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  • RMweb Gold

Mrs S and I took my mother over to a potential retirement home for her. A collection of private bungalows and apartments with a central lounge area/restaurant etc. The manager of the whole place showed us round and Mum was quite taken with a bungalow. The had invited to stay for lunch and of course that seemed a good idea to see how the place functioned.


Big mistake!


Hadn't occured to me, but all those having lunch in the restaurant were those who were unable to go out or chose not to cook for themselves. 12.30 and the doors opened and you couldn't move for zimmer frames, wheelchairs and sticks...biggrin.gif


Lunch was very pleasant but my mother decided at 87, she wasn't ready join the old folks, most of whom were younger than her.


It was all going so well up to then as well.


Back to the drawing board...


My mother was convinced she needed to be in a nursing home (her hobby was self diagnosis) rather than sheltered warden supervised accommodation. A trip round a nursing home had the same effect as Galileo being shown the instruments by the inquisition and her mind changed rapidly. My mother bought her flat from a couple who had moved into sheltered accommodation at age 55 and regretted it within a short time. It was actually perfect for my mum though, especially as it was so close to my brother. The sheltered accommodation mum lived in did have a nursing home next door and the facilities were open to her but she said everyone in there was old and didn't talk (probably all younger than my mum was anyway!) so she carried on looking after herself with assistance where necessary right up until she died. My brother and I will be selling Mum's flat even though I am old enough to be a resident there!


Hope you and your mum find somewhere she is happy with.








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  • RMweb Premium

Note to self: Turmeric and a risotto go together pretty well! :) Interestingly, one of our other cookbooks says self-made pasta dough should also have some turmeric added, mainly for colour - however, while I do not want to discourage you in any way, some types of pasta - especially ravioli - are a proverbial pain to make!

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Note to self: Turmeric and a risotto go together pretty well! :) Interestingly, one of our other cookbooks says self-made pasta dough should also have some turmeric added, mainly for colour - however, while I do not want to discourage you in any way, some types of pasta - especially ravioli - are a proverbial pain to make!


Been there, done that! Ravioli is a pain in the rear. I've been half tempted to buy a ravioli tray which makes it far easier. Part of the problem in making the ravioli I tried to make was that SWMBO liked pear and ricotta cheese ones... fiddly!

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  • RMweb Gold

My handy turmeric hint!

Turmeric stains on your clothes can be difficult to remove but exposing the washed stain to sunlight makes them disappear (the stain not the clothing).


Another turmeric hint.

It is much cheaper on the Asian Food aisle in Tesco than on the Herb and Spice aisle!


I don't make my own pasta but wasn't saffron (especially Essex saffron) traditionally used for making food yellow (though of course turmeric is cheaper!)?

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  • RMweb Premium

I don't make my own pasta but wasn't saffron (especially Essex saffron) traditionally used for making food yellow (though of course turmeric is cheaper!)?



Yes, that's what I learned as well. But as you said - saffron is hideously expensive, so if you're mainly interested in the appropriate colour turmeric is perfectly fine.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all...


Overcast outside, but if there's any truth to the forecast we're supposed to have 28° by Saturday :) . I'd much like to go spotting again if that should indeed be the case!


Pet Shop Boys rule, I should like to add B) .

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Morning All,


Rather an overcast morning, and I'm feeling a bit down in the dumps. Which probably has a lot to do with the busy day I have ahead of me. Maybe the weather, and my mood will improve later on!


As Don said, happy hump day!

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Morning all. Sunny but 5/6 oktas in Leith this morning. Due to the Bank Holiday on Monday, Hump Day is delayed from lunchtime to teatime...


Dominik - I do like the Pet Shop Boys and have most of their albums (I'm missing the ones after Fundamental), but I'm more into The Divine Comedy at th moment. Latest album (Bang Goes The Knighthood) came out on Monday. :)

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Guest Max Stafford

It's not raining this morning.

Good job too, I've just washed all the bedding. Time to get it hung out!



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

By logging on late I can now post that it is sunny.

We spent quite a lot of time last night starting to organise our summer holiday. So far we have booked a ferry to Holland and a ferry back from Denmark. We just need to sort something out for the bits in-between the start and finish (finish not Finnish, though a certain member of the family is most impressed by how far it is possible to drive now!)

My job for the day is to arrange Robbie's holiday.



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all sunny day and I think we are looking for a whippet or a rhodesian ridgeback or another kitten.


That's quite a wide selection. If you can't decide will you have one of each?






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  • RMweb Premium

That's quite a wide selection. If you can't decide will you have one of each?




I would happily have a pair of whippets but it all depends on cost I think even a rescued RR will cost a large 'donation'

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning ERs


Tomorrow, even if it is raining, will be at Lancaster station for 08.00 to see the departure of the first Fellsman of the season, which is apparently booked for Scots Guardsman (according to my contact) - probably wind up with 48151 instead knowing my luck!


I wish I hadn't said that, was at the station, and different people all said different things, then my contact who knows most of the WCRC people turned up, and his first comment was that it was cheaper to run 48151, so guess what we got? Up to the minute when the announcement was made that the service was arriving, I was still hoping for a passenger loco on the front - but it was not to be :angry: I didn't bother to get the camera out as photos of 48151 leaving Lancaster are commonplace in my collection.


Foggy start here, and now turning bright but cloudy. BTW, nice to know that the appeal for funds was so successful, as I don't think I could now do without my daily fix!

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  • RMweb Gold

How much marking still to do?


I finished the marking at the weekend to make way for 'the list' which I tackled Monday and Tuesday. I sort of lied when I said I wasn't at work as I'm in today and tomorrow doing exam revision - but that isn't really work as you tend to have just the pupils who are keen. This weekend it will be back to preparation and report writing so that gives me a holiday on ... erm ... Friday.

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  • RMweb Gold

Well... what a day.


Booked an appointment to have my eyes tested today as I haven't had them done for years. Turns out my long distance eyesight has deteriorated badly! In fact, I shouldn't even be driving. Bit of a wake up call and a shock. Now i'll have to start wearing glasses! I knew it wasn't perfect, but I hadn't realised it was this bad - perhaps you get used to it after a while. Still, what a fantastic sight (pun intended!) it will be when I can see everything. Quite amazing...


Now I need a lie down!

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Now i'll have to start wearing glasses!

It's always useful to see where you're going, Jam!!



You could join these - it looks comfortable:

Comfortable, yes. However I guess there's an aromatic penalty involved!

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