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Early Risers.


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Morning all. The cat decided to wake me up for her breakfast so I am an early riser today and suffering a little for it! My thoughts go out to Bob today.


 Weather is grey and damp today. Not exactly the best weather for the school's summer fete. I would normally be on the list of people who would be there helping to run it, but the house move has seen me released from duty this year. There is supposed to be a barbeque so Sarah and I plan to put in a fleeting appearance so we can contribute by buying a burger each.


 Both sets of parents are coming around this afternoon so we can shift more stuff to the new house. The plan is to load up the garage with all the garden and storage stuff today as well as taking the small items of furniture that will fit in the car. I must remember to take the tape measure so I can check the most important thing of all - model railway space!!!


Enjoy your Saturday - I am sure I will update later!

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all.


Thoughts with Bob and family today.  


Wild, wet, and woolly would describe the ongoing weather.  And I'm still taking evasive action to prevent a nasty incident with the dragon-in-law.  She hasn't indicated how long she's expecting to stay and I'm indicating my hope that it isn't much longer.


Safe weekend all.  See you anon.

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The only worry is that I paced out the small bedroom tonight and found that my measurements may be a little out. My layout, Skaleby, may not fit!!!! I will be back with tape measure tomorrow!!


You've only had the keys five minutes and you're already planning an extension, aren't you?  :)  Seriously, enjoy.

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Morning all.

Looks like a pleasant day, up early to get ready for a full day of political, so no discussing that!


Best wishes, Bob, hope it's positive rather than the opposite.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Quite bright at the moment but the forecast is for rain throughout the day.

I think I may be on tidying up duty today in preparation for family visiting us tomorrow.

My loco parcel is "out for delivery" which should be soon. The post van tends to be early on Saturdays.


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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


Was planning to go out photographing down around Felixstowe but the weather has put paid to that, not too bad this morning but heavy rain this afternoon which will no doubt be sunny now I've decided to cancel the trip - nothing of major importance anyway, I can get down there in an hour so it's always available to me - even in the evenings - so a lazy day keeping out of the bosses way today I think.


Hope the move goes well Andy and you have a great life in the new place.


Bob - hope it goes as well as these things do.


cheers all.

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  • RMweb Premium

Up at 7am with plans for a day out having had a favourable forecast.

Guess what?

It's raining.

All morning apparently.

Sunny this afternoon. Maybe that should carry one of these: ?


Yesterday evening went out at 4pm to do a shop before the expected rainfall at 6pm.

Yep, it was 2hours early.



Forecast for tomorrow is a BBC 1.png reaching 160.

That'll do.  :sungum:


Enjoy your day.



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Clear blue sky from horizon to horizon and 19C!

I watch the UK weather map each morning and note how often London'd Summer temperature equals my Winter temp!


A niece, her husband and kids spent two years in a suburb of Edinburgh. The cold didn't get to them but the gloom and lack of Sunlight did, They are back in Cape Town.


Good luck with the moving Andy. I am holding thumbs about the railway space..

I hope the funeral does not depress you Bob.

Understandably living in an Old Age home - 40 able residents and 20 in frail care, breakfast conversation often centres on the latest decease!


This building was built in the 1920 but has been upgraded since. I have two power points in my room and enough adaptors to have EIGHT items running off them. Obviously the fan and heater although both are pluggeg in permanently, only only one is operating at any one time. One of my neighbours has to  unplug one appliance before she can use her kettle or she blows all power to her room,


Enjoy the weekend folks. I hope the weather favours your day's activities.

Edited by DonBradley
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Morning all from a very spoiled Jock in Somerset. Onward drive to Cornwall this morning and it's already taken me ages to catch up on the thread so I must be brief.

Glad to hear it's finally happening Andy, after a bit of hard work you should be settled soon - enjoy the bubbly as you've all earned it!

Sad to hear of your task Bob. The 'grandad' bit in your avatar would suggest that you are not new to such events but they are never nice affairs - hope it passes as well as can be expected.

To everyone else, hope you have a good weekend and I'll probably look in tomorrow if I can sort out the WiFi in the apartment!

Kind regards,


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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


Overcast with a bit of blue here and there, and occasional sun. But showers forecast all day. Suitable for my MiL chat later!


First use of Viber, free phonecalls via the Internet, not great. I do not respond well to having the other person's voice distorted and interrupted by spurious noises and harmonics. So much for their claim of "better than a landline".


Funerals are dreary. You can only try to concentrate on all the good things the departed brought to you and others. I should have liked to be at one in Saxmundham a couple of years back - but at least I'd shaken his hand a couple of days before he died. The French one I attended a couple of months later was extra dreary, being outdoors in drizzle, as well as the deceased being only 45 and leaving three school-age-or-less children. Hope Bob copes. 


Also hope everyone elses's weekend going well.

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A niece, her husband and kids spent two years in a suburb of Edinburgh. The cold didn't get to them but the gloom and lack of Sunlight did, They are back in Cape Town.


You're right, DonBrad, many people here suffer from lack of vitamin D (sunlight) which may lead to MS and many other illnesses. Orkney has the highest incidence of MS in the world (you'd think it would be Shetland), and Scotland the highest incidence of Crohn's disease in the world.


It's the winters, really, they can be so gloomy - probably no coincidence that St Andrew's Day (30 Nov), Christmas, Hogmanay, and Burn's Night (25 Jan) are in deepest winter. Summers can be overcast, too, but not this one - we've had one or two great weeks this year already.


Onto happier things - Gabe (Mrs PO) has arranged a surprise footplate day for me at Bo'Ness and it's today. Woohoo!


Hope your day is as good as mine will be!



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Good morning all, 

Hope all goes well for Andy and Bob....stressful days for both.  Seems like the thunder & heavy rains are on their way here, I seem to get a headache before any thunder-storms nowadays.  


This mornings photo is another from my dear GF, believe it or not there is an eagle in that tree!  The local wild life people have put a web-cam in an adjacent tree so I have been (when the nets permitted) been watching the little ones grow up. 


Whatever you're up to today try to find something to smile at. 





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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Hope the day goes as well as can be expected for Bob and the rest of the family.  Andy will no doubt be interested in the moving out & in going on next door to us - those leaving filled 3 pantechnicons (plus a skip) and had a Transit van to deliver wrapping materials and extra boxes, the mover in had 3 x Transit van loads yesterday but a pantechnicon has arrived this morning, and appears to be too big to get through the gate; apparently the folk involved have swapped houses because both lots took a fancy to the other's house  and the lady who has just arrived next door informed Mrs Stationmaster that her husband lives just round the corner!


Laddo departs for Croatia today - seems to be fit enough and the medicos said it's ok (according to him) so fingers crossed that all goes well.  Nothing else planned so far but a trip to alton might be a possibility, maybe, perhsp ..


And as Mr Beast can't get to Felixstowe here's a pic for him - probably not what he had in mind ... :scratchhead:




PS The bacon sizzling alarm has just gone off, yummy

Edited by The Stationmaster
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  • RMweb Premium

Sounds very nasty.


Also just in via online sources : A30 "awash" at points between Camborne by-pass and Penzance especially bad on the approach to Hayle.  Images seen here show several inches of water (at least) over the entire road.


Not normally worth a special mention but it's Mazey Day in Penzance with half the population of Cornwall (and a fair few emmets) all trying to get there.  

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  • RMweb Gold

Apparently it's Glastonbury weekend. And black humour abounds. I particularly enjoyed the last para of this one.




And the penultimate para of this one, too.




Me? A killjoy? Whaddya mean?

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  • RMweb Premium

Glasto is on.  The punters will have the traditional mud bath to endure.  I'm told they have a love-hate relationship with that.  


In my days of commuting between Hayle and Manor Park (!!) I well remember being stopped out of course one Monday morning at Castle Cary.  The population of the up morning "suits" train was very unimpressed at being invaded by hundreds of muddy, sweaty and, quite frankly, smelly returnees from the aforesaid festival.  And their equally muddy etc tents / backpacks .....


At least they were all so tired they slept where they fell!

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  • RMweb Gold

Yes, I was on my way back from a walking weekend that included a trip on the West Somerset Railway, and I think we got invaded at Bath, which is something most hadn't been able to enjoy before catching the train....

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American electrical goods - the difference between 110v and 230v doesn't seem to be well understood. No2 son's wife visited the UK and tried to use her hairdryer on our mains. Melted.

Heard a story about a London Hi-fi exhibition some years ago which was attended by the maker of American high end speakers - the sort that cost thousands 15 years ago.


Their man came from the States and to demonstrate the quality and protection of the circuity within the cabinet proceeded to do what he did back home - connect the speaker input to the mains whilst describing the protection etc.


In London this demonstration resulted in smoke coming from the speaker. He then tried it on the other one in the stereo pair with an identical result.


He was extremely surprised to learn that UK voltage was 240v.



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What an interesting morning!


I have BT Infinity and I decide to order a new battery for my laptop - try to go to Amazon but "server not found". I tried a few other sites some were found others not.


So I run DNS lookup and some sites are not resolving. Just in case I swap my normal router for the BT spare I keep but there's still a problem.


Can't get to the BT site so I ring them. A wait of 20 -30 minutes to speak to an advisor is announced together with a phone number of their service announcements line, so I rang that. It seems they had a problem with DNS servers - now resolved!


So that wasted over an hour this morning, and now we've just had some thunder.


It's being so happy that keeps me going :yes:



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  • RMweb Gold

BT have apologised for the problems this morning. I too spent a bit of time scratting round until I realised the problem was with BT.

I suppose it's natural to suspect your end first rather than a problem at your supplier's end. 

You would think BT would have some resilience built in wouldn't you. 

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  • RMweb Gold

BT have apologised for the problems this morning. I too spent a bit of time scratting round until I realised the problem was with BT.

I suppose it's natural to suspect your end first rather than a problem at your supplier's end. 

You would think BT would have some resilience built in wouldn't you. 

Today i received yet another sales flyer from BT - judging by what I've read on RMweb of late I think they are probably best avoided so the sales flyer has gone in the reycling.


Second pantechnicon load has arrived next door - those moving seem to consist of a woman and one (or maybe two?) daughters, most odd.

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BT have apologised for the problems this morning. I too spent a bit of time scratting round until I realised the problem was with BT.

I suppose it's natural to suspect your end first rather than a problem at your supplier's end. 

You would think BT would have some resilience built in wouldn't you. 


Yeah, I noticed something was up around 10am. RMWeb fine, ebay not available. A quick web search for "ebay service status" revealed BT to be the culprit. I don't often buy on ebay, but I had my eye on a Spanish N gauge train-related auction item that was ending shortly. Eventually when I managed to get back onto ebay, the item had less than a minute to go and I got it for a rock-bottom price. They usually go for stupid amounts of money! I like to think that everybody else who was planning to bid weren't able to thanks to BT. Unlikely, but who knows? Chuffed anyway.

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