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  • RMweb Gold

Ian and Sherry,


I read your news with mixed feelings


First I felt pleased with myself because my instincts told me you guys were more than just old schoolfriends


Then I felt much less clever as several other people also noticed ! 


It's funny cos my lovely wife and I got together at work, and after a while decided it was time to go public and tell colleagues, only to be met by a chorus of "yep, we knew ages ago"


Getting that out of the way I have to say well done for treating all around you with respect and openness and I hope your reward comes in the form of many years happiness ahead.


I will be running a sweep for ER members on your  future user names. If you use Sherry as a theme you could be Cream and Dry (you decide which) If you use Ian's current identitiy you could be Olddudders and muchyoungerdudders. 


All the very best



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  • RMweb Gold

  :O Bob only likes one thing less than vets and that's vets prodding him :butcher:



Don't blame him - I think I'm qualified to speak on behalf of all Bobs and state that prodding (particularly of certain parts) may provoke a violent reaction!

Edited by grandadbob
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I can watch more sports, but tonight was a first for me.  Hockey!  England v Belgium in the last match of the group stage of the World Cup.  I won't tell you the outcome, but I take my hat off to anyone who plays hockey!


Blowed if I'd run straight at someone with a wooden stick and a rock hard ball to use as a missile..


Great game and well worth watching.  I might do it again….

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  • RMweb Gold



It's funny cos my lovely wife and I got together at work, and after a while decided it was time to go public and tell colleagues, only to be met by a chorus of "yep, we knew ages ago"


Aditi and I had the opposite experience. I worked in an LEA computer centre and Aditi was seconded there for a year to advise primary and secondary schools on IT in the Humanities. One of the (infant school) headteachers very excitedly rang our boss on Monday and said she had seen us together at the weekend at a garden centre and thought perhaps this was the first sighting of a possible romance. Our boss, Hilary said she doubted it as she reckoned Aditi and I had been married (then) for about 12 years. All the FE and senior schools knew as for years I was known as "Aditi's husband".

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  • RMweb Premium

Evening all.


A dreadfully sad identification task completed today, but thankfully it left Jayne happier, if happy is a word you can use in these circumstances.  I'm wiped out, so lord knows what she must feel like.


The drive home was improved by seeing several trains on the MER, that should get Trev posting more great old photos!


Still smiling about OD and Sherry, should have seen that really, being in the job I am. 


As for Ian A's cat, Jayne's cat is of similar breeding and temprement, although I can handle her nobody else seems to be able to get near. Kirree (the cat) is as free spirited as Jayne, but nothing like as polite!  Jayne is incredibly polite and well spoken.  I'm just polite.

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  • RMweb Gold

Don't blame him - I think I'm qualified to speak on behalf of all Bobs and state that prodding (particularly of certain parts) may provoke a violent reaction!

I suppose Robbie is a version of Bob and the vet did decide that perhaps he didn't need his temperature taking today!

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Well  NHN did say; 


"The drive home was improved by seeing several trains on the MER, that should get Trev posting more great old photos!"


But as theres only about a dozen of them, one or two  at time.  


(I have even found one of me on the footplate, --- not on the I-o-M though!)  



Have a good evening all,






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  • RMweb Gold

Aditi got an email at work just after 5pm today inviting her to a meeting with her line manager and a HR representative on Wednesday morning. She can take a union rep or work colleague if she wishes. Well, her union doesn't have an on site representative and most of the people she would trust as a witness are getting the same letters. It is either redundancy, job reassignment or promotion!

She is making strawberry jam this evening.


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  • RMweb Gold

I can watch more sports, but tonight was a first for me.  Hockey!  England v Belgium in the last match of the group stage of the World Cup.  I won't tell you the outcome, but I take my hat off to anyone who plays hockey!


Blowed if I'd run straight at someone with a wooden stick and a rock hard ball to use as a missile..


Great game and well worth watching.  I might do it again….


Lol once when I played football at a club we played the womens hockey team at hockey, believe me that ball hurts when it hits your ankle never mind the bruises from the stick!

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  • RMweb Premium

Lol once when I played football at a club we played the womens hockey team at hockey, believe me that ball hurts when it hits your ankle never mind the bruises from the stick!

Suddenly I've started thinking of St. Trinians.

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Good evening all. Monday was ok. I was teaching one of the junior classes this morning covering whilst their teacher was on a course. As I have taught all of the children before it was nice to spend some time with them again, and they responded and worked well. Back with my own class this afternoon and, with heavy rain and the hall in use by other classes, I had to rapidly change plans. Things went well, but last night's lack of sleep has definitely caught up with me. I was shattered by the end of the day. I can feel the stress levels rising up too, everyone seemed to need my attention at the end of the day and I got nothing done. I can feel the work mounting up.


 At least there is progress on the house. Sarah and I were in the garden measuring up at the weekend as we plan to get quotes for the laying of the turf. The "welcome" meeting is a week and a half away now. The solicitor has also sent some forms for me to sign so things seem to be progressing again. The large Land Registry booklet seems the same as one I have signed already, but when I queried it I was told I still had to send it back. I was a little bit annoyed as it is a large document and will require quite a bit of postage. You would have thought they would have sent a business reply envelope!


 Back in the bungalow it seems that the heavy rain of the last couple of days has not caused any obvious worsening of the damp situation. We are still packing plastic boxes as time allows. Sarah will off back to her mum's tomorrow and will be there for most of the week. Hopefully I will have more positive news to pass onto her when she returns.


 I have received a call from the police today. They have collected the CCTV footage of the "theft" last weekend and want to arrange a statement. They seem to be pursuing it which, for the sake of £30, I am rather surprised. A bank letter has also informed me that their enquiry into the lost £50 from the cash machine is continuing. I have rather written off both amounts so any recovery will be a bonus.


 Today has brought some sad news with the passing of one of my comedy idols. Whilst not a fan of "The Young Ones", I did thoroughly enjoy "Bottom" in my earlier days. As a Blackadder fan Rik Mayall's portrayal of "Lord Flash-hart" always raises a smile. I went to see three of the "Bottom Live" shows when various tours stopped off in nearby Nottingham. I recall the professionalism that he showed during the last of these. Clearly struggling with a sore throat and a rapidly fading voice he carried on regardless, even making jokes out of the whole thing. A very talented man. R.I.P Rik Mayall!

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I can watch more sports, but tonight was a first for me.  Hockey!  England v Belgium in the last match of the group stage of the World Cup.  I won't tell you the outcome, but I take my hat off to anyone who plays hockey!


Blowed if I'd run straight at someone with a wooden stick and a rock hard ball to use as a missile..


Great game and well worth watching.  I might do it again….

I played quite a bit of hockey at school and rather enjoyed it.  My style was as a robust full back, and my first tackle was always 'mistimed' so that I 'accidentally' caught the opponents stick with mine with some force.  That often rather put them off coming at me with the ball again!  My only disappointment was that hockey sticks werent as heavy as a cricket bat, so I couldnt smash the ball as hard as I would have liked.

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Minor update went to see small cat again and met some staff who having seen her on Saturday didn't think they would see her today. She is a bit better again with a good appetite and a waving tail but by no means safe. Our treatment by the vets and nurses has been great nothing is a problem but there is no bullsh1t either.

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  • RMweb Gold

Aditi got an email at work just after 5pm today inviting her to a meeting with her line manager and a HR representative on Wednesday morning. She can take a union rep or work colleague if she wishes. Well, her union doesn't have an on site representative and most of the people she would trust as a witness are getting the same letters. It is either redundancy, job reassignment or promotion!

She is making strawberry jam this evening.


Best of luck for whatever she wishes for herself Tony but it strikes me as a positively Victorian way of managing something.  Surely her manager should already have 'tipped her the wink' what it is all about so that whatever it might be doesn't come as a surprise.  And why on earth should it even be suggested, without any kind of explanation whatsoever that she could take a union rep or colleague?  Is the place run by a pack of idiots?  There is a lwa relating to all these things and any HR (ugh, appalling term) department which is not aware of it and doesn't work to it is inviting itself a time in more than one tribunal.


There are laid down procedures in respect of redundancy and they need to be very careful how they play things because if they target individuals it can be seen as dismissal in which case they are open to claims through a tribunal.  So I hope in Aditi's case it is something far more positive.

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Lacrosse is one of the big sports where i live. I used to play field Hockey, Rugby, Soccer and Cricket at School. I also did the 440, 880 and Long Distance. When I was fifteen I once played two 90 minute Soccer matches back to back.

It’s been downhill ever since though my legs still don’t have an ounce of fat on them (I make up for that elsewhere).


Next time I’m sick I’m making an appointment at our Vets.


Best, Pete.

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Good evening all

I did guess correctly then Neil, what an onerous task but, rightly or wrongly, from what I've read into your many posts over the last several months, I consider you an ideal candidate for the job of support counsellor! I obviously realise the effect it must have had on you at a time when you couldn't show your emotions openly for fear of distressing Jayne. Sounds like she's trying her best, and I for one am really impressed by the way you and your good lady have provided support for her. Well done - don't know if I'd have the strength. Good to see shots of NH, good idea to get stuck into some modelling? (Love the steam photos as well!)

Sorry to hear you're feeling ill Ian, tonight of all nights when you have cause to celebrate. I'm also a follower of the 'Lunester Lounge' thread and sadly I have to report that poor old AndyP has been ill - as yet I still don't know what the illness was but it was serious enough to hospitalise him over the weekend. Jeff (physicsman) let us know and suggested that, if you know him well enough, a PM might be supportive.

Fence got finished today so I look forward to a new project tomorrow!

Sad news about Rik Mayall - only 56 - one of the funniest men I've had the pleasure of watching.

I played soccer for the Uni. and, during rag week, we took on the women's hockey team for charity - I was only on the field for seconds as I drew the short straw and had to 'bully off' against the ladies captain. A stick across the knee-cap put paid to my only hockey match in short order!

Have a good night all, at least I won't be awakened by the sound of Network Rail workmen like last night at 2.35am - they only do remedial work on the new track at weekends thankfully.

Kind regards,


PS Tony_S, suggest you think hard about what the 'Stationmaster' has said, Mike obviously knows his way around that particular law - what a bunch of bar stewards. IMHO she'd be better out of there! J.

Edited by Jock67B
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Regular readers will be aware that I have for some time spoken of my "VIP", a lady in the UK with whom I have been having a relationship .................. in case you haven't guessed! - is our own Ashcombe, real name Sherry. .................but we hope, in due course - to be married!



. I hope ERs - and other RMwebbers, for that matter - can accept our altered public status and share our joy.


Hearty congratulations to you both from me! ;)

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Today has brought some sad news with the passing of one of my comedy idols. Whilst not a fan of "The Young Ones", I did thoroughly enjoy "Bottom" in my earlier days. As a Blackadder fan Rik Mayall's portrayal of "Lord Flash-hart" always raises a smile. I went to see three of the "Bottom Live" shows when various tours stopped off in nearby Nottingham. I recall the professionalism that he showed during the last of these. Clearly struggling with a sore throat and a rapidly fading voice he carried on regardless, even making jokes out of the whole thing. A very talented man. R.I.P Rik Mayall!


That is a shock. I missed the TV news yesterday. Thinking back, few TV comics made me laugh out loud as Rik and Adrian Edmondson were able to do. Maybe I just have a slightly crass sense of humour. This quote from Ade sums it up nicely...

"There were times when Rik and I were writing together when we almost died laughing. They were some of the most carefree stupid days I ever had, and I feel privileged to have shared them with him. And now he's died for real. Without me. Selfish b*stard."

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Good morning all, 


Well now  found last night I'm off to a "technical sales" seminar by one of our suppliers....make a change I guess?  Though I guess I'll have to be polite, as this particular manufacturers in country support is pretty abysmal!


Still  makes a change I guess?  


Make the most of what the day throws at you, 



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