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  • RMweb Premium

Nice work if you can get it, Neil . .


Bragging about the sun again???


We have to, we don't get that much!  


Actually that's not true, on the northern plain here we get the same sunshine hours as the channel islands, it's just not as warm.


Several locos ready for sending to hopefully happy new owners, had lunch out with Jayne and then an afternoon in the garden was had, cooked jerk chicken in the charcoal garden oven for dinner, couple of beers, it was just like summer.  Lush.

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the Jowett was owned by these two gents.. father and son ..



and in good nick too! 


My game today wasn't a long one... after a delayed start due to a sudden downpour it was a 49 overs a side game. Pitch was a bit wet at one end so the ball would seam, swing and spin... so Barnsley 100 all out... Castlefore 61 all out... and another cracking cricket tea! Ta Cas !!


Pete this link may be of interest






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Afternoon all, took tiny cat to the vets again today but she was too ill to live so had to be put down sadly. Worst bit was telling the children after. Matt is back in Winchester tomorrow then comes home for the summer in two weeks I remain convinced he thinks I drive for pleasure alone.The weather has turned for the worse now as well it is about to start raining after spending the sunny morning in the vets waiting room.

Sad news, the problem with our small friends is they aint around very long but they dig into the heart.


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  • RMweb Gold

 ..... so Barnsley 100 all out... Castlefore 61 all out...



Now there's a 'local' club with a bit of history.

Was Mr Bird keeping an eye on you?

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  • RMweb Gold

Seeing as you seemed to enjoy my update from the first leg of my staycation walk from Kings Lynn to Norwich, here are some highlights from legs 2 and 3


Friday 13th Narborough to Litcham


Narborough Mill




Selfie and the pub cat at lunchtime






Castle Acre priory




Dartmoor Ponies on Litcham Common - brought in as an environmental management measure




Today, 14th June Litcham - Beetley


Leaving my overnight stay at the Bull, Litcham








I reached the end of the Nar Valley Way at Beetley, then followed the link path to Dereham to start my journey home in steamy style on the Mid Norfolk


This summer's visiting steam loco






New building at Thuxton which appears to be an exact copy of the building on the other platform (which is now a private dwelling)







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Evening all,

A bit late but I'd like to add my message of sympathy Mick. Certainly takes the edge off my night! The problem as always is, the deeper your love for any creature, then the more intense your sorrow. Hope you find some solace in the fact that you certainly did the humane thing.

Sad news from the channel as well - I'll need another nip at this rate!

Looks like a fascinating walk Colin, pit stops en-route and ending with the wonderful smell of steam! Somehow a diesel exhaust will never match it (sorry - old f*rts opinion!). Your images underline just how many areas of natural beauty abound throughout the UK.

Poor old Ian, the weather at LeMans looks atrocious in spells with the safety car being deployed for many laps. Only hope he has been able to balance the dampness outside by visiting the many hospitality units!

John Logie Baird died on 14th June 1946 - wonder if he'd recognise those big flat things that most of us have on the wall these days?

Father's Day tomorrow so I expect the kids will embarrass me as ever, although 'Nursie' daughter is working a long day, eldest girl is in Somerset and son is playing football in a North London league ( if he recovers from a boozy match watching bash tonight!) so I guess we'll have to resort to face-time as the day proceeds. I expect some cider in the garden will help stem the disappointment!

Have a good Sunday,

Kind regards,


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  • RMweb Premium


Now there's a 'local' club with a bit of history.

Was Mr Bird keeping an eye on you?

Not at this game. He is very busy as President of Yorkshire CCC.


Happy Father's Day for those of us having one..have great Sunday for everyone else!


Apparently youngest Herbert is coming to watch some cricket before we go for a curry to celebrate.. My order? Shami kebab and a grand slam kurahi with a roti.. Yummy and NO rice!!!!!!


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Ref to Barry O's  "No rice" above, rice is very comonly served as an accompanying 'vegetable" here and I frequently served both potatoes and rice with other veggies at the same meal. alhouh yellow rice was often prescribed. One of my table companions considers 'white rice' to be suitable for use ONLY in rice pudding although to his dismay it is served as an accompanyment to curries and Bobotie.


Had a spell of real English weather yesterday; Gusty winds blowing heavy rain drops sporadically against the window panes all night.

It is still somewhat overcast though there is some blue appearing in the sky. Forecast says 57% chance of rain - a most unusual figure. It's usually in round numbers, i.e. 60%.


If your weather in any way resembles ours - happy modelling (loco testing etc)

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Bit dull & dismal this morning - looks like being a cloudy but warmish day.

My stocks of beer, wine & chocolate have been replenished by the "kids" so that's a good start! Diet is on hold - again!

Have a good one,


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Bless me Father for I have sinned!

I have mentioned before that I have gone off my previous usual tope of Brandy but have finished off my remaining stocks of various brands and ages. Well last knight I discovered a still sealed bottle of KWV! 

The sin? I had a double mixed with Coke Zero! (To mix KWV with anything other than ice or water is a cardinal sin)

At my present rate of consumption it should last three months.

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  • RMweb Premium

Dropping back in after a bit of an intermission to see how things are.  Over half a million views now - wow - we are very busy early risers!  


Quick catch-up: been under the weather more than over it of late but eventually coming out on top.  The Big C treatment of five years ago compromised the immune system and it looks like I'm stuck with a rather depleted version now.  Result = anything minor has the potential to knock me for six.  I've been coping with a cold for over a week already.  I'm also trying to type, model and earn a living with increasingly painful arthritis in the fingers.


Last of the feathered flock has sadly departed to the coop in the sky and as it's mid-winter here now is not a good time to re-stock.  We'll have more later in the year.  Only remaining kitty is also getting on in years and losing his hearing but at 10 he should have another few years with us yet.


Mrs. G. is gamely plodding through her PhD project and is well over half way with perhaps 18 months until submitting.  


Now to start the back-track and catch up on the rest of us ;)

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Good Sunday Morning all, 


Was pretty busy yesterday until I just ran out of steam........and just sort of sat and cogitated.    Did manage a culinary first for me.....made a lasange! Trouble is I made way to much and the only dish to cook it in was round and deep! 


Never mind it still tasted ok.  


Now another I-o-M Picture from  either 1969 or 70.  Douglas Station, with one side being used as a car park. 


Try to enjoy the day (my off spring seem to have forgotten me - now were's the will?)




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I find it takes approximately two weeks to catch up on one week of posts.


Just a word to Mick:

I feel for you about the cat.

We have a sprightly (and somewhat savage) feral cat that adopted us.

However, we have been able to track her age back to find that she is 16+ years old.

No sign of her slowing down yet but how long can it be?

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  • RMweb Gold

You lay off ERs for a few days and there is so much to catch up on.


So thanks for all the updates/good news/sad news/scandal in the chapel/general gossip/photos and links etc.


Beast, your pigeon catcher is a Sparrowhawk, judging by the size, probably female.  We have one or two around this neck of the woods who try and keep the local wood pigeon population in check.  The buzzard is a larger, slower and far less nimble raptor, as well as being incredibly lazy.  The crowd around here seem quite content to collect road kill.


I went out yesterday on various errands, and since the Obergrumpenfuhrer was on girlguiding duties, I decided to make a spur of the moment trip to have a look at parts of the North and West line. (Newport-Shrewsbury).


The reason for this is to get a bit of local feel and general ambience for the area where 'Stokesay Junction' (BRM N Gauge project layout) is set. 


Although it was a most interesting trip, I managed to time my stops so that I never saw a single train, although I suspect that was because I spent too much time in Much Wenlock walking the track north towards Farley, and since the last train ran there in the early sixties......................!


Our trip to Edinburgh was good fun, and all I will say is that I can see why so many people love the city.  It's compact, but with plenty of open spaces and greenery. there is masses to do and see and the locals are just so friendly.


But strangely for me, not a drop of whisky passed my lips during the entire trip.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all, bit of a dull day outside but mucking out animals will be warming work. It is made easier now by using the green/compost bin. The sad thing about the small cat was not only did she still look like a kitten she was just 4 years old but died of an old age problem. From having three cats we are now down to one who is somewhat bemused. Trip to Winchester and back later another £45 pound hole in my bank balance. Have a good fathers day if you are one if not relax and don't be too smug..

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Rather muggy here this morning. I did get a card from Matthew and a promise of some beer! He thinks my taste needs educating and I'm happy to be advised! I have always said that he needn't worry about a card as I have always remarked that Fathers Day was probably invented by Clinton's Cards. The card I received had a train on it (Matthew said a lot of the cards seem to feature golf, football, beer or fast cars!).

We are off to Enfield. Aditi thinks her Mum needs a visit. Aditi's sister (who lives "round the corner" from MiL) went on holiday on Friday. Although MiL is vegetarian she said she would cook chicken curry for us even though we said we really like her vegetarian meals but Josh her eldest grandson may well visit too and he likes chicken curry.



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Beast, your pigeon catcher is a Sparrowhawk, judging by the size, probably female.  We have one or two around this neck of the woods who try and keep the local wood pigeon population in check.  The buzzard is a larger, slower and far less nimble raptor, as well as being incredibly lazy.  The crowd around here seem quite content to collect road kill.




The buzzards here are content to sit by the roads waiting for something to be killed!

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I'm not really "into" football, but mainly the people who pontificate about it during half time etc. Anyway, whilst fiddling with the Virgins last night I came across England v Italy just after the start, so watched the first half, pausing it to take Alfie for his late-nite extra. Came back, wizzed through the chat and watched the second half.


I don't know who the commentator was, nor his qualifications, but oh dear. With 15 minutes to go, and 2-1 down, his advice to England was:

"Plenty of time, relax and wait for them to lose concentration".   They must have heard him because we did, they didn't and we lost. Oh, and the physio broke his leg celebrating the losing goal.




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