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Morning All,


I am back in the office this morning, after a long weekend.  I didn't get too much done though - it was much too hot.  Saturday was spent in the cellar tidying my workshop, but Sunday and Monday were spent trying not to move!  Temperatures reached 35°C in the shade. :O


I too missed the news yesterday.  Sad news about Rik Mayall - when I read Andy's post, I thought "He couldn't have been that old" and indeed he wasn't.


Have a good day everyone...

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Fatchy pog..burning off slowly.

Tony aditi needs to write everything down. Its a pain but worth it. My HR lady was taken aback when I said those two words..."Compromise Agreement"..

Just found out that after I left on Sunday one of my umpiring colleagues was hit by the ball and ended up in hospital. Fortunately he is OK. Cricket and hockey balls are very hard.

Have a steady Tuesday everyone

Edited by Barry O
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Lacrosse is one of the big sports where i live. I used to play field Hockey, Rugby, Soccer and Cricket at School. I also did the 440, 880 and Long Distance. When I was fifteen I once played two 90 minute Soccer matches back to back.

It’s been downhill ever since though my legs still don’t have an ounce of fat on them (I make up for that elsewhere).


Next time I’m sick I’m making an appointment at our Vets.


Best, Pete.

Never played lacrosse, but did enjoy all the others.  I never really took to just running - my philosophy was that 100 yards was a sprint, 220 was middle distance and 440 and over was long distance!  However, put me on the rugby or hockey pitch and I would run all day.

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Morning all,

A sunny start to the day here and I've made some progress on the layout, albeit figuring out part of the plan. 


My upcoming session at the school science club is to cover "How astronauts' suits work".

We've decided to expand the session to cover all sorts of protective clothing ranging from the Submarine Escape Suit through to the Typhoon aircrew clothing ensemble (sounds like a tube and string quartet!).

I had a look through the national archive catalogue the other day for clothing we could pull out of stores for this "show and tell" session. Quite nostalgic - didn't think I'd ever see a lot of the clothing again, let along put it on again to show school children how it works. One of the fascinating things is to look at the WWI flying clothing and to see how advanced it actually was. Indeed some innovations that I'd always been told were brought into service for bomber crews in WWII actually were around in WWI.  You learn something new every day.   


Anyway, have a nice day one and all. Andy

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Greetings from sunny South Essex.


I'm not sure what I'm doing today. Aditi "suggested" that I need a haircut, but I think I'll save that for later in the week.



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Morning all. Woken up at 8 this morning by the phone. It's 'Michael' with a strong Indian accent telling me, in English, that he's calling from Microsoft and they've had notifications that my machine is infected...


That would be my Mac that has no Microsoft software on it, I ask him. He mumbles. I call him a liar and a scammer and hang up.


I really resent these dishonest b&strds and their scams. Now targeting English names in France?

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all. Woken up at 8 this morning by the phone. It's 'Michael' with a strong Indian accent telling me, in English, that he's calling from Microsoft and they've had notifications that my machine is infected...


That would be my Mac that has no Microsoft software on it, I ask him. He mumbles. I call him a liar and a scammer and hang up.


I really resent these dishonest b&strds and their scams. Now targeting English names in France?

Yes, Dick. I had a lady on from Windows Control or wotever in India last week. Told her not to be so bloody silly!


Morning all


Thunder has gone away pro-tem, but may be back any time. Then it clears up for a few days.


Feeling a bit brighter this morning. Elderly friends Derek & Joyce calling in shortly - they are here for the practice and quali sessions at Le Mans, can't stay for the race, I think. I assume they will have their 1959 DB with them. The 2-cylinder Panhard engine can be a bit tiresome after a while, I find.....


Hope everyone is perking up. I sent Andy P a PM as Jock suggested. Andy has had a tough time moving house - so maybe he's got a little stressed. We do have a few "missing in action" ERs, but some may just drift away because we aren't much fun! I think marketing people call that "churn". The rest of us must try harder!


Enjoy the day if you can.

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Morning all. Woken up at 8 this morning by the phone. It's 'Michael' with a strong Indian accent telling me, in English, that he's calling from Microsoft and they've had notifications that my machine is infected...


That would be my Mac that has no Microsoft software on it, I ask him. He mumbles. I call him a liar and a scammer and hang up.



I get these every so often. I'm a bit twisted so I have a self set goal to see how long I can string the b*stards along. I figure if I can waste 10 mins of their time that is one or 2 less potential suckers they can call. My personal record is 12 mins. Frequently I break out laughing at him part way through which tends to b*gger up the sport of it.


Morning all from the tropical climes of the boring borough. Sunny and 22 already with a 29 humidex according to our friendly neighbourhood weather hobbyist. All quiet here at the moment. Once again SWMBO has over done it with the tomato planting. My afternoon task will be to water the lot of them. At least she trimmed down from the 60+ plants she had last year.


What passes for hockey in this country is known as field hockey in Canada and is more or less a little girl's sport played in jr high school. I played proper hockey up to junior level and have the missing teeth to prove it. post-2818-0-18421000-1402385853.gif


Have a great day all. Time to raid the coffee pot once again.

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Thank you very much for the wealth of warm responses to our news! I feel overwhelmed by the number of lovely messages and very, very happy! It has really helped to know of the support on here when dealing with the emotional time encountered as we told two of our offspring.


Many thanks!

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Thank you very much for the wealth of warm responses to our news! I feel overwhelmed by the number of lovely messages and very, very happy! It has really helped to know of the support on here when dealing with the emotional time encountered as we told two of our offspring.


Many thanks!

Yes, you've had a tough time of it, while I just bask in the warmth!


Not being a parent I probably don't quite get the whole thing. OTOH, having lost Mum when I was 24 - and had just met Deb, of which Prof Freud might make something - we sons were entirely happy for Dad to go out and meet new ladies. I suppose divorce sounds nasty, even when both parties are agreeable and remain amicably disposed to each other. Perhaps the young are nicer, softer people than we sometimes think!

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Glorious blue sky over Borough Market Junction this morning. Looks like it's going to be a scorcher although the forecast high is not as high as yesterday. The car's temperatuure gauge said 26c when my wife pciked up my youngest from school yesterday.


Never played hockey - my secondary school thought that rugby was the only winter ball sport (though the old first XI school photoes from the 1920's on the corridor walls told a different story from the past). I eventually took up cross country running as I found it marginally less painful, though by the time I was 18 and had knees that locked up under the desk if I sat still for too long I had begun to regret my enthusiasm....!


Now I restrict myself to entering the annual 3.5mile JP Morgan corporate challenge every year with the as yet unfulfilled promise that it will be the spur to get me doing a little light training and thus improving my general fitness. On the plus side, each year so far I have beaten the guy who works for me despite him being 16 years my junior. One day my boasts will come back to bite me......!

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Good morning all,

Not been posting much for the last few days as I've been a bit under the weather. I think (in fact I'm certain) a change in medication a couple of weeks ago has caused some problems so I've stopped taking  the new tablets, reverted to the old and Hey Presto I've recovered! A discussion will be had with the Doc when I see him again in 2 weeks.

Nice sunny start to the day after last night's torrential rain (which started about half an hour after I'd watered the garden!) Nothing  much planned until later when the grandchildren will be paying their usual after school visit.

I have got a few things to sort out as we're going to Winchester for a few days shortly so am looking for some interesting places to visit. The Watercress Line is top of the list as I've never been there.  (The Boss actually suggested that!)

Have a good one,


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Morning ER's.


I see I was wrong about Port Erin engine shed - the water tank has been renewed! Gasp - change on Fraggle Rock.


A rather damp morning, drizzle off and on, so I will take the brief respite from other duties to repair the woodburner door, the new glass has arrived and I have finally got the screws out that held the old one in place - as these are exposed to the fire you can imagine what a task that has been.  Old engineering skills dragged out.


Lunch out with Jayne afterwards, a no-action day today as we all catch our breath before the inquiry hopefully later this week and then it all starts again.  Work colleagues are busy arranging my leaving do in my absence, they really are a fine bunch, I will miss them terribly.  They have been really supportive this last week.

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Morning all,


It's lovely and warm with bright sun down here.


Later I'll recount my M6 tale from Sunday but for now, I photographed these two only a few minutes ago, the sun is completely wrong but I've been after the woodpecker for a couple of weeks now, he/she sneaks down and flies off as soon as he is spotted.





Young blue tit


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Morning all,

Amazing - we have sunshine at the sea-side again today!

Like Dick, we also get such nuisance calls, despite using the BT service that should bar them, but we are dealing with nasty and devious people. SWMBO came up with a good ruse a couple of months ago - she's normally first to the phone and when the caller asked for me in the now familiar Mumbai accent, she said I was out and suggested a time to ring back. She did this four times and even elicited a call-back number from them! We reported this but I expect they are clever enough to have a cut-out. Would you believe, they tried again and this time got me, I played along for a time until they got to the 'are you sitting at your computer and is it switched on?' question whereupon I simply asked 'how many people as a percentage are stupid enough to do as you tell them? at which point he hung up!! B**tards trying to screw everyone and anyone, but particularly the new or less skilled user.

Sounds, from the posts at least, as if our German domiciled members are enjoying(?) a heat wave!

So far today, no exciting news developments (unlike yesterday) and so I hope you enjoy what you have planned for the rest of the day,

Kind regards,


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Morning all,


It's lovely and warm with bright sun down here.


Later I'll recount my M6 tale from Sunday but for now, I photographed these two only a few minutes ago, the sun is completely wrong but I've been after the woodpecker for a couple of weeks now, he/she sneaks down and flies off as soon as he is spotted.





Young blue tit




I've enjoyed your bird pictures for a while and I've been looking for a similar sort of feeder without luck - I don't want a wooden bird table. Can I ask please where you bought yours?


Many thanks,



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Morning all,


Bob - that could be some sort of generic you were given, the NHS is always trying to save money but there are certain areas where they have learnt not to try that trick on me as although the stuff is supposed to be 'the same' it definitely isn't.  Fingers crossed for a good outcome with the GP.


Tony - very wise words from Barry about Aditi keeping notes especially is such words as 'we wondered if you would be interested in taking redundancy' (can be construed in law as constructive dismissal) or 'as an older/more senior member of staff would you .... (constructive dismissal and illegal reference to age).  Anyway I'm sure Aditi can take care of herself and I look forward to good news on her behalf when I return from our nautical excursion in the latter half of next week.


And Sherry I'm glad our words have been of some help to you in particular as it must have been quite a difficult time dealing with adults who in many ways are still children when they think of their parents - at least you have now got that behind you and can get on with your future plans and arranging more frequent haircuts for a certain gentleman we know ;)


In the meanwhile 'our' ship has been into Harwich and out again so it looks as if they are trying to get back on programme which hopefully means we won't hang about in port tomorrow, even a night off Clacton or Margate would, I think, be preferable to one in port as the ship is kept very secure while alongside.  Be interesting too to see what's left of the old train ferry linkspan - it still shows on Google maps pics.


Right off for a wander round here, a dvd of pics from last year to finish for the Captain and crew and one camera battery still to charge.  have a good day one & all and I'll probably drop in here before switching out - I doubt there'll be any progress reports as the ship's internet links have tended to be bad enough for official use in the past let alone sparing some bandwidth for the punters passengers.

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I get these every so often. I'm a bit twisted so I have a self set goal to see how long I can string the b*stards along. I figure if I can waste 10 mins of their time that is one or 2 less potential suckers they can call. My personal record is 12 mins. Frequently I break out laughing at him part way through which tends to b*gger up the sport of it... .

Come come Andrew you need to up your game. I once had a bunch on the phone for 45 minutes! They started the call by telling me I had won a TV and so I duly asked them when they were going to deliver it. The response of course was that they couldn't until I had attended the seminar i.e. they had tried to sell me a timeshare. Crazily this lot allowed me to speak to two levels of supervisor before I eventually got bored and told them where they could put their non-existent TV.


Much belated congrats to O-D and Ashers.


Time to head for the shed for the day. First I have to shift the dog off my lap.




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I've enjoyed your bird pictures for a while and I've been looking for a similar sort of feeder without luck - I don't want a wooden bird table. Can I ask please where you bought yours?


Many thanks,




Hi Dave,


Amazon ! - I have to confess I buy most of my stuff from there as it's convenient.





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