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  • RMweb Premium

Thanks for the support votes re J. Edgar but he has been gone for some time. However at lunchtime I noticed that current cat Tigger (see avatar) was repeatedly straining to wee and not producing anything. After an hour it was clear he was in discomfort, at least, so took a cab to the vets. Apparently he has a blockage and is in hospital for the weekend. They've just rung and apparently it's not stones so they probably won't need to operate.


Hoping for good news about 'smallest cat'.



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  • RMweb Gold

Tony, that'll be fine/excellent if that's the way it works, but having worked on similar web sites myself, I truly hope you are wrong.

All this should be totally automatic/automated, the resetting of an account password should have/require no human interaction, unless they (Hornby) are revamping their website based on 80's not 21st. century technology (wouldn't put it past them!).

The actual interaction with the Hornby website began Wednesday in fact, so the Friday lunchtime clock-out shouldn't be a factor IMHO   :)


I suspect that in the revamp no-one has checked that the password renewal code actually does anything now. It certainly isn't generating the renewal link. It used to be really hard getting programming students to test properly. I'm certain they only did it because I made them. My brother eventually retired because he was fed up of having to support his company product. He said paying customers shouldn't be used as beta-testers! He was accused of being "too customer focussed".


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  • RMweb Gold

I suspect that in the revamp no-one has checked that the password renewal code actually does anything now. It certainly isn't generating the renewal link. It used to be really hard getting programming students to test properly. I'm certain they only did it because I made them. My brother eventually retired because he was fed up of having to support his company product. He said paying customers shouldn't be used as beta-testers! He was accused of being "too customer focussed".


The problem with IT systems world-wide is that they cost what they cost - but budgets are set and that's that. With Hornby probably not rolling in spare cash just now, there may have been limits set and this is the result, with inadequate levels of realtime monitoring. Seeing the bigger picture of how this impacts sales and thus cash-flow actually takes a lot of data, and the necessary wonga may still not be advanced even then.

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Well, it's been a scorcher and no mistake. No rain after 8am and blazing sunshine.


Small tabby cat appeared in the kitchen at one stage. No idea where from. It left without explaining itself, as cats tend to do.


Painted a table and cut some grass, ended up with a touch of sun or something. Just another day...

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  • RMweb Premium

Update on Cally the tiny cat she has now confused the vet after baffling us for the last four years. There are no visible (naked eye or x-ray) signs of injury to her bones that would explain her back legs not working but her lungs may have liquid in them which would explain partially her breathing problems. She has had a diuretic and steroids to clear her lungs and painkiller and is staying at the vets overnight. Thanks for the support.

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  • RMweb Premium

Thunder and lightning started the day early (5am) the torrential rain, but ended up a nice evening weather wise. 


Other sadness continues, very hard work.  Jayne's Mum will be here tomorrow to take over from the friends that have to leave the island tomorrow and provide us with some support too, although as she is a lady (although formidable but nice) of a certain age I'm not sure who will support whom at this stage.


We had a ride on the IoM Steam Railway today which was pleasant, although our return was 20 down due to awaiting number 4 Loch, which had encountered some difficulties with the timetable!   Caledonia and Hutchinson were our train engines, down and up respectively.  Cale seemed to be running well, 'at last' many say.....

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Well, it's been a scorcher and no mistake. No rain after 8am and blazing sunshine.


Having driven home from Loch Lomond holidays today, I have had the sun in Scotland to start the day, then drizzle in the borders, absolutely throwing it down in Carlisle and north Cumbria, drizzle again in West Cumbria when we got home and then sunshine again.  Enjoyed (mostly!) a week of walking, but it is always nice to be home.  Tomorrow will be catching up in the garden.

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I was awoken at 8am by a terrific thunder storm which eased off for a couple of hours before the rain came with a vengeance. Not pleasant driving conditions for the journey up to Bakewell for the model railway exhibition. We managed to find a space near to one of the pay and display machines but this was not working and the next machine was 400 yards away leaving me like the proverbial drowned rat!!! We had arranged to meet Sarah's parents there for a picnic lunch which ended up being eaten whilst huddled in father in law's car.


 The weather did ease off for Sarah, her mum and Amber to walk off into the town whilst father in law and me went around the exhibition. This was quite enjoyable although it was spoilt a little by the fact that two of the ten layouts were there last year. In fact one has been present for each of the three Bakewell events I have attended. As good as the model is I am unsure why an organiser would want to do such a thing?


 Whilst at the event I got chatting to a few people who are going to attend my own event later in the year. I also booked another layout and was asked if I would be interested in taking my layout to a show in October. Not sure Sarah will be too impressed with me disappearing off for a two day event however!


 Last night I got another call from the security guard at Asda to check on progress on the stolen money. They certainly seem to be very keen considering the relatively low amount.


Enjoy the rest of the weekend.

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OK folks, just home from a very good day and ER appears to have gone ballistic. Went to a model railway exhibition in Faversham in the Shepherd Neame brewery. So drinking started at 11:30am and finished at 8:00pm in the Elephant with a pint of Mild so silky that it slipped down the gullet. Need to hit the sack because I'm reading the Epistle tomorrow at Mass. It's Acts 2 with a list of first century middle eastern nations!



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OK folks, just home from a very good day and ER appears to have gone ballistic. Went to a model railway exhibition in Faversham in the Shepherd Neame brewery. So drinking started at 11:30am and finished at 8:00pm in the Elephant with a pint of Mild so silky that it slipped down the gullet. Need to hit the sack because I'm reading the Epistle tomorrow at Mass. It's Acts 2 with a list of first century middle eastern nations!



Model railway exhibition in a brewery!  Such brilliance - what could be much better than that?

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  • RMweb Gold

Not a bad evening at the concert although some screeching sopranos didn't help and a few odd arrangements of various sings weren't so clever. however Pangbourne Silver Band were absolutely top notch which more than made up for the shortcomings in the choral part of the programme.  And on the way home we came across a small tabby cat in the gutter we duly followed us home and hung around outside until our lads saw it off.


Meanwhile our ship is even further down Channel, in the southbound separation lane, and currently almost opposite Selsey with her destination now showing as Channel Light Vessel ETA 08.00 tomorrow - Channel L/V lies c.35 miles nor-nor-west of Guernsey so unless Captain Trevor is going to use up an awful lot of fuel I'm increasingly coming to the view that we might not be joining in Harwich  :scratchhead:.  Only problem is, if he decides to go into St Peter Port, Guernsey doesn't have a  railway station with main line links - all rather good fun working out where one's holiday might start

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Evening folks,

Monte Cassino brings back memories of uncle Jack, one of dad's older brothers, whose only complaint about that bloody conflict was that they had to take a particular vantage point only to have it lost again when they handed it over to the 'yanks' (his disparaging name for them). Apparently they had to go back and do the job twice more which gave him a very dim view of American discipline and fighting spirit. Apparently in the guards, even if your best friend was shot and killed next to you, you carried on fighting regardless, something he felt the 'yanks' couldn't do! He ended up as headmaster of a girls borstal in Dundee so the wartime exploits probably prepared him very well indeed! He actually gave me pistol shooting lessons when I was in my late teens - always felt he was very shy about the provenance of the weapon but I don't suppose he was alone in collecting the odd 'souvenir' as the conflict ended as he also had a Luger and a German SS officers dagger as well as a German 'tin' helmet. Goodness knows how he got them home!

MickB, hope the cat situation resolves itself in the best possible way - please keep us posted. Hope the vets bills are covered by your pet insurance.

Lewis behind Rosberg on the F1 grid in Canada isn't so good - hope he sorts it out in the race! Ian (Olddudders) won't care much as he'll be off drooling over the exotic machinery at LeMans scrutineering!

Sounds like you're trying to occupy yourself Neil, and what better way than a steam trip? Hope next week goes well and you can get all the formalities out of the way quickly so the re-building can start.

Hope you all enjoy Sunday whatever the fickle weather throws at you,

Kind regards,


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Jock, I read a book about one GI’s experience from D-Day through to the end and he said exactly the same thing about British Soldiery!

I tend to take such views with a pinch of salt. There are enough confirmed instances of both incredible bravery and stolid advance from both America and Britain.


Let’s hope for some smashing photos from Ian’s camera......or has he posted some from today already?


Have a peaceful night. Gorgeous day today.


Best, Pete.

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Sh1t happens. Apparently this has gone a bit adrift. The intended guest of honour (70 tomorrow) at the "do" this afternoon slipped and broke her leg last night, is obviously in hospital awaiting surgical intervention, so the social is off - and the pub has been the beneficiary!

Yes, you couldn't make it up! The lady in question tripped up a step outside her back door late on Friday, having just enjoyed her last puff of the day, not realising it would be her last fag for several days! Family & friends were all contacted with the news & those of us who know her through Rugeley Musical Theatre Co., felt it only right to toast her health with a few bevies yesterday afternoon.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all. This day is forecast to become a scorcher, and so are the next few days till Wednesday at least. I am somewhat bugged by hayfever in spite of taking medication, too...

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Lovely sunny morning here.

After the rain ceased yesterday we (though mainly Aditi) did some gardening and I did a bit of glueing and filling on my model railway.

I'm not sure what we are doing today. Aditi may have some ideas after breakfast. I suspect gardening but some of that depends on fence repairs. The neighbours fencepost and panel that were smashed by the falling Leylandi last December finally looked as if they were being replaced about 10 days ago. However the fencing chap hired by the neighbour couldn't remove the concrete round the broken stump. His breaker broke and he left and now there is an even bigger gap. I have enquired when he will be returning but have had no response so far!



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Morning all from a less boring than usual borough. Our road was closed off yesterday for several hours due to a fire near the station. Either it was the African church in a converted storage facility or the disused baby clinic. Both have been empty for quite a while. Most likely set by some scroats. SWMBO had noticed the left over rubbish outside the clinic had been burned when she went to work on Friday. The security fencing had also been damaged.


Beautiful morning. Up early to prep and start cooking tonight's dinner. Slow smoked pulled pork. BBQ on, smoker box filled with hickory. The hard part is done. Now I can sit back on the patio, relax, and top up the wood chips every hour or so.


Still no sign of my modelling mojo. Was going to TVAM next week to see if I can find it but that trip is off now. I may just reassemble Essex back into its original shape for a while just to do some session running.


Have a relaxing and enjoyable day everyone.


Coffee and wood chip refill time. Must not get them mixed up.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.


At school for a final revision session for tomorrow's exam.

Not my preferred way to spend Sundays but hopefully it will be worth it.

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Good morning all,  


I did have a look at the  thread that Ian was talking about.... seems a certain company needs to get its customer relations sorted. .......nuff said. 


It was quite chilly here yesterday,  both sitting room and kitchen balcony doors open, and a nice breeze with the temperature never rising above 28C, the threatened thunder storms never showed up either. (I'm on the third floor) This morning no breeze, temperature is  29c and rising...


I was busy checking a contractors B-o-Q yesterday morning for a quote that has to be in Monday morning when I get an email from the client changing the layout & increasing work they want done.......grrrrr! (and of course still expecting our quote first thing Monday!!)


That being said,  I did get a fair  bit of modelling done yesterday too.  


I hope Neil wont mind I've put a couple more early 70's  I-o-M pics.  


Try to make the most of the day. 





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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


Bright start and warm, but cloud is about, and again we are threatened with showers this afternoon and storms this evening.


My programme requires me to head for Le Mans about 1300, park somewhere and mosey along to Republique, where it will all be happening. Pics are awkward, as the place is full of people, and the truly dedicated queue up alongside the presentation area hours before hand. Step ladders are in use, and the pig will be up on the wall! I'll try to get a few atmosphere shots. It has to be said Republique is not as good as Jacobins - the first year (2009) there the drivers were formally snapped with the cathedral as background. Jacobins has now been dug up for the tramway extension, which I think may open this year.


I expect to be home in time for Montreal.


Several people seem to have onerous duties and unpleasant things hanging over them today - not good for a day of rest. I hope everything improves for you.

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Morning all. Good grief! I've been offline (from RMWeb) for almost exactly a month and ER appears to have grown by at least half a gazillion pages. Not having the luxury of at least a day to go back through all the posts, suffice to say I do hope you're all well!

Progress on the house has gone well apart from one monumentally stupid mishap involving me falling through the unboarded loft and ending up dangling over the 2nd floor stairwell. My entire life flashed before my eyes and I'm ashamed to say it was really bloody boring. I must get out more! No harm done.

My month away from RMWeb has resulted in 3 new bedrooms and an en-suite. Quite a step closer to getting a "For Sale" sign in place. As for any railway modelling taking place - fat chance!

Have a great day and I hope the weather where you are is as glorious as it is here. Pete.


Edit: There's a classic car rally in Sheringham today, so I'm off down the high street to drool over a brown Mk3 Cortina if I can find one. I must be very blue collar, Ferraris don't do anything for me! The traditional seaside town "pint and a bag of chips" will no doubt follow...

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Morning all, amazingly awoke to bright sunshine again today - looks like staining the older sections of the garden fence will have to be started if the weather holds. Dog duties are done though Archie the Westie will join us shortly when we go to do our duty at the graveyard. Since her heart scare, Joanna has a problem bending for too long and so, by using my gardeners kneeling stool, I've taken over the task of cleaning the stone and replacing the flowers on MiL and FiL's grave while she has a quiet walk with the dog. I guess that's one reason why we call it a partnership!

Simon, pleased to hear that you enjoyed your break after that scare. Did you manage a boat trip on the loch? Don't know if you read my post recounting my earlier romantic connection(It was posted just as you left!). One thing that amazed me about the view from the water was the sheer size and scale of some of the properties around the shore - it's obvious that there are still plenty of wealthy people around Glasgow.

Ian, I agree with you about the Hornby situation - I have good reason to know, from my own business experience, just how difficult it is to maintain a healthy trading position when cash is short. Liken it to a certain part of your anatomy trapped in a vice which your suppliers can tighten at will! The last garage I was involved with was cash rich, and the property fully owned by the chairman, which meant we didn't have to go cap in hand to the bank and even Citroen couldn't control us as much as they would have liked! Have a great time at La Sarthe mate!

I'm still concerned about the lack of news from Cape Town however and at a loss for a solution.

Hope you all enjoy your day safely - watch out for an old 'Hoagy Carmichael' song AndrewC!!

Kind regards,


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