of the culprit yet - unfortunately.


Nice to see Debs back.


Come to think of it, our school loos used to smell of it too.  Plus, we had Izal toilet paper. :O I bet they don't have that in schools anymore.  Kids today have never had it so good!


Have a good day everyone...

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The calendar pics were rather different from that one, Pete......!


I'm currently "resting" from acting as I plan to be in France for a month soon, for some reason!!


Next play I'd like to audition for is "Toms Midnight Garden", scheduled for mid December.

What? That Lot? That was the Teignmouth Theatre Group who did Calender Girls....at the Carlton Theatre. 


Scare Ian by telling him I may turn up on a flying visit, oh, hang on this isn’t going to work is it? But you two will work...


Best, Pete.

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