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Early Risers.


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Delightful morning again here, 22 sunny and clear as a bell, going to 28 for the high, the humidity is remaining low for now too.


Odd thing - most everyone is glad it's finally stopped the eternal rains, but we did beat the previous June record set in 1847 which some find pleasure in! - the Mississippi crested Saturday, and won't get much lower for several days by most accounts.


Look forward to hearing Andy report on the move - very exciting and a great way to start July :)


Short week here as we celebrate July 4th. so Friday is a public holiday, yay! I've be "promised" this coming weekend will be free, other than an afternoon/evening get-together with friends on the 4th to watch the fireworks, and I can do some modelling, we'll see how that turns out :O


Enjoy the day everyone...

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Late on parade as ever but then these blasted night shifts will get in the way of 'normal' life sometimes!


A quick snap from the yard at Bardon Hill last night.... not much happening on the 'Fuel & Shunt' turn so I had time to bag the sunset over high Leicestershire...






Hope all ER ailments and troubles are on the mend chums ;)







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Good to se a yard in Britain where the trackwork is as risible as some in the USA! Usually such photos of the USA cause much merriment on RMWeb.

Yes I know that the lens makes it look worse.......

Btw did you know that Bardon Hill is an extinct (possibly) volcano?


Best, Pete.

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Evening All,


A bit scattered the past few days; theatre, dog, domestic duties (don't even mention IKEA...) and decrepit anatomy have all conspired to keep me away from both ER and working on CAMDEN LOCK (although I did acquire the matte photo paper I need for the tunnel walls).


Back to 100% employment tomorrow (alas still at the same place). Although I love what I do, where and for whom I do it is another matter.... Still it will be nice to have my income back up to 100%, although having spent the best part of a year on 60% of income the game plan is to continue to live on 60% of income and redirect the 40% straight to savings/investments (Mrs iD is the CFO around here and the subject of replenishing/adding to my model railway stock with some of that money didn't even make it to draft agenda stage of the "finance committee" [also Mrs iD])


Had thunderstorms last few nights, and quite refreshing and enjoyable they were too.


And on that note, I bid everyone Bon Soirée

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I'm not staying up late tonight as I'm taking Matthew to Heathrow early Tuesday morning. He likes to be early for flights and I'm inclined to allow more time for travelling than some people so we could be nice and early! Aditi won't be going with us as she has to go to work.


Don. I haven't forgotten your request for information on my Garratt's hauling capacity. I will get it out to the layout in the next couple of days. At the moment it has only had a trundle up and down my DCC programming/test track which is only about twice the length of the loco!



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Evening all, late report from me tonight. Just been watching an episode of Death in Paradise that we hadn't seen before. Fifteen minutes before the end the inspector was about to gather the suspects together for the finale when they had a break in transmission. After a while an apology appeared on screen, they were trying to fix a fault. Some minutes later an episode of Murdoch Mysteries started. After ten minutes that stopped and the scheduled episode of New Tricks came on. No announcements or anything, what on earth were they thinking? Perhaps the technician in sole charge of the Alibi channel at night thought nobody would notice. Such a daft sequence of events I thought to share it with you. I hope you weren't recording it.  

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Good morning all,

Dry now after some torrential rain yesterday afternoon.  Should stay fine today with sunny spells and some cloudy periods.

Painter finished earlier than usual due to the weather but he's making steady progress. The guys should be here to strike the scaffolding after lunch.. perhaps....possibly....maybe.....and breathe!

The girls went shopping yesterday for clothes for a wedding next month. After 5 hours they "couldn't find a thing" apart from a dress for Gemma. (So of course they'll have to go again!) Women!!

I on the other hand have a perfectly acceptable suit etc so have no need to find a new outfit! Even if I did it wouldn't take me 5 flipping hours.

Have a good one,


Edited by grandadbob
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White Rabbits!


Very sunny day in Leeds. Up early as her indoors is off swimming before teaching.

While I managed to complete my housework 'tasks' yesterday no weathering was achieved. I need to finish some wagons so will try this morning before my next umpiring duties

Have a good Tuesday everyone..



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Good morning all, pinch & a punch for the first of the month, White Rabbits etc!   Funny thing is I never heard the White Rabbit  until after I left skool! 


Thunder & rain is still around this morning....dont do my head much good!   


Try and survive what ever life throws at you today, 




PS; Happy Canada Day too! 

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Morning all.


Today's visit to the Mouth-Mining Corporation was easier than expected and less hurtful on the hobby budget.  A tiny pin in the root canal now holds a large repair in place hopefully for the long-term future.  For the privilege of this I was charged only for a repair to their previous workmanship namely nothing at all.  This might be the first time in 57 years I have come out of a dentist smiling.


In other news - it's all about an all-painting, all-singing, wobble-boarding former entertainer who seems to have derived rather too much entertainment from inappropriate sources.  Should've tied his kangaroo down, sport.


Safe travels, happy motoring, smile at everyone you meet.  Today is Tuesday - we'll see it through the Arched Window :D

Edited by Gwiwer
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Evening all, late report from me tonight. Just been watching an episode of Death in Paradise that we hadn't seen before. Fifteen minutes before the end the inspector was about to gather the suspects together for the finale when they had a break in transmission. After a while an apology appeared on screen, they were trying to fix a fault. Some minutes later an episode of Murdoch Mysteries started. After ten minutes that stopped and the scheduled episode of New Tricks came on. No announcements or anything, what on earth were they thinking? Perhaps the technician in sole charge of the Alibi channel at night thought nobody would notice. Such a daft sequence of events I thought to share it with you. I hope you weren't recording it.  


S*d it. Yes I was recording it, that's the only one I didn't see first time round on the Beeb! Such an excellent drama, we all really like it in this house. Such a shame Ben Miller was replaced by that guy that used to be in the BT ads... It's also the first time I recall seeing Danny John Jules playing anything other than the cat in Red Dwarf. Ah well.


I awoke this morning to find my next door neighbour* had left me his hedge trimmer outside the front door. I think he's hinting it's about time I trimmed back the Ho Chi Minh trail in what used to be the back garden.


Sunny today, have a good one. Pete.


* My normal next door neighbour on the other side, not the one who buried her husband in the back garden.

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Hello all,

          I didn't post yesterday. Mike and I went for breakfast at the local 'Spur'. They do a special breakfast for the equivalent of BPS 1.60 comprising; 2 eggs, 2 rashers of bacon, a wedge of fried tomato, chips, 2 slices of toast, butter jam and a bottomless cup of coffee. Really delicious and worth it.

          Mike is nearly as wobbly on his legs as I am, so when we exited the car park, wobbling along hanging on to each others arm a Security guard rushed to offer us a wheel chair. I'm not sure for which of us or who would have pushed it!  :mosking:


          Yesterday was clear and Sunny but today is back to cloudy with a 10% chance of rain and only 17C - Today London will be warmer tan CT.


I watched the Murray/Anderson game yesterday with ambivalent feelings. I am an Andy fan but Kevin was S,A's only entrant.

Anyway, the better man won.


I hope today is enjoyable for you all.

Edited by DonBradley
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Morning all, and what a fine clear morning it is, to be sure.


Waiting for the courier to take the old phone away and possibly the courier bringing the new one. A bit of painting of a reliveried CofT and 28xx, some rather tedious writing and then - nowt.


May clear out the shed, or possibly the office. Both are prime candidates for a clear up.


I missed Death in Paradise first time round, and I quite like it, especially Danny John Jules, who I think does a great job. I didn't know Ben Miller gets replaced...  I'm a great lover of Murdoch Mysteries.


But first, coffee.

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Morning all


A before and after shots comparison, showing what 24 hrs and a competent builder can do. Here is the scene Sunday evening, with the personal/personnel door just wedged in place.




And by last night




It is a really cheap and nasty door, but won't be subject to too many openings and closings. I need to get some preservative on all the woodwork, obviously, but today dawned wet, so it may have to wait a bit. The door is being left open at all times until the fledglings have flown the nest.


I took the Nissan in first thing to have its headlamp covers changed, and it should be back by lunchtime. Fortunately I was whisked home by the garage chappie, otherwise I might have been a bit damp.


Hope your day proceeds in an orderly and dignified fashion.





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I missed Death in Paradise first time round, and I quite like it, especially Danny John Jules, who I think does a great job. I didn't know Ben Miller gets replaced...  I'm a great lover of Murdoch Mysteries.


Oops. Sorry for the spoiler! If you do decide to clear the shed out, if we don't see you posting for a day or two, should we be worried? If your shed's anything like mine, you'll be a while...

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Morning, blue skies with a bit of grey haze over Borough Market Junction. Forecast to be clear all day, but not as warm as it has been in recent weeks. Mind you, in the office, you don't really notice.


Now I am fully up to speed on the international accounting standard for Biological Assets, it's a day of proper work, which means I should have time to look on here!


I haven't seen Death In Paradise - but Danny John Jules; wasn't he Cat in Red Dwarf? That might make it difficult for me to appreciate....

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No problem. I quite like Kris Marshall, he was excellent in Merchant of Venice.

It's a 10x10 workshop shed with all my woodworking tools and a proper workbench, but ages ago I put a little cabinet I'm restoring in it (now standing in the middle of the floor holding up a protozoic photo plank), then I started using it for airbrushing, then Julie took the sanding station to France and when it went back it never got as far as the electric bench and so on. You know how it goes. It would probably only take a few minutes, but I've got to get the wood for a new top for the cabinet and sand the top of the bench, so I just procrastinate...

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Hope your day proceeds in an orderly and dignified fashion.

Ian, orderly often, dignified rarely...


What will you do about the gaps at the bottom of the doors? Over here my garage would have snow drifts inside during the winter (not to say wild critters)....?


Do we need the minutiae of day to day boring activities or am I particularly grumpy today? I could fill this site with my Wife and Daughter’s clothing buying activities etc., they (their purchasing activities) certainly bore me and I love the pair....


Best, Pete.

Edited by trisonic
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Orderly often, dignified rarely...


What will you do about the gaps at the bottom of the doors? Over here my garage would have snow drifts inside during the winter (not to say wild critters)....?



Little meeces will get in there as they do now. No big problem. The aperture has been open since the roof was rebuilt in 2006, the new garage being part of that, and its predecessor, a rather more ramshackle affair, never had a door either. This is the country, so furry things come and go, but at least all my tools won't be freely available for any would-be housebreaker in future.

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Look forward to inspecting the garage door next week!


A rather dreary day here. I have to admit that for once O/H has probably made the right decision by staying in bed, indulging in his main hobby - sleeping, that is!!

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