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Hedges duly trimmed yesterday - I was knackered when I finished!  I was hoping for a nice clear evening to take a picture of the hedge with the Isle of Man & Irish Sea in the background, but it was too hazy - could only just make out the IoM.  Back to work for a rest - still nice and sunny here though.

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Morning all, blue skies over Borough Market junction with some fluffy white clouds, the odd shower promised by the forecast. But as I will be on an accounting update course (yes, really) I won't be seeing any of it.


Good luck to Andy with the remainder of the move. Hope nothing untoard is revealed when you move the "big stuff". I still remember the embarassment we had to findf a washng machine which I'd paid to have plumbed in had been slowly leaking and that there was mould all over the wall. Yes, I know it is easy to plumb a washing machine in but it was awkwardly situated....I'd already plumbed one into that position before. I won't bother again, needless to say.


Spent 5 1/2 hours travelling for a 4 hour visit to the missus' grandma yesterday - still she was pleased to see her family. Traffic was OK on the way there but the M11 seemed to keep getting snarled up. Too much of it is 2 lane in my opinion. Back just in time to see the Dutch snatch 2 late goals.

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  • RMweb Premium

The saga of Gavin and the mouse part 2.


Daughter and friend arrived home and were told the saga.  I told them that Gavin must have eaten the mouse as he'd just come in without it.  They looked out of the window and shrieked that the said mouse was on the garden.  I looked out and there it was.  It looked very much alive and intact so I was despatched by the females to dispose of it.   I picked it up on a shovel and gently deposited it over the fence into the overgrown beer garden next door.   So it lives to frighten the girls another day.  Meanwhile Gavin has eaten his tea normally, hopefully avoiding the mess on the carpet. 



There is a good chance that the mouse will find its way back into the house, if it survives that is as it is not unusual for them to die from shock.

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  • RMweb Gold

Nice to see ERs is focusing of issues of real import. At one time we and the inlaws lived in adjacent bungalows they had a ginger cat called Tiger (I know full marks for originality!) MArion saw Tiger go through the cat flap with a large rat in his jaws. Went over and called out to Dad who was not in a good mood. The rat was not dead. Tiger had taken it indoors and released it in the bedroom and was playing catch with it under all the furniture.


I don't bother with Boot sales I seem to have enough half wanted stuff at home already.


We have moved from Devils Bridge via Dolaucothi Gold mines to Pembrey only saturday was wet so far.


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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Now that definitely put those instant barbeque efforts right in the shade - but it might need a blower to help get the charcoal started.


Bright and sunny outside so I think I will have to readjust the leaking previous readjustment to the readjusted and then altered gutter on the front of the garage; there is in sufficient bad language in all the options for bad language which I now to describe the blasted thing.  I keep wondering about bolting the various joints and keep deciding not to incase instead of simply coming apart it comes of the fascia board instead.


Ah well it's something to do on a sunny day.


Have a good one folks.

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Morning all,

Slightly cloudy but bright this morning in Porthleven. Quite a few of the fishing fleet went out early this morning with the tide peaking at around 7am - I've always found a working harbour to be interesting, perhaps due to several trips out of Maybole (near Ayr) in the drifter owned by my father's cousin when I was still a youngster.

Had mouse trouble in our garage a while back, losing several items of clothing which were of sentimental value (Jackets from Yamaha, Honda, Weslakes, Lotus, Uni gown, to name a few) which I had stored in the loft! In the absence of a feline pet, I put down poison contained in neat boxes which also act as 'coffins' for the poor beasts. Haven't had any evidence of their presence since!

Look forward to a bubbly tasting report tonight from Andy.

I really hope the garage door task goes well Ian. Perhaps you could let Debs know how much we miss her if you are a Farcebook member - I have particular interest in view of an absolutely lovely and supportive PM she sent me about my illness!

May the day be kind to you all, I'm off to lard up with after-sun (do I hear stupid s*d at his age anywhere?).

Kind regards,


PS Ian I was writing this as you applied your post!

Edited by Jock67B
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Late on parade.. apologies!  Sleep deficiency finally caught up with me and I am having a lazy day before more cricket this week. Youngest Herbert has moved back in... so he needs to get up and do some lawn mowing before his bar duties (fat chance of that methinks!)


So have a great Monday!


off to get hair cut, pick up tablets and do some weathering (hopefully) .. 



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I thought I'd grow some sunflowers this year to help supply the birds with seeds.

They are now in full bloom.

I think they are yellow but as they are over 8 feet high I can't be certain.


I gave up trying to grow sunflowers a long time ago after the ones the children started off from seed in flower pots and then planted out in the garden. Just as they were doing so well they were beheaded by slugs.  So what's your secret?  I guess you have an army of thrushes at hand to gobble up the slugs n snails.

Some people have all the luck.

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Just Daisies


I thought, I know!  I'll cut the grass!
Tried to start the trusty mower
It seemed reluctant, coughed and spluttered
Didn't want to go today

I paused and thought and looked about
A million Daisies smiled and nodded
Clean joyous faces, bright and wide
For whom my youngest child was named

Small honey bees paid courtly visits

Bowing, dipping all around
Then flying home their breeches laden
With all the booty they had found

I quietly put the mower back
I sat and paused with old Earl Grey
I watched the cycle of the flowers
The grass can wait another day

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Morning all. Just.

Been up for hours - it's a lovely day - on the phone for ages to O2 to get the clean iPhone repaired or replaced...

The bag of rice doesn't seem to have worked. Also - if you are ever in the same situation, put a bit of tape over the Lightning port before you introduce the phone to the Basmati. 'Cos that little slot is exactly the size and shape of a grain of rice. And if you weren't to notice that when you connect the phone to back it up you might well ram the rice in so tightly that you would need a dental probe to get it out again. Which could be tricky.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Far too nice a day here in this part of West Yorkshire to stay inside so I was out early to enjoy the sunshine.  And this was the view from the top of one of the surrounding hills earlier when I was out.




The clouds had gathered a bit on my way back, but isn't this one of the most evocative smells of Summer - newly cut grass?




Have a good day one and all.






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Finally a sunny day here at Parc Mayenne after some showery ones. Earlier it was foggy and cool so a lie in worked well, especially after the rude awakening on Sunday at 0330 by a call from our drunken son. A humble apology was made later in the day.



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I gave up trying to grow sunflowers a long time ago after the ones the children started off from seed in flower pots and then planted out in the garden. Just as they were doing so well they were beheaded by slugs.  So what's your secret?  I guess you have an army of thrushes at hand to gobble up the slugs n snails.

Some people have all the luck.

My other half uses crushed egg shells around plants to deter slugs & snails.  She washes the egg shells, than sticks them in the oven for a few minutes, then crushes them.  Apparently the slugs just dont like going over the rough shell!  She has put some around her courgettes this year and nothing has been touched (usually they get eaten very quickly).  Worth a try!

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So what's your secret?  I guess you have an army of thrushes at hand to gobble up the slugs n snails.


We have visiting hedgehogs which seem to help.

(Also sunflowers are in a huge container so maybe the slugs are just too lazy to climb the sides).

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We have visiting hedgehogs which seem to help.

(Also sunflowers are in a huge container so maybe the slugs are just too lazy to climb the sides).


You'd think so wouldn't you, but........  Knowing I was going to be away for a few days I put the 'new veg' containers up on the garden bench on large trays, each filled with gravel which I have found to work well as temporary water reserves.


When I came back yesterday 2 dozen had all been eaten by both slugs and snails.  They'd climbed the bench, negotiated along the slats, climbed the containers, traversed the water filled gravel, climbed the pots and scoffed the lot!         Basta&ds!


They only thing I have found really works on our allotment is using nematodes, watered onto the ground, but the drawback is you have to keep them moist for a few days.  They much more than decimate slugs and snails though.

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What a great place ERs  is - now we've even got a cat called Gavin! Never in all my days have I heard of anyone naming a cat Gavin! I just love it!

:lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol: 

Gavin the cat part 3.

Gavin is a very confused young man.  About 3 years ago our daughter was given a 'female' kitten which she christened 'Nessa' as she was a fan of Gavin and Stacey. A few weeks later she had to move out the house she was renting and she wasn't allowed pets.  We already had a 2 year old Moggy called Minnie.  Nessa duly moved in and Minnie decided she didn't like this ill mannered (in cat terms) thing and retreated upstairs. Minnie then came and went via the spare bedroom window and the shed roof for the next 3 months.  Meantime I took 'Nessa' to the vets for a check up.   Everything was fine and I was asked when I wanted her speyed.   I said, asap, so the vet checked 'her' over and said,  "I've got news for you it's a boy cat."   I therefore texted SWMBO and daughter to say "Nessa is now Gavin" and the name has stuck.  Gavin's sister was known as Stacey .    I also suggested to daughter that I hoped that the friend who had presented her with 'Nessa' was rather better at 'sexing' humans in night clubs than she was with felines.  Anyway the name Gavin has stuck but he went for the unkindest cut of all 2 weeks later.  


3 months later Gavin had calmed down and stopped climbing the curtains and Minne started coming further into the house.  After a few days of eating and drinking on the landing she ventured downstairs and one morning I put food down for them both in the same room and both ate.  A heavily armed neutrality broke out(Lots of razor sharp teeth and claws.) but Minnie is definitely the boss.  They now spend a lot of time together and I think they even hunt together.  I've seen them coming down the drive together sometimes.   Also if one of them gets themselves locked in a room the other will tell us.   Meantime Gavin has totally captured the heart of SWMBO and knows it.




edited for the numerous typos.

Edited by jamie92208
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Afternoon all. Weather's been a bit dodgy today as I rode into a brief t-storm on my way home. Collected a bag of artwork which my 6th graders designed and will now need to mark that till Thursday!

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Afternoon all.

I never got round to logging on earlier. We both overslept a bit and then I drove Aditi for a clinic appointment (so she didn't have to be concerned about driving round looking for a parking space) parked her car and walked home. She then went off to work. I've been printing off a few documents (insurance/medical etc) for Matthew. He is still covered by the travel insurance we get with our bank account. He isn't to go skiing and mustn't scuba dive in excess of 18metres depth. He said he definitely isn't going skiing again after his Canadian Christmas ski trip experience.


Dick, my phone is on an O2 contract but my insurance is with the above mentioned bank insurance. I lost my phone and it was replaced next day very efficiently.


Sunflowers: When we have grown them we haven't had them affected by slugs, they have probably thought eating the hostas was easier. Aditi has been rather annoyed about  slugs and doesn't include them in her trying to be kind to garden wildlife policy.





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Cheers Tony. I'm actually covered at least twice (bank, household and phone insurance) and it might have been less than the excess to have it repaired, but for the money I can't be bothered.

They are sending me a free SIM card, but my present one works in my old phone, so the inconvenience is minimal.


As I always find, once you get to speak to someone they are pleasant and helpful. It's negotiating the automated messages that drives me up the wall.

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