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  • RMweb Premium

Belated congratulations on your anniversary Tony. It looks like Aditi's employers have a 'hit list' and are disguising it as a restructuring. It doesn't mean that Aditi is on the hit list, just increasing the numbers to hide who is. I agree with you about joining a union, especially as they appear to be working as one. 

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  • RMweb Gold

Belated congratulations on your anniversary Tony. It looks like Aditi's employers have a 'hit list' and are disguising it as a restructuring. It doesn't mean that Aditi is on the hit list, just increasing the numbers to hide who is. I agree with you about joining a union, especially as they appear to be working as one. 

Aditi is in a union but not the big one. She is in one that keeps changing its name as it gets absorbed. She may defect to the bigger one now anyway! Unlike some of her colleagues in inspection she has always been on good terms with the union people at her present college.


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Dog has been walked and admired by a group of visiting Americans, (we must be on the tourist trail now in Benfleet). Glad you beat Van Gogh. The latest picture of you on "another place" shows you looking very well.

We are celebrating with my attempt at Punjabi home cooking tonight for whenever Aditi arrives home. She may be going swimming. I have some chicken curry MiL provided but I'll be doing gobi-aloo and rice to make it more meal sized. I'm probably overdoing my rice intake as my lunch was risotto left over from last night. Different rice though so I suppose it is OK!

As I mentioned the unions at Aditi's college are co-operating and she had a chat this afternoon with a rep from the main union on site. She said Aditi had done everything right so far and she will make representations to get Aditi off the list. The rep then went off to see the barrister who will be dealing with the situation. There are people who want to leave, probably more than required but the HR people seem obsessed with health issues. 


The one in the Velocette T-shirt?

I like that one - I hate most nowadays...............


I knew that Aditi wouldn’t have “put a step wrong”........ I hope, as my Mother use to say, “It’ll all come out in the wash....” English Mums certainly had funny sayings, back then.


Best, Pete.

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Mike the Stationmaster!


I have a spare something for your shelves - please resend PM with your address (‘cos I mislaid it)....


Best, Pete.


What the heck happened there?

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  • RMweb Gold

The one in the Velocette T-shirt?

I like that one - I hate most nowadays...............


I knew that Aditi wouldn’t have “put a step wrong”........ I hope, as my Mother use to say, “It’ll all come out in the wash....” English Mums certainly had funny sayings, back then.


Best, Pete.

Yes, the Velocette T-shirt one.

The HR situation is now getting farcical. The HR person has complained about Aditi who has made "serious allegations" about feeling stressed and intimidated by the process. Aditi has replied that, "please note the use of the word "feel"", defined subjective feelings and said that HR have no jurisdiction over how she feels. As she said the worst they can do is sack her. 

HR also demand the medical evidence they asked for on Monday. They still haven't arranged a back to work interview since January but expect a response from a GP in 3 days? Actually there is one but it is being typed and will be available tomorrow.

This is definitely heading in a "M'learned friends" direction!

Edited by Tony_S
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A couple of points that occur to me about going into teaching:


Don't do it for the holidays! You will spend a lot of them working, and in any case who wants a job just for the time you spend not doing it!


Hours and holidays. At the moment there are theoretical maxima on contact hours, and teaching weeks/term lengths. These are under threat and you could end up with the sort of contract Tony mentions, as we did in Further Education.


You will be lied to. Possibly not intentionally, but you may find yourself teaching all chemistry or biology (it's all "science"), religion or who knows what. Promises of promotion as reward for toil will be forgotten.


Politics-back stabbing is rife.


Most teachers in schools have limited experience of life in the "real world" which can be frustrating. They tend to over-play the down sides of teaching, in particular they think  they could earn very much more money in a different job.


Salary. Starting pay used to be to a rigid formula, and progress up the scale was pretty much by time-serving. This has now changed and you need to negotiate hard.


It takes years to make a good school. A bad Head can ruin one in a year.


Notwithstanding all  the above, the buzz after a good lesson, or when a student comes to you after a class to clarify something, or to give an example of where the content has affected them is unbeatable.


Possibly my proudest achievement is an ex-student who came to me with one O level in woodwork, and with my encouragement became a Head of Department and A level Examiner, and also a close friend.


You are in a very good position to speak to lots of people. Investigate the possibilities of Bursaries and Grants for Science teachers, these tend to be shortage subjects. If it does all go T*ts up can you go back to what you are doing now?


Good luck



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Rats...way late on parade for a comment today (did manage to get Robert "taken care of") - work conference calls took precedence...



1) Robert - done, check

2) Tony and Aditi anniversary - excellent, congratulations, yay team, etc., enjoy the evening meal, check

3) HUMP Day (almost over now), check

4) Aditi and latest HR pile-of-dog-s*h*it is unbelievable, and surely amounts to a thinly veiled threat/intimidation??? I would think the legal folks could have a field day with that one.

5) Weather here - rain overnight (surprise, surprise) now warm, 28 sunny and humid


Enjoy the diminshing glimmers of Hump day chaps and chapesses...

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  • RMweb Gold

English Mums certainly had funny sayings, back then.


If my brother and I were (in her opinion) wasting our pocket money my mum used to say "You spend money like a man with no arms" - I still, 40+ years later, have no idea what she was on about although we understood to hide our spending in future !

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  • RMweb Gold

My mother had sayings like "I've only 2 pairs of hands you know". Though she did admit that "apples don't grow on trees " wasn't sensible. It was the veiled threat of "I hope you have a nice time" that was most worrying though!

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  • RMweb Gold

The scariest one for me was when she said: “Peter - I’ve a bone to pick with you!"


Anytime she said “Peter” I’d get worried...


Best, Pete.

We didn't get that warning, my mother always called my brother and me by our full names Anthony and Peter. She never, ever approved of Tony and Pete. Strange because her given names were Joyce Marguerite and she was always called Margaret. 


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  • RMweb Premium

I am also guilty of not congratulating Tony S & Aditi - who we all feel we know and admire! - on their ongoing successful partnership. Well done on proving the doubters wrong! Similarly disparaging things were said about my marriage to Deb, but we made it work somehow, and were together 39 years. If my luck holds I might again be a married man in the next 12 months. Ooh, Sherry!


So am I, and so I, too, would like to post a belated set of congratulations. May many more years of happiness follow!

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We didn't get that warning, my mother always called my brother and me by our full names Anthony and Peter. She never, ever approved of Tony and Pete. Strange because her given names were Joyce Marguerite and she was always called Margaret. 


How strange! My mother’s name was also Marguerite - but she hated it, she was always called Jean.......


Best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Gold

How strange! My mother’s name was also Marguerite - but she hated it, she was always called Jean.......


Best, Pete.

My mother's next younger sister was Florence May. She loathed the names and said my mother as eldest should have got "Florence" as it was their mother's name. Auntie Florrie as she was to us was always called Mary to anyone else outside the family.

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  • RMweb Gold


Anytime she said “Peter” I’d get worried...



Is this where you reveal your real name is Fred?


My mother was Mabel Annie Winifred, but Win in her later adult life. I'm not sure when she made that change.


One of the girls at skool was called Varian. As her mama was Welsh I assumed the unfamiliar name was too, only discovering later that it simply means "changeable". She hated the name, called herself Vanny. Her Facebook page reveals she now uses her given name again. She didn't seem to mind my naming our Welsh X Thoroughbred after her.

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  • RMweb Gold

I just linked (in another thread)  to this new advert appearing in the New York area on TV (it’s rather self-explanatory). I have no idea why but thought it might appeal to Ian and Sherry.....






Bit weird nonetheless :drag:


Best, Pete.

At the last count, Sherry didn't rely absolutely on cables or wires, nor is she quite that narcissistic!

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No, but my brother’s given name was Colin - which he also hated so we had to call him Nicholas. He almost changed his mind when I started calling him Silverbum (think about it) but he later cheered up when we both put our pocket money together and won about 20 quid on the Grand National when the horse "Nicholas Silver” came in first.

That was about the average weekly wage in the UK at the time (no, you look it up).....


Best, Pete.

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I just linked (in another thread)  to this new advert appearing in the New York area on TV (it’s rather self-explanatory). I have no idea why but thought it might appeal to Ian and Sherry.....






Bit weird nonetheless :drag:


Best, Pete.


Er..... thanks for that, Pete, I think!!


For the avoidance of doubt, nobody pulls my strings!!

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  • RMweb Gold

:mail:  I think that everyone of our generation had an Aunt Florrie...............I certainly did. Jolly old soul too. It got rather fun when Aunt Dorrie appeared at the same time.


Best, Pete.

Mum had step-brother, John and step-sister Norah. Their Dad was missing believed dead but had in fact fled from WW1 France to Canada. Mum had older brother Alfred (known as Olf or Olfie), then the aforementioned Florence, then Roland, Audrey and Robert (always known as "our" Robert).

Dad was an only child and was always Reg though he had been given Reginald Herbert as names. Apparently he decided that the traditional family name of Herbert was stopping at his generation. My parents had agreed that I was to be Phillip Anthony but Dad reversed it on a whim at the registrar's office.




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  • RMweb Gold

Yes, the Velocette T-shirt one.

The HR situation is now getting farcical. The HR person has complained about Aditi who has made "serious allegations" about feeling stressed and intimidated by the process. Aditi has replied that, "please note the use of the word "feel"", defined subjective feelings and said that HR have no jurisdiction over how she feels. As she said the worst they can do is sack her. 

HR also demand the medical evidence they asked for on Monday. They still haven't arranged a back to work interview since January but expect a response from a GP in 3 days? Actually there is one but it is being typed and will be available tomorrow.

This is definitely heading in a "M'learned friends" direction!

Tony this is absolutely appalling - I simply cannot conceive how any personnel professional could come out with such atrocious comments and if they were working in an organisation where I was a manager I would be looking for their early transfer to a dole queue and would definitely insist that they no longer took any part whatsoever in dealing with my staff; the person concerned is simply not fit to deal with people and hence should not be in any sort of personnel role.


The comments you have made sound to me very much like firm grounds for a claim of victimisation and bullying and I sincerely hope that Aditi's union will recognise that and that m'learned friend would pursue it in a rigorous fashion.  Please wish Aditi well and not to give in to such bullying - although I'm sure that's the last thing on her mind.  Incidentally has she yet been formally advised, in writing, that her present post is being dispensed with?


And on a lighter note my younger life seems to have had a parallel with Pete's - if my mother called me Michael I knew it was time to worry!

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