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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Warm but a bit dull out today. We didn't need alarm clocks as pigeons sitting on the open windows started calling at dawn.

Robert, Congratulations on the for the wedding and enjoy the Tirol. We have had some lovely holidays there (and hope to have a few more!).

Aditi reminded me that it is our wedding anniversary today. I hadn't forgotten but it hadn't quite registered in my sleepy brain this morning that today was the 18th. 37 years (which is 36 longer than we were reliably informed our marriage would last!) .


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  • RMweb Premium



Congrats to Robert, and a supportive shoulder to Dom, Dr Cat and Andyram, plus anyone that needs.


Had one of those days yesterday myself - as you might imagine I'm doing a lot of driving about currently.  Yesterday as I came into work, the brakes on the car made that awful 'there's no brake pads left' sound.  This confused me, as I maintain our vehicles well and the brakes should not have been worn out, but of course I need the car for work too, and there was no time to go to a garage.  So I bought a full set of pads, front and rear, and last night (having endured the sound all the way home, 21 miles, using the brakes as little as possible) had to get into jacking the car up on axle stands and overhauling the brakes.  Which would have been OK, except the brakes were less than half worn all around, and I could find no reason at all for the awful sounds......  so £76 lighter for pads, absolutely knackered, hip killing.....no funny sound this morning.  This does not satisfy the engineer within, I NEED to know why they were making that sound...... :dontknow:  :no2:

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Good morning all.

Congratulations and Good Luck Robert.


Overcast and a 'polar' 16C maximum today with showers forecast.

I'm wearing a vest, T-shirt, log sleeve shirt and two jerseys (one thick) and my heater is on (very low)

Pete, I would not enjoy your 33C heat. I have a very narrow comfort zone. lt's say 20C to 30C.

I watch Sky News UK weather each day and grin when the announcer says it's a nice day with the temp in two digits!( meaning in the teens).


Happy Day folks,. I am so glad to be back with you.

Edited by DonBradley
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Congrats, Robert, I hope all goes well.


Bright and sunny here, off to the depôt vente to get the € for some furniture we sold, then taking pictures.

Then, sadly, starting to clean and pack before going back the the UK for grandson's 4th birthday party!

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  • RMweb Gold



.  This does not satisfy the engineer within, I NEED to know why they were making that sound...... :dontknow:  :no2:

Have you had a dry spell recently? Perhaps the discs were dusty. Are there scratches on the discs? Hedgehogs hiding under the bonnet?

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Congrats to Robert, and a supportive shoulder to Dom, Dr Cat and Andyram, plus anyone that needs.


Had one of those days yesterday myself - as you might imagine I'm doing a lot of driving about currently.  Yesterday as I came into work, the brakes on the car made that awful 'there's no brake pads left' sound.  This confused me, as I maintain our vehicles well and the brakes should not have been worn out, but of course I need the car for work too, and there was no time to go to a garage.  So I bought a full set of pads, front and rear, and last night (having endured the sound all the way home, 21 miles, using the brakes as little as possible) had to get into jacking the car up on axle stands and overhauling the brakes.  Which would have been OK, except the brakes were less than half worn all around, and I could find no reason at all for the awful sounds......  so £76 lighter for pads, absolutely knackered, hip killing.....no funny sound this morning.  This does not satisfy the engineer within, I NEED to know why they were making that sound...... :dontknow:  :no2:


When you checked your brakes did you give the discs a wipe over to clean them? That could explain the normal brake sounds today. Brake dust can build up on discs/drums and cause a juddering sound when the brakes are used. If the discs are now clean you should be fine for a while. 

Apart from that have a great day everybody. Going to be warm again today.

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Congratulations Robert!  Nice and sunny here, but threatened by a sea mist.  Off to deliver a Manual handling training course to a bunch of people who dont really want it - at least I get paid to do it!

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Morning from the view overlooking Borough Market Junction.


Grey clouds and very light drizzle on the way in this morning. didn't stop the eldest going off to school without blazer or coat. "We're on summer uniform" he said as he left. He'll have been wet by the time he got to the bus stop at the other end of the high street but I doubt he cared!

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


Marvellous news from Robert! I am a great supporter of marriage, as a concept beyond just living together, as an earnest of your commitment to each other, as a splendid institution. Echo others in hoping everything goes well, the Tirol is stunning and you have many successful years together.


Jon has progressed well with the terrasse roof works. He has removed and replaced some putrefied battens, has a novel idea that will reduce or eliminate the ponding that has caused it. The real problem is the slope of the roof is too shallow, due to location. Things will be better from now on, I'm sure.


Renata did indeed bring a lasagne for lunch - and apfel strudel! As she is now working a day job, rather than the permanent 12-hr nights she did at the last clinic, Jon gets to see her more often, so things are on the up for them.


Neil - a stone caught between pad and disc can produce dreadful noises until it wears away. Had you driven through any loose chippings recently?


Hope everyone is finding the week slipping by nicely.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all and congratulation to Robert and his girlfriend. 

Perhaps ERers should form a virtual honour guard, holding lengths of PECO track aloft! 


Didn't put in an appearance yesterday as I'd requested a day of shadowing teachers at our local secondary school. By lunchtime I'd been offered a salaried position to retrain, teaching predominantly physics. Much to consider in such a decision and any thoughts from ERers would be welcome. One thing that is deterring me is that whilst the hours during training are about 70 per week the qualified teachers seem to work about 60-70 hours per week too. The long holidays seem to be half filled with work and half terms equate to a long weekend. So, on average annual leave is about the same for any other job? 


As a practical aspect to this I have two young children who for at least one year would see little of me and from the sound of it, a hell of a lot less thereafter. I also have an elderly mother who increasingly needs me to support her in decision making, admin etc.


I asked what fills the non-contact hours and it seems to be a mixture of lesson prep, marking and general admin. I did ask why they needed to prepare the same lesson year after year rather than simply have a well maintained lesson for each topic. Seems high staff turnover meant that they hadn't got round to this but it was thought a good idea. I was also struck by classroom discipline. I sat in on Yr 7 to Yr 9s roughly 11 y/o to 13 y/o and a range of ability down to a class of "forlorn hope" who had learning and discipline issues. A level of chatting when the teacher was speaking seemed to be the norm along with answering back and even insolence.


Annual salary when training is about £15-20k. On qualification it is about £27k. I believe that works out to around £4 to £8 per hour? 


The upside was that I worked with some youngsters 1:1 and helped them over stumbling blocks and told them they'd done a really good bit of work and it almost seemed like the first time they'd had a pat on the back for a long time. 


I'd be interested to hear any thoughts.      



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  • RMweb Gold

Andy - you clearly have a yen to do something rewarding, and teaching is probably a very good place to be from that point of view. But we have several seasoned teachers and ex-teachers on here who may tell you the "politics" - at national and local levels - can severely curtail your joy. And that doesn't sound like a marvellous salary, either. Not sure that the Gove-era is a great time to test these waters, frankly.

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Morning all and hearty congratulations to Robert - enjoy the wedding, the Tirol and many happy years together. Have to say the last 25+ with Joanna have certainly been the happiest of my life so I hope you look back in years to come with the same feeling! Good luck to you both and don't forget to post a picture of the celebration!

Neil, lots of modern cars have 'floating' calipers which can often trap a stone thrown up by the wheel. We often had phone calls at the garage, with customers reporting such a problem and then they would report that the noise had gone away on the way in to their emergency appointment! Since asbestos was banned, the steel of the discs is now much softer so just check for serious scoring. As if you needed any more on your plate right now!.........

Kind regards,


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  • RMweb Premium

Thanks for the thoughts re brakes - all of which I am familiar with and unfortunately had discounted.  The sound of a stone in the disc guard or caliper is different, this really was the awful metal-on-metal sound, and only on brake application.  I think it must have been something embedded in the pad, I didn't look that closely by then TBH. The discs are almost new, and I'm afraid I didn't wipe them down with cleaner as I was running short of time, energy and temper by then.  There wasn't a lot of muck around, just a light dusting so I just cleaned off the pad mounts and a tiny dab of brake grease on the slides.  I'm very light on brakes and as it's a diseasel there's a lot of engine braking to be had.  Mrs H is the heavy braker hereabouts, but she has her own vehicles!

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just read your post after I sent mine. My sister took the retirement option from her position as headmistress because her job had changed to one of politics and high finance rather than teaching! Suppose it comes down to also considering the effect on your family relationships : I have discovered since my illness struck, that family are the most important part of my life, and I certainly look back now and wish I'd spent more time with them than running a business allowed. I must have been a pretty horrible person to live with when I was in work most of the seven days in a week, and tired-out most of the rest of the time - possibly my one regret in life. Only you can decide : I agree fully with Ian's comments though and you'll have to balance the joy you obviously feel from a successful 1:1 relationship with a pupil, against your abhorrence of the lack of discipline which appears you will be impotent to do anything about!!

Good luck with the decision mate,

Kind regards,


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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Congratulations to Robert and future Mrs - I hope you have a great life together.


Andy - the way you've written the job implies (to me) you aren't keen and you want our support, you've got it, whichever choice you make.


Personally, as written, I wouldn't touch it with a barge pole owned by someone else, never mind my own - 70 hour weeks ? this is 2014, not 1814 - but that's my view


Have a good one all,

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Meant to add in my very early morning post, are 'Permissive Ways', as itemised on the signpost in image1 of your wonderful final leg series, only to be used by members of the 'Permissive Society' that I remember so well from my youth!

Put it down to the late hour and the sizeable bed-time nip!!

Kind regards,


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  • RMweb Gold

Andy. I'm sure  you would be an asset to the school. My first job was teaching "mainly physics" but it was mainly general science for a couple of years in a large Essex comprehensive. This was back in the 1970s and the children then were as you described in your post. Hours seem about "right". Those were the days of teaching schemes. "Science for the 70s", Nuffield (for the brighter few). These did have detailed lesson plans you could re-use and worksheet packs for the children.

 During probationary period (first year after qualification) and the next year all lesson plans had to be submitted a week in advance to one of the deputy heads though it was equally important not to forget to book the apparatus required with the lab technicians. During our probationary time one of my colleagues taught CSE Human Biology and an experiment about respiration processes used peas. The deputy head scrawled in red biro all over the teacher' lesson plan, "You are supposed to be teaching Human Biology not Pea Biology". Mike (the biology teacher) sent it back, asking if the Deputy Head wanted to volunteer to replace the peas and where would he like the thermometer inserted? Mike is still teaching (must be his fortieth year this year)

Then schemes changed. Lots of changes, political interference in syllabus, GCSE, National Curriculum, schools opting out of LEAs, SATs, cutbacks in expenditure. The present Education Secretary hasn't been reluctant to try and mould education to his own view either. He could benefit from a few days like your shadowing experience.


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  • RMweb Gold


Meant to add in my very early morning post, are 'Permissive Ways', as itemised on the signpost in image1 of your wonderful final leg series, only to be used by members of the 'Permissive Society' that I remember so well from my youth!

Put it down to the late hour and the sizeable bed-time nip!!

Kind regards,


I think Permissive Ways are routes that you are permitted to use by the land owner rather than "Rights of Way". I think by signing it as a permissive way the land owner won't lose their control if ramblers claim access through some continual use clause (or something like that)

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Morning all from the boring borough. A bit down today. It would have been my dad's 101th birthday. A very large glass of single malt will be raised later on. I never got to know him as an adult that well. From the time I was 19 he was in and out of hospital constantly following several heart attacks and strokes. Most of our time together was spend with me shuttling him to and from hospital, physio, doctor's office, etc. Not exactly the best of times. He died 2 weeks short of his 70th birthday. The same day the removal men came to empty my parent's house and transport it all to their retirement dream on Vancouver Island. Then again he was never expected to live past the age of 12 due to polio.


As has been said recently by others, life isn't a rehearsal. Perhaps its time for me to look at a change of career/lifestyle instead of spending upwards of 50 hours a week glued to a keyboard.



Tony: best of luck to Aditi. Sounds like she's got all her bases covered and that inhumane resources get what's coming to them.


Robert: congrats. Enjoy yourselves.


Andy: I couldn't teach in today's environment. I'd probably throttle one of the little b*ggers within the first 10 minutes.


Have a good one all.

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So here is the final leg of my walk from Kings Lynn to Norwich. This is the third different long distance path, the Marriotts way, taking over from the Wensum Way



I'm exhausted just looking at the pictures.

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