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  • RMweb Gold

All the very best for the MRI iD - I regarded it as being in an oil drum with blokes hitting the outside with 2lb lump hammers; maybe the Swiss ones are more powerful or they just have bigger hammers.  Not an experience to be envied.


One of the more interesting investigations I had some years ago was a lung scan - they inject a nice little radio isotope into your arm and then watch a screen (and record it I presume) to see what happens when it gets into the lungs, just like watching one of those starry screensavers that were around years ago and the more 'stars' there are the smaller and more broken up are the blood clots.  I obviously asked if the radioactive bit was safe and was told not to worry as it had a very short half life of only a few hours - so iIthen asked why it had been given to me in a lead shielded syringe, didn't get a sensible answer to that bit.

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  • RMweb Premium

Box junction.  Do not enter box unless your exit is clear.  Great idea in theory.




Safe motoring - great idea in theory.  It relies upon all the others being equally safe.  It doesn't allow for the natural vagaries of human nature.


I regret to report I was not an ER today.  Slept in by 2 hours on account I needed t speak with the dentist as soon as they opened.  Done that, now on the way for a delayed start at the Palace of Attendance.  Tooth-mining to occur next Tuesday.


Thank you for calling ER - we hope you enjoy your day.

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MRIs are painless, but unpleasant. It is, without much exaggeration, akin to being in a large metal dustbin as big muscular men hit the bin with large and heavy sledgehammers. What fun!




My local hospital tried to alleviate the unpleasantness by playing me some recorded music. Unfortunately, it was performed by what Mrs bb used to describe as "A gob on legs". I told the charge nurse that, unless he had something by Motorhead up his sleeve, I'd rather listen to the gentlemen with the sledgehammers.

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Evening all,


Mike and Ian as well as others have said it all Neil, but we have been thinking of you today. Looked like a nice lunch. Hope the appointment for Debs wasn't anything too serious?


iD, hope this noisy scan produces some answers for you. I've had six CT scans to date as well as one 'nuclear' one after which I was advised not to cuddle new great granddaughter! Kids were disappointed when I failed to glow in the dark. The worst thing about the CT scan is the feeling as they pump the dye into you while you traverse back and forward through the ring. I was of course fascinated by the engineering but now have to wait until July 10th for my next oncology appointment when I'll get the results.


Ed, I regret that Archie had the operation after one breeding session. This was on vets advice as the breed is prone to testicular cancer. In any case, he'd need a step ladder in view of the difference in height to a lady pointer!


What is happening to the world's weather? Floods like Ian is experiencing in the USA, blizzards over large areas of Australia!


Spot the mistake, going to Somerset just as 'Glastonbury' is kicking off! Still, it will be quiet on the way back. Half the packing done but I'm in no rush to leave in the morning as I hope to avoid rush-hour on the M25 and be clear of Bristol before tea time!


Kind regards,


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“How English words are "bent out of shape” by American youth # CCCLXXVIII.


If you recall the last word quoted was “conversating” used on me by a charming young lady in the Bronx.

This new one was overheard on TV:


“It was like, TOTALLY TRAGECAL!!!!” Needless to say this was another teenage girl, they seem to have the most imagination.




Jock, It’s been dry here for a week. Perfectly normal (maybe a little lower) temperatures for this time of the year. It did reach 90f today but I’m not complaining...



Best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Premium

Multiple MRIs here over recent years.  Not especially unplesant as medical procedures go but not everyone is comfortable being driven into a somewhat noisy metal tube.  The PET scan was rather nicer - I was given the option to bring in my own choice of CD to listen to and the procedure is also much quiter.


Amazing what they can do now with these machines.

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Blue sky with some cloud but the sun is shining and another fine day is forecast.

Looks like I will be mainly watching paint dry today (and making tea) as decorating proceeds. The rear of the house has been completely transformed and it appears that that part will be finished today.

Apart from that a trip to Messrs Sainsbury is scheduled to collect Chris , "assist" with the shopping and fill the car up with petrol. What an exciting prospect that is!

Modelling has taken a back seat over the last couple of weeks so I ought to do something about that. (Thinking about ordering APTs doesn't really count does it? Still unsure about it because it will look completely out of place amongst my mainly steam set up)

The two younger grandchilden were here yesterday evening as their parents were at the school to see Abbie collect two awards.  One of these was "For being a mature, polite and driven young lady who is a real asset to the tutor group".

Saying that I'm proud of her doesn't really seem enough - absolutely chuffed to bits! :imsohappy:  :yes: 

Have a good one,


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Good morning all,  no sunrise this morning, looks like a grey day ...but that could change!  To much work last night to do any modeling, never mind though , two more sleeps and it's the week-end! 



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Morning all. Another day, another pallet of plasterboard delivered by Travis Perkins... I am getting heartily sick of the sight of the stuff! Spent most of yesterday plasterboarding the ceiling of the largest room in the house. Just me and a couple of adjustable props. To make things harder, the entire house must have been built before the invention of spirit levels and set squares. There's not a 90 degree corner anywhere and everything seems to slope a little. I'm unsure if this is a home or a funfair "crazy house"... No plasterboarding today, to say I ache would be like saying some of the Queen's outfits are a little on the bright side...

News from absentee wife... consultant says she can come home tomorrow subject to the results of one final test that took place yesterday. Her mobility is a little worse but should get back to the way it was in time and her memory has taken a bit of a hit which is cause for concern as that may be permanent. All in all, June has been a cr*p month and the sooner it's over, the better. I think we all need a holiday! Pete.


Edit: Andyram... if the van you've hired has a tail-lift, watch your feet. Whilst stood on the lift, I managed to get my foot stuck between the lift and the lower edge of the load area a few years ago. It kinda hurt.

Edited by Pete 75C
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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all, a bit of a dull start to the day but I hope it will warm up later. The kittens are doing well, last nights visit to the vets was not cheap, as kittens are curious they were spying on everyone from their crate. A bulldog came in and they seemed quite excited perhaps confusiing it with the pug they knew at home. They also continue to make me laugh at their antics and ten minutes with a toy mouse on elastic is just silly. Hope everyone has a good day and Neil hope you get to sleep in.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Very pleasant here.

I'll be off to the doctor's in a few minutes to "discuss" my latest blood-test results.

Other than that I suppose a  day of walking dog, running washing machine and assisting Matthew with any preparation for his journey to Melbourne next week. Not that he seems to need much help though he did appreciate the lift to Tesco yesterday to get Australian currency.



Edited by Tony_S
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Other than that I suppose a  day of walking dog, running washing machine and assisting Matthew with any preparation for his journey to Melbourne next week. Not that he seems to need much help though he did appreciate the lift to Tesco yesterday to get Australian currency.



That will be some cans of Fosters then!


Dull here today, same as yesterday.  Hopefully it will improve.

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Modelling has taken a back seat over the last couple of weeks so I ought to do something about that. (Thinking about ordering APTs doesn't really count does it? Still unsure about it because it will look completely out of place amongst my mainly steam set up)


Go on... you know you want to! :yes:

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Yesterday's forecast rain arrived sometime around midnight last night. Well that's when I heard it. Today has dawned mostly cloudy with rain promised. Max forecast 16C which those who have read my previous drivel know I consider to be cold!

Good luck Neil, Enjoy your holiday break.

Good luck with your travels Jock. May you see lots of trains.

Rain forecast again for tomorrow but a clear weekend is promised.

I see BoD has started the day but nothing from DD yet

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Morning from the view over Borough Market Junction - hazy cloud today.


Looking at old maps it is amazing how much the area has changed - our office is named after the wharf that was here - Cottons Wharf - and Hays Galleria is of course just along the road. Next to London Bridge is the original site of St Olave's School (as in the SR V Class) now in Orpington and there was a brewery nearby too. And it is still changing with the demoluition of Southwark Towers, the building of the Shard the London Bridge Quarter building, the expansion of More London and the strange shaped building that houses the London Assembly, and of course the London Bridge redevelopment itself. Watching the new viaduct over Borough Market go in has been a distraction from work, and welcome too!

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Morning all. My new weathered Dukedog arrived yesterday, but I've got nothing to run it on at the mo'. Jock, Alfie (my Alsation) was "done" when I got him from the rescue centre, but still gets stiffies. I'm no biologist but I didn't think that coul happen. The vet told me it would also calm him down, so God knows what he'd have been like if left "intact".


Where is Debs when you need her?



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.



Good to see minimalism is alive and well on ERs. OTOH Mick B sounds positively chirpy by his standards! Great to know Mrs Lifeboatman will be liberated soon. Condolences to those suffering this particular round of implausible weather in either hemisphere.


A cloudy start, and showers threatened, stormy this afternoon, maybe. That said we have a lot of blue sky right now. Alison has arrived for part 1 of her working day, as she needs to collect the other two boys from skool at lunchtime. Spotty Sammy (5) is successfully distracting mummy from her housework - as if that were difficult. Sigh.


Yesterday tailed off a bit, as I struggled with something called Viber, which I have been under pressure to install for some time. It has menacing links to social networking, and would require me to make use of my so-called Smartphone. I think they look smart but are otherwise generally pants, frankly. I do a lot better with clicky keys, TVM.


Another software event was an update for Realplayer, which now has a "cloud" version. Perhaps one of the IT-savvy ERs could tell me where this term came from and what it means? Photoshop is now a cloud-based application, I believe, and was offline for some hours recently with cataclysmic results for those who rely on it for a living, so resilience isn't built-in as a result of cloud status. More marketing bobbins, perhaps.


Hope your week sliding past nicely.

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  • RMweb Gold
Another software event was an update for Realplayer, which now has a "cloud" version. Perhaps one of the IT-savvy ERs could tell me where this term came from and what it means? Photoshop is now a cloud-based application, I believe, and was offline for some hours recently with cataclysmic results for those who rely on it for a living, so resilience isn't built-in as a result of cloud status. More marketing bobbins, perhaps.



"Cloud based" because if you don't pay the on going subscription your data and applications drift off over the horizon never to be seen again.

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  • RMweb Gold


I obviously asked if the radioactive bit was safe and was told not to worry as it had a very short half life of only a few hours - so iIthen asked why it had been given to me in a lead shielded syringe, didn't get a sensible answer to that bit.


Easy ... you only have the one dose which decays to nothing quickly, the staff would be repeatedly exposed to this making it an unsafe dose and doing untold damage to bone and tissue structures.


In my 9 years working as a nuke I get "dosed" once (over exposed and had to be monitored for a couple of days) but my nastiest experience was with Hydrofluoric acid - a very unpleasant chemical, this required my hand to be scrubbed and then held under running water for several hours - for several days. However the nurse doing the scrubbing was the site belle so it wasn't too arduous.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


A glorious morning, apparently the last for several days as heavy rain arrives tomorrow for a few days, and the birds have been fed and watered so they are happily squabbling away (a squab of course is a young pigeon, how blue tits squabble is one of those wonders of nature I guess)


Here's a young starling getting breakfast this morning.




Have a good day all.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Plenty of grey clouds round here over recent days but the rain isn't promised until tonight.  As far as computing 'clouds' are concerned I think they can keep them - NR have discovered them to be a ruddy menace, probably not helped by theirs (one of theirs?) apparently being based in Didcot, where I thought the clouds would disperse once the power station closed.  Whoever conjured up the name 'cloud' for stuff based on remote servers must have been a marketing 'genius' who doesn't understand weather forecasting, or maybe he worked for 'the security folk'?


Anyway back to earth - with a lawnmower probably as the grass needs cutting and at least the lawn had better be done before the rain arrives to make it grow even longer.


Have a good day one & all.

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