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  • RMweb Premium

Warm and sunny in Shenfield. Just back from getting some new trainers for SWMBO. Typically she didn't didn't mention the need till 9pm last night, and then wondered why I didn't deem it to be an urgent matter at that time of night! Happily I was able to find two suitable pairs in the shop, and one pair is already being put to use.

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Beautiful sunny day here so some gardening is on the cards after I sharpen the mower blade.

Not posted all week as we've been away for a few days near Winchester. I've been trying to keep up but we only had Chris's I-piddle mini pad which I cannot get on with as it's too flipping small.

Had a trip on the Watercress Line, visited Buckler's Hard (both for the first time) and also visited a couple of very nice National Trust properties. The hotel was great and all in all we had a very good time.

Came back to an invasion of grandchildren etc on Friday night who had "missed us a lot". Anyone would think we hadn't seen them for months instead of a few days!

Had a bit of sad news yesterday hearing that my 92 yo uncle (Dad's younger brother) died a couple of weeks ago. We hadn't been in contact for 15 years or more but his granddaughters tracked me down. We've never met them but they would like to meet me and Lyn (my sister). Sombre thought for today is that I am now the oldest surviving member of our very small branch of the family!

Coffee drunk and I'm being summoned to the garden so......

have a good one,


Edited by grandadbob
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Good morrow to you all.


Yesterday was spent at Joust! being held in Cardiff Castle, an event aimed at families


As a keen photographer I came back with 500+ snaps from my Box Brownie Nikon, here's one




These pictures, about 40 to 50 will end up in a diaporama and will eventually be shown in various Camera Clubs around South Wales


And another sunny day in the Principality today!




p.s. Diaporama? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diaporama - used to do it with a pair of slide projectors, now it's a laptop, digital projector, amp & speakers - far less equipment to lug about.

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Aaaargh! Completely overslept - missed the time for my injections by several hours... Meant to be out shopping by 10, then doing some form filing then F1. All out the windoow now.


Impressed by Dave's photo output - I only managed 249 at grandson's party. Which was wonderful, but more of that later.

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Impressed by Dave's photo output - I only managed 249 at grandson's party. Which was wonderful, but more of that later.

TBH I've been doing diaporama for about 40 years - in Camera Club circles it's known as AV.


I was a prolific film user - the last fortnights holiday I shot on film (Italy, 2004) I took 30 Cassettes (36 Shots) with me and bought another 4 for the last couple of days - that's just over 1,200 slides


If 1 in 10 made it to the final show I thought I was doing well!


With digital I shoot even more as the media is reusable - I've recently made a diaporama of Cardiff Castle - 108 pictures in 11 m 48s - I actually shot just over 1,400 images. Those images that don't make it to the show are binned.





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I wonder how many of us, in our grandparenthood, have used our digital cameras to record the new generation in everything it does, capturing so many fleeting moments and amusing expressions, and then mused how much we would have liked to have had such technology when our children were small? Or even when we were small...

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There are ghosties in my house! Sitting in front of my computer, a female voice from behind me said "You have reached your destination!" - My satnav was put away in its case a week ago when I came home from TVNAM, ( it was definitely turned off), and it has sat in the cupboard ever since - I haven't been in the cupboard since then and when I took it out and opened the case - there it was, turned on and operating - definitely ghosties or boggits!

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22 already and the inevitable "thunderstorms" are expected, possibly 1-2 inches more rain today! Less a guarantee than the past weeks weather so here's hoping <sigh>


The morning will be spent applying the second coat of "Drylok" waterproofing to the basement wall, THEN, we're off to buy 4-5 shelving units for said room. It's been used as a storage facility (poorly) with things in cardboard boxes simply rasied from the floor on various bits of wood/bricks... Mrs said it's finally time to "do it right". Plus it means I can;

1) Then use the workbench AS a workbench - boxes will no longer also adorn that space

2) We can sort and throw out some of the junk that we have too :)


No bloody F1 available here - it's on another planet apparently, well in Europe at least, and except for "Wimbledon", US TV networks don't "do" Europe <sigh>


The (ABC Network TV) ARE showing the Russia/Belgium and Algeria/Korea World CUp games as 2 of the 16 they're covering! IS that odd or WHAT - they aren't covering the US game, that's only on ESPN cable!! :jester:


The Mississippi river in St. Paul has now already partially covered the river road that's my preferred route to the office on Wednesdays, so my guess is it'll be totally under water soon - expected to crest late Wednesday or Thursday now - I'll see what we can get for pictures!


Have a great Sunday - I'm off to paint and buy shelves...

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Just been out for a walk around Crummock Water, only to get 'tricked' by Mrs G.  Having walked 1 3/4 hours from the bottom of Crummock to Buttermere Village, she then asks how my legs are, to which I reply that they are fine.  She then suggests including Buttermere lake in our walk!  Fortified by an excellent ice cream from the Buttermere Farm Shop, we did both, and now the legs are tired.  It was glorious today, but with some cloud, which was a bit of a relief, as I would have been too hot in full sun all day.  Now for a restful evening & a bottle of wine. 

Edited by Simon G
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Just been out for a walk around Crummock Water, only to get 'tricked' by Mrs G.  Having walked 1 3/4 hours from the bottom of Crummock to Buttermere Village, she then asks how my legs are, to which I reply that they are fine.  She then suggests including Buttermere lake in our walk!  Fortified by an excellent ice cream from the Buttermere Farm Shop, we did both, are now the legs are tired.  It was glorious today, but with some cloud, which was a bit of a relief, as I would have been too hot in full sun all day.  Now for a restful evening & a bottle of wine. 

WHAT ! ! ! YOU CAN WALK ON WATER???????????????????????

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Ian, you should have Grands Prix - it’s on ESPN when not on NBC.....


Drylock works but extending gutters out from house mo’ better, for me anyway - the house sits on ground that slopes away in all directions.


Best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Premium

Just returned from North Weald a couple of hours ago having acquired more books which means more bookcases. An added bonus was a Spitfire doing bumps and circuits from the airfield as well as Jet Provost visiting. 

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Ian, you should have Grands Prix - it’s on ESPN when not on NBC.....


Drylock works but extending gutters out from house mo’ better, for me anyway - the house sits on ground that slopes away in all directions.


Best, Pete.

Pete - I'm too cheap to pay for the cable package that includes ESPN, just the basic as we don't really watch "anything" <sigh>


Problem here this year is simply the ground is so saturated it's causing problems - we've been 20+ years without a problem and are on higher ground also with slopes most all directions...probably need to do a little re-grading on the once side that is having issues...


Enjoy the F1, I am/was out buying shelving, now preparing to install, under orders :)

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  • RMweb Premium

great game of cricket today.. Yorks U15s won.. despite a batting collapse. Cracking people, great teas at a very sunny Castleford!


Up very early tomorrow and Tuesday as i shall be in Jesmond Monday and Macclesfield Tuesday....cricket is a much travelling thing!


Hope Monday goes well for everyone!



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  • RMweb Premium

Pah.  Sky box didn't turn on for the F1.  When I turned it on it had the cheek to show the red autoview icon too.


So I only saw the last 10 laps or so, missed the fun I think.


The O gauge layout was interesting, it is in a garden that is very 'full', with loads of planting and secret little sun traps and things, very interesting.  Photos maybe tomorrow.  It was nice to finally meet it's owner too.  Isn't O gauge nice....oh no..... :jester:

Oh, no sign of house guests - must be lost.  Or stuck in the first place they went to. :jester:  :jester: :jester:  

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  • RMweb Gold

Pah.  Sky box didn't turn on for the F1.  When I turned it on it had the cheek to show the red autoview icon too.


So I only saw the last 10 laps or so, missed the fun I think.



Missed quite a lot of fun actually - the highlights have been on BBC but probably still not safe to say too much but one 'interesting' retirement.

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Good evening all. It has been a warm and sunny one today. I excluded myself from football so that Sarah and I could spend the day together after her time away during the week and my day at the G.C yesterday. She decided to spend it dragging me around some shops to buy some more stuff for the new house.

 I popped into the sales office today. The main saleswoman was absent so there was never any chance of any positive news. Her stand in simply stated that we should get the keys on Friday. At this stage that is unlikely to change so next weekend looks set to be move in time. We were hoping for the middle of the week.


 The warm weather has seen me out tackling the lawns at the bungalow for the last time. They definitely needed doing. Sadly I only got one done as an errant stone broke the blade of my lawnmower. We have a few spares, but I am not sure which box it will be in! Thankfully I was able to get my Grandad's old one working so I was able to finish the job with that one. I may well take that with me when we move as its a bit bigger and will handle our new lawn better!


 I am back on the old school laptop at present. I have still not been asked for it back so I am hanging onto it for a while. The netbook continues to suffer the same recurring fault. Despite working well for 45 minutes this morning, it logged off with its usual fault three times this evening. I will contact the help line, but need to finish the photo book first and this is saved on it as is the programme for producing it. It is too far down the line to change it now!

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Spent the afternoon at Lords, where they replicated the original fixture between MCC and Hertfordshire.  Playing for the home team today was a certain Brian Lara.  He was rusty at the beginning of his innings then suddenly the ball was travelling to all corners of the ground.  The first aid work was interesting as well.



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Went into the kitchen this afternoon to find a lot of flying ants near the back door. :O I do recall being told that WD40 squirted into the nest will get rid of them for good, can anyone confirm that?

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Evening all,

Andy, Think the Rioja had more to do with the slumber than your post mate. Hope you've got good news for us by this time next week!

Neil, hate to say I told you so - at least you appear to have the room for 'O' gauge : I have neither that or the funding! One real benefit would be less need for the 'optivisor' with everything being so much bigger. Have you had to send the helicopter up to find the 'family' yet? Not long now eh!

Ian, I got the feeling from your post that you aren't the biggest fan of Alfonso? How is Sheena doing health wise now, I seem to recall a major op. some time back? Hope she wasn't intending to climb the ladder herself!

Four more sleeps till we set off for points west - all sorts of flapping about ironing and the like from the distaff side!

Good luck with your week ahead whether working or not,

Kind regards,


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