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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


Clear blue skies and quite cold. Will check out the frost spot later.



Whatever has hapened to Simon? I knew he worked funny hours (sometimes) and often went swinging through trees and such like but he always found time to pop in and say hello.

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Morning lads....Very autumnal here. Bright but chilly.


Sounds like there was a very long and slow journey home for some Mick. Doesn't take much these days to completely clog up an area...icon_mutter.gif


Looking forward to the weekend when five of us will descend on the High Wycombe Show, followed by a pub lunch.

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

7 Oktas, sunny and raining at the same time :blink: Odd weather.

I've got less and less time for modelling, yet I seem to be doing more to make up for it!

The fun of general studies today - IMHO a waste of complete time! Three weeks ago we were doing Sudoku (or however it's spelt) - two weeks ago we had an exam for it, and today I do begin to wonder what it will entail... think i'd rather have a free personally to do something worthwhile! (Rant over!)


Still, Monday is a 'day off' (but not) because the stuff are teaching prospectives for next year which means we won't have any teachers. Apparently we'll have work set, but I don't see how when we won't be there to retrieve it!


Oh well... at least it's photography last lesson (an extra curriculum activity) which i'm hoping will be interesting, and NOT meaning we have to have pictures taken of ourselves... :blink:

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  • RMweb Gold


Blue sky, no cloud but rather cool as I put the bin-bags and recycling stuff out. I don't know if I have anything planned for today. As the new bookshelf hasn't fallen over, I may put some books on it, or I may just carry on reading Blood, Iron and Gold by Christian Wolmar. Robbie will require a walk at some time later this morning.



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Tony, I was just sort of idly gazing at the screen with Robbie's picture in your avatar with the word "member" immediately beneath it, thinking, hmm an interesting looking member.


Hi Jam. I didn't quite understand your post about not having teachers next year. What is the deal?

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Looking forward to the weekend when five of us will descend on the High Wycombe Show, followed by a pub lunch.


I'll bet the organisers are hoping there are more than 5 of you descending on High Wycombe show! :lol:


Morning all, bright and sunny in Edinburgh. A full day's work ahead followed by a reception in the Scottish Parliament tonight (at which I suppose I shall have to hand back my knighthood...)


Don - I think Jam's just missing teachers on Monday while the teachers speak to next year's prospective students (or I guess prospective teachers, if they've got student teachers coming).

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  • RMweb Premium

I must admit to feeling relieved that Matthew was not fit enough to join up when he wanted to. I must also admit that I cannot stand the false sincerity of certain newsreaders when they report more deaths each one is a tragedy for a family.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All, Another CBA day for me. Got to rest up for the trip to Wycrail on Saturday! If it serves no other purpose at least the awful situations in other parts of the world put our own difficulties into perspective. Sun is (almost) shining and the leaf colours are splendid.




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Good Morning All,


It's Dry and completely clear here at the moment, I don't know what the longer forecast is but I hope it's good as I've got to go from one side of Portsmouth harbour to the other later this afternoon!


I'm just going to see how far / long It would take to get to Wycrail on the train - the adverts have made me curious.... unsure.gif


Jam, I hope your day is going well, I was made to study General Studies in my second year, and I too found it completely pointless! I got an 'E' or somesuch grade in it, but thats more becasue I can't write long wordy discursive wordy answers to questions!


have a good day everyone!

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I got a B in General Studies - but agree on the pointlessness of it.


It seemed to largely be a hotch-potch of all different subjects, all of which could have been conveniently positioned somewhere else within the curriculum.


Strangely enough, it wasn't optional.

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  • RMweb Gold

At the school I went to (a long long time ago) those studying science subjects did not take General Studies, just some English examination to prove to universities that we were literate.

My Matthew got a C in the AS General Studies. He is now taking the A2 General Studies course (not compulsory now) as he thinks he may need all the points he can get(he knows which Universities "count" General Studies and those that don't).

If a subject is "compulsory" you may find that it is possibly because it attracts funding for the school/college without incurring too many staffing or consumable costs.



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  • RMweb Gold
If a subject is "compulsory" you may find that it is possibly because it attracts funding for the school/college without incurring too many staffing or consumable costs.

Now, now, Tony. You are just being cynical. Putting a monetary value on everything.

Didn't you know the course helps develop critical thinking and debating skills and allows the students to acquire both a wide knowledge base and valuable transferable skills?

Apart from that, it adds to the college's average point score and improves their position in league tables.

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  • RMweb Gold

Hi Jam. I didn't quite understand your post about not having teachers next year. What is the deal?



Don - I think Jam's just missing teachers on Monday while the teachers speak to next year's prospective students (or I guess prospective teachers, if they've got student teachers coming).

Sorry for the confusion Don, I didn't phrase it that clearly. The letter says '...staff will be involved in teaching prospective applicants...' which is more suitably worded!



Good Morning All,

Jam, I hope your day is going well, I was made to study General Studies in my second year, and I too found it completely pointless! I got an 'E' or somesuch grade in it, but thats more becasue I can't write long wordy discursive wordy answers to questions!


I'm rubbish at making long wordy essays/questions. It's that feeling when you look around the room and they've already written a page whilst you're still struggling. I must be one of the slowest people on the planet! It takes me at least twice as long as eveyone else to do things. Perhaps i'm just more careful ;). Today admittedly was a lot better that Sudoku, but it was still things that we knew already - i've completely forgotten what we did in the first half of it already! Oh yes, and that's another thing - I have an awful memory!


I got a B in General Studies - but agree on the pointlessness of it.


It seemed to largely be a hotch-potch of all different subjects, all of which could have been conveniently positioned somewhere else within the curriculum.


Strangely enough, it wasn't optional.


Well put! It too is compulsory here which is a tad annoying... you can't prepare for the exam - nothing you are taught in General Studies seems to be related much to the exam questions...


Hope you are/were not bored stiff today wherever you were - today has been a looong day.


On the way back from college on my bike I saw a nice rainbow overhead - it was raining but nothing to drench you. Plus, I managed to beat 3 buses back home! Considering they travel about half a mile less than me along a busy road I was quite chuffed.

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  • RMweb Premium

It's that feeling when you look around the room and they've already written a page whilst you're still struggling. I must be one of the slowest people on the planet!



I know this feeling, though in my case it usually has to do with my asking myself, "how can others possibly be so quick in writing so much in so little time when the question needs to be answered with so much care and fine distinctions?" Of course, I don't usually see what exactly they are writing, so please don't misunderstand me as claiming all but me can only come up with rubbish. But in any case, I, too, prefer to take as much time as I feel is required to express my thoughts with as much care as the task at hand appears to require, and thus do not appreciate working under severe pressure. Or, if I have no choice, I then need a lot of time to depressurize - at least as much time as I spent on solving the problem in the first place.

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  • RMweb Gold

Matthew is allowed to use a computer at college and for exams. His philosophy tutor was concerned that when he submitted handwritten work it was of a very much lower standard than if he word processed it. He was struggling to write and not putting down what he thought. He had to be assessed and was given permission by the exam boards to use the pc. His slow handwriting was due to co-ordination problems. Things like holding pens or cutting with a knife seem to be very difficult but using a mouse and keyboard seem straightforward. In addition when younger, he had gross motor skill problems, he was always falling over but had no problems riding a bike.

I'm glad I no longer have to sit examinations although I suspect I could pass the A level Government & Politics as Matthew insists on telling me about everything he has done in that lesson. I don't understand anything my wife is writing about in her thesis (which may be complete in 2010!).



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Jam and Dominik - I don't profess to be an expert at taking exams (after all, my A-levels were a disaster :lol:). However, I have a reasonably good knowledge of university exams having experienced them from both ends - initially sitting them, and latterly setting them - and I have even done some invigilation!


Everybody handles exams differently. Some will sit down and immediately start to write, others will read through the paper and contemplate things before they start to write. Neither is correct, and there is no correlation between exam behaviour and final marks (except for some behaviour - but we won't go there!)


Bear in mind that an exam has been set by a teacher/ lecturer/ exam board to be completed within a set time - that is all that matters. How you use that time to do the exam is up to you, and you only. Personally, I never got up before the exam was over (although it was allowed at University) - you never know what last idea might pop into your head, and anything you are able to correct/ add/ scribble has the potential to gain you extra marks.


Above all, enjoy the exams. It sounds crazy, but if you are able to enjoy them then you will do far better. I used to get great pleasure out of marking a good exam paper - that was the way that the student showed me they had taken in what I had taught them. Do the person who is marking your papers the honour of showing them what you are made of!

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