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  • RMweb Gold

  I am home alone with just the cat and hamster for company.  

 The other potential fly in the ointment is this new "netbook" of mine.  

Hamsters, wonderful little animals! We don't have one at the moment but Aditi is convinced every time I go to the pet shop to buy dog food I will return with a small rodent to care for! Our last hamster definitely made sure Robbie knew she was senior pet. I wind Aditi up with my dream of a degu colony!


Is the netbook a Surface Pro as I have noticed some online comments about restarting issues. I don't have one though. Matthew has a Surface. My netbook is one of the Samsung NC models and is very robust,  a bit slow compared to the fluid cooled super duper desktop that lurks upstairs but otherwise reliable!

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From 30 feet above, 50 feet away, and behind a window, they are quite magnificent animals.

from 50' away and nothing but a bit of Canadian Tire tent polyester between ye and thee, one's perspective changes. After which one's trousers should be changed. Although in over 30 years of camping in the Rockies the closest bear encounter I ever had was one black bear that decided he liked my garden. That was less than 3 metres separation and nothing in between.


I have also camped in both areas in this book. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Night_of_the_Grizzlies

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Hamsters, wonderful little animals! We don't have one at the moment but Aditi is convinced every time I go to the pet shop to buy dog food I will return with a small rodent to care for! Our last hamster definitely made sure Robbie knew she was senior pet. I wind Aditi up with my dream of a degu colony!


Is the netbook a Surface Pro as I have noticed some online comments about restarting issues. I don't have one though. Matthew has a Surface. My netbook is one of the Samsung NC models and is very robust,  a bit slow compared to the fluid cooled super duper desktop that lurks upstairs but otherwise reliable!



Our hamster is a lovely little thing and was bought back in November as an impulse but from the rescue section of "Pets at Home". Managed to get it back and put it in the cage seconds before someone arrived to view our house.


 As regards the netbook I am clueless when it comes to these things. All I know is it is a Packard Bell make.

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  • RMweb Gold

Andyram said


The other potential fly in the ointment is this new "netbook" of mine. Bought only a few weeks ago it has started to develop a nasty habit of restarting itself, each time due to an error described as an "Unexpected Kernal Mode Trap". Now this is double dutch to me, but considering it did it four times last night, and twice this evening it seems there is a problem of some kind. Strangely it does not happen at school when it works completely offline. Whatever the issue is I can see a trip to Currys will be required shortly!


Looked this up on the net out of interest, hmm loads of articles on how to fix etc.


Shame is they are in a language I don't understand!


A trip to Currys might be the best option unless you understand computer speak.

Edited by Shedman5
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Evenin all,   


A day of (some one elses) C-C , 9am start (which those that know is an impossibility in Lagos) turned in to 10:30,   mind you it is held in a very posh hotel,  - when looking for a towel after washing my hands in the facilities,  proper fresh warm individual hand towels....!  And tomorrow it's the same again!


Looks like Ian A has had a result in the other place, perseverance paid off.


Anyway another  picture for NHN. 



Try to enjoy the remains of the day




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 As regards the netbook I am clueless when it comes to these things. All I know is it is a Packard Bell make.

nuff said. If it's that new take it back. That error is usually caused by incompatible device drivers. Most likely the build script that was used to stage the the NetBook was flawed.
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nuff said. If it's that new take it back. That error is usually caused by incompatible device drivers. Most likely the build script that was used to stage the the NetBook was flawed.


Funnily enough it only seems to happen at home and does not happen when I work offline at school.

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  • RMweb Gold

perhaps. The network adaptor driver is the culprit.

Amazingly, considering I think I don't don't know anything any more that was what I thought but wasn't brave enough to suggest!

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  • RMweb Premium

Sounds like you took being union rep seriously Phil. I have also been the union rep in more than one employment and I took it seriously too. There are books pertaining to human resource procedures that I made a point of reading. After all, your opposition in a hearing will have read them so get yourself forearmed. It usually caused them to rethink if the rep can quote a previous case or recommended procedure. Some of my colleagues couldn't be bothered with it and adopted a policy of throwing themselves, or the poor s*d they were representing, on the mercy of the tribunal. Never known that to work either.

Thank you, the union that I was a rep for (GMB) was very good at training its reps even giving residential courses. In my occupation (local government) I thought that that some times things were bad but by meeting reps from other industries I came to the conclusion that it wasn't so bad after all. The courses that they ran on HR and H&S were so good that some employers sent their own staff to them, the union charging them a suitable fee.

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  • RMweb Premium

A quick update tiny cat is back home being treated as a princess by all except Clyde who hissed at her!  She is still struggling to walk but can wave her tail about. We can only wait and see if she can get full movement and feeling back in her rear legs but not for too long as quality of life becomes an issue.

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  • RMweb Gold

Evenin' all,


Right all is packed - mostly in 'my' suitcase so when I came to put in important things such as my notebook, and shaving/washing tackle there was almost no room left, totally defeats me that why in addition to enough per day of everything there has to be at least two duplicate sets of almost everything for a female person.   CDs for Captain and crew with some pics of them from last year all duly completed - all we have to do is get up, get dressed and proceed to the station.


I take you will all be good while I'm away and I won't return to find more secret romances have come to light, that all pets are fully recovered, that all persons are keeping hail & healthy, that golf tournaments have gone well for those dodging railway modelling duties, and that Aditi has duly slaughtered the management and his HR sidekick.  Apologies tor those I've overlooked or totally forgotten.

Edited by The Stationmaster
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Late good evening from Clacton, good news tonight in that AndyP has posted in 'lunester lounge' and although still not well and due to have more tests etc., he's definitely been lifted by the PMs and posted messages! How irrepressible he is - even joking about his eye-sight problem with George on 'Ashcombe'! Hope he makes a complete recovery soon.

Poor old Aditi : did the powers that be contact the union late to try and get them to send a 'work-experience' rep along because of the short notice? What a pathetic and transparent delaying game they are playing - something that will be obvious to any tribunal should it come to that. More than a little worrying for those with kids who rely on the professionalism(?) of these people!

Sherry, it's beginning to sound more like a prudent step to start saving, even if the fix goes in on first attempt! Keep us posted please and good luck.

Ian (A), I've decided to skip the Hornby thread on the grounds that my blood boiling makes me too warm!

Hump day here already - must get some beauty sleep but didn't notice the time,

Kind regards,


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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Lovely morning here, Blue sky. I can hear pigeons and magpies but the other birds aren't singing yet!

I have a shopping list, Aditi is having some shoes she ordered delivered to the local(ish) Waitrose so I'll do some food shopping as well.



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Up at the crack - morning all, looks like it's going to be another scorcher (or at least so the man in the petrol station told me yesterday).

Had a great meal with friends last evening, but more grass cutting beckons today. Or at least when it is a bit cooler.


Must try to get some photography in at some stage.


We were doing a bit of driving yesterday, and one of the features of this part of Normandy (between Mortain and St Hilaire) is the number of rail crossings on the roads =- now disused. There are lots of them, and each one has a small crossing-keeper's house which have now been converted into holiday homes. Some stations have also been converted - this one is a gîte:



The old trackbeds have been converted into walking and cycle routes rather than just being left, and they seem reasonably well used. I haven't really been able to find out much about them -  they persisted quite late, I believe, and mostly carried stone from the many quarries that now fill huge road-blocking trucks...

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all...


No t-storms did materialise over night, so it's back to fairly warm and sticky as I'm writing this. Albert and Trude the rabbits and Frida and Kiki the cats are therefore taking things slow, which I sure would like to do as well! At least our morning seminar today has been cancelled and we'll be on a little excursion with the afternoon one. Exam corrections will have to be made as well, so I suppose I'll get started after brekkie...

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Nice bright start to the day with clear blue sky & sunshine but the forecast is for variable sunny & cloudy intervals.

Another day of not doing much although it has been suggested I "make a list" of what needs to be done before I presumably do "it"....whatever "it" is! I don't get lists given to me (unlike a couple of friends). Very early on in our relationship Chris twigged that certain things were a no-no - lists being one of them.  However if things are prefixed with phrases like "Do you think that you could" or "Would you mind doing" I  follow instructions  then become amenable to her requests. The fact that nothing has been flagged up is worrying - I must be doing too much too soon!

Have a good one,


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  • RMweb Premium

Another sunny morning... May get used to this.


Now,while the stationmaster is away we must make sure we are as naughty as possible. Don't know what that entails but sounds good!


Have a great Wednesday. Me? I'm off to post a parcel back to Oz, then a bit of modelling the may be some cricket at Headingley.



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Good morning all,  


It's hump day as has already been mentioned. Not much to report  from here though  it's still dark and heavy rain & thunder forecast for later. 


I did have a thought about Don B, I seem to think that he did give some clues as to were he lived because I  did look on Google Street view. I f some one got the time & inclination maybe they could see if that post could be found & maybe make a phone call?

Just a thought,


Try to have the best day that circumstances allow,



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  • RMweb Gold

Don always said that his godson Tim was under instruction to inform us of any bad news, that he hasn't done so, hopefully, is a positive.

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Morning All,


My goodness!  What a lot of posts to catch up on.  I looked in yesterday afternoon too.


It is a blustery and stormy morning here today.  There were some quite severe storms overnight, but we have so far had nothing more than the odd flash of lightning and clap of thunder.  When we left home this morning the sky was incredibly black to the West.


Oh well - quite a bit to do today, so I had better get on!


Have a good one everybody...


Edited to add:  Debs, have you considered Linux as an alternative to Vista?

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Morning all from the sunny but otherwise boring borough. Just off to fire up the AC in the shed. Quiet day ahead as everyone seems to be on leave this week. So, I'm going to take my office outside for the day.


Robert: interesting you should suggest Linux. Just reviewed a costing and design document for a potential client who was considering going that route for their estate. The guy that did the number crunching determined that even with "free" licensing, the labour costs of implementation, support, and updates makes it more expensive than paying for licensed Microsoft Win 8.1 once the estate size is around 250 seats or larger. That cost grows even more if the estate has disparate equipment needing multiple driver sets and custom builds. People may deride MS's products but they are far more supportable in larger numbers than the alternatives. 250 Linux seats = min of 15 deskside support techs just to manage the software installation and patching. With MS that's down to 5 techs for general deskside support and 1 sms expert to manage the software. The training cost alone for 250 users exceeded the MS seat licence costs over 5 years. That is why MS has over 90% of corporate installations for medium to large estates.  


Tony: best of luck to Aditi and her meeting with the gormless ones. Also, what are you doing sniffing around the South East area group? stay on your side of the Thames. :no:


More coffee time then outside for the day. Have a good one.

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Hi all,


Been a few weeks since I last checked in... would'nt you know it work and life just keep getting in the way!!!


Anyways... after the last couple of very hectic weeks this week is the exact opposite... as I am typing this at work you can imagine that there is bu@@er all to do!!! Just got to wait here "in case" there is an order for someone in the wine bar (in case anyone missed it I did once mention that I am a chef by trade)... what a waste of time this week is. The only possible good side to this is at least I am getting paid for it!! Honestly... I hate doing nothing but this is taking it to the extreme... a normal week around here is about the 100k in business... this week is 11k... not sure if that pays the electricity bill or not but it wont cover much.


Rant over.


Winter has kicked in here, cold nights +/- 8 degrees... daytime +/- 15 degrees, mostly sunny but there could be a wet spell on the way... Just remember that there is no such thing as bad weather... there is just the wrong clothes!!


Okay take care everyone.



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