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  • RMweb Gold

Honestly! To echo Gordon's comments earlier, if you have nothing better to do for three hours or so and fancy a good laugh, have a look through the Bachmann announcements thread. I have enough going on in my life to cause stress and anguish without getting all bent out of shape by what Bachmann has or hasn't announced. Has there ever been a recorded instance of a coronary caused by web-browsing? If not, it's imminent. Our very own Mike is, as usual, the voice of reason, but I fear no-one's listening...

I absolutely love my personal involvement with model railways - it satisfies a creative need and keeps me sane but there are a lot of RMWebbers wailing on that thread that I most certainly wouldn't want to get stuck in a lift with...

A reflection on "Bloody Sunday" some 3 days on.....and it is still rumbling on....one of our American cousins (Arizona?) has just flipped another acid drop into the mix.

Thomas Hobbes is famous for the quote that life is "solitary,poor,nasty,brutish and short". Believe it,ladies and gentlemen.


Off to The Swan at the RSC later...."The Roaring Girl" ...seems I can't get enough "roaring" on here.....Second visit this month.."Arden of Faversham" last.....terrific productions this season,as ever.....that was all about a woman who plots to kill her husband...light relief from some threads of RMWeb.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all!


Hope you are all as well as you can be.

After a blank few days next week will include umpiring a Under 15 game Monday, Taverners soft ball u11s Tuesday and Yorks U15s Wednesday.. Great!


And her indoors returned with half of eldest Herbert's stuff as he moves back in here next week...where we put the stuff I haven't a clue!


Stay calm today and just think of gauges like O16.5, O9 etc and smile!!!!!


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  • RMweb Premium

Morning, awake since stupid o'clock due to a neighbour's dog barking incessantly.  How it didn't cause them to wake and do something about it I don't know, I do know many neighbours will be having a word with them though!


Another day of retirement paradise, aka running around like a mad thing sorting out a seemingly never ending list of things I am commanded to deal with.  New car insurance has so many errors in it, it probably isn't legal - long visit to brokers at 9am coming up. #sigh#


The Vale of Rheidol tank isn't finished yet, for some reason the new receiver made the servos throw greater, so the whole thing needed to be refitted to cope, and I can't get one right. As it's the whistle, and I hardly ever use that, I just may settle for it as it is, almost right.  Except that will drive me nuts......

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Thankfully, no! But my grandson, who has recently finished his Pre School days, could have worn the garb as illustrated in the BBC article. Luckily, his mother had more sense!

One wonders, whatever next!


Perhaps those of us lucky enough to have retired should have had a graduation ceremony! After all, most of us had survived around 40 years at the chalk face or whereever!

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Just woken my daughter up for her last ever day at Junior School. She's both sad and excited about that. She tells me that there was an impromptu prize-giving thingie at school yesterday that none of the children were expecting. Apparently her friend Liam got a trophy and £20 cash for being "kind"... I asked if she got anything? "No" she said. "Stupid school!" and then disappeared to brush her teeth.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all, last work day until September! managed a full nights sleep from 1.00 until the alarm went off at 7.00 the sciatica hasn't gone it seems to wake up when I do. Two colleagues leaving today one retirement one moving on, replacements are being talked about which is a good sign..... Happy hump day all.

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Just back from taking the dogs for a walk. The sun is burning off the mist quickly now, and we're in for wall to wall sunshine, AKA hot!


Showers, then breakfast, then we have to make the incredibly difficult decision what to do today. And yes, it is much more difficult than could be thought possible. Think we'll start by tightening up the caravan jacks, though, as the spreader planks seem to have sunk a little more into the soil.

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Morning all. Sunny and quiet here in the boring borough.


Tony: congratulations to Aditi. Well deserved after all the hassles and headaches she went through. Eurostar @ Ebbsfleet is dead easy. If you've got machine readable tickets (printed page with 3d barcode or the old style large ticket) just go straight through the gates to security screening. We average around 5 mins to get through. Its a very quiet station most days. If you've got just the receipt and credit card then give yourself an extra couple of minutes to choke the machine into spitting out the actual tickets. On the other side is a small waiting area and you won't be able to get lost. The platforms all have the coach numbers and stopping points for the doors marked clearly. IIRC the escalator lands you about half way along. Just follow the signs. Yes you keep your luggage with you. There are racks at the door vestibule and fairly large overhead storage as well. We're paranoid so tend to keep our stuff above the seat. Last bit of warning, don't be tempted to grab a coffee before going through security. You'll have to dump it.

<end Ebbsfleet tourist service mode>


Have a good one all. About to embark on the ride to hell known as Southeastern for a day at head office. Bad enough they (well Connex did the specs) never plumped for the drop in air conditioning units for the Class 376 units. Micro gap windows, no ventilation, and no doubt the heat on full will be what meets me at the station. They should rename them the Dante express.

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  • RMweb Premium

Just to show what dressing a tram means here are a couple of pictures from yesterday.   The background to it is that a group of British legion veterans have got some lottery money to stage a WW1 commemoration event in Morley, where I live.  they came up with the idea of re creating a ww1 recruiting tram.   A lot of work has gone on and a tram has been sourced from Heaton Park in Manchester.  Yesterday we went over to dress it ready for transport to Morley on 2nd August,

This is what we are trying to achieve.


This is what we started with a 1901 Manchester tram.  t doesn't have a top cover but it's what we could get hold of.


This is what it looked like at the end of the day.  Various other bits will be added on the day.


A big thanks to the Manchester Tramway Museum Society for making this possible.

But all in all a great day out.



All photos copyright Leeds Transport Historical Society.

Edited by jamie92208
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Quote from the Farish new announcements thread:


'I'm disappointed they didn't focus on my personal needs'


Really? :laugh: 


Yeah - I spotted that. I was very tempted to comment but in the end simply couldn't be bothered!

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Overcast and not so warm here at the moment.

Aditi phoned before she left work yesterday and said not to worry about chilling any wine and she was so tired she just wanted a simple meal. However she stopped for petrol on the way home and Prosecco and cream cakes were on offer at the garage so she got some.


I suppose I should be sorting out my packing for our trip away but I'll just do the documents and tablets bit today. It does look as if the forecast for Brussels is "showers" while we are there. 



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Quote from the Farish new announcements thread:


'I'm disappointed they didn't focus on my personal needs'


Sounds like a personal problem? :jester:


I don't model N, so I haven't been to that thread. But what a comment......  To be fair, it may have been said ironically or tongue-in-cheek (I haven't seen the original) but if written in earnest it's.... well, a bit sad really.

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Hello from a Sunny Cape Town.

My personal needs are catered for by a dedicated staff of attendants, nurses, catering staff, management and Board of Trustees.

For the rest I have to make do by myself :senile:


I've been reading up ER's posts since 8:30 and have only now caught up. What a busy bunch of bees we are!

Edited by DonBradley
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I've got a railway query and frankly I feel safer posting it here than whatever the (could be scary) appropriate bit of the forum is.

We will be travelling soon on Eurostar to Belgium and joining at Ebbsfleet. We have our piece of paper receipt and the card it was booked with. It isn't permitted to print tickets at home if you have also booked hotel accommodation (as we have) through Eurostar. The machines look like the ones you print pre-booked tickets with at the local cinema. I have pre-booked car parking space and it suggests we turn up an hour before we depart to check in. I won't forget the passports. What I can't work out what happens with luggage. We only intend to take a little case each (airline cabin/carry on size). Does that stay with you or is it taken away for the crossing?



Defintiely stays with you. We travelled en famille from Ebbsfleet to Paris with combined tickets/hotel accommodation last year, and just like on the "ordinary" trains, big luggage is at the end of the carriage

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all,

Life is too short to get dragged in to the gripe-based threads, so I tend to give them a body swerve. 

In fact I rarely stray out of ER these days. 

I've recently moved over to N gauge but am now wondering what scale to build it to! ~2mm to the foot. Bound to be wrong for someone, somewhere! 

It does make me wonder though with people fixating on precision, how many of them actually produce overall good looking model railways.

I'd suggest things can often be imprecise but look great; equally things can be precise and look dreadful. 


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Morning from Borough Market Junction - like Don it's taken me ages to get through the backlog.


Congratulations to Aditi; despite the stress of the whole thing it seems to have worked out well.


Had a nice meal in Pizza Express last night - surprised at the younger for departing from his normal spag bol to give the pizza a whirl and at the elder for foregoing pizza in favour of the grand chicken caesar salad, including his first ever anchovies. Then cake at home (7 candles!) and when the boys had gone to bed,  a bit of cava (Freixenet for those that know).


The younger one finishes reception today - the year has flown by for us. My wife knows that his TA (his because his statement gives him .23 hours support a week) will be in tears at him moving up a year.She was in tears when telling the mrs about how he had led the class in singing "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" He's made so much progress and continues to challenge himself which is great to see. And the staff have been so supportive. And as a former swimming teacher of his said "I bet he leaves a trail of broken hearts every time he moves class".

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


Eurostar is quite free-format, much more like a train than an aeroplane in that respect. So Deb and I, when we still lived in Kent, dragged a large-ish picture back from Paris, admittedly in 1st Class on a not-very busy train, as well as the normal luggage you need for a short break. Everything is security checked, of course, before boarding.


I share Flavio's idea that Aditi should wait until the last possible moment (September sounds ideal) and then tell the college they can stuff their new job. If several colleagues did the same thing the college would collapse in a heap - and a good thing, too. Let's get education back in the public sector. Among other advantages, graduation ceremonies might simply be cut out of the budget, to the benefit of mankind as a whole. Loada tosh!


I note Stewart's frustration with the NHS, too. Nothing changes. After her broken leg had "mended" in late 1994 (it hadn't) Deb had a final appointment to see an orthopod to be signed off. This was at a new hospital, the Conquest at Hastings. Everyone seemed to be given an appointment for 0900, but waited hours to be seen. Clever. When her turn came, about 11.00, the consultant said, "Oh, you need an x-ray." Deb asked why that hadn't been on her notes for the appointment so it could have been done earlier. Consultant just walked away, so Deb did too. The NHS simply isn't joined up, and the difference when you go private - with the same consultant - is remarkable.


The Bachmann thread lurches from whinge to crisis and back again. Arguments about "disagree" buttons are giving the mods a headache, I suspect, too.


Weather here is calm but not very sunny. How it's gonna reach the forecast 28 is not obvious, especially as there is a chance of rain, they say.


Dentist this afternoon - just a check-up, though.


Hope your week is going well, and those finishing for a Summer break can enjoy it to the full.

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Morning all from sunny Clacton,

Noticed last night that I've literally got a 'bug' in my PC in the study - saw something crawling across the monitor screen and tried to remove it only to discover that it was on the inside. Looks like a 'Thrip' (Thysanoptera) aka 'Thunderbug' so I don't suppose it will chew anything. Reminded me of when I was MD of the Renault dealership on the outskirts of Clacton years ago - I had several nights of call outs to false alarms (to the point where Essex Police threatened to withdraw support!) before the alarm company discovered the cause to be 'Thrips' from the adjacent corn field clogging up the PIR sensors!

Dick, I hope you have good news for us on the grandson front - having six grandchildren (as well as three of the 'great' variety), Joanna and I fully sympathise. We seem to worry more about them than we do about the kids! Of the three that live in Clacton, the 'girl version' and I had the closest rapport, especially with homework and hobbies such as art and photography. She is however 16 tomorrow and has now found boyfriends, drama classes etc. Best to enjoy their close company while you can - at least we are lucky enough to have the second wave coming along with two great granddaughters and a great grandson!

Sherry, I agree with you on the voluntary jobs front - my colleague and friend at the garage was asked (as an accounts person) to do the book-keeping for the scouts and brownies where his three children were involved.. Like you he found the work to be considerably more demanding than he was led to believe! I also agree with your take on John(CB)'s post - gowns and mortar boards at 4! Degrades the achievement of those that earn them after a slog at university, but you could bet on the 'yanks' making a business of it! Hope the impending move is going as smoothly as can be expected.

Flavio, I totally concur with your diagnosis that those people are sad - they're the sort that give all of us modellers a bad name and probably the reason why the general public look on us as 'train - spotters'!!

Hope all those that like the Jinty at £8.99 have managed to source one - I think it will make a reasonable static addition to an MPD for the money, but no doubt we'll find out about all the inaccuracies on the GBL thread when the 'WeatheringMan' does his analysis!

Hope you all get safely over the hump,

Kind regards,


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Brussel Zuid (Midi) isn't near the city centre, so you probably need public transport to your hotel.  Thereafter, the city centre can be traversed by foot.  There is an information kiosk on the main station concourse for maps, ticketing information, etc.  I doubt if you will use the Metro, more likely is the Pre Metro (underground trams) from Zuid along Anspach Laan slightly to the west of the city centre.  The Pre Metro platforms are slightly lower than and parallel to the concourse.


Remember, Brussel Zuid is a high crime area so keep small possessions (and small Aditis) under close watch.



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Finally caught up - belated birthday greetings to Lurker, congratulations to Aditi, apologies to everyone else if I've missed you - I've skim read a lot of posts and added some smiles / agrees etc, but no doubt I've missed something - a bit like Bachmann (hat on and running)


Off to Birkenhead for a few days tomorrow - long story but I've been let down badly on the sale of my house, to my ex, not her fault as such but still very annoying, so I now have to sort it out from a distance and get it on the market and sold ASAP. So many things (for her more than me) were going to happen but because of her sister have all gone down the pan - you choose friends but not family etc. etc.


Lovely sunny day - and the stone train is heading my way, later all.

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Still no news on 'Andyram'? His last post was on the 5th and stated that he might be off air for about a week during his move - hope nothing horrible has happened in his life as moving can be a really stressful affair. Haven't noticed any posts showing in the portal where he used to appear regularly in all sorts of threads. Wonder if any of his club members look in and could enlighten us or if any of you know of him on 'Farcebook' or the like?

Kind regards,


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