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Getting a lot of help from Roundhouse (periodically of this parish) pertaining to a holiday in Prague and Dresden, so I now know where to drink the local beer and (window) shop the model railways emporia. Hotels booked, trains sorted (I think) but still to book.


Funny old day. I'm off to print the accounts for a charity for which I'm treasurer (Bereavement Counselling) then present them at this evening's agm. Twixt and 'tween I'll be with another RMWebber, drafting the obituary for a third RMWebber. Not going to be easy, but part of the resolution process.


Breakfast was a bacon and tomato bap. There is one bap left and enough bacon to fill it - I'm trying not to succumb, because.....


guys, you may have heard today's warning about pre-diabetic conditions. Please, please take this warning seriously and minimise your sugar input (and your salt input as well).



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  • RMweb Premium

Nuisance calls? Not so many nowadays...

Ring ring,,ring ring.


"I'm phoning you this morning to see if you would like to change your phone provider."

"I don't have a phone."


Longer pause....

"Then how can Sir hear me, then?"

"I don't know...I get these voices in my head....do you get voices in your head?.....hello....are you still there?.....are you still there....."



Ring ring, ring ring....

"Good morning. You have expressed an interest in business finance." 

"Have I?"


"Ok, how much would you like to invest in me?"

"No, no. We want your money."

"No.NO. I want YOUR money for MY business."

"That's not what business finance is."

"Yes it is."

"No it isn't."

"Yes it is."

"No it isn't"

"No it isn't"

"Yes it is!"

"Ha-ha caught you out."

"Damn. How much do you want?"

"Oh, whatever you've got going spare, Chancellor."  

Edited by AndyB
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  • RMweb Gold


Hope you have a great cruise. We'll try to keep things ticking in your absence and look forward to the images on your return.

Bon Voyage,


I'm not so sure about wanting to see the images Jock - after all one buoy is often very much like another :O


But here's one from last year - the ship at anchor off Tenby while we were being put ashore on Caldey Island,  which was supposed to include a look at the lighthouse - which didn't happen because the standard key wouldn't unlock the door; at least it was a nice day weatherwise.  And the view below shows the location of our cabin as we are on the Port side this trip and the two windows at the rear end of the for'ard superstructure on the same deck as the boat davits where all those folk are standing around is where we are booked to be.  


Puts us more or less below the Captain's cabin which should at least be a bit quieter than being on the Starboard side below the Chief Engineer who tended to rather noisy plus various alarms etc going off in his cabin at night.  And we're only two decks below the bridge which makes it very handy for popping up before breakfast to read the weather forecast and to see what is planned for the day.  Click the pic to enlarge.



Edited by The Stationmaster
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Andrew's fantasmagorical hyperaccurate grumpy world cup predictions.


The official world cup song will be utter crap.

The unofficial world cup song will be only mildly crap.

Thousands of idiots will adorn their crappy Vauxhall Astras with St George flags. (other crappy cars are available)


England will play 1 decent match and 2 sh*tty matches in the first round but survive by the skin of their teeth.

Their one good match will cause a massive uptake in bandwagon jumping and national optimism.

Rooney will choke and play like a second rate conference player again.

England will go out the next match by either a dodgy goal, poor officiating, or penalties.

The whole country will turn into pundits with opinions on how to fix things.

The whole country will switch off the world cup coverage and get back to their normal lives.

Pubs will complain about the loss of trade and the whingers in the media will drone on about how much the loss has affected the English economy.

The England players will all go on summer holidays with their bags of £££ having ticked their bucket list box of going to a world cup.

2 days after the end of the world cup, the hype for Euro 2016 will begin.

Adrian Chiles will still be an annoying sack of monkey s***.


Repeat in 2018, 2022, 2026 .............

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  • RMweb Gold


Tony - very wise words from Barry about Aditi keeping notes especially is such words as 'we wondered if you would be interested in taking redundancy' (can be construed in law as constructive dismissal) or 'as an older/more senior member of staff would you .... (constructive dismissal and illegal reference to age).  Anyway I'm sure Aditi can take care of herself and I look forward to good news on her behalf when I return from our nautical excursion in the latter half of next week. 

Thank you. Aditi has seen the person who invited her to the interview and told him she wanted to know the nature of the interview, as she needed to know who was most appropriate to invite to accompany her. One of the criteria for redundancy is absence through illness and this is the reason for the meeting. Aditi had two weeks off in January with tonsillitis which caused complications with her asthma. She had declared all her medical conditions when she applied for the post 7 years ago so they can't say they didn't know. I think she is feeling combative as she pointed out that she hasn't had a "return to work" interview following that illness and we are in June now! She has chosen a colleague to accompany her and he has a background in HR.

She intends to say that during this time she has worked weekends and evenings covering  for senior colleagues so they clearly can't see her health as an issue and that questioning it now for redundancy is clearly stressful and possibly discriminatory. She would get 9 weeks pay and 4 months salary in lieu of notice so could be home early tomorrow with her possessions in a bin bag escorted off-site by security! Now she has also been told (unofficially by another more senior person)  that in the re-organisation there is a post for her in the HE part of the college and that it has been approved by senior management, finance and HR. 

Sounds like a shambles to me!

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  • RMweb Gold

Good grief, can't leave you lot alone for a minute....congratulations to the happy couple, what happened to RMweb (can't be bothered to trawl through, it's still here though) and any other stuff that I've missed, please accept appropriate salutations.


I've really just come on to give a shout out to the Wensleydale Railway...friendly people, great scenery and a superb line in the making one day...unfortunately they are as poor as church mice at the mo, they had a huge landslip last year which set them back so any support people can give them is most welcome.


They only have one steam loco at the mo, but those of you who know the area will know it is in a gorgeous part of the world, one which I'd not visited before, but boy, get the weather and there can't be many better vistas in the UK.


We were up there to get our A4, 4464 Bittern, ready to bring it back to base at Southall. We spent the weekend doing the 101 tasks associated with that move, and just a bit of eating and Theakstonning, and pulled the 15.00 trip up the line on Sunday, which I'm glad to say pulled in quite a few punters for the railway.


Yesterday was engine and support coach down the ECML, highlight for me was being on the footplate of an A4 through York and Doncaster....you can't buy memories like that.


Anyway, sorry for the lengthy post, but if you're up that way do visit the Wensleydale Railway, they would welcome your support.


Take care.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all, a bright sunny day, the house feels crowded with half of Matts junk from uni the other half is yet to come and we still haven't cleared up after DD1 came home. I do wonder what would happen if we moved to a smaller house it would need a garden big enough for a couple of large sheds, the problem is that I might like to retire in three years after DD2 completes uni but unless her brother and sister move out in the meantime I will be working to provide them with accomodation.... 



it might be mad here but spelling should be accurate

Edited by skipepsi
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  • RMweb Gold

Andrew's fantasmagorical hyperaccurate grumpy world cup predictions.



Repeat in 2018, 2022, 2026 .............

I'm only vaguely interested in football but there seems to be less general enthusiasm about than in the similar period before previous World Cup tournaments. Aditi has got Holland in her office sweepstake so will no doubt be interested in their progress. She would normally watch all the England matches and then transfer her allegiance to the side with the nicest legs. However the time difference could prevent her watching this time.

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Morning all,

........And Sherry I'm glad our words have been of some help to you in particular as it must have been quite a difficult time dealing with adults who in many ways are still children when they think of their parents - at least you have now got that behind you and can get on with your future plans and arranging more frequent haircuts for a certain gentleman we know ;)..........

Not quite complete as our eldest lives in Australia and is currently on holiday in Bali. We await her return so that she can be told so this is privileged info until then - no Faceache comments, thanks!


Bon voyage!

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  • RMweb Gold

Thank you. Aditi has seen the person who invited her to the interview and told him she wanted to know the nature of the interview, as she needed to know who was most appropriate to invite to accompany her. One of the criteria for redundancy is absence through illness and this is the reason for the meeting. Aditi had two weeks off in January with tonsillitis which caused complications with her asthma. She had declared all her medical conditions when she applied for the post 7 years ago so they can't say they didn't know. I think she is feeling combative as she pointed out that she hasn't had a "return to work" interview following that illness and we are in June now! She has chosen a colleague to accompany her and he has a background in HR.

She intends to say that during this time she has worked weekends and evenings covering  for senior colleagues so they clearly can't see her health as an issue and that questioning it now for redundancy is clearly stressful and possibly discriminatory. She would get 9 weeks pay and 4 months salary in lieu of notice so could be home early tomorrow with her possessions in a bin bag escorted off-site by security! Now she has also been told (unofficially by another more senior person)  that in the re-organisation there is a post for her in the HE part of the college and that it has been approved by senior management, finance and HR. 

Sounds like a shambles to me!

If she is made redundant (and I hope she isn't) she is also entitled to reasonable time off to look for suitable alternative employment - and that is paid time off.


Although it isn't specifically mentioned I think they would be on very dodgy ground making somebody redundant on the grounds of their health because in reality what they are doing is dismissing them.  If there is no change in the employer's business (e.g reducing the disciplines it covers, closing down a department) then they would have difficulty proving a genuine redundancy. And, if they are still determined, this is where Baz's point comes in and one starts mentioning a Compromise Agreement.


All sounds totally unprofessional to me and in consequence very disturbing for the people involved/affected.  If they want to save money perhaps they should start with their senior management who appear to be somewhat short of competence.

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  • RMweb Gold

You can make an employee redundant due to long term ill health, but I would hardly call two weeks anything remotely approaching long term!

That was the reason (long term) I was made redundant. I didn't object to the reason and fully understood why but the person doing the procedure seemed to revel in the process. What kind of an organisation puts someone who appeared to have the characteristics of a socialised psychopath in charge of HR?

Edited by Tony_S
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  • RMweb Gold

If she is made redundant (and I hope she isn't) she is also entitled to reasonable time off to look for suitable alternative employment - and that is paid time off.

I think the escorting off the premises with 4 months in lieu of notice instead of the 3 months probably covers that! If people think that doesn't happen in education they aren't aware of the new management ethos nowadays.
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  • RMweb Gold

That was the reason (long term) I was made redundant. I didn't object to the reason and fully understood why but the person doing the procedure seemed to revel in the process. What kind of an organisation puts someone whom appeared to have the characteristics of a socialised psychopath in charge of HR?

A pack of idiots who are utterly incapable of managing and whom I would not bother to accompany if they were organising a party to consume alcohol in a brewery.

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Might I make a brief 'Tech.' query:


I`m considering reinstalling the Windows Vista on this ever-more creaky laptop; every morning there are corrupt and orphaned files and 'chkdsk' has to work wonders, but I realise that things can`t continue in this state for much longer.

A fellow ER has suggested I try a clean re-installation.


I have successfully managed to backup to USB-DVD drive all things most important (Pics/Docs./Network-settings/Logins and Bookmarks etc.), but having thought about the various likely associated tasks in proceeding; I think that subsequent to a 'clean install' I will surely be asked for the Windows security number-series that used to be readable on a sticker `neath the machine...........however, with these 8 years of handling, it has worn away, almost completely.


I have a bootable Windows Vista Recovery CD (which I created/burned several years ago) and I also have a Windows Vista {upgrade} DVD, which came with the machine when purchased and I have been led to believe the latter DVD may also be used to perform a clean reinstall; although being a generic-use disc, it does not have any serial number stickers.

The laptop`s internal CD/DVD disc-drive failed several years ago, but the external DVD reader/writer I have, will work for booting if I make an appropriate USB boot-source selection from within the BIOS.


Is the missing original Windows Vista serial and authentification number, recoverable via the Windows U.I?.......If not, is there another way to authenticate for re-installation?................Have I missed anything in my progress so far? :scratchhead:

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That was the reason (long term) I was made redundant. I didn't object to the reason and fully understood why but the person doing the procedure seemed to revel in the process. What kind of an organisation puts someone who appeared to have the characteristics of a socialised psychopath in charge of HR?

Perhaps that's the ideal sort of person; after all, you don't want someone who gets submerged in wave of empathy for the person they're giving the elbow to.


Maybe the ideal outcome is the 9 wks redundancy pay and the new position mentioned by the more senior person; but that's the sort of thing that used to happen in certain commercial organisations, sometimes with a spell of highly paid consultancy between the two employments when the comany realises it can't do without the role being covered in some way

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Deb, unlike earlier versions of Windoze, Vista and later versions store the product key in an encrypted form. You can recover this by using something like Belarc Adviser. http://pcsupport.about.com/od/system-security/fr/belarc-advisor-review.htm


Get the key and write it down et voila, you will have the product key for when you reinstall. However....... the upgrade DVD will search for an existing operating system first. you can't use it as a clean first time installer. For that you need the full edition. You will probably have to do the install from the recovery disk first, even if that just puts down enough of a footprint for the upgrade disk to sense that it isn't going on to a naked machine.


Another big worry is the disk errors. If this is happening that frequently then I'd suggest that you very likely have a drive controller issue or the disk itself is in its death throws. A full rebuild will clean things up for a bit as will a full and slow reformatting of the disk. Again the dreaded however......... if its hardware related the problem will return fairly quickly and you will be back to square 1.


For what its worth my course of action would be:

1 get the product key for certain so you can rebuild regardless of hardware issues.

2 pave the laptop and do a full not fast format of the hdd. If it starts showing up masses of errors, then put the poor thing out of its misery. You may be able to get a replacement cheap but in my experience its probably safer just to bury it and get a new one.

3 if the format shows the disk as fairly intact then use the recovery disk first, then do a full repair install with the upgrade disk and product key.

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  • RMweb Gold

What kind of an organisation puts someone who appeared to have the characteristics of a socialised psychopath in charge of HR?

Those who can, famously do. Those who can't,..... Getting into HR is a good way of getting off the face-management treadmill while keeping a job. A harmless backwater, you are simply a service to line management. Those with unwelcome personality traits that render them ineffectual in the mainstream business may prosper here.

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  • RMweb Premium

I think Neil maybe along shortly to explain the error of your ways Ian.  A good personell manager can make a lot of difference even in a dark time for a company. HR never starts from the right place INMHO.

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  • RMweb Gold

I think Neil maybe along shortly to explain the error of your ways Ian.  A good personell manager can make a lot of difference even in a dark time for a company. HR never starts from the right place INMHO.

I didn't say they were all nutters! Merely that it is a good way of making a career without all the profit-and-loss and sales figures pressures of line management today. My observation of BR in my time.

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  • RMweb Gold

I shouldn`t................ :whistle:


..............I really shouldn`t! :no:


..............it`s just so tempting! :laugh:

I suppose that is why American English uses a different pronunciation of "buoy"!

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I'm trying to read the runes.


Management want to cut numbers. I sense Aditi isn't on the "must keep" list, nor is she on the "must go" list. Hence the bully boy interview; if she can be bounced out on spurious grounds, then there is one less to get rid of.


But from previous posts, you imply that Aditi isn't ready to retire yet. In which case they will have to make a bl**dy good offer and I hardly think that 6 months pay is that good. Redundancy at this stage will effectively be retirement and if Aditi isn't psychologically ready to finish now, then she should accept the other job. When I took redundancy at the age of 58, it happened over a period of two months; the HR team managed the process very well but even so there was a psychological effect and only when I reached my expected retirement age of 62 did I consider myself to be "retired". So they would need to make a worthwhile offer.


But she owes that incompetent bunch of senior managers absolutely no loyalty whatsoever.


And, as Mike writes, a full set of contemporaneous notes.


Finally, the tax free allowance is £30,000. Aditi will need financial advice if the package exceeds that amount, eg putting money into her pension pot.



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