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Good Monday Morning one & all,  


I had quite a productive (modelling) day yesterday with paint going on the Steam Dummy parts and the start of another esoteric loco!  Though I guess I ought to build some more rolling stock?  


Lets hope the week brings good news? 




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Good morning all.


Well I woke up to wonderful sunshine again this morning looking forward to the week ahead. It could bring a house move, and definitely will bring a week of sport in school. This week is sports week. I have worked hard to plan the events and hope it will go well and be blessed with good weather.


 The week has not had a good start however. I switched on RMWeb, full of the joys of summer, to find some "idiot" had slagged me off for making some comments about the G.C show. I had said what a wonderful event it was, what great exhibits had been there, how much I had enjoyed it and that the organisers deserve a pat on the back. Then I made a comment about the poor advertising of the car park charges and the rudeness of one member of the show staff. Guess which part everyone decided to comment on - with one particular individual accusing me of having a negative attitude.


Now I am in a less than sunny mood!!!

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There are ghosties in my house! Sitting in front of my computer, a female voice from behind me said "You have reached your destination!" - My satnav was put away in its case a week ago when I came home from TVNAM, ( it was definitely turned off), and it has sat in the cupboard ever since - I haven't been in the cupboard since then and when I took it out and opened the case - there it was, turned on and operating - definitely ghosties or boggits!


I sometimes use a Tom-Tom Satnav and also have a Road Angel camera detector. Have set both of them with a female voice - so much more seductive. I am awaiting the day they decide to have a conversation between themselves and exclude me completely.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All,


Apparently it's Monday. I know this because my wife is off to work and the calendar says I'm playing golf a 8.10.


Yesterday I spent most of the day answering a load of questions from my solicitor regarding my employment tribunal case and trying to find old documents, some as old as 8 years. For someone who has to think to remember what I had for lunch yesterday remembering stuff from 2006 is tricky.


One question had me stumped. I have to explain why I haven't found another job since leaving my previous employer of 27 years. Apparently "I'm too busy on the golf course" is not the correct answer!


Have a good one all.




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  • RMweb Premium



Apparently it's Monday.




And good morning all - welcome to another week in our Places of Attendance (because I don't use four letter swear words staring with w on the internet) for those who have such.

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Good morning all,

          Clear blue skies, temp of 20C promised with just a hint of a breeze. Happy! :blum:

Neil. I notice that your new employer sells O gauge. I'm sure the occasion will arise requiring testing! Just a simple oval in the garden will do!

Good luck with the Sports week and your move Andy.


To all others may your week be happy and productive.

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Went into the kitchen this afternoon to find a lot of flying ants near the back door. :O I do recall being told that WD40 squirted into the nest will get rid of them for good, can anyone confirm that?

I have had problems with flying ants as well, so I would also be interested to find out if WD40 gets rid of them.

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  • RMweb Premium

It might.  But it may also smell unduly noxious for some time and a large concentration of a volatile substance in a confined space can increase the risk of an accidental WHOOOOOMMPPPPHHHHHH :O


I've used lavender spray to good effect.  If you can't find it you might find lavender oil which should be as good and - if undiluted - you won't need too much of.

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Morning all from the boring borough. This will be my weekly or so check in. Moanday, Monday is right. Blergh! At least I've only got a 1 day work week. Today I shall mostly be waiting for emails, waiting for a document to review, waiting for the new patio table to arrive, (for some reason the chairs came on Saturday but the table was delayed), waiting for the bulk box of cat litter to arrive (half the price of the shops), waiting for some of SWMBO's not tested on critters beauty products to arrive. Hell, may as well call this waiting day. Tomorrow will be a short wait in the morning for the butcher's delivery, then a run to the tip with a bunch of garden waste including the smashed remains of the old patio table and broken chair. And people wonder why I call it the boring borough.


Apart from an airport run to pick up the ex and her replacement husband on Thursday the rest of the week is mine, all mine. <insert evil laughter> Just need to pickup some plaster as I'm going to need to create around 50 or so rock castings for the layout. The mojo is starting to return slowly. The ex is here to visit the offspring, who is not amused about having to meet his new "step-father". He's also not amused to have to take 2 weeks off work, mostly unpaid leave, only to find out yesterday they are going to be touring about visiting a lot of her family elsewhere. So out of 16 days they'll only be spending around 6 with him. Pretty sh*tty I think.


WD40 itself isn't flammable, however the propane it uses as a propellant is. It has little effect on ants, flying or otherwise. Been there, done that, wasted half a tin. Ant powder is still the best thing to use for the little b*ggers. Don't forget that the flying ants only have wings for a day or 2 per year. you really need to cull them before they start to fly.


My Shat-nav has the opposite problem. It gets confused and shuts itself off at the worst possible moment. "in 200 metres turn...... click" p-o-s. Don't use it that much so I really can't justify splashing out for a new one.


That's enough verbiage from me. Have a great week everyone.

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  • RMweb Gold

It might.  But it may also smell unduly noxious for some time and a large concentration of a volatile substance in a confined space can increase the risk of an accidental WHOOOOOMMPPPPHHHHHH :O


I've used lavender spray to good effect.  If you can't find it you might find lavender oil which should be as good and - if undiluted - you won't need too much of.


And if it doesn't work at least the ants will smell ok.   :laugh:

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Nice bright warm start to the day and should stay that way.

Just been informed that we need to do some shopping so that's this morning taken care of.

Have a good one,


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  • RMweb Gold

A glorious start to the day in West Yorkshire, but showers threatened for later - timed precisely for when I get the camera out of the bag this afternoon no doubt, on the assumption that I'll be able to use my car today.




Currently waiting in for Autoglass to turn up and see what they can do about a chip on my car windscreen.  I guess we take for granted the strength of modern car windscreens, but judging from the noise of the impact I count myself lucky that whatever it was didn't break the 'screen.


Have a good day one and all. 

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


Bright and sunny, but some cloud about, with a pleasant breeze, too. I really need to be getting out and sorting the frontage ("No, Madam, not yours!").


In contrast to some others I wasn't that mad about the GP, but was a trifle irked that the phone rang three times during the BBC replay. I didn't answer, caller didn't leave a message, so after the second time in 10 minutes I unplugged it. I should leave it unplugged more often, really. Even when I'm out!


Jock - I took a considerable dislike to Alonso during his difficult year with Hamilton at McLaren. His driving ability is second to none, but I cannot like him. Sheena has recovered well from her ovarian cyst removal, is now back to health and strength. She is physically a very strong person - unusually so for a woman, but she was a serving soldier for some years - but does not seem to have used the roof ladder in fact, as it was back on Jon's van roof.


"three wappy kittens" expands my lexicon. Now I need to know whether this refers to their colour or their demeanour!


Hope your week goes well

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Overcast here near IL & 30A, but it is the first day of Wimbledon, so I should not have expected anything more.

About to drop Mother in law off at station, so she can go home.

Then a bit of shopping and a visit to the Engine Shed at Leytonstone for a coffee with Dave.

I must then clear all the bits and pieces of the layout and clean it as it is still covered in dust from the decorating and plastering a few weeks ago.

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  • RMweb Gold

Oh dear.  Fishing for sympathy?   ;)






The need for sympathy will be genuine if a replacement is 'screen required as the current one is 'heated' so I imagine they're less likely to be immediately available and more hassle to fit.  Fortunately it's not broken, yet, and I don't want to tempt fate.

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Guests arrived back rather late last night, after OUR bedtime anyway - then stayed up even later. Payback this morning as they had to get up at sparrow's for the flight home!


Off work today to tidy up etc, then two final days at work before my new life (and a MUCH needed holiday) kicks in.  Feeling pretty flat today, I suppose it is the first 'down' after the events of the last three weeks, suddenly everything is quiet and we slide into thoughtfulness.


Don, Trackshack only sells Peco track products in O, so I'm OK for a while.  I did in fact dabble in O some years ago (when we had a large house - we don't now!), but sold 'all' (3!) my locos bar one, an 0-6-0 saddletank I made from an Impetus kit.  I still have several wagons, as Debs built them so sale is not an option!  My G scale line was awoken yesterday evening and I ran three of my steamers, that helped my mojo a little, like Andrew it has been sadly lacking for some time.

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Now that's interesting. I am currently having physio for what I have been told is 'impingement' in my shoulders, which results in referred pain in the upper arms, between the shoulders and the elbows. If I try to stretch my arms to reach for anything, such as in the car glove box, behind the seat, or reaching up into a cupboard, I get an aching pain like a toothache but in the arms, which lasts for about 30 secs and hurts like hell. I also have restricted rotational movement because of the pain it causes. It is supposedly caused by inflammation of the ligaments/tendons that run through the rotational cups in the shoulders. This can be caused by wear, age and sitting too long at a desk using a computer, or so I was told by the physio.




Those are the exact symptoms I'm getting - hurts like hell is an understatement at times too ! I suspected it was tendonitis or similar, and I've wondered if it's associated with the statins again (in my case) - methinks it's time for a visit to the doctors to discuss medication again and to get it checked out

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I did actually rise earlier, but I've been doing other stuff - so good morning all, but belated.


Weather lovely. I'm so glad I don't have to drive through Wimbledon to work any more! No more backpackers falling in the road/crossing without looking/standing looking confused.


My preoccupation was finishing JK Rowling/Robert Galbraith's new novel, The Silkworm. A good, solid old-fashioned detective novel with some interesting characters and plot twists. Decent.


Also bemused by the apparent lack of a sense of humour of some on here (not in ERs)...

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all, a bright sunny day again says he sat in the office! Wappy kittens finaly calmed down after about three or four hours making us laugh and they were still asleep this morning at 7.30 the boa made more noise in the night rearranging her vivarium furniture. The kittens are exactly as they should be exploring, fighting, running and hiding so that is a good start. With three females to look after three kittens I might be OK until the litter tray needs emptying...... 

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Evenin all,


Strange day here today... after a stormy night a sunny start... but after that rain, sun, rain, sun... and so on. Not a nice day but got done what we had to and then stayed indoors with the heating on. More of the same forecast for the coming days.... will have to be careful driving to work tomorrow as it normally gets worse as I pass through the Adelaide Hills before reaching the city.


Hope your days are better,



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Morning, sun shining, breakfast over and done with, its nice to be able to sit outside and enjoy with the morning paper.


Recovering from our tennis clubs open weekend in line with a LTA  promotion to play tennis for free over the 2 days. The weather was very good which in turn provided a very  good response and we gained a few new members adult and junior and everything went well which was a relief.


Not sure whats happening today but hopefully nothing to strenuous.


Enjoy your day

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