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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Nice weather and the delectable smell of a cooking proper job breakfast wafting round from the kitchen.  With joining arrangements liable to change I am already underway with camera prep etc ready for the trip but will have to start a memory card hunt in whatever shops are open today - alas WHS sell a brand I've never heard of and Tesco and Boots are probably little better.  What a shambles for a town with some of the highest property prices in the country (or maybe all their mortgages are so large they can't be bothered with decent memory cards?)


Have a good day one & all

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  • RMweb Gold

For anyone who is interested in Le Mans, here's an entry list, with times for scrutineering today and Monday.




And just what is scrutineering? This may help with a little insight. http://www.24h-lemans.com/en/news/2014-le-mans-24-hours-how-does-scrutineering-work-_2_2_1746_15653.html

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  • RMweb Gold

  but will have to start a memory card hunt in whatever shops are open today - alas WHS sell a brand I've never heard of and Tesco and Boots are probably little better.  What a shambles for a town with some of the highest property prices in the country (or maybe all their mortgages are so large they can't be bothered with decent memory cards?)


I bought my last one in Waitrose, though it was a very big Waitrose. As Ian mentioned, Argos sells them and Maplin seem to stock Samsung memory cards as well as a lot of lesser known makes. Our local Tesco definitely stocks a wide range but it is a Tesco Extra.


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Morning all. The sun is out here too but plans are fairly fluid. I was supposed to be playing football this morning, but a combination of having selected too many players and sleeping in put paid to that. None of us were awake much before 10am so we must have needed the sleep!


 The grass needs cutting so a bout of gardening could be on the cards and I have a backlog of school work that is beginning to resemble a mountain. Having said that Sarah may have plans to "go out" somewhere as she does not seem to want to spend a moment longer than necessary in the bungalow so any "paperwork" may be in her hands.


Enjoy your day!

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  • RMweb Premium

For anyone who is interested in Le Mans, here's an entry list, with times for scrutineering today and Monday.




And just what is scrutineering? This may help with a little insight. http://www.24h-lemans.com/en/news/2014-le-mans-24-hours-how-does-scrutineering-work-_2_2_1746_15653.html

The Nissan ZE OD just looks weird, Reliant Robin at Le Mans anyone? :jester:

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  • RMweb Gold

Argos can offer a reasonable range of decent-ish cards, e.g. SanDisk.

I normally prefer SanDisk as they seem quite reliable.  Problem is all we have locally are Tesco, Sainsbury's Local, Waitrose, WHS, and Boots - anything else is either drive (in some cases) or train to Reading or its scattered 'retail sites'.  Our local photographic shop went many years ago and alas Station Cameras in Reading (very handy as the name implies) closed not long back when the lease expired although there is another shop in Station Road in Reading (London Camera Exchange).  So I might be cancelling my chiropractor appointment tomorrow.

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  • RMweb Gold

The Nissan ZE OD just looks weird, Reliant Robin at Le Mans anyone? :jester:

It is unorthodox, but is the "car in garage 56" which the ACO encourage every year as a boost to alternative ideas. It was 27th fastest last weekend, and bears a strong resemblance to similar vehicles from the last couple of years. Smaller engine, better fuel consumption etc.

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Morning all.  A non-railway friend has e-mailed me the following:


A spokesman for the SNP goes to the NRM to see about naming a loco after Alex Salmond.  A freight loco is suggested, but the man is not impressed. "What about that big green one over there?", he asks.

"That already has a name, it's called Flying Scotsman", says the NRM lady, "and it would cost a fortune to re-name it, making new nameplates etc".

The NRM accountant is standing nearby and says "Look, it needs all the money it can get, let's just paint over the F"


Boom boom



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Morning All,


Amazon is indeed a mixed blessing. We know about the downsides (tax matters, employment policies, undercutting local shops), yet at the same time they provide an unmatchable service and degree of choice. Whilst it is nice to save money on books, CDs, DVDs, etc. I wouldn't mind paying a little extra to support my local store providing that the price is not exorbitantly higher, the shop actually has what I want in stock and (especially with books) what's in stock has not been heavily pawed through - leaving the item dog eared and grubby.


Having said that, I do still buy books from the local bookshop that has a reasonable (but small) selection of English language books (most of which remain resolutely unpawed at). Unfortunately, many businesses here have been very slow to react to international/internet competition, to their detriment. It is only Swiss Customs and the relatively low permitted tax free imports that have limited the impact of this on local businesses.

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Mixed blessing? Maybe, Flavio.


I only buy non-fiction books nowadays; all my fiction is delivered direct to my Kindle, they are essentially "throw away" books once read.


I’m awaiting the robo-flying octo-thingy to deliver books to my deck...........


Best, Pete.

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For anyone who is interested in Le Mans, here's an entry list, with times for scrutineering today and Monday.




And just what is scrutineering? This may help with a little insight. http://www.24h-lemans.com/en/news/2014-le-mans-24-hours-how-does-scrutineering-work-_2_2_1746_15653.html

What’s the difference between classes LM P1 and LM P2? Any idea?

I see Patrick Dempsey is back again..... We may sneer at him but he has done a good job of popularizing Le Mans over here.


Thank you very much for the information, Ian. By the way is big ERMA still making her fairground appearances? Gawd, that woman, measurable by the acreage. I made the mistake of walking past one year when she made a rare appearance outside her “tent”, I’m still recovering.


Best, Pete.


EDIT:  Found the LM P1 vs LM P2 thing.

Edited by trisonic
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  • RMweb Gold

'I'm still concerned about the lack of news from Cape Town however and at a loss for a solution.

Yes, very worrying. It is a long time, even given the flaky nature of Don's computer and internet connection.

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Morning everyone... 11 when I got up an hour ago, destined to be a delightful day, sunny, clear very low humidity and only reaching 23 feels great.


Had a very fun evening at a local "pub" (name only) for our choir end-of-year party, great company but no modelers in the bunch, oh well, we can all sing (mostly!!) :)


Fair amount of modelling yesterday, as hoped, but little real "forward progress" as I had to tear up and re-lay a crossing area of a couple of points, single-slip and associated track. Good to be modelling though - Yay!!


The most exciting news for today is ...drum roll please... we are witnessing a miracle - this whether you believe in a deity or not - One of our local TV stations is ACTUALLY broadcasting the Grand Prix LIVE!!! This requires sacrifices of the most significant kind, as in the mid-west here, we seldom if EVER get sporting events of a more "european/worldwide" nature, especially not motorsport. I'm frankly amazed, and will turn on the telly with trepidation in case it's just a ruse to get unsuspecting idiots like me to tune in to a tractor-pull or barn-raising event!!! In the unlikely event it IS the Grand Prix, I may have to be in contact with my first-born <sigh> :) :triniti:


With such a lovely day, I'm going to feel the tiniest bit guilty (really REALLY TINY you understand!!) spending much of it in the basement laying more track, BUT, the thing is, I took an old TV down there so Mrs could exercise in the winter and watch "something" at the same time, so I can now model and watch the Grand Prix too :declare:   :sungum:  :senile: doesn't get a lot better than that.


Have a great day everyone. :locomotive:

Edited by Ian Abel
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Simon, pleased to hear that you enjoyed your break after that scare. Did you manage a boat trip on the loch? Don't know if you read my post recounting my earlier romantic connection(It was posted just as you left!). One thing that amazed me about the view from the water was the sheer size and scale of some of the properties around the shore - it's obvious that there are still plenty of wealthy people around Glasgow.


Jock, we didn't get in a trip on the Loch but did manage a lot of walking, and had a day out further west - Inverary, which was nice, and another with friends near Dunblane.  We will be back there next year, so might manage a boat trip then.  As to the properties, I think that most are now hotels etc - we were staying in a timeshare lodge associated with one of the hotels, so they also had a very good pool & sauna etc - just the job after a days walking.


Garden was looking overgrown after just a week, so have cut the grass and weeded for most of today.  It is starting to look better again.

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Afternoon all. Today started pleasantly, good enough to wash the motor home and T-cut the scratches out, but this afternoon it is raining. Our daughter visited and we had a couple of hours chit chat without disruptions from grandchildren, which makes a pleasant change. The rain then decided to hammer it down which seemed to be the signal for wife and daughter to decide now was the essential moment to leave, so they loaded up the car and were about to set off when I found something that had been left behind. Trotted out to he car with it, the rain now bouncing off the ground, and put it in the car. Me now resembling the proverbial drowned rat. Ran back to the house, looked around to wave them off and guess what? The rain had stopped. 


Slowly steaming as I type, have a great afternoon all.

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  • RMweb Gold

Update -


Part 1.  Memory cards duly obtained at local branch of Boots (and a good job I went today judging by their stock levels) but crrrrrikey what prices they charge for SanDisk high speed.


Part 2.  'Our' ship is still dancing attendance on the Channel Light Vessel having been there all day which suggests it might be just a bit more than rebooting the electronics,  I think the coming 24 hours will give us best indication of where we might be boarding although even if they leave on Tuesday they still have plenty of time to get back to Harwich but I still wonder if they might not in order to avoid wasting fuel, especially if there is any work on the south coast that can be fitted in.  And they can refuel and take on water in Southampton if necessary.

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  • RMweb Gold

We went to the garden centre. We bought some heavy duty trellis to block the gap at the bottom of our garden until Ms Leylandii fulfils her promise to enclose her garden, I am hot and tired and have just realised I haven't walked Robbie yet. The beer consumed while filling holes with trellis means he won't get a drive to the park today, and will have to make do with nearby fields! He won't mind once we have got past the car in the drive.



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This morning`s beach walkies brought the sight of a Tv icon.............




The original "Love Boat" (now known as the cruise ship 'Discovery') sailed past, en-route to the Liverpool cruise-liner terminal (she seems very 'wee' by modern cruise ship standards).

I swear I could hear Jack Jones singing!




In one of those 'small world' kind of connections: I`ve met both of the 'Jack Jones': the Love Boat one and his Father (Jack 'Alan' Jones Snr.), they toured the UK (in the early `60`s) and my Father was 'Gaffer' (electrician) for some of the venues here in the North West......I remember the elder had a real stentorian voice; which stopped people in their tracks when he spoke!

Edited by Debs.
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I’m fairly pleased to report I never watched The Love Boat ever.....................


Coincidently ELP’s “Love Beach” was their kiss of death too. Individually I liked all three but together, no.


Best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Gold

Cor, must have fuel to waste - the ship is heading for Harwich :scratchhead:


And talking of 'The Love Boat' for some reason there was an episode, or clip from one, on one of the lesser tv channels not so long back -  a 3 minute look at it was rather amusing for the fashions but the rest of it was dire, glad i never watched it originally.

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Cor, must have fuel to waste - the ship is heading for Harwich :scratchhead:


And talking of 'The Love Boat' for some reason there was an episode, or clip from one, on one of the lesser tv channels not so long back -  a 3 minute look at it was rather amusing for the fashions but the rest of it was dire, glad i never watched it originally.

Picking up VIP passengers....natch.


Best, Pete.

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