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  • RMweb Gold

I have to display my complete ignorance here Tony. What is a BBM? Incidentally, I believe Ginger in any form helps settle the stomach, certainly helps with nausea so sounds quite feasible that Ginger beer has a positive impact on gastric issues.

Sorry! BBM is Blackberry's messaging service. Originally only usable between Blackberry phones but they did release a version for other makes recently. It was handy when all of us in the family had Blackberry phones but when he returned from Canada, Matthew's phone died. He bought some sort of Android device so we now use a "multi-platform app" (probably for trainspotters originally?) called Whatsapp so he can avoid text message charges. Not a problem when he is in the UK but he often isn't!

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  • RMweb Gold

BBMs are free as are text messages on most phone plans these days, however they are encrypted which means that unlike text messages they cannot be viewed on the servers ie


Had a chap at work whom was off sick etc, on his company phone he sent text messages to his mates saying thrown a sicky today etc etc. This became apparent when I


 asked our mobile phone provider for a copy of all the texts sent on his company phone over certain dates, these basically caught him out in numerous instances


Which I have to admit made me think what text messages I had sent on the company mobile lol!

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Catching up with lots of things here but it's difficult to like/dislike, etc on my 'phone as it is fiddly and we only have Wifi in the area of the bar, which isn't open for drinks very often but is available to residents any time as it doubles as a club house/library/TV room, etc.


Congrats to Robert - great pictures! Wishing you many happy years together.

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Funnily enough I got my new phone today. I contacted them to ask if I was also going to get the old phone back (as promised in a text...) 


They were, as usual, helpful and polite, but when I said so the woman I was speaking to said that no-one ever praises them. We should, if they do well, for the obvious reasons.


Jock - I was moved by your post. I hope that if I ever have to I can summon up the same attitude.

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  • RMweb Gold

Yes, Dick! Thanking the "little" people when they give good service costs nothing but makes the world go round. You and Deb would certainly have found common ground there, as I'm sure you did in virtual terms!


As for Jock and his Big C, an admirable attitude indeed, but not one all of us may find ourselves able to live up to, I fear. And, statistically, more of us are likely to find out these days, as we live longer and learn to avoid other nasties.

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  • RMweb Premium

I thought I'd better put this in a separate post. –



I could imagine that it takes a lot of courage to be so open about that serious a condition, so I, too, was moved by your posting. I'm not sure I could deal with the implications of this kind of diagnosis in the same way.


Thinking of you and wishing that there will yet be more than just a couple of good years to come for you...

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  • RMweb Gold

A little young for me, really Dom! I'm old enough to recall the original tv series, and indeed have a version of the Lalo Schifrin music by my then-idol Jimmy Smith from about 1968, I think. I've got a feeling Schifrin produced the Smith album, too.


Meanwhile, back at the ranch, I hereby submit my bid for Prat of the Day. Ebay item turns up, well packed in a shoe box. Inside wads of newspaper is a box telling me it is a bogie tank-car, by Makette. Not what I ordered, monsieur. So, as I'm obviously going to have to send it back, I don't disturb the packaging further, and send the seller a suitable message in Olddudders French. Only to find later, after a gentle reply, that my item lacked a box and has been securely packed in what came to hand....

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A little young for me, really Dom! I'm old enough to recall the original tv series, and indeed have a version of the Lalo Schifrin music by my then-idol Jimmy Smith from about 1968, I think. I've got a feeling Schifrin produced the Smith album, too.


Meanwhile, back at the ranch, I hereby submit my bid for Prat of the Day. Ebay item turns up, well packed in a shoe box. Inside wads of newspaper is a box telling me it is a bogie tank-car, by Makette. Not what I ordered, monsieur. So, as I'm obviously going to have to send it back, I don't disturb the packaging further, and send the seller a suitable message in Olddudders French. Only to find later, after a gentle reply, that my item lacked a box and has been securely packed in what came to hand....

Sorry Ian, but that truly DOES sound like you win todays prize :senile:

I've been VERY wary of double-checking first when I receive eBay items now as I had a similar close-shave a while back. I'd already wound myself into a frenzy and was about to fire off what would have been a less than complimentary communication, when I discovered the error of my ways! :O

Edited by Ian Abel
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Completely agree with the sentiments regarding taking the trouble to praise where appropriate. Some months ago I had cause to do my Mother's shopping at Sainsbury's. Not having a clue where anything was, I didn't waste time aimlessly wandering around, but grabbed the nearest employee. In all, I probably made use of four or five members of staff, all of whom couldn't have been more helpful and pleasant. Being someone who has no qualms about complaining, I also like to balance things out and e.mailed the CEO, praising the staff and asking him to pass on my appreciation to the Oldbury branch. The following day I had a very nice e.mail from him, thanking me for taking the trouble and assuring me that both my thanks, together with his own, would be sent to the store. More recently, I had cause to complain to 'Dreams' about a part that was missing from a bed we ordered, but more annoyingly the initial response from Customer Care in dealing with the issue. Again I e.mailed the CEO and within a couple of hours on a Saturday evening, I had a personal response plus copies of e.mails forwarded to his senior staff. I had further e.mails direct from the senior staff as late as 10pm, and also the following day, where I was advised that one of the staff had calendered a note to contact me in the afternoon to ensure all was resolved. The part was duly delivered and I promptly e.mailed the CEO and senior staff concerned, advising them that the matter was now resolved and expressing my thanks for the way they had subsequently 'swung into action'. I also pointed out two errors in the instruction booklet with regard to assembly, that they may like to take up with the German manufacturer! Result - I was happy and they were happy that they had resolved an issue to a customer's satisfaction.


Sometimes when dealing with matters on the 'phone I get the distinct impression that I am the only one that day who has treated the employee like a human being. It invariably pays dividends as they are more inclined to go that extra yard to assist you.

Edited by Steve Williams
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  • RMweb Gold

We have a lot of sad news on ER's so it was nice to see Robert's good news. Best wishes to the three of you.


One problem with cancer can be spotting it my mother developed ovarian cancer not known for being easy to spot but what clues there were came after the death of my father so the doctor put in down to that and it didn't get picked up until it was too late for chemo.



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  • RMweb Premium



Meanwhile, back at the ranch, I hereby submit my bid for Prat of the Day. Ebay item turns up, well packed in a shoe box. Inside wads of newspaper is a box telling me it is a bogie tank-car, by Makette. Not what I ordered, monsieur. So, as I'm obviously going to have to send it back, I don't disturb the packaging further, and send the seller a suitable message in Olddudders French. Only to find later, after a gentle reply, that my item lacked a box and has been securely packed in what came to hand....


If it helps, a neighbour (not me, a neighbour) needed to buy a bb gun and looked on ebay. 

It would have helped if he hadn't done this after a few beers. 

So, he spots the item he is after, likes the price and places his "Buy Now" order. 

The item arrives in the post a few days later in the smallest jiffy bag envelope ever devised.

Scratching his head he opens it and sees the gun. It's one for an Action Man doll.

Now, if he hadn't been wearing beer goggles he might have spotted the item description as well as the attractive price. ;)


Online sales can be great fun. I once had a former Cabinet minister's secretary phone me some 15 minutes before the post went, after one of our products.

"Can you just send it to me and I'll send you a cheque."

"Erm, no. Go on our website and order it."

"Don't you know who he is?"

"Yes. And if I had a pound for each person that promised to send me money after I send them products....."

"Your website doesn't work."

"Yes it does. Which bit are you having trouble with."

"The buttons."

Further questioning identifies that laziness is the key problem.  

Product went out in the post with a few minutes to spare after payment was received. 

Some sales literature to wave around the House under his former opponents'  colleagues'  noses may just have slipped into the packaging too. ;)

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  • RMweb Gold

Evening, lot going on on here as usual, so appropriate salutations to those involved.


Bit of a rollercoaster here with my dear old mum, 90 tomorrow - hip op (not hiphop) went wrong, nearly killed her, death's door last week, eating them out of house and home this week. No good prognosis though, she'll never walk again (looks like they have to take the new hip out and won't replace it), advancing dementia, so all in all they, and us, aren't too sure where we go from here.


After a lot of thought I've decided to come off the regular crew roster on the Mid Hants as the mainline work is getting busier and I keep having to turn down driving turns up there. I'm still hoping to do some mid week turns now and then, but that depends on whether they still want me after resigning from the main roster. It's a bit of a wrench after so long but I can't fit it all in and want to do as much mainline work as I can, while I can.


Well, that's about it, take care.

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  • RMweb Premium

Jock's post reminds me of a conversation I had with my ex boss (he was supposed to be dead three years ago still living, breathing and cruising the canal system) about my Grandad who was told in 1962 he had 6 months to live, he died of old age in 1985. Was it a positive mental attitude he asked. When I replied no he was just bloody minded and refused to die he laughed aloud for the first time in ages. 

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  • RMweb Premium

Just noticed that we are on page 2700... blooming eck what a lot of ERs!... Trisonic - perhaps we need the ERs to come over and have a word or two with the car driver for you?   Particularly as tomorrow is Independence Day.... (Mind you that could end up with QE2 being back in charge.....)

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Evening all,

Short post tonight as all the walking we've enjoyed has left me pretty weary. Not sure if the red nose is due to the sun or the 'Cornish Rattler' cider, or perhaps tonight's 'Montepulciano' night cap! What I am sure about is that the kids are sure to call me 'Rudolph' when we get back to Somerset on Saturday!

Bad weather predicted for tomorrow but we can't complain as the week has been just fine. Another superb meal at the 'Square' restaurant overlooking the harbour. We neither of us can believe that our week is almost over but we had a rare treat tonight - we used 'FaceTime' to talk to our beautiful granddaughter as she left for the high school prom. She looked like a princess and left us wondering where our little girl had gone - she'll certainly turn heads tonight!

Sleep tight, kind regards,


PS Steve, I too have found the web-site containing the personal e-mails of most of the CEOs you are likely to need and even the British Gas one I contacted once, got people running around in minutes. Very often they don't know what's happening below their level! I heartily recommend it to anyone who wants action!


Edited by Jock67B
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  • RMweb Premium

Evening all,

Short post tonight as all the walking we've enjoyed has left me pretty weary. Not sure if the red nose is due to the sun or the 'Cornish Rattler' cider, or perhaps tonight's 'Montepulciano' night cap! What I am sure about is that the kids are sure to call me 'Rudolph' when we get back to Somerset on Saturday!

Bad weather predicted for tomorrow but we can't complain as the week has been just fine. Another superb meal at the 'Square' restaurant overlooking the harbour. We neither of us can believe that our week is almost over but we had a rare treat tonight - we used 'FaceTime' to talk to our beautiful granddaughter as she left for the high school prom. She looked like a princess and left us wondering where our little girl had gone - she'll certainly turn heads tonight!

Sleep tight, kind regards,


PS Steve, I too have found the web-site containing the personal e-mails of most of the CEOs you are likely to need and even the British Gas one I contacted once, got people running around in minutes. Very often they don't know what's happening below their level! I heartily recommend it to anyone who wants action!


Can you let us all know what the website is?

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  • RMweb Premium

Yes, Dick! Thanking the "little" people when they give good service costs nothing but makes the world go round. You and Deb would certainly have found common ground there, as I'm sure you did in virtual terms!


As for Jock and his Big C, an admirable attitude indeed, but not one all of us may find ourselves able to live up to, I fear. And, statistically, more of us are likely to find out these days, as we live longer and learn to avoid other nasties.


An admirable attitude and a strength I learned a good many patients discover within themselves.    I wish Jock the very best of tomorrows and as many of them as he can enjoy.


Back to my "piece of string" comment a couple of pages back - an aunt was diagnosed around 15 years ago now and given "weeks at best" being transferred from her home to a palliative care ward.  Two years later she was moved on to a nursing home where she continues to live quite happily to this day.  The cancer has simply stopped advancing for reasons not determined.  She is, however, receiving excellent care whereas having been widowed around 20 years ago she was struggling at home on her own.


I lost a former partner some years ago now.  She endured far more gruelling treatment than I went through and was even still smoking - desperately trying to give up - at the third round of chemo.  The last time I saw her she was clearly extremely ill and she passed away just days later aged 28.


No-one knows how long our piece of string is.


I get up every day and after the usual groans due to the hour and (as it's winter here) the temperature I am thankful my eyes have opened again.  


Onwards and upwards - it's only a few short weeks now until my middle nephew's wedding and the big trip back home :D

Edited by Gwiwer
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I’ve been diagnosed with “deadly” cancer twice - one a late spotted melanoma (three weeks in  a private Uk hospital, “Which single malt do you fancy tonight, then, Sir? - better) then with leukemia (in “permanent" remission, hopefully - in a US private hospital). Much preferred UK hospital, Doctor’s it was a toss up - though the surgeon was a family friend - I thought I had given him about 50 Classical Box sets of CD’s - but later found out that I had omitted his correct address. He’d taken my tonsils out when I was 15 before he’d become a Master.


Big T-Storms passed now (Tornado 50 miles away), awaiting Hurricane Arthur tomorrow.   We are hoping it will be far enough out to sea that all we’ll get is some rain - but I’m not having much luck this week, for some reason.


Best, Pete.

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Dawn breaks over Carshalton. And I'm there to see it...




Morning all. Utterly unable to sleep last night, due to a couple of glasses of wine...


Just seen that the Cathedrals Express is coming through Mitcham Junction tomorrow - I'll try to get some pictures. I've never done this before - can I just rock up and waltz onto the platform and snap away? I'll ask permission if there's anyone there. Can you still buy platform tickets? Or will my Freedom Pass suffice? Not sure if the station or one of the bridges on Mitcham Common might be better.

Edited by Smiffy2
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  • RMweb Premium

Yes you can still buy platform tickets if the station is staffed though anecdotal evidence suggests you are more than likely to find a staff member who will deny their existence or any knowledge of how to issue them.  They're not a penny an hour any more though ;)


Otherwise any valid ticket should admit you to the platform as though you were intending to travel.


I'd check out bridges as well - the train will be slow enough anywhere near to the station owing to the sharp curves at both ends but you might find any suitable vantage point already well populated.

trisonic (Best, Pete) I wish you safe passage through the storm season.  Keep us posted.

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