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Early Risers.


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All you need to know.  And quite a lot you prefer to not know but they tell you anyway.




Thank goodness I only have to take these things occasionally on an as-required basis.  Sometimes one dose will be enough and when the side-effects wear off I can resume work.  Other times (and today is one of them) I need to keep taking them until the pain subsides and normal joint function returns.  That is usually within 48 hours and can be affected by the weather as well.  Our present cold damp spell won't be helping.

Interesting, and very much aimed at the layman. It must be kept in mind that companies are obliged to inform patients of all adverse events patients potentially may experience, even the very, very rare ones (such as Stevens-Johnson syndrome which occurs in between 2.6 to 6.1 cases per million people per year, from all causes)


One of the repeating challenges I have is to write Informed Consent Forms, translating medical language into "easy to understand" layman's terms. Often I am faced with having to translate a medical term into a layman's term in such a way that I don't scare the beejesus out of the reader. Nausea and Vomiting (seen with practically every drug out there) is easy enough, but QTc prolongation????


Anyway, breakfast is over, the medication is now kicking in and I'm off to work...


Have a splendid day one and all



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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Dry at the moment but possibility of rain. House painting may be finished today weather permitting.

Another ex hooker here but when I left school I saw sense? and moved to the back row. Twenty odd years of rugby and then arthritis have left me with one replacement knee,(that still somehow plays up) another one that is partially 4 and neck & shoulders that are about 2/3. I am assured that sport is good for you though! Mind you I wouldn't have changed it and wish I could have gone on a lot longer.

Have a good one,


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Good morning all, 


Glad to hear that NHN & Jock had  good holidays, safe return home chaps. Commiserations to those with those with medical problems, so far I've been lucky....(and the one thing you dont want to do here is get ill!) 


Had a full and frank discussion with the GM last night, who was a bit p**sed  off that I'd even considered quitting,  told me he'll be having "words" with the culprit. 

We'll see, 

Lets all try to survive the day? 



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I had to Google both types of doggy as I wasn't familiar with either breed. ...

Here are the beautiful young lasses:

http://www.grenzenlose-hundehilfe.de/sunny2.htm - the Kangal mix

http://www.grenzenlose-hundehilfe.de/iris.htm - the Swiss Sennenhund

Mrs iD and I really must be crazy to even consider them, as they are LARGE dogs However, not only do they look adorable, but the body language and facial expressions seen in the photos suggest good natured dogs


Both are beautiful, but if I have to choose (if we were to go ahead with adoption) Iris would get my vote (although the deciding indvidual will be the HM)


You can use Google translate to read the pages in English



Edited by iL Dottore
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  • RMweb Gold

Here are the beautiful young lasses:

http://www.grenzenlose-hundehilfe.de/sunny2.htm - the Kangal mix

http://www.grenzenlose-hundehilfe.de/iris.htm - the Swiss Sennenhund

Mrs iD and I really must be crazy to even consider them, as they are LARGE dogs However, not only do they look adorable, but the body language and facial expressions seen in the photos suggest good natured dogs


Both are beautiful, but if I have to choose (if we were to go ahead with adoption) Iris would get my vote (although the deciding indvidual will be the HM)


You can use Google translate to read the pages in English



When I first Googled Iris's breed last night I mistakenly entered Semmelhund. This confused Google somewhat! Perhaps I was thinking of bread rather than breed.

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I thought it would be raining this morning but I can't have been paying attention to the forecast as it is in fact rather pleasant.

My replacement Garratt is on its way and should arrive today.


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  • RMweb Gold

Marion would have difficulty resisting Iris. Show her those sites and we could end up with a houseful.


Edited by Donw
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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all!

Despite. Warnings of death by rain its a nice morning here.


As a retired prop forward my joints are mostly shot to bits..but I did enjoy playing rugby.


If I got the chance I would love to own one of the original RR Mulsarne turbo RL, at 9mpg with fuel cooling of the cylinders a nice car to drive..I only had a passenger ride in one from Gatport Airsick To BAEE at Aldershot when I worked for Vickers.. Happy days!


Now onwards and upwards as .....the Gasman cometh......


Have a great Tuesday,


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Morning all.  From all the rugby postings recently, I conclude that most ERs were front row forwards, therefore not a bunch to be messed with!  Hooker was the one position I never played in - I managed the rest in the forwards, usually Second Row or Number 8.  Second row was always rather uncomfortable having to stick your head between the prop & hooker's backsides.

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Being a bit of a stocky chap, I was always a prop forward but kind of went off the whole game after leaving a few teeth in the mud. A few years after leaving school I took up something far less dangerous... motorbike racing! A monumental highside just before Druids at Brands Hatch during a club race put paid to that too. Not wanting to be known as a quitter I then took up the most dangerous pastime of all... railway modelling. It's a jungle out there!

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  • RMweb Gold

A question for all you (ex-)rugby players....


There are 15 players in a Union side.  14 of them have names for their position, all except No 8.


Why ?

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Greetings fellow "Later risers".

     When Summer returns I will probably return to the pre-dawn roster but right now and until the mornings are warmer I remain IN bed until 6:15 and this morning slept through until 6:30.

      One of my table companions is 92 yo (93 next month) is 99% blind and 75% deaf. He is remarkable independent but is forever losing small objects e,g. his serviette ring which he puts down somewhere, even in a pocket, but cannot find after the meal

      He professes to be allerlgic to minced meat but happily devours any kind of sausage. We used to have daily menus on each table but recently they have done away with this practice and just have one daily menu on a central notice board.

       Yesterday's luncheon main course was Bobotie (a South African curry dish made with mince meat). Although it was on the notice board Stan had not asked and nobody told him. At lunch time he was served the full meal and ate it all with enjoyment and absolutely no after effects. We are convinced that his "allergy" is totally imaginary as we have seen him happily devour other mince meat dishes on previous occasions, similarily with no ill effects..

      I mentioned previously the luncheon Gammon we were served recently. I enquired and was told that this was the first of a monthly 'special' meal.


Skies clear but still by our standards COLD. 5C at 6:00 am and a max of only 15C later today. There was snow on Table Mountain on Sunday.

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  • RMweb Premium

All you need to know.  And quite a lot you prefer to not know but they tell you anyway.




Thank goodness I only have to take these things occasionally on an as-required basis.  Sometimes one dose will be enough and when the side-effects wear off I can resume work.  Other times (and today is one of them) I need to keep taking them until the pain subsides and normal joint function returns.  That is usually within 48 hours and can be affected by the weather as well.  Our present cold damp spell won't be helping.

Like many anti-inflammatory's I am unable to use these. I take medication for high blood pressure which clashes with these types of drugs or simply cancel each other out and that means about the only pain killer that is 'safe' for me to use is paracetamol. Its either suffer the joint pain or risk an increased chance of a stroke.

Edited by PhilJ W
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Greetings - it's obviously colder in Cape Town than the only time I visited (June 1997) when it was shirt sleeves weather for us from the UK (like a beautiful clear autumn day) - but on a visit to Stellenbosch we were talking to a guy who was a local bailiff in his chunky jumper who informed us that we didn't know what cold was - sometimes in the Karoo in gets down to freezing. We just smiled and bought him a castle. And the Cape region, what a beautiful place!


Blue skies with grey and white clouds over Borough Market Junction this morning, some heavy showers forecast for later.


I too decided rugby was less painful (marginally) than cross country at school and ended up running far too much - now my knees are a conservative 2, tending towards 3 on occasions. However tomorrow is the annual attempt to start training to get fit - as it is the day of the JP Morgan Corporate Challenge - 3.5 miles - and my chance to try to beat the guy who works for me and be the fastest man in the department! He's 16 years younger, but this year he has admitted he has done some app-driven training....I could be in trouble!

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Morning All!


Just back from a long weekend babysitting the grand-kinder while No.1 Dort and hubby went for their first time away without the kids for 14 years!  I, (needless to say being a recycled kid myself) had a great time with them. 


Video Friday night with my home-made pizza, played football with them and then fish & chips Saturday, took them to the cinema on Sunday (popcorn & cokes all round) then cooked a Bolognese Ragu with Pappadelle Pasta in the evening.  Packed them off to school Monday with no problems and lazed in their garden with the dog 'til the, much refreshed, parents came home.  Stayed on for a 'Barbie' and a glass or two of red, and was very gratified to hear the kinder say, "Mum, we had the best week-end ever!" 


No. 1 Dort then said, "Er, Pops, you wouldn't be free next week-end would you............................."  :angel:

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A question for all you (ex-)rugby players....


There are 15 players in a Union side.  14 of them have names for their position, all except No 8.


Why ?


He was a sickly sort of fellow.

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A question for all you (ex-)rugby players....


There are 15 players in a Union side.  14 of them have names for their position, all except No 8.


Why ?

Back in the 1960's when I first played rugby, the No 8 was sometimes also known as 'Lock Man'.  I think that this fell into disuse as the Second Row are also known as 'Locks', and this could have been confusing with the Lock Man.

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  • RMweb Premium

A question for all you (ex-)rugby players....


There are 15 players in a Union side.  14 of them have names for their position, all except No 8.


Why ?


From his position in the scrum he was invariably known as the "ar$eman" at school

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Never liked rugby much, didn't mind hockey, quite enjoyed cross country running while at school but really enjoyed rowing (must have been because the rowing club, which was where the school also kept its boat, was next door to a pub) but gave it up in the end when work shifted me off to Wales.  I wonder if the rowing is responsible for most of my body damage including the dodgy bit in my back?


Anyway to brighter things - the sun is shining, a bit, but showers later.  Might be good weather for administering lawn feed, I'm told I need to deal with the hard water tap, and I do need to get to Alton as I have various things lined up for collection.


Have a good day one & all.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


Another brief visit, because of course I have the very finest of company, who says "Morning all!" herself!


Anyway, it looks as though Trisonic Pete gets the cigar, maybe others deserve one too, because this is GT40 chassis # 111, which was indeed used in the 1965 Targa Florio in open form as built. The guy sitting in it while it was waiting to go for fuel was of course the mechanic  - but he clearly revels in maintaining it, and we had a nice chat. It ran very creditably all weekend.


While I was aware of the Targa Florio before 1965, it was that year's edition that had colour pics in the first copy of Motor Sport I bought in September of that year. Nino Vaccarella driving the winning Ferrari 275P2 through Collesano, with "Forza Nino!" painted on the road by the patriotic locals (Vaccarella was a schoolmaster in Palermo) was a very formative image in my 16-y-o mind. I speak no Italian, but a few years back at scrutineering for Le Mans, I saw Rinaldo "Dindo" Capello heading off to the drivers' briefing, so shouted "Forza Dindo" and he laughed out loud. Sportscar drivers are seldom up themselves.


Sherry and I will be lunching shortly, hope to have a bit of a walk this afternoon. I expect you will hear more from us at some stage.

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