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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all...


Wet and rainy, as Robert said - and calm, of course. Still quite sleepy, so do bear with me - have to get another coffee, I think :) .


Have a nice day all!

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  • RMweb Gold



There are blue patches of sky in between cloud but if it stays like this anyone going to the local airshow should be able to see something. We are going in the opposite direction today. My wife wants to see her brother's new house. My mother-in-law is also visiting there (Northamptonshire) this weekend.



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  • RMweb Gold

Wind seems to be a bit keen, but its warming up slowly round here. I reckon it's going to get hot in the conservatory in about an hour. Think I might do a mock up for the new layout...


Relaxing with a cup of tea at the moment. Babysat next door last night till midnight, no idea why, but I watched Eurovision with them. I knew who the winners would be just from their song. The UK came last as always!

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I knew who the winners would be just from their song. The UK came last as always!

That's not fair! 1967, 1997 to name but two times when UK WON!! Ironically, Norway were the first to get Nul Points!


Save me from watching the recording (I've taped the two semis as well!) where will it be held next year?

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  • RMweb Gold

Well you know what I mean!

It will be hosted in Germany (I assume - considering they won)


Speaking of winning - I've just got my hands on half a dozen 009 coaches (apologies if I outbid anyone on here!)


(P.S you didn't miss much yesterday not watching Eurovision!) laugh.gif

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all...


Have a bit of a headache this morning <_< . Not sure why - could be the weather or I slept in a bad position. Or perhaps it's Monday as such! :lol:


See you later!

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Morning All,


It is rather dull around here this morning - and a little on the damp side. However, I am hoping the worst of the rain stays away until the bin men have been. I put four 120 litre paper sacks out this morning filled with hedge clippings, and I would rather like them to stay dry for the (very good) bin men. The year before last, the bottom dropped out of one of the sacks and left the guys with a terrible mess to clear up - which to their credit, they half did - and left the rest to me :lol:


Jam, you are right - next years Eurovision will be held in Germany. They were discussing the candidate towns on the radio when I was driving to work this morning. Predictably, every town has what they consider a legitimate claim to host the event. Everybody from Berlin (we're the capital), to Hamburg (we host the run-up event) to Hannover (we are Lena's home town).


We haven't heard from Don for a few days. Hope he's Ok.


Have a good day everyone!

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Good morning all.

I'm fine. Thanks for the thought.

I had to go to the surgeon on Friday, (all O.K.) so took the day off.

Weekend weather was clear, though still with a cold wind.

Still clear today - so far.

Was Bank holiday Friday, or is it today?

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  • RMweb Gold

Morningn all


Bank holiday is today. Apart from things like Christams, Boxing and New Year's Day all bank holidays are on a Monday here Don.

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Morning all; for once the Bank Holiday actually falls on the supposed date (ie Monday 31st May!)


Looks like it could be a good day but I'm off to work soon so I'll find out how it was later!


Have a good BH!

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Have been on an all nighter - printing letters looking for sponsorship for the football club. We are hitting every business in town - about 350 letters - printing, stapling and stuffing envelopes - letter and form. The end is in sight - then we need to deliver them. Reckon I'll be sitting down to breakfast in the cafe at about 11 at this rate.


Feeling remarkably awake at the moment....


Started at 12.30 - still going. Running low on paper and ink though, but hopefully we'll have enough!

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Hello again Stu.

You have become quite a stranger on here.

What has/is happening on your loft layout?

I may have missed out, but I haven't seen an update in quite a while.

I am up to date on your love(less) life.LOL

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  • RMweb Gold



Cloudy but dry here this morning. I've no idea at all what I'll be doing today apart from walking the dog and cooking meals but I'm sure I'll think of something.



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Morning all....


Family get together yesterday and Mum staying for few days. Off to the retirement home later this week to see what she thinks, so fingers crossed.


Trying to fit bits of railway work in between times...wink.gif


Enjoy the Bank Holiday, whatever you are doing.


Just seen an horrific crash in the Indy 500. Luckily the English driver escaped with just a broken leg....blink.gif



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all, another dull, cloudy bank holiday (yippee!) Only 23 hours to go then a break from call out for 8 hrs. Just going to leave on my 30.5 mile trip to dip a res., then another 42 miles up to Kingsclere to chuck some hypo in to make up the disinfectant known as tap water. 511 miles since 20-00 Friday, so I'm getting to see a bit of the Hampshire countryside!


Have a good one whatever you're doing.

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  • RMweb Gold
Just seen an horrific crash in the Indy 500


Wow - a VTOL racing car.


As you say, luckily, we can joke about it. I believe only two spectators suffered minor injuries too.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,

Not got much planned today although I am supposed to be going to a friends today but I haven't heard from him yet...




One thing that struck me last night is that my layout is a mix of different periods. The NG line at Calshot only lasted until 1945 whereas my layout is set 10 years later (because my Class 04 would have been built at the earliest in 1952). laugh.gif I can't think of any reason why the line would survive after this considering the stock had been condemned - there certainly wouldn't be enough traffic to justify new or even second hand wagons being bought in. That is, unless there were some wagons that hadn't deteriorated as badly and were able to hang in for 7 years!


Having a re-read of the Calshot book for an hour or so last night really inspired me to recreate one section of the line as accurately as possible. With details of the drivers I could even add them in (down to what they wore!) to really set the scene. A few info boards with some information about the lines history wouldn't be a bad idea. Time to let the imagination take over...



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