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  • RMweb Premium

Late night visit. Cricket went well.. Yorks U12s beat lancashire at a canter (by 8 wickets) but it was a long game and it was... sunny(thats a first this year!)


Happy Anniversary Tony and Aditi.. Come 23rd June her indoors and myself will be remembering a day watching England lose a Cricket Match in between getting married/ having a great reception and a great tea... and that was in 1979.... so only  a year  behind you Tony and Aditi!


My Mum had a great name... Asenath.. always known as Zen ( she also had a brother who's middle name was Kitchener.. but thats a different story)..and if she ever said "Our Barry come here" .. it meant trouble! 


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  • RMweb Gold

  .  Incidentally has she yet been formally advised, in writing, that her present post is being dispensed with?


Not specifically. The formal restructuring will depend on who takes voluntary redundancy. However a list has been drawn up of "at risk"  individuals who are invited to take "generous" voluntary terms. One of these criteria is short term persistent absence. Aditi isn't arguing about the time off (it is a fact) but it isn't persistent and there is no pattern. 12 days was for acute tonsillitis. Now according to the gov.uk you can be dismissed for persistent short term absence but only if it has detracted from your work. Aditi has been very careful to extract comments from senior managers that her work has never been affected or suffered and that she caught up with all the stuff she had missed due to absence. The other 4 days were two single days and a pair of days. The union lady said she remembered the pair of days well as loads of students were being sent home with the same symptoms of vomiting and diarrhoea!

HR insist that they are following good practice and their methods have been agreed with unions. I don't think the unions agree with this. 

Anyway she is on her travels for a couple of days, tomorrow round various off campus teaching sites and on Friday being an external evaluator at her old college. Someone told her that the fact that she was going to be on-site there started a rumour that she was returning to be the new head of dept for academic studies! 

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  • RMweb Gold

 The formal restructuring will depend on who takes voluntary redundancy. 

I believe that is generally known as putting the cart before the horse (it's also known as inept management, management by indecision, and various other uncomplimentary names describing a management which is incapable of managing - no wonder the place has 'featured' in the media, they appear to be a pack of idiots).  And what's more idiots who make their people carry the brunt of their incompetence, and even more worrying is that they have a responsibility for educating youngsters  :O .   I hope Aditi wipes the floor with them.

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Extremely late on parade today, only just got home and skim read through the several pages of posts so forgive me if I have missed anything. Firstly congrats and good wishes to Robert for his wedding and also to Tony and Aditi on their anniversary.

 Several posts about teaching! Not sure if I should comment or not really as they seem to relate to secondary, rather than primary education. I have been a primary teacher for 15 years now with 14 of them at my current school. For the most part I do enjoy the job and the chance to work with young people. Sadly the job is often spoilt by so many outside influences. As a teacher we end up as government pawns to deal with whatever latest "fad" seems to be in fashion to get them votes. We have seen lies, lies and more lies from the current education minister and a worsening of pay and conditions. I have taken on more and more responsibility over the last few years but have not had a pay increase in three years. In fact due to changes to the pension system and increased taxes my take home pay has gone down! Right now with more and more tasks loaded on me to complete before the summer I am feeling very demotivated and under appreciated!


 At least there is light at the end of the tunnel. Today saw Sarah and I have our welcome meeting at the new house. This was our first chance to venture inside for several months and a chance to see it as good as finished. Without doubt we are very happy, it is gorgeous and everything we hoped it would be. All of our carpet, unit and tile choices seem to work well and the house does have a nice spacious and modern feel. There are only a couple of minor snags to be dealt with before we can look to complete and the suggestion is that this will take place by next Friday (the 27th). We are trying to bring it a couple of days forward so that I can secure a day off to help with the move as we don't really want to take it on at a weekend with the other work stuff I have on. The solicitors have requested the money already so that looks promising and I just have to arrange the balance transfer of our contribution.


 The netbook saga continues. It logged off with the same error message four times in an hour last night despite working offline with no problems for much of the day at school. This will need sorting once the photobook task is complete.


Take everyone!

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I believe that is generally known as putting the cart before the horse (it's also known as inept management, management by indecision, and various other uncomplimentary names describing a management which is incapable of managing - no wonder the place has 'featured' in the media, they appear to be a pack of idiots).  And what's more idiots who make their people carry the brunt of their incompetence, and even more worrying is that they have a responsibility for educating youngsters  :O .   I hope Aditi wipes the floor with them.

I dont think management is the right word for the bunch Aditi is having to suffer,and calling them idiots is an insult -- to idiots


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Tired tonight but as our car will be in for service at my old garage, we won't be doing much tomorrow. I'm looking forward to taking it in for what will be its second service, as it will mean I can chat to all my old comrades before one of the girls drops me home. It will be delivered back to us later in the day!

Thinking on your photos today Mike (The Stationmaster), brought to mind the many trips taken from 'Ha'penny Pier' in Harwich, around all the massive container ships in Felixstowe docks, landing at the fort opposite the Landguard. My son, and later my grandsons loved clambering up the anti-aircraft gunnery towers to watch the passage of these giants of the sea. (They've been wired off for safety these days). Many a Luftwaffe aircraft was taken out in their imagination! Return journey always included a visit to the fish and chip shop below the pier restaurant which, as part of the 'Milsom' empire was never cheap but always excellent! We always walked along the quay to the Trinity House yard where we often saw the Patricia. The boys were fascinated by the buoys ! All three were lucky enough to also have a trip to the Greenwich Maritime Museum with us, where they saw how and where these objects were utilised in the superb diorama of the entrance to Milford Haven. I'd like to think that some of my 'living history' lessons stuck in their memories!

Amazing how visiting RMweb awakens all these dormant memories!

Hope that medical and employment issues are all resolved to the satisfaction of all involved soon. Downhill to the weekend now,

Kind regards,


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  • RMweb Gold

Aditi is looking forward to Matthew coming home. I'll be collecting him on Friday. He has spent 3 days cleaning the house he shares (the others have departed). I was sympathetic but I did say we had mentioned that they would need to leave it clean and tidy. Anyway the landlady is now happy with the communal areas and Matthew's room. Matthew now knows all about bathroom cleaners and safety precautions with oven cleaners. He has been grumpily complaining to me over the last couple of days. It is good though as he has had to do all the ending of contracts for things and getting meters read which is good practice if he ever gets a place of his own. I did suggest he could clean our grease filters on the cooker hood if he was bored next week (don't worry about child labour, the filters actually go in the dish washer )

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Good morning one & all, 


Only a couple of things I remember Mum saying (and she still does!)  - well you've made your bed- now lie in it - as well as the standard - wait till your father gets home - 


Still the wheel re-inventors are still not learning very much........grrrrr, 


Try to survive whatever life throws at you today,



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  • RMweb Premium

Pre test Thursday..... Getting ready for a couple of friends staying over to watch the cricket...


Dry and bright at the moment.


Tony..you can't have a redundancy of a post unless you have a new management structure ready...if they are that loopy then time to take the parachute..


Have a great Thursday... One day closer to cricket Friday!



PS my mother got her own back on me when I was christened, my initials are BO..its emblazoned on my cricket gear..as someone said..good job you weren't called Fred!!

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Clear blue sky and quite warm already.

I will be having another trip to Waitrose, this time to collect something for me ordered from John Lewis. I suspect I'll do some food shopping too, getting industrial quantities of tomatoes and milk ready for Matthew's return. 


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A maximum pf 13C with rain forecast for today after a cold and rainy night but the sky is currently a clear blue! so I am optimistic. (my heater is still on)

My refurbished computer is behaving very well, and faster, so I am spending more hours than usual at it  :mail:

Have a happy day all.

Edited by DonBradley
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I dont think management is the right word for the bunch Aditi is having to suffer,and calling them idiots is an insult -- to idiots


I have heard a similar insult, where someone was being described 'as thick as two short planks', only for another to comment that this was possibly an insult to the second short plank.  Warm and sunny again here today - I just hope that it lasts through the weekend.

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Morning from looking out over Borough market junction - blue sky with some grey clouds, but we're promised better for later.


Belated congratulations for wedding anniveraries!


Funny how families have similar things with names. I was only called by my full name when I was in trouble...and my grandmother and father both are known by their middle names. I think it might be a Welsh thing.


I was also lucky to escape both families' tradition of being named after your grandfather or other family name and my parents made it clear that neither I nor my sister would be named after a relation. We've carried that on with our children (in my case, consciously).


Going to be an interesting day as the person who works for me has, despite being a spreadsheet king, spent a couple of hours yesterday not finishing a spreadsheet my boss needs in about half an hour, when in fact the work existed in completed form already - he just had to check it was correct and attach it to an e-mail. Instead he's prodcued something that made extremely irritated and late home from work last night. That's the trouble with very right people sometimes; I once pointed to my arm and commented to him "that's my elbow".


Rant over.


Now time to do the last bit of work he didn't finish before he gets in!

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  • RMweb Premium

In a situation where somebody who was (politely) a bit dim did something very stupid involving a domestic electric kettle (so long ago I can't remember what) a friend told him "If you had another brain cell you could have a synapse." Said individual perked up and said "Really?".


Lovely day in prospect, possibly hotter than yesterday. I feel an urge to buy something.



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all,

A sunny start to the day here, albeit at around 04:00! 


I've been very interested to read everyone's thoughts on teaching and would like to thank one and all for your input. 


A change of direction always means saying "goodbye" to old colleagues and projects.

I had a useful discussion with two close colleagues last night - we've been designing products together for a while, although sales are only now starting to be in customers' programs for a year or so (or more) time - assuming nothing goes wrong. Hence the need to seek alternative employment. The pre-work I've been doing counts, in my colleagues' eyes, and so the good news is that leaving the team won't exclude me from the income that will come along in years to come. I know a lot of people would say to just get a simple job to tide over, butt experience suggests that these products may never sell! Would I want to do a dead-end job for possibly 17 years? Hence the thought to re-train.


So, more research today and hopefully some more work on my traverser later.


Tony, now that Matthew is trained up you'll be wanting to make sure he keeps his hand in on the cleaning when he comes home. ;)


Edited by AndyB
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  • RMweb Gold

Short planks banter.

I'm not sure when it was but sometime when Matthew was at primary school.


Matthew ,"Billy was annoying me today and I told him he was as thick as two short planks."

Aditi, "That isn't a very nice thing to say to someone, what did he say?"

"He said, in that case, I was as thick as one short plank".

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  • RMweb Premium

I once had a colleague who to put it politely was not the brightest jewel in the box. We were discussing of all things sex change operations and the subject got round to where the necessary bits came from to change a woman to a man, she had us all in stitches when she said "They don't grow on trees you know." not helped by one of the older women making comments about scrumping. I could have said that the operation was called a strapadictomy but I'm not that cruel. And she wasn't even blond.

Edited by PhilJ W
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Tony, now that Matthew is trained up you'll be wanting to make sure he keeps his hand in on the cleaning when he comes home. ;)


I'm sure he would if asked. Though as (subject to exam results) he'll be at the LSE from September doing a masters in HR Management and CIPD, Aditi may let him off the cleaning if she still needs HR advice in a years time.

Matthew has been on the phone to various gas/electricity/internet providers today. Everything he was told last month about cancelling was wrong apparently. Every bit of information the landlady (Matthew said she is just like Queen Elizabeth in Blackadder) gave is wrong. He reckons he has now done everything and is going out with friends to eat and drink. I said I won't arrive until about midday on Friday!


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I have heard a similar insult, where someone was being described 'as thick as two short planks', only for another to comment that this was possibly an insult to the second short plank.  Warm and sunny again here today - I just hope that it lasts through the weekend.

Didnt want to insult the planks. another insult- if he had another brain cell he would be an amoeba. Morning from (not) sunny Newhall.


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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Quite bright here but rain clouds lurking although none is forecast (but that hasn't stopped it in the past).  Rob is going in to the office for a while this afternoon, squeaky brakes and all, and resists all advice to stay at home but such is the wisdom of youth and he does seem much better with very little pain now.


In the meanwhile I hear the sounds of some sort of breakfast .....  almost like being at sea again, but only in that respect.


Have a good day one & all.

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  • RMweb Gold

I dont think management is the right word for the bunch Aditi is having to suffer,and calling them idiots is an insult -- to idiots


The trad extension to this is to ask what the HR person's village does for an idiot while she is away at work? As SM Mike has already said, we are used to HR being a support function. So the HR manager might sit in on interviews, but these would always be conducted by the Line Manager. This is shambolic.


Another nice morning, but not too hot, which suits Jon up on the roof, removing tiles, fixing new wood, replacing tiles. He's been looking into the garage door options, and the ideas are sound. I'm already wondering what colour to paint it - and the adjoining personnel/personal door which will be needed to help fill the generous space. A couple of days work to fit it all, thinks Jon. But maybe not yet, with nesting birds still bringing up baby.


Hope your day delivers.

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