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I put one of those little balls of stainless steel wire in ours. It might have worked, I don't know, because soon after it disappeared. Now I know that SS doesn't dissolve (at least not in anything you'd make tea in) and I hadn't chucked it away, so suspicion fell on Julie. She denied everything, so it remains a mystery to this day.


Like so much in my life.


Currently trying out the vacuum from my workshop to hoover up the tiny seed things from next door's decorative cherry tree. It isn't going particularly well.

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Neither did the b****y hospital :O

Next time they forget the leadlined jockstrap (actually more of an apron than a jockstrap, to be exact), ask them what you should do in the event of ionising-radiation induced mutagenesis of your gametic cells. If no, then ask them what you should do with the resulting 12 fingered offspring....

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Sounds like our cat.  If the weather isn't to his liking when he puts his nose out of the back door flap he'll go to the front door and ask to be let out there instead ......... 


Sounds like every cat i've ever known. In fairness though there was one occasion where it was raining outside the back door but not outside the front door. Cue one very smug cat.

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  • RMweb Gold

I use Oust which is very effective at descaling. 

Yes it is, which is why I use it for my eczema. :O


The Obergrumpenfuhrer is still lying in bed.  She has a cold, and when she gets a cold it is a gazillion times worse that a bout on man flu.


I therefore remain shackled to the computer in the office across the landing in case she needs to summon me for any urgent or nor urgent task.


Of course it is not all bad news!


I saw the ophthalmologist on Tuesday afternoon, who was pleased to tell me that he was going to take me off light duties, and that I could now use power tools that have a high incidence of vibration.  I celebrated by strimming the sides of the ditch outside out house and playing with my long lost friend the vacuum cleaner.  However, I haven't passed that into ont''er in bed just yet. :jester: .


What did stun me was his suggestion that he had been through my notes and found that I was being seen by three different eye specialists, and he would be taking over all responsibility for such!  His reasoning was it would mean I only had to go to the eye department once on an annual basis, which would cut down on appointments, my time spent waiting, and three consultants getting tied up for appointments which could all be dealt with in one session (only checks).


The NHS using joined up thinking...That must be a first!


The weather here is best described as damp, veering moist later, so it will be difficult to get the dog out (She is currently duty trip hazard at the top of the stairs).


My commiserations to Neil on joining the ranks of the retired.  If you think you had no spare time then, just wait until you get back off your hols!


The stories you hear that retirement  gives you any spare time are total myths.


Nurse's hat on.............duty calls

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My unstructured day soon became more structured. Phone call from doctor's to discuss yesterdays blood test results, and would I like an appointment this morning. I answered affirmatively. My thyroid results aren't as outside "normal" as my parathyroid and the GP said we can see what the endocrinology consultant says before taking further action.


Luggage labels arrived for our cruise (August) this morning. Only six provided, how will Aditi cope? Matthew has started his packing for Tuesday's flight to Melbourne. It will be 28C during his 12 hour stopover in Singapore so he is planning his carry-on packing for that and for whatever awaits in Melbourne on Wednesday (waterproof clothing I suspect).


I also have a shopping list. Aditi's Mum, sister, various nephews etc are arriving on Sunday for lunch. I have to buy a salmon. Perhaps I could barbecue it!

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  • RMweb Premium

One of the BBC forecasts was right - the rain has arrived.


Same here.  With high winds again.




Have to descale the kettle today.


Speaking of which .....



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Next time they forget the leadlined jockstrap (actually more of an apron than a jockstrap, to be exact), ask them what you should do in the event of ionising-radiation induced mutagenesis of your gametic cells. If no, then ask them what you should do with the resulting 12 fingered offspring....

This reminds me of a cricket match I played in in the 1980s in the North Lancs League.  One of our batsman went to hook a short-pitched ball and missed, so got hit on the head (no helmets in those days!).  When he got to his feet rather groggily, the opposition captain held his hand up and asked how many fingers the injured batsman could see.  After a short while, he replied - "Six", to which the opposition captain said "He's OK!" - he actually had 5 fingers and his thumb.  The rest of us fell about laughing at the 'trick' he had just played on our batsman.

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Still rainy here! The weekend forecast is clear.


Happy Birthday Ian Abel!


Congratulations Andy on the succesful Sports week and GOOD LUCK with the move!

Hey Don, thanks but mine was back in March ;) It was the Mrs birthday yesterday, my post wasn't as clear as it should have been, then again neither is my mind! :jester:

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  • RMweb Gold

Next door have more or less finished moving out, I think.  Some moving in is also taking place - two Transit van loads, maybe their furniture is coming tomorrow  :scratchhead:  


This morning's big mistake was to go to Waitrose in Reading   we would have had major difficulty parking here, which wasn't a problem there.  But, and Don will understand this, there area set of temporary, 3 way, traffic lights at the junction of Prospect St and Church St in Caversham with massive queues of traffic stretching back from them in all directions - must have turned into real fun by this afternoon.  Howver worry not - an excellent cauliflower and some grated cheese were secured for tomorrow.


PS thanks for asking about 'demic' Ed - I chucked it in expecting someone to be brave enough to ask.

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So reporting in - yesterday evening for Mrs birthday first;

1) Survived mess of traffic driving to ST. Paul for dinner because of the Pres. wandering around all over town and preceeded by road closures everywhere - according to some call-in folks on the news, they closed one of the freeways outbound from the cities during rush-hour for 45 mintues - certainly didn't endear the Pres. to "those folks"! :butcher:

2) Had a great meal in the Greek restaurant that now adorns the Union Depot ticketing hall, they've done a wonderful job renovating and preserving it (I SHOULD have some pictures I know!)

3) Took pictures below from the windows at the END of the station departure hall - this is a better view of the water issue than from the webcam - River was due to crest last evening about 9PM, we were there at 7PM






4) The St. Paul downtown Jazz Festival started yesterday, one reason to eat/walk around downtown - we hung out at the park a while, music was excellent...



Today - ah yes, more diabolical traffic issues guaranteed as the Pres. is staying about 1 mile from us and doing an open-air forum about 1.5 miles from us at a lakeside band shell. Local highway and roads to be closed for a few hours - good thing I'm staying in and working...


We're at 22 now and mostly cloudy heading for totally overcast and thunderstorms rolling in overnight for much of the weekend - predicted 1-2 inches of rain or more, wish that Ark would arrive! :help:


Have a great start to the weekend - POETS day felicitations to all





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  • RMweb Gold


Luggage labels arrived for our cruise (August) this morning. Only six provided, how will Aditi cope? 

Work on the principle that if it's got her label on it she has to carry it!


So that's 6 for Aditi, plus your two carry on plastic shapping bags.

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...Work on the principle that if it's got her label on it she has to carry it!...

Richard - that gave me a laugh,

  Have you ever tried this... "SUCCESSFULLY"... not sure I'd have the intestinal fortutude to try and implement that sort of approach.

I'd be WEARING most of the luggage I'm sure, moments after explaining that methodology! :scared:  :O  :butcher:

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I'm amazed we ever got to Canada by air without incurring extra charges. As for our motoring holidays Aditi was very interested in the Freelander's load carrying capacity. One thing I like about it is although it isn't exactly the liveliest vehicle from a standing start it doesn't seem too bothered with a full payload. The nice thing about a cruise starting from Southampton is that you drive up to the terminal, a chap takes your luggage and someone else drives your car away. Your luggage then reappears while you are settling in to the cabin.

i have had to do a bit more shopping for the holiday. Being basically scruffy I needed some more stuff for the dress code that didn't exist on our last cruise. That was either "black tie formal" (5 nights) or casual for the remainder. This one is 4 nights black tie, 5 nights "jacket required" and the remainder casual. I needed something more for the jacket required so decided the Portillo look would suffice. Aditi said I wasn't old enough for a pink jacket so got a blue one. Various people have told me that I look very smart in formal clothing but it isn't my normal appearance.



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Afternoon all, not a lot happening here weatherwise. I should have mentioned earlier that I was chatting to Stewart (45156) earlier this week when Lily was taking him for a walk. Just in case anyone was wondering if he was well; he said he had a lot of other computer time ongoing at the moment but doubtless he will be back here in due course. Lily has fine smooth hair and a wet nose. Not sure about Stewart, I didn't check.  

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well it had to happen.. second cricket match of the week rained off.... managed to get 75% of it finished before the mizzle restarted...Pah!!!


Still gives me time to catch up with everything else I should have done today...off for a late afternoon nap!



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  • RMweb Gold

I'm amazed we ever got to Canada by air without incurring extra charges. As for our motoring holidays Aditi was very interested in the Freelander's load carrying capacity. One thing I like about it is although it isn't exactly the liveliest vehicle from a standing start it doesn't seem too bothered with a full payload. The nice thing about a cruise starting from Southampton is that you drive up to the terminal, a chap takes your luggage and someone else drives your car away. Your luggage then reappears while you are settling in to the cabin.

i have had to do a bit more shopping for the holiday. Being basically scruffy I needed some more stuff for the dress code that didn't exist on our last cruise. That was either "black tie formal" (5 nights) or casual for the remainder. This one is 4 nights black tie, 5 nights "jacket required" and the remainder casual. I needed something more for the jacket required so decided the Portillo look would suffice. Aditi said I wasn't old enough for a pink jacket so got a blue one. Various people have told me that I look very smart in formal clothing but it isn't my normal appearance.



So you'll be getting some pink trousers then Tony - very much de rigeur for a life on the briny I noticed on our recent trip (not that I had any in pink. my wife won't let - or rather she wouldn't stop laughing if I did wear some.


As for holiday packing we took two suitcases for week and I had to take a separate bag for the photographic gear I couldn't get into my suitcase  :O   And to think that when I did my European 'grand tour' back in 2003 I took 3 of everything - except trousers - plus two cameras and various other odds & ends and got the whole lot into Ryanair cabin baggage (hotel hair dryers are excellent for drying shirts ;) ).

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Back from Wickes with plaster and plasterboard. I knew I needed at least two trolleys due to the combined weight. On the first trip to the checkout, the cashier wouldn't take my "Save 10% when you spend £75 or more in a single transaction" voucher. Fair enough. Plaster and plasterboard is cheap and the bill for the first trolley was only £60 or so. I said I'd get another trolley and come back to pay for everything when I'd finished. That didn't go down too well with the cashier. "You can't leave that trolley there!" said he. "Where would you like me to leave it?" said I. After much headscratching, his eventual informed reply was "I dunno, but you can't leave it there!"...

Anyway, to cut a long story short, I ended up with 4 trolleys completely blocking Customer Services and two of the paint aisles. Nobody at Wickes had a sense of humour today...

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Coffee with Sheena went well. When I arrived I found her in the lane, cutting the grass verge - with a real scythe. It looked new-ish, but was deffo the genuine Grim Reaper type. Greenies do it differently. Builder Jon was there fitting her new shutters, which will add to the visual impact of a not-very-pretty property. I'm not sure it will sell very quickly - nothing else seems to be moving around here.


Jon has just delivered 3 pieces of timber. 260 cm long,12 cm square - and they do weigh a bit, being oak. £25 each seemed a good price to me. They will be the intermediate uprights for the garage door, which we hope to erect Monday.


Managed a good strim today, following mowing earlier this week, so things are a bit tidier. We had another downpour, with a few claps of thunder, earlier this afternoon, which sent me back indoors, but then the sun reappeared and strimming was on again.


It's a good thing Sherry has had her lifetime's fill of cruises. The prospect of having to dress formally on holiday is implausible. Why do people pay good money do it?

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  • RMweb Premium

I put one of those little balls of stainless steel wire in ours. It might have worked, I don't know, because soon after it disappeared. Now I know that SS doesn't dissolve (at least not in anything you'd make tea in) and I hadn't chucked it away, so suspicion fell on Julie. She denied everything, so it remains a mystery to this day.


Like so much in my life.


Currently trying out the vacuum from my workshop to hoover up the tiny seed things from next door's decorative cherry tree. It isn't going particularly well.

My grandmother tried one of those but it was not much use. As I said above Oust is the most effective way of getting rid of limescale. Its main constituent is formic acid, what you find in nettle stings and ants.

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