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  • RMweb Gold

Just a me-too thingie to welcome our much-missed Debs home to the warmest part of RMweb. Mind you, as has been pointed out, the clod-hurling elsewhere means we wouldn't have to be very warm to merit such an accolade. So glad the PC issue has been sorted, and I hope you can still afford to feed the collies - and yourself, too.


And, talking of warm, Smiffy's remarks about being able to open up in here just make me so proud to be part of it all.

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  • RMweb Premium

Dear Mister Stationmaster,

Remember where you are this weekend before grassing up us ERs north of the Watford gap....


Oh bu@@er might have let some of the cats out of the bag...



Glad to see you back Debs!



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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon All


Well that's TWO wanderers returned to the fold now - Debs, great to see you back again (I too have had a long absence due to personal reasons).


Managed to get drawn into one of the most pleasant tasks this afternoon.  Our food waste gets disposed of in the same wheelie bin as the garden refuse/grass cuttings etc - and is removed every TWO weeks - the hot weather recently has resulted in a filthy mess of a mix of everything, which also managed to get wet - so I had the enviable task of scraping the bottom of the bin, then cleaning it with a pressure washer and treating the whole thing with Jeyes fluid - I've had two showers now, and will probably need another before bed.


Lily is really not enjoying this hot weather at all, off her food, and moping around looking for a cool place to sleep - she is presently lying on the living room floor with her feet in the air - if I go for the camera, she'll be on her feet before I can press the button, unfortunately.  I got something, so here's the sleeping beauty herself.


Regards to All



Edited by 45156
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  • RMweb Premium

Yep Stewart, I often bathe in Jeyes fluid and the aroma does linger for quite a time! :yes:  :scratchhead: 

Try the aroma of Jeyes mixed with rotten grass and gone off two week old food waste - that's really pleasant LOL


Many years ago, there was a garden expert on a local radio show in South East England, who suggested putting a couple of tablespoons of Jeyes into a garden water butt to freshen it - he meant teaspoons, and there were then for some weeks people complaining on air about the lingering smell on veg patches, allotments, etc..  One caller had treated his water thus, and irrigated his fruit bushes, and the crop tasted of Jeyes.  It is quite potent stuff, and needs to be handled with some care.

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  • RMweb Gold

I seem to remember years ago they recommended using a solution of it to get rid of various pests in the vegetable patch. I definitely remember watering my swedes with it!


But not now - current advice is avoid contact with plant life

Edited by grandadbob
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  • RMweb Gold

I finally got one of those scam phone calls from India today about problems with my broadband internet. I tried really hard to keep him on the line by lots of gormless answers about how I was really concerned about what he had to say, and how would I know if it was slow as I'm on fibre to cabinet 70Mbs line, and I couldn't remember when I last connected to  the internet as my router modem is always on. He wanted me to start internet explorer so I said I used Chrome but he said that would do.  At this point I got passed to a "supervisor" who introduced himself as Martin Wilson (though he pronounced it Vilson). The conversation was repeated and I asked where in India he was phoning from. He said he wasn't phoning from India, so I said my IP Broadband support team are in India, told him (in Hindi) that I'm not stupid and put the phone down. I feel bad, I'm sure I could have wasted more of their time. 

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  • RMweb Gold

Whose this Debs person?


Was she the one that got abducted by the aliens?


Here is something I knocked together earlier this month:






The Dragon of Trelill


Under the village of Trelill, there is a dragon’s cave.


You clamber down to get a glance, but you must be quite brave.


The dragon slumbers there within, but you must be so wary.


Out in the sun his sentries lie, black, silver and scary.


These viperous snakes live on the moor, but come here not to bask.


To guard the Dragon of Trelill, that is their summer task.


Once there you sit, and wait awhile, and time it stands quite still.


The birdsong and the insect noise will your ears fill.


Then suddenly there’s a rumbling, followed by a roar.


The dragon awakes, it’s coming out, there’s shaking of the floor.


With a terrific shriek and clouds of smoke, the Dragon rushes out


Its steamy breath and fiery fumes, a monster, there’s no doubt!


Big and green, so long and sleek The Dragon rushes by.


The awful noise and the smoky mist, that blots out all the sky.


Then the dragon master smiles at you and gives a little wave.


Up you stand and wave right back, feeling now quite brave.


You stand and watch its tail go past and disappear from view.


A quieter screech from out of sight as it thunders through St Kew.


Tomorrow I’ll be back right here to watch the dragon again.


Well, I like to call it Dragon, but it’s really just the train.

Do you think it's wise to test out your 'bride's father' speech on us lot?

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  • RMweb Gold

I seem to remember years ago they recommended using a solution of it to get rid of various pests in the vegetable patch. I definitely remember watering my swedes with it!


Ref Jeyes fluid the tin now says "Avoid contact of product with plant life" so perhaps this is not a good idea now!

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  • RMweb Gold

Ref Jeyes fluid the tin now says "Avoid contact of product with plant life" so perhaps this is not a good idea now!

I thought the outside lavatories at junior school smelt awful but it was only later on I realised it was due to the application of huge quantities of Jeyes fluid. 

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  • RMweb Gold

I grew up with the smell of it because Dad used to clean the outside loos of his pub with it! I actually quite like the aroma! Strange or what? :scratchhead: 

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It's my next door neighbour's forty-ninth birthday today. "Oh dear," he said, "I'll be fifty next year!"


"Andy," I assured him, "take it from me, when you're sixty-nine and you're going to be seventy next year, you'll be wishing you were a young lad of fifty again!" 

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I thought the outside lavatories at junior school smelt awful but it was only later on I realised it was due to the application of huge quantities of Jeyes fluid. 

It’s good for cleaning gravestones...............trust me on this....


I should check to see if Debs has given me an old fashioned “tongue - lashing”, ooer, Mother....


Best, Pete

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I grew up with the smell of it because Dad used to clean the outside loos of his pub with it! I actually quite like the aroma! Strange or what? :scratchhead: 


.....and I bet those pineapple chunks in boxes he had, tasted foul! :laugh:

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  • RMweb Premium

I was happy to learn that the payment for the two Silberling coaches has been received and that they will roll out to me by tomorrow. I hope the loco will soon embark on its positioning move as well!

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Wellcome back Debs as you have probably noticed we missed you.

On the subject of Jeyes Fluid you cannot have it anywere near dairy cows as a veeerrrry small amount will sour milk when it is put in hot drinks


Edited by laurenceb
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Andrew, I haven't ridden any Connex UK services thus far, but having just read this comment of yours, even the worst reports I read about present-day Deutsche Bahn don't really feel like they're anywhere near what some UK operators pass off as train services!

Connex got thrown out of their franchise for Southeastern just after they ordered the 376 Electrostar units. Quite simply they are the worst thing on rails in the UK besides the 141-142 units. Few seats, massive open spaces around the doors but no provision for sufficient handles. 2+2 seating but instead of being able to have 6 abreast with a 2+2 +2 standing it was 2+2+1 so effectively reducing the capacity of each coach by 25 bodies or 250 per pair of 5 car units. No air con, even though they are designed for it. The moron that designed the supposed bum rests thinks there is space for 12 at each door but in reality because they are at 90 degree angles to each other there is only space for 8 providing you are very comfortable with the other person sharing the bum rest. The pressure ventilation doesn't work properly and never has. The heat seems permanently stuck on full. No bogie yaw dampeners like the sister 375 and 377 units have so if you are standing while the unit is bashing about through the point work outside London Bridge its an adventure just to stay upright. No toilets either. Every heat related "passenger ill on train" delay I've encountered has been on a 376 unit. Basically the cheapest bit of crap that Connex could get.


A government run franchise replaced Connex and went from the worst to near first in customer satisfaction in only 2 years. Since then Southeastern (Govia) has taking things back to worse than Connex was. New carriages and stock promised, 0 delivered. The 465/466 units are hanging on with spit and duct tape it seems. The 376 units are subject to far more failures even though they are 20 years younger. These seem to be mostly related to their pocket doors. Southeastern are just a bunch of assclown douchebag cockwombles hell bent on sucking as much cash as possible out of the franchise as they can. The vitriol on Twitter against them on a daily basis is legendary. Not fit for purpose.


And breathe in.........


almost forgot to welcome back the punatrix!

Edited by AndrewC
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  • RMweb Premium

Welcome back Debs, please don't go away again.  I'm not really a snitch but some (names removed for my safety) people in ERs have been talking about model railways.  I don't mean that nice chap across the water from you with trains in his garden, I mean terribly serious talking about gauges (not green ones ) and scales (not on fish). - you have been sorely missed, in many ways.


Hope the collies are keeping well.


Phew, thought I had been grassed up then!


Spent the afternoon running steam *****s in the garden, this retirement lark is good fun.

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