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  • RMweb Gold

I had several incursions....if that's the correct word...into that thread yesterday and got stung for my efforts to inject some reason into the maelstrom of bile and lack of intelligence.

I am reminded of the opening of "A Tale of Two Cities". "It was the best of times,it was the worst of times"

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Yes Ian it was - as Baz also agreed.  And yes again either either a 23 or for preference a P8 (38) but they are probably my all time favourite German steam engine closely followed by the closely related T18 (78) - looks round just in case Debs is lurking (hope she'll be back sometime).  And then talk of John Southern and Dobwalls - when mother-in-law was alive, and living in Plymouth, I was always more than happy to take the car down as that facilitated my trips to Dobwalls.


I would love to see that 'Keep Calm' post in the Bachmann thread - just what some of them need.  The bit that is providing even more amusement is what can only be described as thinly disguised, but still distinct, shades of green when they latch on that somebody knows something which they don't - it's almost like being back at junior school but with lower literary standards.  Ah well, takes all sorts.


Nothing much planned for today - yet so have a good one folks and GDB if I were you I'd eke out those pills ;) 

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The recent references to odd and not so odd modellers, reminds me of a comment made to me at the recent Trent Valley show which went something like this:


" You know when you think about it, we are really quite normal, and so is X & Y. I would have no worries about introducing any of you to my wife".


Perhaps that should be considered the ultimate accolade in the 'normality stakes', being passed suitable for introduction to a person's 'other half'. 

Edited by Steve Williams
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  • RMweb Premium

perhaps its could say...


STAY CALM and Build a Kit of it!




STAY CALM... you know scratchbuilding makes sense!.....


or is that me being a tad OTT?



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Morning all from the boring borough. Still hacking up a lung from a summertime man flu. It is getting better though. My throat no longer feels like 40 grade sandpaper.


I hadn't bothered looking at the Bachmann thread before now. Mighty Zarquon's singing fish!!! What a bunch of whinging cockwombles. What is it with some people? Is it the heat? Or perhaps we've discovered a male version of PMT. Permanent (or more accurately Pathetic?) Modeller Tantrums. I have a feeling I'll be adding more user names to my twit filter in short order.


Quiet day planned with an afternoon in the shed. One corner module's track modification and rewiring completed yesterday. 2 more to go and then its back to doing the scenery.


Have a great day everyone.

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  • RMweb Gold

Well, stap me vitals! Regular readers may recall I have a rather tall tree which frightens me. Conversations with other Brits have revealed a price of about £2k to get it decently felled and disposed of. A little man has just knocked at the door and offered to do the job for 1200 euros - taking the big stuff away. Deal!

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Well, stap me vitals! Regular readers may recall I have a rather tall tree which frightens me. Conversations with other Brits have revealed a price of about £2k to get it decently felled and disposed of. A little man has just knocked at the door and offered to do the job for 1200 euros - taking the big stuff away. Deal!


Ian, I'll do it for nothing but I estimate it will take at least 3 months. I shall require 5 square meals a day, each one washed down with a bucket of beer. Except the evening meal, which needs to be accompanied by a bucket of wine. PM me your address and debit card number so I can book the ferry.

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  • RMweb Gold

The official end of term in Essex is Tuesday. I wasn't paying attention at the time children would have been dropped off by parents this morning for the school at the end of the road. The neighbour's girls go to another school and it is quiet so I suspect they are at school. Not a complaint about being "quiet" just an observation. They have just discovered that climbing the trees in their garden is more fun than their climbing frame or other toys.


Steve's comment about being suitable for introduction to one's spouse/partner is probably similar to my "I wouldn't like/mind  them living next door".


If you all get bored with the Bachmann thread try the British Module thread!


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  • RMweb Gold

Ian, I'll do it for nothing but I estimate it will take at least 3 months. I shall require 5 square meals a day, each one washed down with a bucket of beer. Except the evening meal, which needs to be accompanied by a bucket of wine. PM me your address and debit card number so I can book the ferry.

I could have brought my chainsaw and B&Q safety hat ...

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I'll soon know the words of Calon Lan, I have been playing it so much. I read somewhere that is was a Rugby song though it certainly does not sound like one that one would hear in South Africa.




Calon Lan is a hymn though popular at regby matches - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Calon_Lan


Remember it being sung in school assemblies, :yes: :yes:





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THANK YOU AndyB. A very different tempo but as lovely.


I'd love to hear your hired choir DD. We are having an Amateur Opera group to entertain the home this week, but unfortunately all women! Bah humbug. Not a tenor, barritone or base to be heard.


NHN, I enjoyed my video trip on Groudle Glen. Some breath taking scenery. Thank you for posting the link.

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  • RMweb Gold

Well, stap me vitals! Regular readers may recall I have a rather tall tree which frightens me. Conversations with other Brits have revealed a price of about £2k to get it decently felled and disposed of. A little man has just knocked at the door and offered to do the job for 1200 euros - taking the big stuff away. Deal!

You've got a nice deal there Ian - you'll get shot of your tree and be a very cheery bunny and 'petit Pierre' will go away equally happy with timber to cut down to logs to flog round the village etc in the future.  


The bloke who does my trees every now and then charges c.£100 per tree for a very serious pruning and taking the top 20ft or so off, felling a small tree has been £75 or thereabouts in the past, a bigger one like one of my sycamores would be about £200-250 on his past pricing.  But I get all the burnable stuff cut to a decent log length to fit the woodburner and until now the chipped up small stuff as remained on site as ground mulch.  And he does like doing trees for me as he can fit me in as a small job at short notice once we've agreed the work and unlike NR and their contractors I pay him before he leaves the site.


His last visit cost me £1,000 and out of it I have enough logs to refill my garage side log store;  stuff cut previously and weathered down saved us well over £200 in log bills last winter.  

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  • RMweb Premium

Here's a picture of some flowers wot I grew and cut and shoved in a receptacle. 




Didn't even get a "highly commended". Mind you the lady in charge of the flower show said they were "divine". I think that beats "highly commended". 

Got 3rd prize for clematis and nowhere with my sweet peas and roses. 

Clearing away at the end of the show an elderly lady was being wheeled around by her daughter. 

"Could I have a look at them before you take them away?", asked the elderly lady.

"I can do better than that my dear."

She went home with a large bunch of flowers. 


Not so much froth on the GF announcements. Or if there is, I'd gauge it is on a smaller scale. ;)  



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Morning all,

Sunny at 6am and 24degrees by 9am but now getting hazy - hope it doesn't get as muggy as yesterday.

What a small world, Neil and Debs knowing of John Southern at Dobwalls, and Station Master Mike also being a fan of the facility! CATA (Cornwall Association of Tourist Attractions) as it was known was a large organisation of the major tourist attractions in Cornwall (even the NT sites were members!) and each establishment had to provide staffing for various duties - it fell to me to manage publicity for one year in the late seventies while working for my first father-in-law who owned Poldark Mine/Wendron Forge near Helston. In this role, I regularly visited all sites and nobody noticed how the railway ones took preference. I also loved the 'Thorburn' original bird paintings on display, being a bit of an amateur twitcher and bird photographer. I always got a warm welcome, aided no doubt by my taking my father, a retired G&SWR steam engine driver, to visit on a couple of occasions whilst on holiday with us. John was one of life's true gentlemen and sadly I don't know if he is still alive (First father-in-law died a couple of weeks ago). Great that you get to take the regulator Neil - I well remember 'helping' my dad on many a footplate ride, often getting a 'go' on the coal empties, driven to the nearby mines for filling by the Coal Board, pulled by a variety of wheezing Callie 0-6-0s or occasionally a Crab!

Pete(Trisonic), David Hobbs of course was no mean driver himself and so ideally qualified for the job. One of the best GPs I've seen for a while!

Tony-S, I also stumbled on the 'British Module' thread after seeing something rude on the portal - what stone did these creatures crawl out from under?

Ed, sincerely hope you are out of there soon. Still no idea why you're in there in the first place but I'm sure I am not alone when I say that I hope it isn't anything too serious. Hospital is a very infectious place to be - get well soon, and try to keep us updated!

Have a good Monday afternoon, might wear my Panama to the shops later to celebrate Ernest Hemingway's birth today in 1899!

Kind regards,


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  • RMweb Gold

A good tree surgeon is a crock of gold.There are far too many guys in trucks with mobile numbers on their sides preying on the gullible.

And that's why his price seemed good. And, unlike a cheap building job or kitchen, if the tree is down and the big stuff is gone - the result is as required! The maize is 6' high in the adjoining field, but he expects to take it down onto the lawn - which will recover, albeit maybe not this year. But the proximity to electricity wires - less than 10' away now - means I am going to sleep more easily. I hope the adjacent birch can be saved - so Sherry and I will still have somewhere shady to sit in that part of the garden. And the photinias, some of which are a bit dwarfy due to the tree taking all the water, will also benefit if they aren't crushed. This pic was taken in April, so the foliage is a lot thicker now, and being a willow, it drops branches at the slightest hint of breeze. Chainsaws are whirring as I type!



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  • RMweb Gold

And that's why his price seemed good. And, unlike a cheap building job or kitchen, if the tree is down and the big stuff is gone - the result is as required! The maize is 6' high in the adjoining field, but he expects to take it down onto the lawn - which will recover, albeit maybe not this year. But the proximity to electricity wires - less than 10' away now - means I am going to sleep more easily. I hope the adjacent birch can be saved - so Sherry and I will still have somewhere shady to sit in that part of the garden. And the photinias, some of which are a bit dwarfy due to the tree taking all the water, will also benefit if they aren't crushed. This pic was taken in April, so the foliage is a lot thicker now, and being a willow, it drops branches at the slightest hint of breeze. Chainsaws are whirring as I type!



Good price for that I reckon - does he climb to cut or is it all done at low level?

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I thought I'd have a look at the Bachmann announcements topic and see what people have been talking about. I'm surprised no one's said how pleased they are that Bachmann are choosing to model the Strategic Reserve in its entirety, complete with a big hole to put them in.

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Good move as I see it Ian! It certainly is a big one (no smut from the usual suspects!). I agree with Ian Hargrave, I've noticed such people operating round here, preying on the retirement community, and often as not the product of their labours ends up in a lay-by to avoid disposal charges!

Hope you are lucky with the plants you want to save, otherwise you'll have to buy a 'love' seat with sun-shade attached!!

Kind regards,


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  • RMweb Gold

As those of you who have been communicating with ERs for a while will know, I too had a tree problem but I can now see the sea again! To be honest, that is a slight exaggeration, I can see the other side of the Thames Estuary and ships sailing on the water if not the actual water.

Aditi rang. She had her interviews. They will contact her tomorrow as they have other candidates to interview. She felt she had done well, though she thought she had performed better on the new job interview rather than the old job interview. 


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