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  • RMweb Gold

'Empty the loft' - French boot sales. Much loved by Julie...

And of course much loved by the French. A car boot sale never did much for me in the UK - I think Deb and I did one as vendors, made £300, mostly before the public arrived, never bothered again. How much tat does one need to inspect in one lifetime?

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We go to one in the village of Bion when we can - it's almost entirely English.

Best thing about a good vide grenier is a grilled sausage or two. Sold by monsieur 'coupez mon propre gorge' Dibbleur.

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  • RMweb Gold

We used to do a few boot sales, as sellers. although it was mainly Mrs Stationmaster's venture.  Her most remarkable customer was david 'Screaming Lord' Sutch who was into buying badges of all sorts - and herself had a basket of the things so he quite enjoyed himself.  Mean while we got chatting to his wife who was moaning like stink that she kept going to boot sales to get rid of her husband's 'junk' but if he went with her he just kept on buying even more.

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  • RMweb Gold

she kept going to boot sales to get rid of her husband's 'junk' but if he went with her he just kept on buying even more.

There is a finite amount of tat in the world.

The purpose of car boot sales is to move it around.


Having said that, I went to a boot sale once and came away with a spare wheel and a jack.

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  • RMweb Premium

A great day so far dominated by the great mouse hunt.   Gavin (One of the cats) was seen paying great attention to the stairlift.  Two weeks ago I had to remove the rather smelly remains of a small rodent from inside it.  This week i ws instructed to get it searched by SWMBO and daughter.   No luck and Gavin went off elsewhere.  Got back from church to complaints from Daughter that Gavin had been paying further attention to the stairlift.   Again no joy though I did retrieve her cigarette lighter from part of the track.  Then whilst sitting quietly I noticed Gavin paying particular attention to the tangle of wires behind the TV.  Doors were shut and it was investigated.  No joy but Gavin emerged with a half alive mouse in his mouth.   It's impossible to take them off him so various doors were opened and he was ushered out with his parcel.  The cat flap has been locked and he is now on the lawn with his toy.  Hopefully he will kill it and tire of it soon so I can tell SWMBO that is has been safely disposed of.



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Lovely morning here 23 clear breezy and low humidity. The rain yesterday was significant, but not overwhelming, not sure if we've broken the all time record for June yet or not and still one day to go...


Have family "obligation" today, so no modelling <sigh>.

Attending a 90th. birthday party, taking MiL to one of her friends' celebrations. Whilst some of these things are simple affairs, the family in question apparently  like to do a "presentation" at these events (did the same for his 80th., though I didn't need to go then, Fil/Mil were under own steam back then), so apparently there will be a light liunch, followed by what looks to be about 2 hours of celebratory presentations by various family members - if they have a PowerPoint, I'm killing myself  :jester:  <sigh>.

As "chauffeurs" for Mil, even though Mrs has known this guy for years as he worked with my FiL for 40 years, we'll be rather bored by the end of it, but no exit strategy unfortunately :(

I was really looking forward to some modelling too, but completely forgot we had this event to attend - oh well...

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my ex father in law kept a small artificial Christmas tree in his loft, fully decorated. He brought it down each year for the festive period and then took it back up on 12th night.


Great idea. Unfortunately our artificial tree is so big that we can barely get it into the loft undecorated and broken down into two parts.

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A great day so far dominated by the great mouse hunt.   Gavin (One of the cats) was seen paying great attention to the stairlift.  Two weeks ago I had to remove the rather smelly remains of a small rodent from inside it.  This week i ws instructed to get it searched by SWMBO and daughter.   No luck and Gavin went off elsewhere.  Got back from church to complaints from Daughter that Gavin had been paying further attention to the stairlift.   Again no joy though I did retrieve her cigarette lighter from part of the track.  Then whilst sitting quietly I noticed Gavin paying particular attention to the tangle of wires behind the TV.  Doors were shut and it was investigated.  No joy but Gavin emerged with a half alive mouse in his mouth.   It's impossible to take them off him so various doors were opened and he was ushered out with his parcel.  The cat flap has been locked and he is now on the lawn with his toy.  Hopefully he will kill it and tire of it soon so I can tell SWMBO that is has been safely disposed of.




He will, of course, eat the mouse, feel ill, eat grass and then come in to vomit on the carpet/furniture. Doncha just luv'em?  :imsohappy:



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  • RMweb Premium

He will, of course, eat the mouse, feel ill, eat grass and then come in to vomit on the carpet/furniture. Doncha just luv'em?  :imsohappy:



The saga of Gavin and the mouse part 2.


Daughter and friend arrived home and were told the saga.  I told them that Gavin must have eaten the mouse as he'd just come in without it.  They looked out of the window and shrieked that the said mouse was on the garden.  I looked out and there it was.  It looked very much alive and intact so I was despatched by the females to dispose of it.   I picked it up on a shovel and gently deposited it over the fence into the overgrown beer garden next door.   So it lives to frighten the girls another day.  Meanwhile Gavin has eaten his tea normally, hopefully avoiding the mess on the carpet. 



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  • RMweb Premium

What was that about a BBC 1.png ?

Not a hint of sunshine all day yesterday until I saw this



and looked around to see this



That was the sum total of sunshine here.


Today, same place



Not a cloud in sight - except a few small fluffy ones around some distant mountains.

Well, what d'ya know?



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Sunday addendum.


Survived the west end. Met up with the ex and her new hubby for the offspring's sake. Far more tolerable after a 3 hour pub crawl prior to meeting up. Thank you Evil Twin brewing for saving my sanity. Sadly back to work in the morning. Hope to cast another dozen rock moulds over the course of the day.

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Good evening everyone. Firstly I am glad the funeral went well Bob.


Today has been another day of fetching and carrying with more trips to and from the new house interspersed with a trip to B and Q for curtain poles. Amazing how you can go in for one thing and come out with more - a very nice canvas beach scene which we liked has been purchased for our new bedroom wall. 


 One of the things that made it round was the exhibition layout - Skaleby West is now stashed away on the floor of bedroom three. Hopefully all will go well tomorrow. I will try and post in the evening, but that will involve coming back to use the internet at the bungalow as good old B.T can't transfer our broadband until July 9th.


Take care!

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Good evening from sunburnt Jock,

Been beautiful here in Porthleven topped with a lovely lunch in one of the four restaurants around the harbour - eating outside on the terrace!

Bob, glad it went better than expected.

Archie the Westie has settled in at the apartment : the trick is to take his cage from home. He travels well, retained in this and because it's his 'den', he has familiar surroundings wherever we go.

Glad to hear Neil and Debs are enjoying good weather and hopefully recovering from recent trials.

More sun promised here tomorrow so I'll have to lard up with sun-cream - don't need a torch at the moment with a nose this red!! I shall try and post again as the week goes by and I hope everyone enjoys it as much as I intend to,

Kind regards,


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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man ready for the garage door fitting day! Rain was very limited yesterday, just the odd shower and no thunder here, but today looks even nicer, so most suitable for Jon to do his stuff with oak, pine and galvanised tin.


Debs continues to post on Facebook, so may have an alternative access there somehow.


Hope your week goes easily and as planned.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all.


Did a couple of car-boots to help renovate the local pub.  Most of what was saleable had already been "removed" the last night of opening before the works.  Barely made enough to rent the pitch.   In all the events I've been to I have yet to see a car boot offered for sale.


Now onto business.




That is all.

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

The sun is trying to make an appearance and it should be a mainly dry day with the chance of an occasional shower later.

Busy day yesterday as I took the opportunity to clamber up the the scaffolding at the rear of the house and clean the conservatory roof. Definitely made it easier than usual but I'm now aching all over.

The scaffolders are due this morning to remove their gear. I won't hold my breath after their lack of punctuality last week!

The girls, (Chris,Nicki,Abbie & Gemma) are going shopping later (it's a school inset day) so looks like peace and quiet for GB who will once again be watching paint dry.

Have a good one,


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In all the events I've been to I have yet to see a car boot offered for sale.


Years ago, I saw a tailgate from a Mk1 Golf at a boot sale in Benfleet... does that count?

The sun is trying to shine here. Shhh. I'll say no more.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all.

A sunny start to the day here. 


Where did  the weekend go? 

On Friday we celebrated my mum's 90th and on Saturday we put in a couple of hours work tidying her garden. 

No time to catch up back pages, but hope you are all well and prospering. Sympathies if not.


Grabbed half an hour or so yesterday to start cutting out a sheet of MDF to create a turnaround on an incline for my layout, connecting the fiddle yard to the main scenic area. Not sure of the combination of curve tightness and incline, so this bit will be thoroughly tested before I commit to any other part of the layout. 

Next weekend is meant to be "free". Yeah, right. 

Have a nice day everyone. Andy

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Morning all!


 It is the day of the big move. Alarm was set for 6am as usual for a work day, but I woke an hour before that so I have now been up for three hours and have made another three trips with a loaded car. Just taking a break with a much needed cuppa before starting on load number four. I can't get the van until 10am so the big stuff is stuck here until late morning.


 I hope Monday is good to you all.

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