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This reminds me of a pun of sorts which for a change works only in German rather than only in English. It has to do with the lexical ambiguity of the term, "Rasensprenger." Google for this term and then consult a dictionary for "sprengen" to get a better idea.

My google translation of Rasensprenger and sprengen came up with "blow them up with a lawn sprinkler"??  But I am not good with languages.

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Will statins cure the diagonal creases in my earlobes? Or would cosmetic surgery cure my heart condition? 


Afternoon all. A lovely sunny day here following the usual hectic weekend. No progress on the layout apart from the woodwork for the traverser is now all in place and it slides smoothly. 


Haven't had a chance to catch up with all your news over the weekend so, commiserations, joy and sympathy to all.


I did notice that young Neil is two days out from a new life. Congrats! Don't forget to leave a sealed envelope on your desk with some thoughts for your successor - I understand the Chancellor does this when a new one is dragged into post. "Soz, we're brasic, I spent it all." is traditional.

"I've pardoned all the little darlings; good luck with recapturing them!" would seem appropriate?  

Another sure indicator of heart disease is a dark ring around the iris. A case in point was the late Bob Crow.

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Good morning all.


Well I woke up to wonderful sunshine again this morning looking forward to the week ahead. It could bring a house move, and definitely will bring a week of sport in school. This week is sports week. I have worked hard to plan the events and hope it will go well and be blessed with good weather.


 The week has not had a good start however. I switched on RMWeb, full of the joys of summer, to find some "idiot" had slagged me off for making some comments about the G.C show. I had said what a wonderful event it was, what great exhibits had been there, how much I had enjoyed it and that the organisers deserve a pat on the back. Then I made a comment about the poor advertising of the car park charges and the rudeness of one member of the show staff. Guess which part everyone decided to comment on - with one particular individual accusing me of having a negative attitude.


Now I am in a less than sunny mood!!!

Just arrived in ERs................ the person who posted was probably responsible for the poor advertizing and just happened to be the rude member of the exhibition staff :jester:

Edited by Happy Hippo
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ERs already know of Debs's difficulties with her computer equipment.


She charged me with passing on the bad news that an absence could be terminal (yes, I know!).

As she hasn't been active for a couple of days it may be that the time has come.

One hopes for a resurrection but the signs aren't good.


Mike's kind offer of a replacement device has not yet been taken up.

I only have Debs's e-mail so no contact now.

I suppose we could take it in turns to loiter in the North Wirral Coastal Park looking for a blonde with two collies. (That's collie dogs before anybody starts thinking of Samantha type innuendo).


'Scuse me loov, would you like to see my old laptop?

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Monday - I'll avoid the "moan", I like what I do and also NEED to. Too old to consider a career change, and haven't had the luck Neil had at finding exactly what he'd love to do which is excellent, and my profession is "generally" enjoyable in spite of the parade of prats you can encounter!


Shelf building - they're free-standing high-grade metal shelving units similar to those found in restaurant kitchens - came to an abrupt halt with the FIRST unit, when one of the legs, a two piece screw together affair was found to be missing the "threaded post joiner pre-installed for your convenience". Not exactly CONVENIENT when you can't screw the two halves together. Will be calling the "number" this morning that is noted on the instructions for "missing parts". <sigh> just had time to hijack a joiner from the second unit and build the FIRST one, before we had to leave for dinner, so only one up so far, one more to build and one to await a part, hopefully, I really don't want to have to return the thing for a replacement. They're packaged in a large box that has to be cut open to get to everything, returning one would be a real mess <sigh>


Did manage to see the US World Cup game after all yesterday, went to our son for dinner, he has ESPN :)

Not sure what I think about either team. Portugal showed about 15 minutes (at most) of their past excellent style, and if they could play like that all game, every game they'd be very impressive, but that was all. The US were IMHO bloody lucky to end with a draw, playing equally either very well or very shoddy, and I don't think they'll get very far even if they DO manage to move forward - still not impressed with the "belly" goal from Dempsey, really luck IMHO - but it does seem to have some fo the US getting interested in international soccer competition with has to be good! :)

Even our local network affiliate news had about 3 minutes coverage, that is AMAZING, but of course it was marred by one of the idiot newscasters banging on about how a draw is a stupid result - um, they have draws in NHL hockey games and no-one ever calls them stupid (well, "I" do of course)!! :jester:


It's a lovely 22 here now with clear skies and no mention of rain maybe get to 27, but possible thunderstorms the next couple of days.


Enjoy Monday, it makes Tuesday arrive faster :)

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  • RMweb Premium

Another sure indicator of heart disease is a dark ring around the iris. A case in point was the late Bob Crow.

Double Doh!

Next you'll be telling me the third symptom of a heart condition is an empty wallet! 

Actually the only online reference I found to this is that it makes the individual highly attractive. I can only speak for myself to say this is certainly, completely and utterly true. ;)

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My google translation of Rasensprenger and sprengen came up with "blow them up with a lawn sprinkler"??  But I am not good with languages.

Indeed, Simon. That ambiguity comes from the double meaning of "sprengen," so a sprinkler could be understood to be good for blowing up your lawn rather than watering it. The term "sprinkler" in German is much more common for those devices used for extinguishing fire.

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It was a nice morning here, not quite as clear and sunny and yesterday though,

We had a very pleasant pub lunch yesterday with MiL in Enfield. It was in Botany Bay on the Ridgeway which is quite an interesting address. Then one of Matthew's cousins joined us back at MiL's flat later. Robbie remained at home but he had lots of fun as the neighbour's popped round and played with him and fed him biscuits.

I drove Aditi to the local health clinic  as she has her diabetic retinopathy test. Driving afterwards isn't permitted so we then went to the station so she could travel to work on the train.While she was having her retinas photographed I popped into the GP surgery to collect the letter that that confirms that she has three underlying chronic conditions that should have been considered when the college were selecting people for culling. The letter actually was a bit stronger than that. Probably needs to be too. Aditi had an interview with the colleges occupational health adviser when she was first employed. She was told to wait in reception from where she would be met by the OH person. As he hadn't turned up she was a bit concerned  and asked reception to track him down. A chap came down and said he had been down earlier and noticed her waiting but he was looking for an Indian woman.



Ants. Ant powder puffed into the cracks from where they emerge has been most successful here. For an organic solution I suggest breadcrumb trails to attract starlings. They seem keen on ants.

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Talking of anti-ant measures I was using the flame gun to do a spot of weed killing earlier this afternoon and can confirm that ants don't like it up 'em.


I have a handy little butane torch by the back door, ostensibly to use for barbecues but in darker moments, it has been pressed into use for the occasional ant flambé... Never heard of the WD40 trick though...

A little bird (actually the Ashcombe thread) tells me you're off to Somerset and Cornwall soon, Jock? Have a great time and I hope the weather holds. My turn late summer with a little luck. Pete.

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... still not impressed with the "belly" goal from Dempsey, really luck IMHO


... they have draws in NHL hockey games and no-one ever calls them stupid


Goals all count the same - you don't get extra points for style!


You've not been keeping up with hockey. Several years ago, they decided draws in hockey were stupid and brought in four-a-side overtime followed, if necessary, by a shootout. So no more draws - which I think is stupid!

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Well, a lovely day now very overcast and threatening rain.


We are currently living in a form of builders hell. We are not having any work done but the builders next door have arrived again after an absence of a couple of weeks to work on their new extension. Two doors down the other way have had their garage reroofed, new fencing and garden landscaped. To add something to  the mix the house behind us is also having an extension added.


So today was a surround sound of building work - I did sit in the garden for a short while and took my hearing aid out!


Off to the club meeting tonight,



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Good evening all.


It has been a wonderful sunny day and a highly successful first day to the Sports Week. One minor hiccup in the afternoon when I forgot about the coach who visits on a Monday and had not planned him in. Thankfully I managed to alter the timetable accordingly and everything seemed to get back on track.


 The new head teacher popped in this morning, and we shared a passing "hello" in the corridor although I did manage to catch him to pass on my congratulations on the job before he left for a course this afternoon. He seems to have been keeping his distance from me so far, maybe unsure how I would react after my own unsuccessful application. Hopefully he will now realise that there are no hard feelings.


 Sadly there has been no progress on the house front with all those who need to be doing their jobs uncontactable (is that a word) today. Things degenerated when I got home and checked RMWeb and found more negative comments aimed at me on the Great Central exhibition thread. Apparently I am now negative and aggressive! This has left me very angry and considering whether I should bother posting on some parts of this site in the future. What is the point if you can't post a constructive piece of criticism alongside plenty of praise?? Has the Nanny state come to RMWeb?

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Good evening




 Sadly there has been no progress on the house front with all those who need to be doing their jobs uncontactable (is that a word) today. Things degenerated when I got home and checked RMWeb and found more negative comments aimed at me on the Great Central exhibition thread. Apparently I am now negative and aggressive! This has left me very angry and considering whether I should bother posting on some parts of this site in the future. What is the point if you can't post a constructive piece of criticism alongside plenty of praise?? Has the Nanny state come to RMWeb?


I would just shrug it off, you are entitled like others to your opinions.


There are those who cannot receive criticism however constructive it is, one has to feel sorry for them.


Smile and carry on!

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Some people just don't take criticism well. I used to teach with someone who just couldn't cope with it at all. I don't know how he would manage with Ofsted type inspections. They would have needed tranquilliser darts or a Taser. Fortunately he left the profession and went to India to "find himself".

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Evening all,  


I could have what was called an "interesting"  day...... early this morning a container fell off a truck and blocked one of the major arteries in Lagos.(aka - "Potholes R Us".)....grid lock for miles and miles, so ended up using lots of (6 hours in the car) secondary roads in what is becoming one of the worlds "Mega Cities" . These roads are like the proverbial curates egg. But  proved  that "All Wheel Drive in my Kia works, and the doors dont leak!  


To knackered to do any muddling tonight, 


Till the morning, 







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