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Morning all & cor what a scorcher!

Ian, I must lead a sheltered life on facebook as I never seem to stumble across folk who have crawled from under rocks. 

Don, I'll be replacing the youtube pipe bands with the real thing in a week or so as I'm heading up to Royal Deeside.

Another section of track in place last night and hope to test it this morning. Track laying is my least favourite pastime. 

Happy birthday, Lurker. 

Good luck with the property purchase, Ashers. 

Have a nice day everyone. Andy

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Morning, blue skies over Borough market Junction this morning - feels like it's going to be a hot one. Not much to report here other than it's my birthday! Another year older, no wiser. Leavinge arly from work today so we can go out for tea as a family (Pizza Express)

Happy Birthday


Happy Birthday Lurker!


Don Bradley - your download limit must be a pain. But think of those with a similar contract, whose downloads are of a rather different sort from yours, and who may be left high and - er - dry when the vid stops half way through!

I have had that happen, usually after one of those trawls when you are going from one clip to an other


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22.5c here and climbing steadily, unheard of.....well, not that often anyway!


A day in the garage beckons, bikes to clean, huge tidy-up needed, and just maybe a steamer to run if the tidy-up goes well!  I need to upgrade the r/c on my Vale of Rheidol tank, it still has the old 40MHz system that is 'glitchy'. Of course I do loads of these sort of jobs, so typically my own get neglected!  2.4GHz equipment has been lyiing around for ages for the poor thing, but it is my least run loco, for reasons I have never been able to fathom.


Corridor meetings, eh Ian!  Sounds just like the NHS, where I learnt the art of bad management.....


Oh, edit - manners Neil, Happy Birthday Lurker!!

Edited by New Haven Neil
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When I were a lad and Airfix was a novelty item you could buy 'kits' of sailing ships that consisted of a lump of balsa and some sandpaper and a badly drawn picture. You sanded the hull to shape, whacked in some dowel for masts and stuck coloured paper on for decoration. Handsome.


Eeeh, we were tough in them days, none of this r-t-r nonsense...


Can't have been that tough if sandpaper was included. Surely you should have had to scrape it down with a flint or rub it on the soles of your feet (which were very hard on account of the 12 miles walk to school, uphill both ways, barefoot over sharp stones etc)...





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Happy birthday Lurker.


Quiet and a bit cloudy here in the far south west. Late breakfast, still ongoing, then sort out books and itinerary for the day. Not difficult as venturing the five miles into Penzance seems to be the limit, but may well extend as far as St Just. Sandy has mentioned bookshops so that's where we are decreed to go. So a relatively relaxed, if not lazy, day in prospect.


That is, until we get to the beach to run the dogs this evening. Tennis balls + canine = Wimbledog.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all, took a while to get going this morning but a bright sunny day in the office....... Happy Birthday Lurker So far I have only cut down an Eucalyptus tree with a sabre saw but the Beech tree is for the chop when work is over for the term. Beech trees belong in woods and forests not dropping their leaves all through winter all over my swept garden. Have a good day all.

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Morning all,

Hazy start here in Clacton - my head as well! Unfit to post last night as fingers would not obey fuddled brain having just been poured out of a taxi late, after a family get together. Bubbly was consumed for a very good reason - I mentioned that No2 daughter had been asked to re-apply for her nurses job by the authority some time ago. Her immediate superior suggested she be cheeky and apply for a post two grades up from her current level. She got it and hence the celebration : this means an all important salary increase (when you have a family to run) and, with a funded day release course at Anglian Ruskin University, Chelmsford, (where she took her nursing degree) she will become qualified as one of the new 'nurse practitioners'! Probably means she'll be taking on more doctor's duties! I truly hope Aditi is as successful in her quest!

Don, I love the pipes and in June 1975, I was lucky enough to visit the Edinburgh Tattoo as a guest of Major Wally Shillitto RM, the master of music that year. I sat in the royal box with the 'ex', FiL (Who had been an RM officer and friend of said Capt.) and MiL. The sound of the lone piper playing on the roof, highlighted by a single spotlight, is one of the most memorable musical moments of my life.

The best was yet to come - we were invited into the officers mess afterwards and, you may not know this but no money passes hands in the mess, and so my constantly topped up whisky glass didn't cost me a bean!Luckily MiL drove that night. I was so excited when I read your post that I dug out the invitation letter which I've kept in my writing desk all these years! Once again, ERs re-awakens memories that were lost - thanks mate for bringing it to light. Another funny moment from the mess; I was introduced to the 'Drum Major' of the pipe band (provided that year by I think, the NSW, Australian police!) and he was such a big man, with hands big enough to fire a steam loco, that I can remember his hand-shake to this day - he shook my arm from the elbow!

Ian, sounds like the word 'ex' is a good adjective for the group you have identified on 'farcebook' - makes you wonder if these people have any joy in their lives, other than trying to make the lives of others miserable!

Sherry, like the sound of the Devon 'love nest'. Perhaps some pics would be nice when you've had time to make it yours? Good luck with the stress of moving etc.

Have a good Tuesday all, I'm off shopping later but hopefully WHS have the Great British Locos 'Jinty' in stock today.

Happy birthday 'Lurker', hope there's something stronger than 'tea' lined up for later!

Kind regards,


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"Take heart it is your railway just enjoy it." Tick x a lot!  That's why I started it!  :imsohappy: 




Absolutely the right philosophy!


Being c@ck handed this has to be my approach - after all my layout will never reach exhibition standards,





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  • RMweb Premium

Happy Birthday, Lurker

Sherry, good luck with the flat move.


Trees?  Cutting down the wild-growing raspberry canes is fun - three different growths - dead sticks that will happily snap off above where you want them to, fruiting bouquets that manage to swipe your face as soon as you show them the shears, and very prickly new growth which, no matter how careful you handle them, deposit tiny weeny thorns in the fingers (I could wear gloves, I suppose!)  The small sized berries taste a whole lot better than the cultured ones I've had, though.


The tough one will be getting rid of all the ash saplings that have sprouted up over the past few years.

They'd better watch out now my arm's getting stronger and I'm getting meaner.  :butcher:  


Have a good day, all.


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Morning all from the steamy boring borough. Hot and sticky is the order of the day today.

Mostly quiet and mostly harmless.


Took a read though the modular topic. Talk about deja vu. There is nothing posted that I haven't seen or heard 20+ years ago when our group tried to come up with a modular standard. No doubt it will be come a Mobius loop and either be forever doomed to analysis paralysis, or a standard will emerge with a reasonable number of participants, followed by all the whingers launching their own incompatible "standards" that suit themselves but no one else. Then there'll be another updated standard to try to include the others, which will lead to another thread............. Its sort of like watching a slow motion replay of a car crash on endless repeat. You've already seen the outcome 50 times but can't help watching the moment of impact over and over again.  


Happy Birthday Lurker.

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  • RMweb Premium

 Those of you who have tree trimming requirements might like to consider

investing in one of these handy machines .    :O




Now, a garden version....that would be really useful.

In our garden, you have to take the wood to the shredder not the shredder to the wood.

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Didn't post this am due to oversleeping...


Beautiful weather, a bit too hot in my shed (32º) where I'm supposed to be cutting a full sheet of ply into 9cm squares for Julie. Spent half an hour tidying up, and made a start - the tyre on the top wheel of the bandsaw broke...


This is, to be fair, the cheapest bandsaw Axminster sell, and it's old. But a quick call to their customer services and two replacements are winging their way to me at the princely sum of £3.40 each! Once again, magnificent service from Axminster, I really can't praise them highly enough. I'd already decided to do a GBL West Country in their honour, so as soon as I find one it's getting a renumber!


Paint delivery from Fox, so I can start in on the spraying on Watersmeet as soon as it cools down a bit. I suspect that at 32º the paint will dry long before it hits the model.


Downside of today is that there may be a trip to IKEA later. I'm pushing for Julie to go on her own, but the stuff's for me, so I don't think that will work.


Have a good rest of the day, ER peeps.

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  • RMweb Gold

Now, a garden version....that would be really useful.

In our garden, you have to take the wood to the shredder not the shredder to the wood.

My shredder is pretty small, and has wheels, even if the handle has been designed by someone whose wrists are reversed!


Anyway, here are the before, during, after shots:


Note the minimalist pique-nique table and chairs, where Sherry and I sat on the evening when it was clement enough to do so.




Then this is at close-of-play yesterday.




And this is as at midday today. He will be back with some suitable gear to take away the big stuff, hopefully at 1400.




There is a large colony of wasps taking a great deal of interest in the sap oozing from the stump, so collecting the big bits is a job he's welcome to!

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Note the minimalist pique-nique table and chairs, where Sherry and I sat on the evening when it was clement enough to do so.


I hope you don't now get a "I really loved that tree..." phone call from Sherry!

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Suitable consultation had taken place prior to the event, although I admit the meeting was not minuted.......

That is good to know but I now insist that Aditi shows me precisely which shrub she wants pruning after the unfortunate episode of the "wrong" clematis. 

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  • RMweb Premium

Very wise, Tony.

SWMBO once told me to trim our eldest's fringe - she was an infant at the time. 

"The scissors are on the table", she said.

A severe lopping later.... :butcher:

"The other table, idiot."  :O

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That is good to know but I now insist that Aditi shows me precisely which shrub she wants pruning after the unfortunate episode of the "wrong" clematis. 

Congratulations! You're halfway to the desired response of "No, I'll do it, you'll only cut the wrong one down".What you need to do now is cut the right clematis in the wrong way. You'll either be excused pruning forever or you'll be taught how to prune correctly without ever revealing you know next to nowt about it.


PS I don't do marriage counselling

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Happy Birthday, Lurker

Sherry, good luck with the flat move.


Trees?  Cutting down the wild-growing raspberry canes is fun - three different growths - dead sticks that will happily snap off above where you want them to, fruiting bouquets that manage to swipe your face as soon as you show them the shears, and very prickly new growth which, no matter how careful you handle them, deposit tiny weeny thorns in the fingers (I could wear gloves, I suppose!)  The small sized berries taste a whole lot better than the cultured ones I've had, though.


The tough one will be getting rid of all the ash saplings that have sprouted up over the past few years.

They'd better watch out now my arm's getting stronger and I'm getting meaner.  :butcher:  


Have a good day, all.


I once came across raspberries growing wild when I was walking the old line between Northampton to Market Harborough. They were at the site of one of the former stations, so I fondly imagine they were in the garden of some long ago station master. They were very sweet and worth the odd scratch!

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PS I don't do marriage counselling

We don't have many disagreements and they don't last long as my main weapon is to tell Aditi she is sounding like her sister. It is funny when Matthew is at home as he is quite likely to tell us we are both being "silly".

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning (ish) all.


Many happy returns Lurker


We don't have many plants to trim but I have got the "That's the last time I ask you to come shopping with me" off to a fine art.

Any news from Aditi, Tony?

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