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  • RMweb Gold

Anyway, changing the subject. Matthew just rang and asked to stay "on the line" while he logged on to get his degree result. He has achieved the 2.1 he needed to progress to his next place of study. I'm really pleased for him, he has worked for this and has overcome some quite significant problems during his education.

He is trying to contact Aditi at the moment and said he expected her to turn into "Indian Mother" and ask why hadn't he got a first. I said I don't think so, especially at the moment. He has never forgotten getting 99% on his first module (Canadian Studies) in Calgary and she asked "What did you get wrong?".

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  • RMweb Gold

My brother has said that all the personnel "problems" started when the multinational he worked for brought in management from the US and renamed "Personnel" to "Human Resources". 


My brother has said that all the personnel "problems" started when the multinational he worked for brought in management from the US and renamed "Personnel" to "Human Resources". 

a very well made point;


However ERs have had their revenge................we exported Trisonic! :jester:

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Anyway, changing the subject. Matthew just rang and asked to stay "on the line" while he logged on to get his degree result. He has achieved the 2.1 he needed to progress to his next place of study. I'm really pleased for him, he has worked for this and has overcome some quite significant problems during his education.

He is trying to contact Aditi at the moment and said he expected her to turn into "Indian Mother" and ask why hadn't he got a first. I said I don't think so, especially at the moment. He has never forgotten getting 99% on his first module (Canadian Studies) in Calgary and she asked "What did you get wrong?".



Well done Matthew.


Staying with nice things we say about our fellow workers...

A colleague said that my manager is very relaxed and even tempered, it's just that he moves smoothly from one disaster to the next.

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Well thats always the trouble with being in America.. you are behind the times GMT!


I can send you an Ark I have a spare one.....



Baz - how soon can you get the Ark here? We now have water in our basement and are mopping up - still raining to beat the band, but skys are finally looking lighter so it may stop soon (we live in HOPE!!)

The other "trouble" here is that we have basements - lovely items for various activities not the least a model railway - but there's alwasy SOME part of a basement that will end up getting water in it with this much rain...at present it's confined to a small storage/workshop room that has always found a way to get water in torrential rains, no matter what we do <sigh>

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  • RMweb Premium

Baz - how soon can you get the Ark here? We now have water in our basement and are mopping up - still raining to beat the band, but skys are finally looking lighter so it may stop soon (we live in HOPE!!)

The other "trouble" here is that we have basements - lovely items for various activities not the least a model railway - but there's alwasy SOME part of a basement that will end up getting water in it with this much rain...at present it's confined to a small storage/workshop room that has always found a way to get water in torrential rains, no matter what we do <sigh>

Just checked Ian .. unless we have a spare Antonov in amongst the ERs it may take some time....Many apologies




PS Well done Matthew!

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Early good evening (for a change!),


Car serviced and dropped back as promised, so all set for the journey West next week! It was lovely to see all the people that I worked with for so many years - all handshakes and kisses (from the female staff I hasten to add!). I still miss working there and meeting so many people on a daily basis. I guess there is a lot to be said for working in a big organisation, in a supposedly secure position, but my personal preference will always be to become part of a 'family' where HR was a topic for discussion involving everyone concerned! Whilst I was MD at three different sites, I followed this ideal and find that, oddly, all of my old staff members seem delighted to meet me when we occasionally bump in to them. Must have done something right!


Football madness appears to have gripped Clacton on Sea, with England playing tonight St George's Cross fluttering everywhere you look. Just hope that it won't lead to disappointment for those that care! SiL has just been round to borrow one of my gazebos to erect as a smoking area for the large group that are gathering at his house tonight. They have all prudently booked tomorrow as leave!


Joanna has just received great news from our family doctor - her cholesterol reading has halved, thanks to the regime set by medics after her heart scare, and so she can attack a cream tea whilst in Cornwall without feeling guilty! I'm really proud of her : to stop smoking, change diet and lifestyle all at the same time is extremely tough. She obviously looks on the scare as a warning and looks so much better for it after only 12 weeks. Thought we deserved some good news on ERs!


The weather is all over the place at the minute. I fancy a barbecue on Sunday so now you know who to blame!

Kind regards,


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  • RMweb Gold

Result Matthew - hearty congratulations. Time to take a bit of R&R now! Tony and Aditi must be very proud of you.

Kind regards,


He is going out tonight, hence my not arriving until lunchtime tomorrow to collect him. He is going to be busy as he is off to Melbourne for 2 months in a week on an internship (unpaid) with an Australian company that supports small businesses by providing services like IT, HR and other stuff they can't do themselves. Winter in Melbourne seems to be at Matthew's preferred climate. He'd probably like Don's weather in Cape Town.

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Good evening all and my congratulations to Matthew on his degree result.


The insult phrases have made me smile this afternoon. Some I have never heard, others are commonly used around here. These are some of our other regular pnes:

"One can short of a six pack"

"A card short of a full deck".

"Not the brightest star in the sky"

"A player short of a team"


Today has been a pretty good day at work as I made further progress on the photo book - almost done now! The Phonics test has been completed and the children seem to have done well although we await the pass grade so it will be the end of the month before we truely know whether the results are good enough.

 I know many people on ER are not football fans - but please indulge me. Today saw the school team play a very toIugh home fixture. With one of the best players missing I had to make a change to the starting team and had to play an untried newcomer to the school as two other players were representing the school in a netball match on the adjourning court. Despite a good start, taking an early lead we conceded two sloppy goals.

 Prior to the game I took one of last week's debutants to one side to give him some advice on how to shoot at goal. He is not the world's best footballer, but loves the game and is a willing learner. I was delighted to see him poach the equaliser to level the game at 2-2 before half time.

 I was not too happy with our football in the first half though. Win, lose or draw I teach the children to play as a team, play the right way and pass the ball well. I reminded them of that fact. Not often I "tell players off" in a game as school football is supposed to be fun. But this lot will respond in the right way..and how! We played some super stuff in the second half and won 5-2, playing the football in the right way when the over competitive opponents were trying to kick us off the pitch. Disappointingly some of their parents were openly encouraging such strong tackling.


 Yesterday I mentioned feeling undervalued at work from time to time. Today was one such case. There used to be a time when all the staff would come out and support the school team for such home fixtures. Not a single member of staff could be bothered today, and even headed for home leaving a sink full of tea bags and cups in the staff room and a half full dishwasher awaiting filling!


Oh well. Another day closer to moving in!!!

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  • RMweb Gold


 , and even headed for home leaving a sink full of tea bags and cups in the staff room and a half full dishwasher awaiting filling!



I think the only times the crockery in the Higher Education part of Aditi's college gets a clean is when she brings it home and puts it in our dishwasher. She doesn't let her big pink mug out of her possession in case it gets contaminated! 

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  • RMweb Premium

Congrats again , Matthew this time!


Mike & shedman, you are/were both obviously conscientious managers who did not need continiual HR advi..... , errrrr interference, but I'm afraid I advised many over the years who could not be trusted to toe the line if left to their own devices. Doctors in particular, some of them know 'everything'. I ended up in a tribunal once which I at least came out of smiling, but Dr a.n.other didn't. 


I think we agreed a week or two ago that HR differs widely in different organisations, the NHS and manx social services were my only experiences.  The NHS is possibly unique in it's diversity of staffing, the railway would be similarly diverse I suppose but very different.  Any organisation that appoints HR staff at adviser level without them having suitable qualifications (meaning CIPD in the UK) deserves everything they get.  As in, walked all over at tribunals!


Preparing for the funeral tomorrow.  I won't be on RMW tomorrow.

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  • RMweb Premium

Evening all,

I heard on the radio that Mrs Rooney brought 18 suitcases with her when she flew into Brazil yesterday. I'm thinking that's about one suitcase per hour!


Anyway, my youngest came out to the garage yesterday and asked...

"Where's the railway with all the hills and valley?" 

"We had to take it to pieces because it was damp."

"But I hadn't finished playing with it." 

"We're building a new one."

"Will it have sheep?"


"That's ok then."


Night all. Andy

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  • RMweb Gold


"Will it have sheep?"


"That's ok then."

Sounds like a good idea. I have only found one sheep in my scenery box from the old layouts. There is a pig walking past the station on the new layout though.

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  • RMweb Gold

Congratulations to Matthew.  Either his results are early, or my son's are later, as he doesn't get his final results until about 7 July.  If he manages a 2:1, I will be very happy!

Earlyish I think. I'll ask him tomorrow if all the results were out or just the geography. So far he only knows the overall grade not the specific breakdown for things like his dissertation. He rang the LSE to confirm that it really was a 2.1 they wanted. Poor lad must have been anxious!

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  • RMweb Premium

The London Borough I worked for had an HR department for every different department of the council, and sometimes more than one. This was more a case of jobs for the boys (and girls). The incident I referred to a few days ago was a case in point, the new HR person 'parachuted' people into management jobs within the HR department that they were clearly incapable of doing. One of these people became the line manager of the girl whose sickness record they tried to victimise her with. The real reason was that the line manager, who was one of those parachuted in didn't have a clue about what to do. As it turned out the woman was a friend of the HR manager, one of several she had placed in her department instead of those who knew the job. I was aware of the situation with regard to the HR managers cronies and at the members interview I slapped in a grievance for victimization. The HR manager came up to me afterwards and tried promising me that if I would drop the grievance it wouldn't happen again and the whole incident would be forgotten but by this time I had the bit between my teeth and revealed that I knew what she was up to. I didn't have to take the matter any further as both managers quit.

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Baz - how soon can you get the Ark here? We now have water in our basement and are mopping up - still raining to beat the band, but skys are finally looking lighter so it may stop soon (we live in HOPE!!)

The other "trouble" here is that we have basements - lovely items for various activities not the least a model railway - but there's alwasy SOME part of a basement that will end up getting water in it with this much rain...at present it's confined to a small storage/workshop room that has always found a way to get water in torrential rains, no matter what we do <sigh>

We had a couple of showers here but not nearly enough - though all the various chilli peppers are doingwell and we already have several tomatoes.

Such a vast and varied country weatherwise - I’m still amazed by those large and powerful twin tornados in Nebraska earlier this week....


Cooled down to a dry 80f at 5:00pm. Really quite pleasant evening for those having graduations today.


Well done Matthew! I remember his tribulations in Primary School (and your unfounded worries at the time, Tony).


I refuse to discuss England’s dire performances in the World Cup anymore. I can support Italy - quite without guilt - but think it’ll be Argentina or Holland with Uruguay as the “wild card”. I watched them play in Montevideo once, in a friendly against Colombia (IIRC)  - I was very impressed by such quality from such a small population. This was just before the Falklands thing....they all “hated” Argentina at the time too.


Best, Pete.

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