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Early Risers.


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  • RMweb Premium

Evening all.


Trip to Jesmond and back in a luxury coach was nice, as was the cricket match, colleague and food courtesy of the Royal grammar School Newcastle.


Off to Macclesfield tomorrow - so it will be another late on parade ...many apologies




PS as today has been our 35th Wedding Anniversary we took ourselves out last night for a very nice meal...

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Evening all,

Barry, 35years is a great achievement, well done and thanks for the excuse to take an extra nip of the night-cap! Hearty congratulations.


Mike, thanks for the comment from the Lifeboat House - we were in Porthleven last May and I had just been diagnosed with the 'nasties', not very fit at all as the pain control still hadn't been sorted. It was with a heavy heart that we left Cornwall then, assuming that it would be for the last time. Amazingly the chemo treatment and pain control have made me feel much better a year or more on, and with eldest daughter living in Somerset at the moment, we can break the journey with a few days r&r in both directions! So we're off on Thursday and really looking forward to it. I lived in the county for over 4 years at the end of the 70's and loved it, in addition, we went there on our honeymoon over 25 years ago (2nd timer!) and Joanna was also smitten. Although this is likely to be my last trip, what a bonus!! Hope you and the good lady enjoy it as much as us, and on that subject, is she getting back to full fitness after her recent scare?


Desperately sorry to hear about Debs distress, she sent me a PM when she heard of my illness and it was beautifully phrased - just like the friendly/supportive rating was devised to describe her! DD, perhaps you could enlighten me further in a PM?


More dramas in preparation for our trip from Joanna the champion worrier, something to look forward to in the morning!


Hope your Tuesday brings all you expect,

Kind regards,


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Two TV programmes tonight have left me angry, although I'm not really sure who or what I am angry about!  One was about large families on benefits, and the other about the Police in Sheffield. I know there is an off switch, but I found them both compelling if disturbing viewing.

It's all down to the Virgins you know!


'night all



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  • RMweb Premium

Belated Anniversary to you and Mrs. Baz!!!!!


Best, Pete.


Same from me, Barry!


Morning all. No regular classes today because the 10th graders will be presenting their research papers today. Should be interesting, going by the topic overview!

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Many congratulations to Baz & Mrs  B.

Blue sky & sunshine here and it looks like being another nice day.

I hope so because today is DEH (Decorating Exterior of the House)  day and from 7.30 AM I'm expecting scaffolders, pebbledashers & painters.

I just hope that they arrive in the right order as promised!

Have delivered Chris to work for her first day back after our short holiday. She wasn't looking forward to it until she realised that at least she won't be here for a few hours while all Hell breaks loose work commences.

Have a good one,


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Good morning  all,  looks like I've got another two days of travel like yesterday....but didn't some one once say "variety is the spice of life"? 


Have a good and enjoyable holiday Jock,  


Lets try and survive whatever life throws at us today? 



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Not normally being an early riser, I'm more familiar with the marvellous sunsets over the Peak that I enjoy from my westward-facing windows than I am the dawn skies. However, I was glad this morning, the 700th anniversary of the decisive second day of the Battle of Bannockburn*, to catch this dramatic skyscape, with a couple of con trails adding a saltire.


*Ignoring the ten-day discrepancy between the Julian and Gregorian calendars!



Edited by bluebottle
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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

It seems as if it is forecast to be a rather pleasant morning and then rain this afternoon.

Aditi is off to work. She won't be home in time to watch the England football match as she will be giving assessment feedback to some lecturers who only teach in the evenings. I suspect the England cricket match may not linger for long today.

Matthew is going up to London to look round the area he will be living and studying in from September.

I really don't have any plans for today but strimming things in the garden has been suggested as an activity.


Edited by Tony_S
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The catering Dept completely ignored Mother's and Father's day, but yesterday put on a special meal to celebrate both;

Braised steak, baked potato, bacon, fried egg and mushrooms. Dessert comprise apple crumble, fresh fruit salad and cream and chocolate ice cream, followed by the usual coffee or tea. 

My enquiry was "When is Bachelor's Day?"


When my computer crashed a month or so ago I feared that it was terminal, but Tim assured me that a cheap replacement was easily obtainable,. As it happened the innards were even more cheaply (free) fixable.

I hope Debs is soon able to reconnect. I miss news of the collies! :sarcastichand:

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  • RMweb Gold

Talking of contrails, when I went to North Weald on Sunday I noticed a large number of contrails over the site, no doubt due to the proximity of Stanstead. 

Not so much Stanstead but a large conglomeration of air routes at various levels plus (although it won't produce contrails) it's on the edge of a 'stacking' area for LHR and taht can mean an aircraft every couple of minutes at busy times (just like we get here but we get them both sides as they turn at different times to meet separation criteria.  Have a look on here - you can adjust the scale and area covered by usual cursor drag actions, can be quite interesting at times -



And good morning all,


It ain't 'arf 'ot here - especially walking back up the hill after taking his lordship's motor vehicle in for investigation of the brake squeal.  Ah well, mustn't complain or it might start raining - and boy do the garden and water butts need that.  No orders yet for today - no doubt some wiil be given at some time.


Have a good day one & all.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


Bright and sunny again.


Off to the dentist this morning, completing last month's work with a permanent filling. I have to pay but get most of it back anyway.


Alison just arrived to do some gardening. Has son with chicken pox in tow. Joy!


Hope your day goes ok!

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  • RMweb Gold

 and from 7.30 AM I'm expecting scaffolders, pebbledashers & painters.

I just hope that they arrive in the right order as promised!



So far not so good!

Painter arrived as promised but scaffolders nowhere to be seen. When phoned by a very irate painter they "will be here in a couple of hours or so".

Not a good start!

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It ain't 'arf 'ot here - especially walking back up the hill after taking his lordship's motor vehicle in for investigation of the brake squeal.  

There are those who pay good money for a DCC sound fitted loco just to get some brake squeal.


Getting on my bike now........Yes I really am!

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morning from Borough Market Junction, sunny and hazy cloud.


Bad day at the office yesterday, not personally, but we've uncovered three big problems with the tax charge, which means we won't be achieving our targets come year end. Today might be a bit better, but it depends on how nuch progress I make on "improving" (re-writing) the work produced by the guy who works for me. Ideally I'd give it back with constructive comments on how to improve it. But I've run out of time to do that so he'll have to try to learn from what I've done. In some ways his work reminds me of my 11 year old's homework - he's produced level 6 work but rather than coming up with the bare minimum, he ought to be producing something much better as he has the ability and the knowledge to do so.


Sorry to all those teachers for importing education language!


And congratulations to Barry on the wedding anniversary

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Ye Gods, the thought of The Stationmaster, Grandadbob, Happy Hippo, Tony S etc etc, all in pink flounces.




I see what you mean. Perhaps purple would suit them better?

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  • RMweb Gold
 Sadly there has been no progress on the house front with all those who need to be doing their jobs uncontactable (is that a word) today. Things degenerated when I got home and checked RMWeb and found more negative comments aimed at me on the Great Central exhibition thread. Apparently I am now negative and aggressive! This has left me very angry and considering whether I should bother posting on some parts of this site in the future. What is the point if you can't post a constructive piece of criticism alongside plenty of praise?? Has the Nanny state come to RMWeb?


Andy, don't take it too badly, and trust me, this is amateur stuff, try telling a certain club that they've got their the signalling wrong on their layout ...

You've said your piece, leave them to it now, people only read the bits they want to argue with, that's human nature.



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  • RMweb Gold

I see what you mean. Perhaps purple would suit them better?

Yes, far more regal.  BTW I believe it's traditional for the bride to provide the outfits for the, ahmm, 'bridesmaids - will you be contacting us to discuss material samples etc?


Runs, ducking for cover, and d*mn these heels are a right nuisance ...

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all.  Actually evening here and after a spectacularly wild day.


While many are enjoying the warmth of summer and even Googling strange German words here we had a real wintry blast.  Winds gusting around 85mph, temperatures down to zero and a "feels like" in the wind of as low as -15C.  A decent amount of rain driven in by the wind which fell as snow in many areas above 500m.  And you thought Australia was a hot country???


Many trees down, the Yarra River in Melbourne has burst its banks and there are floods in parts of the city.  Power lines down, cars and homes damaged, trains and trams came to a near-standstill and over 2500 emergency calls for assistance.


It's eased off a bit now.  Time to celebrate an important birthday.  The cat is 11.  Opinions vary but that makes him around 65 in our terms and able to retire.  Not that he's ever done a day's work in his life so another one sleeping on his rug awaiting dinner won't harm him!


Respect to all.  only six weeks until I'm back in Cornwall :D

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  • RMweb Premium

I'm rather impressed by the presentations I watched thus far. I also needed to join one of the review committees on short notice. That paper had been on deliberate self-harm and was a straight A. It's certainly pleasing to see that in spite of everything that's being said about the youth of today, there are still many who are capable and willing to put their minds to complex tasks.

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