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  • RMweb Gold

 Mike Vincent modelled US trains in 0 gauge he hand layed all the track some of it dual gauge. Scratch built buldings did all the scenery and then found fellow 0 gaugers being sniffy because he bought some of the very nice far eastern built brass locos made for the US market. However there are a lot of guys who build nice locos usually from kits these days but never build a layout.

So Bob you may be castigated for running a loco out of the box over fine trackwork through wonderful scenery. Take heart it is your railway just enjoy it.


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The risks of running an unmanned, computer-controlled light rail transit system: http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/skytrain-reopens-after-power-outage-1.2713685 . It's the second time in less than a week that the two lines affected by today's problems have been completely shut down.


(Apologies for the adverts at the beginning.)

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On the topic of scratchbuilding in brass, Julie has a super-duper Hegner scrollsaw. With the right blades it's supposed to cut brass - has anyone ever tried it?

No idea as I’ve never heard of Hegner....

Maybe you should ask in the appropriate section of RMWeb rather then here? How long is a piece of string or rather how thick is the brass etc?


Best, Pete,

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Fine start and will be dry & sunny all day getting quite hot.


So Bob you may be castigated for running a loco out of the box over fine trackwork through wonderful scenery. Take heart it is your railway just enjoy it.


"Out of the box" - tick. (some minor alterations, additions and weathering done & will continue)

"Fine trackwork" - yep - well almost not quite - it's Hornby & Peco's Setrack but it all works. :toclue:  

"Wonderful scenery" - I have been attempting some of that, have painted a backscene (not happy with it), done a few other bits & built some Metcalfe kits. Currently trying to build an oil terminal/depot out of various bits of plastic, card, some kit bits and some RTR stuff.

"Take heart it is your railway just enjoy it." Tick x a lot!  That's why I started it!  :imsohappy: 

Have a good one,


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Morning All,


It is overcast here, and incredibly humid.  We had rain again overnight, but it is dry at the moment.


Glad your tree is down safely, Ian.  You got yourself a good deal there.  Before I moved to my current house, I rented a place in the next village, there was an incredibly large conifer tree which overshadowed the whole garden and waved alarmingly in the wind. 


By pointing out that whichever direction it fell in, it would do massive damage, we managed to convince the landlady to get it chopped down.  The first bloke who promised to do it looked like a little weasel.  Trouble was, weasel boy bottled out when he actually saw the tree!  It did get taken down, but if I remember correctly, it cost the landlady around 2500€.


Have a good day everyone...

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all. Back to sunshine after a rain front moved through yesterday (but did not bring any of the predicted t-storms). Will most likely be back to loco modding!


Just Googled grenades


That should indeed split wood with a bang, not a whimper.

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Good morning all,  not much to report - apart from it's  cold (well that's retaliative) barely reaching 30c!.....  


Thanks Neil for the GG  link,  last time I was there (around 1971/2)  it was very moribund ....I did post  photo of the terminus some month ago.

As to parting with PP, sad day but one of the many mistakes I made around that time!


Ok - onwards & upwards I guess,  lets try to survive whatever life throws at  us today,



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  • RMweb Gold

.  The first bloke who promised to do it looked like a little weasel.  Trouble was, weasel boy bottled out when he actually saw the tree!  It did get taken down, but if I remember correctly, it cost the landlady around 2500€.




Weasel ? Nah - maybe you should have got one of these to do it? :jester: 



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Weasel ? Nah - maybe you should have got one of these to do it? :jester:



A beaver, I do declare!


Feeling excited as I've had an offer accepted on an apartment in St. Marychurch, Torquay. This will be a home for me (& Ian!) to use when I'm not in France. It's in a small development of seven dwellings, overlooking a park and within easy walking distance of Babbacombe Downs, shops, bus routes, etc. Ideal!


Have a good day!

Edited by Ashcombe
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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all,  a but misty here just south of Leeds but still nice and warm.   I'm looking forward to a day at Heaton Park Tramway.  A group of us are decorating a tram to look like  a First World War recruiting tram.  It's due to be the centrepiece of a commemoration event in Morley on 2nd August, parked on it's trailer where the real one was parked in 1914.  It should be a good day.



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from a slightly misty Leeds.


Herself off to Hull to collect some of the eldest herberts' books before his return in the next week or so...


Have a good day!



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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all.

Rather overcast but forecast to be sunny and pleasantly warm (about 25C) today.

I'm not sure what I'm doing today. There is very likely to be one parcel arriving and possibly another (train stuff for me not holiday shopping).

Aditi should find out today about what job she has.



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All,


Looks like another warm one in the offing. Off to Steam museum in Swindon today with a bunch of cronies. I've no doubt it will be like the last of the summer wine again. That or an outing from the care home! Beer will be involved...


Have a good one All.




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  • RMweb Gold

Some thirty five years ago hen living on the Wenlock Edge my neighbour Alf had been a woodsman all his life. In earlier times he would strap his axe to a bike and cycle to work. He and his son had progressed to chainsaws and a pick-up. They did the call outs for fallen trees for a large area. In his garden was a large pile of logs. On a Sunday morning he would go out with his axe and split the logs ready for sale whistling away as happy as Larry. Alf was 80 at the time. During the war he was a bit old to fight and was given a reserved occupation and a team of land girls to look after, he thought fate had been rather kind to him.


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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


Lovely morning, still and clear.


Sherry's flat does look very nice - but then I always enjoyed staying at her rather more ordinary flat in another part of Torquay. Must be the company, not the surroundings. The beaver reference bears some explanation, perhaps. On Facebook from time to time there will be an invitation to partake in some sort of "find out who/what you are" questionnaire, and Sherry had emerged from a "what animal do you most resemble?" one as a beaver. I commented that a friendly beaver is nice to find - and Sherry was taken to task by offspring for online flirting with me! A colleague had once found a shop in Camden offering Beaver paint, and wondering who might need a touch-up......


My chaps are back on the case today. I do have a mountain of greenery to dispose of, but made a sort of token start yesterday with the shredder. And as the leaves wither they will be easier to compress and shred. Should keep me out of mischief for a while.


The Facebook RMweb Corridor Club was in full swing yesterday, I note, with several ex-members and an ex-moderator chewing the fat about our forum. My chief suspect for the malicious PMs on Friday night was contributing, too. They all seem to find the grapes particularly sour.....


Hope your week progressing well.

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Hello. The forecast said clear, Reality says heavy dark cloud on the mountain top and spread like an umbrella all around..


As I have reported I have spent some days downloading and listening to music. Last thing yesterday was recordings of massed pipe bands. I have a cousin (2nd or 3rd or removed) but definitely direct family who took part as a piper in the 1000 pipes march a few years ago. He was also a piper in an Edinburgh Tattoo. He was from Pinelands here in Cape Town but went to the UK as a member of the Cape Town based Gordon Highlanders.

    As a result, suddenly at 3:56 yesterday afternoon my internet link unlinked. I had reached my download limit. The first time this has happened to me. My contract is for a fixed monthly access at a prepaid fee. This was quickly fixed by promise of an additional fee at the end of the month, but I shall have to watch my video downnloads in future.


     My experience of RTR was also Horby Dublo (pre Triang) when there were just three locos available. The Dutchess of Montrose  sans smoke deflectors in LMS livery, Sir Niger Gresley in Garter blue and an 0-6-2 tank in Southern livery. Later the Meccano Magazine brought news of a GWR Castle and a Standard 2-8-0 tender loco. Prior to these acquisitions starting at about agev 4 I had a Japanese battery plastic set then  Hornby clockwork, two Lionel O gauge sets and later at age 12 a large pre war Lionel Gauge 1 set which could run from the dining room down a dog leg passage to my bedroom with a return loop at each end.

         My first sit in pedal vehicle was home built during the war in the shape of a Green tank locomotive with coal box behind the sit in cab.

         You might say that my entire upbringing was based on trains.

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Morning, blue skies over Borough market Junction this morning - feels like it's going to be a hot one. Not much to report here other than it's my birthday! Another year older, no wiser. Leavinge arly from work today so we can go out for tea as a family (Pizza Express)

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  • RMweb Gold

Happy Birthday Lurker!


Don Bradley - your download limit must be a pain. But think of those with a similar contract, whose downloads are of a rather different sort from yours, and who may be left high and - er - dry when the vid stops half way through!

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Mrs Stationmaster duly delivered to Reading 'station' as she's off to Plymouth for the day, which she will no doubt spend somewhere near the seaside; Dr Station Cat duly printing off tickets or whatever for her latest short break - Austria, and with some proper bits of railway in her sights in the vicinity of Jenbach I believe.  And not to worry about passport etc for me next week Baz - more than ample supplies of Yorkshire genes in me as our family line stretches back a very long way in that county.  And no fancy side tours Ian - it's train all the way for me next week.


And today we have bright sunshine and it is distinctly on the warm hot side already so another day of avoiding it but I do have the greenhouse to water later I am instructed.


Have a good day one & all.


PS Happy birthday Lurker - may your accountings flow extra smoothly today.

Edited by The Stationmaster
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No idea as I’ve never heard of Hegner....

Maybe you should ask in the appropriate section of RMWeb rather then here? How long is a piece of string or rather how thick is the brass etc?


Best, Pete,

Sorry Pete. Trying to avoid getting snippy answers.

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