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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all. the sun is shining and DD" has her final A level exam today, bound to be a scorcher all day. Last cat standing (Clyde) is still a bit bemused but calms down after a pouch of food. A press on day today which should see me busy until lunch time at least. Have a good day.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning, bit murky here .. her indoors up very early to go for a pre teaching swim..

As for myself lots of different things to do today so, as they say, onwards and upwards... at least to the work room in the loft...



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Morning all.

Cool and grey here.

I've nothing to add (apart from good wishes) to the question of Aditi's 'redundancy' except that in my experience the HR people at schools and colleges were rarely trained as such and can be stunningly incompetent.


Off to Cancale for lunch, and to see some friends made through the old French forums, Ian! Looking forward to the oysters. I hope the weather brightens up for some photos.


Fifi the cat is still around, still hungry for food and affection, but so sign of the kitten. He may be well hidden or he may not have made it. We are feeding her, that's all we can do.

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An overall early mist has cleared and a pleasant day appears to be in order. It's still very cold overnight and by midday only warms up to 16C (Polar by our standards). I grinned at NHNeil's description of 20C being tropical! I'm nor really comfortable until it reaches a median of 25C.

       I cannot offer anything on Aditi's situation other than good wishes but I am following it with great interest,

       Good news from the cat family brother. I hope it continues upwards.

Best wishes to others suffering maladies.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


A bit overcast here, so the warm weather may be at an end pro-tem.


I took the car in for a service first thing - and they volunteered to give me a lift home, which was nice.


Jon the builder is erecting his scaffolding for remedial works on the terrasse roof - and tells me his French/Czech bride Renata (married two years) will be arriving at 1300 with a lasagne for us all! He is effectively working for a tv  - he will do three days unpaid and walk away with the 46" tv that Deb used for about 3 months. We are still discussing whether he wants to continue and do the upstairs bathroom now - or return to doing his own house in Montmirail up so he can sell it. He would then live full-time with Renata in Alencon, and they'd look for a bigger place than her flat. If he doesn't do the bathroom yet I'm no worse off, but I'd like it done this year sometime.


The Aditi situation is interesting. So glad that there is real and practical knowledge being shared by those who know a bit - rather than just the grumpy rhetoric I could offer! Being made to retire when you enjoy what you do - and apparently add real value to the learning process - is a travesty.


Hope everyone's week is progressing well, and those in poor health are doing likewise.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all.


Don, I think were we to meet we would gently tease each other for hours about weather!  It is a sunny 17c here this morning, some patchy mist and feels very 'summery'.  I'm more than happy with 17!  25 would be an out and out scorcher here, that is as hot as it gets on the island due to the moderating sea that surrounds us, I haven't seen higher in 12 years.  We had 32c in the Lake District in England last year, that was uncomfortable for us, and most of the locals there I think, it usually rains.  If it didn't it would be the Valley District of course!!!!


Mention again of Colin's photos, they put me in mind of Iain Rice's models of east Anglia - meaning he had done a good job of creating the right scenes I suppose.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All,


Tony the Aditi situation is dreadful though these days depressingly not surprising. What a bunch of scroats!


An interesting factor in these cases is that you can't actually start an employment tribunal case for constructive dismissal until you have left the job. Ask me how I know! A company of solicitors that has a bunch of guys clued up on employment law is Now Legal of Segensworth near Portsmouth.




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Morning all


Another bright and sunny day here - woken at 4am by bright sunshine streaming into the bedroom - dusk was around 11pm, magical. For us this is a good summer.


As others have said, best wishes to Aditi; dreadful situation to be in.



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Watched the documentary on Penn Station last night and found it very interesting. Surprising that it only lasted for less than 50 years. Although I could not help thinking of Euston and the Doric arch.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning All,


Tony the Aditi situation is dreadful though these days depressingly not surprising. What a bunch of scroats!


An interesting factor in these cases is that you can't actually start an employment tribunal case for constructive dismissal until you have left the job. Ask me how I know! A company of solicitors that has a bunch of guys clued up on employment law is Now Legal of Segensworth near Portsmouth.




Even the advice about constructive dismissal on the gov.uk site suggests that when employer behaviour gets to the point of constructive dismissal you need to go otherwise they might suggest the conditions were actually tolerable. "Soldiering on" or returning to work as soon as possible after illness don't seem to benefit the modern employee.

Anyway some positive news. As HR said she needed medical evidence, Aditi made an appointment to see a doctor. Yesterday the earliest one was Friday evening. She was waiting at the surgery at 8 this morning and they were helpful and made her an extra appointment at 10 this morning but said the doctor would attempt to see her earlier if possible. She saw the doctor at about 8.30. She was very helpful, agreed that Aditi's opinion on her health was correct and will support her in writing. She suggested that Aditi should draft the letter which Aditi has come home to do. I'll run it round to the surgery when she has finished. 



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Further to what The Stationmaster and Station Cat have posted in the last 48 hours, I thought I would post a message to say thank you to everyone for the support and well-wishing we've received in the last few days. It's been pretty tough but I am feeling fine and getting on with life as normal. 


If you ever feel a stabbing pain beneath your rib cage which does not appear to be getting worse or better or spreading elsewhere, get medical attention ASAP. I thought it was something that would pass in a few hours but that wasn't the case.

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I have gained the impression that Aditi doesn't give a d*mn about the management but cares for her colleagues, her job and the kids. The aim of management appears to be to cull 80 people by whatever means they can (sickness, lateness, left handedness) so that they can avoid paying proper redundancy; whilst hoping their bully boy tactics will get people to sign up without going to an employment tribunal. What are the unions doing about this? Because I hope they are communicating together, such that at the very least they ensure the college obey employment law in every single instance.



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  • RMweb Gold

  Because I hope they are communicating together, such that at the very least they ensure the college obey employment law in every single instance.



Yes they are. Aditi was contacted last night by the rep of the big union at college. He expressed support for her actions and told her who to contact so they can co-ordinate.

Aditi is quite confident now and is even joking that once they have "threatened" you with redundancy they can't do much worse. I don't think she needs to employ a "minder", they don't break your legs for union activity in education. Dad was a shop steward in the 1950s and was set upon in a dark alley once by reps of another union!


Edited by Tony_S
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So pleased to hear you have your GP vouching for Aditi. Lucky to have that ready support made available ahead of the expected date for an appointment.


Knock 'em dead, Aditi!

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


I see the patient has spoken so I'll say no more about him except that I have told him not to think about returning to work on Thursday.   Would that Aditi had such caring employers as his - immediate concern on their part and a 'don't come back until you are well' approach from them and it is good to see the lad in good spirits, the problem now being to stop him 'doing too much too soon'.


Meanwhile I see 'our' ship is heading for Harwich but it might possibly be for spare parts for the Sunk Inner as a large quantity of various technical stores were exhausted tending to the Greenwich L/V on Sunday. However a report now received from the ship indicates the wind has strengthened to Force 5 - 6 with the sea 'occasionally rough' so maybe conditions weren't safe enough to deal with the light vessel (some pics to come will show the advantage of calm weather for such work).


And now some holiday snaps including Harwich's Electric Palace - a cinema dating originally from 1911 and now in use, it seems, as a small theatre and arts centre.  Then a couple of views from the ship of the Harwich waterfront including the Ha'penny Pier and in the second one a reasonable view of the Trinity House 'rapid response' ship 'Alert' - she is currently commanded (temporarily) by a woman, the first such appointment in the history of Trinity House.

The final view on this side of the river and harbour shows the former train ferry linkspan and mooring jetty which is now blocked from rail access by the TH workshops and yard.










We are now looking at the opposite bank at the huge expanse of Felixstowe container port although the first pic also includes a spare light vessel (L/V) moored just clear of the channel.  We then have a view a bit further down with the 'Northern Jupiter being manoeuvred alongside by a couple of tugs.  Later we inevitably saw considerable numbers of container ships at sea, including one heading down the Channel at 18.5 knots.





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Good morning (just) from Clacton on Sea where the sun is trying to break through, thought it had gone for good!


Just occurred to me that tomorrow is the anniversary of the 'Battle of Waterloo' (18/6/1815) - wouldn't it be just great if Aditi and her team could see off this HR, who obviously thinks he's 'Napoleon', just as convincingly as the Duke of Wellington did then?


Great to hear that the system of barter is still alive and well in LeMans Ian, sounds like a fair trade for a TV you obviously don't use.


Like Neil, presumably because we are near the coast, 25 degrees seems like a scorcher. Although our prevailing winds are from the South West, the proximity to the sea always seems to make it feel cooler than it is and it's very easy to pick up sun-burn. Joanna makes me wear a hat these days as the white hair is getting rather thin on top so I'm not sure I would cope well with the sort of temperatures Don mentions in their summer!


Good to hear from 'Football Special' - he certainly seems to have the all important positive approach, and that is useful advice and certainly why the 999 system exists. Always bear in mind that roughly 11% of what you earn is paid into the NI fund to cover such eventualities and so don't hesitate as that time known, I believe, as the 'magic hour' is critical. Hope you keep us updated with your progress reports! A report from the Lifeboat Station would also be appreciated, between chores if poss.


Good luck to all sufferers and as they say in US stores - 'have a nice day!'

Kind regards,


PS just read the above post after I sent mine - long winded as usual I hear you say!

Edited by Jock67B
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indeed Tony, not only are they big but also numerous. There were reputedly over 365 churches and pubs just in Norwich at one time, enabling both drunks and the pious to enjoy a new venue every day of the year.



I'd heard of the 365 pubs but not the 365 churches. Tells you what kind of company I keep I suppose :) Great pictures anyway Colin


Good to hear from 'Football Special' - he certainly seems to have the all important positive approach, and that is useful advice and certainly why the 999 system exists. Always bear in mind that roughly 11% of what you earn is paid into the NI fund to cover such eventualities and so don't hesitate as that time known, I believe, as the 'magic hour' is critical. Hope you keep us updated with your progress reports! A report from the Lifeboat Station would also be appreciated, between chores if poss.


He actually called 111. But when he said chest pain the computer system immediately jumped to SEND AN AMBULANCE NOW! AT FULL SPEED! So they did. The paramedics were apparently quite put out when they found out healthy looking chap who let them in was also their patient - they were annoyed with the system rather than Football Special.


Echo Jock's hopes that a positive update from the lifeboat station will be forthcoming.

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Late on parade this morninng - well it's afternoon now. It was the youngest's first school sports day. He seemed to have a good time competing in the egg and spoon, the running and various other races. and his team, the red team was declared the joint winners.


The school made quite an effort especially given that half their field is a building site at present (growth in birth rates means that the school will be a 4 form intake from now on) and the kids all seemed to enjoy it; the sun came out too.


Best wishes in the redundancy case - it would seem that they are hoping short cuts in process will pay off.

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He actually called 111. But when he said chest pain the computer system immediately jumped to SEND AN AMBULANCE NOW! AT FULL SPEED! So they did. The paramedics were apparently quite put out when they found out healthy looking chap who let them in was also their patient - they were annoyed with the system rather than Football Special.


But the system worked. They got a paramedic to a potential CA; into hospital, diagnosed, symptoms alleviated and back home within 48 hours. That's how the NHS should work. And remember the Ambulance Service has a very black sense of humour.



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He actually called 111. But when he said chest pain the computer system immediately jumped to SEND AN AMBULANCE NOW! AT FULL SPEED! So they did. The paramedics were apparently quite put out when they found out healthy looking chap who let them in was also their patient - they were annoyed with the system rather than Football Special.


But the system worked. They got a paramedic to a potential CA; into hospital, diagnosed, symptoms alleviated and back home within 48 hours. That's how the NHS should work. And remember the Ambulance Service has a very black sense of humour.






Yep it worked in this case. No complaints whatsoever - apparently he even liked the food!

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An overall early mist has cleared and a pleasant day appears to be in order. It's still very cold overnight and by midday only warms up to 16C (Polar by our standards). I grinned at NHNeil's description of 20C being tropical! I'm nor really comfortable until it reaches a median of 25C.

       I cannot offer anything on Aditi's situation other than good wishes but I am following it with great interest,

       Good news from the cat family brother. I hope it continues upwards.

Best wishes to others suffering maladies.

As someone who doesnt live very far from NHN as the crow flies, I have to agree with him.  20C is a very pleasant temperature indeed, and that is about what it has been today, so I have been confortably warm.  Stuck at work, so cant really enjoy it though!

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