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Evening all, 


now here's a modeling dilemma  for the font of all knowledge that is ER's...... When modeling a steam locomotive that will a times be moving, should one put the reversing lever in  forward or reverse gear?  In which case it will only be wrong when going in the opposite direction, or in mid gear, when it will be wrong whenever its moving?  


Whats the consensus? 




PS I've uploaded some photos of the steam dummy on the US page.

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  • RMweb Premium

Evening all. Still at 34°C, even though we're past 8 pm. I bet the ride home tomorrow will be pure joy...


But on the plus side, there are three new locos for my Ausbesserungswerk waiting for me, upon my having snatched some bargains earlier this week!

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  • RMweb Premium

Apologies, very late on parade today as I set off for umpiring duties at 8am this morning... Two off T20 games umpired - the  second one   Castleford V Scarborough was Castleford 150-3  .. Scarborough 150-6 so Cas won on less wickets lost...


Both games played in radiant sunshine and a very fine cricket lunch then tea was consumed...


Off to see Sister Drac tomorrow so may be late again..

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  • RMweb Gold

Our barbecue this evening didn't quite go as expected, I now know how to read the gas gauge though. The gas ran out just after the veggies were almost ready but we were able to burn the meat quite nicely in the kitchen.


I took a few photographs today of the trainset. Not for a layout thread or blog just to show up the wonky bits, either to fill them or disguise them with a tree or road vehicle. I will need much more filler and toy cars I think.

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Also agreed, but remember forum etiquette and no spoilers until after the highlights show please.



Whoops, sorry Ed - I'm so used to being "behind" everyone else, in the excitement of actually being able to comment on something current I forgot some might still be awake and able to see highlights etc.! I'm very glad now I didn't make mention of any of the "action"... enjoy.

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  • RMweb Gold

 I took a few photographs today of the trainset. Not for a layout thread or blog just to show up the wonky bits, either to fill them or disguise them with a tree or road vehicle. I will need much more filler and toy cars I think.

Leaves on the line? Perhaps I have too many trees already!





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  • RMweb Gold

Also agreed, but remember forum etiquette and no spoilers until after the highlights show please.



Is there a 'highlights' show Ed? It definitely isn't tonight, what with the race finishing at nearer 2100 than 20.00 in Britain.



Whoops, sorry Ed - I'm so used to being "behind" everyone else, in the excitement of actually being able to comment on something current I forgot some might still be awake and able to see highlights etc.! I'm very glad now I didn't make mention of any of the "action"... enjoy.

It was broadcast live on BBC1 this evening Ian - almost a complete 2 hour slot and there doesn't appear to be anything 'highlights' wise except for what might appear in the news bulletins with the tv channels about to convert to football craziness.

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  • RMweb Gold

Well my trip to LM didn't quite deliver. It got off to a bad start 'cos I was a little late, but no matter. 2km later - as I enter the village I am held up while a cycle race goes across, making me take the road into the village, even once I'd been released. Get to the top of the hill and - sacre bleu - I'm held again for the same velos on the next leg! Rounding the corner I can now see the village is en fete, so I'm now heading more or less away from LM! Oh, well, it's a nice day and the aircon is working. So I arrived near Place des Jacobins and managed to park. The tramway extension has been put through here, but is still at the testing stage. It does mean, though, that roads that used to take you into the centre are now riddled with 30 kph restrictions and sleeping policemen, and the large car park on Jacobins has gone. Pic to follow, when my connection gets a little faster - it's derisory just now.


It was now about 28 degrees, and even the short walk to Republique was enough to make me remember that fact. The "pesage" - they still seem to refer thus to the scrutineering, going back to the days when the weight of the car was a key factor, instead of just being one of very many today - was in full swing, and the world, his wife and her idiot brother were all gonna see it. So I swiftly concluded that as the photo opportunities were very limited I'd call it quits. Last year I'm not sure I did the Sunday - but the Monday was rather less populous and I quite enjoyed it. This year the Monday is a holiday, so that's that, they'll all be out again.



So, not really very bothered I drove home. As I passed the 50 kph sign (i.e. the village name) in St Cosme I eased down to something sensible, but then became aware of chaps in the distance, so 50 it was! And guess what - gendarmes! Amazingly, they let me through, but stopped both vehicles behind me, probably because they had closed right up when I had slowed down. As I'd not had a drink all day, I had nothing to fear, but I'm not sure that would apply to many Frenchmen on a Sunday!

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...about to convert to football craziness...

By that I guess you mean the World Cup?

Like "WORLD" as in the planet is larger than the US??? Of course I'm in the US so they don't actually recognise the largest single sport event in the "WORLD" here as anything but a blip on the radar.

If the US team manage anything eventful we'll see that but otherwise, below is the SUM TOTAL of the coverage in the US, unless you have any of the very PRIME cable specialist channels... I don't even subscribe to ESPN so that'll give you an idea of what I'll likely to see on the broadcast networks. No idea what the 10 games on ABC are, but my guess is they won't be pivotal (unless the US become pivotal - har har)... That's partly why I was so excited about an actual F1 Grand Prix being on the box here <sigh> sad really, isn't it ;)

I remember last time I was able to piggy-back on some internet feeds, by spoofing my IP address, I may have to go through that again to watch a few games. (Sorry for the techo-speak those whose eyes glassed over reading this sentence) :help:  :banghead:  :banned:


ABC will have 10 games, including the final; ESPN will have 43 games; and ESPN2 will have 11 games. Broadcast windows will start 30 minutes before kickoff. There will also be a 90-minute wrap-up show each night during the tournament.


We do have a "WORLD SERIES" here for baseball, but somehow "WORLD" in that context covers 29 teams in the contiguous United States and an accidental inclusion of the Canadian single MLB baseball team (there were two, but one moved to Washington DC!)...


Edited by Ian Abel
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  • RMweb Gold


We do have a "WORLD SERIES" here for baseball, but somehow "WORLD" in that context covers 29 teams in the contiguous United States and an accidental inclusion of the Canadian single MLB baseball team (there were two, but one moved to Washington DC!)...


 They could let the Cubans play in the World Series. 

Edited by Tony_S
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 They could let the Cubans play in the World Series. 

Thing is there are a few other countries they could let play too - but secretly I think they'd be afraid a US may not then win :jester:  :jester:

Unlike the UK, the average Joe wouldn't be able to handle NOT winning the national sport at an international level - safer to call it World and only invite yourselves! :declare:

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  • RMweb Premium

Wasn't the "World Series" originally started by a magazine called "The World"?  ISTR it was mentioned in an episode of Pawn Stars. Shows what drivel I watch when there's nothing on. I'd Google it but  I have to say goodnight to the lad, then go to the vets to fetch Tigger who is fit to come home. Crystals in the urine, apparently.



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Whoops, sorry Ed - I'm so used to being "behind" everyone else, in the excitement of actually being able to comment on something current I forgot some might still be awake and able to see highlights etc.! I'm very glad now I didn't make mention of any of the "action"... enjoy.


Courtesy of my newly installed Virgins I was able to watch it "nearly live". It actually kept me awake this time, so must have been exciting. I just assumed there was a highlights show-never assume, it makes an ass of u and me.



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Evening all,

Sorry to hear your cat tribulations continue Peter.

I too found the GP almost as exciting as a good motorcycle race! Sorry to hear of your problematic 'pesage' Ian - it really would have put the cap on it to pick up a speeding ticket as well!

Got all bar a couple of the older fence panels coated with madam's favourite forest green 'Cuprinol'. Wrist is a bit sore (no sniggers please!) as the close proximity of several well established shrubs meant I couldn't use the sprayer and had to resort to a paintbrush. I'll wait to see what tomorrow's weather brings, but hope to finish the job then. Brownie points banked and I've held on to them all evening as Joanna enjoyed the healthy chicken dish I prepared for her dinner!

Whit Sunday - Pentecost almost over for those with more than a passing interest in such matters. Whatever, I hope you enjoyed your day. Good luck to those going out to earn a crust tomorrow! The only rostered task so far for tomorrow is taking great grandson Freddie to nursery and back again as his mum is still recovering from her Caesarian op.

Ed, pleased to hear that your newly installed 'virgins' are working well - probably start them off again?

Tony-S, you might want to consider the stock on AndyY's advert on the portal page?

Good night and kind regards,


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Morning guys.  Thanks Ian, your post about the World Cup and screening in the US was certainly interesting.  Many a truth in the 'World Series' note as well.  ;)


Big day today with the 2nd and final round of the Seniors Championship.  With a field of 110, I'm pleased to say I'm still in with a shout, although I've lost count of the number of times I've 'snatched defeat from the jaws of victory'.  Hoping the writings of Steve Peters will help me keep the demons at bay.


Stumbled across this piece of useless info at the weekend that made me chuckle.  Jackie enjoys watching 'Outnumbered' on the TV and it would appear the parents of one of the young actors have a colourful background...


His father's name is Ben Dover and well known in certain circles.  Come on, No smirking at the back..



Edited by gordon s
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Good morning all, 


Not much to report so far this morning, weather seems on the dull side and I suspect we'll have rain aplenty ( yes-no-maybe).


Lets hope that this coming week is good to us,




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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Very pleasant here this morning.


Aditi's cousin posted the following on his Facebook page this morning


"47.8 deg . Temp hits 62 year high.. Cars burning.. Roads melting.. Its all happening ... Baked Delhi .."


I know he and his family are off on their summer holidays soon, I suspect to somewhere cooler!


I shall go and get some gas for the barbecue today, so another trip to the garden centre.


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