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........smallest cat fell off the windowsill which she has done many times before but today she has hurt herself and is at the vets having an x-ray.....


:O Oh no!...........healing wishes being sent for the little-one and lets hope the vet`s bill is small; although not in the Canard sense, of course! :jester:


Violent thunderstorms barreling through with unfortunate regularity here today; consequently, there are two, trembling Border Collies trying to climb on to my lap for consolation :scared: ......lets hope the storms abate and they`ll soon be able to be unequivercollies. :declare:

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  • RMweb Premium

Hope the cat's okay; they don't always land on their feet. My old cat (full name "J. Edgar brackets as in Hoover close brackets") tended to roll over in his sleep and often fell off things. He would hit the ground still asleep, so usually on his side, and get up looking most put out. Fortunately he never fell off anything very high and hurt nothing more thn his pride. The name referred to his appetite.



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  • RMweb Premium

She is a small cat with a small skull and clearly smaller brain but we love her dearly and now Mickey(prodigal cat) has been adopted by cat woman we may have only one cat left by the end of the day sadly.

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Having watched the spectacle of yesterday's D day landing celebrations, I felt a lot of sadness for those surviving veterans who didn't storm ashore in Normandy on 06 Jun 1944.

Many had already fought their way ashore into Europe in 1943 and had already liberated Rome and were still forging northward, or were fighting in Burma.  yet scarcely warrant a mention.

My Uncle was at Monte Cassino but before that he was sh@gging some Eyetalian Countess in Salerno, cue Big Family Scandal, it runs in the family... Seriously, it wasn’t helped by certain British MP’s suggesting (at the time) that the Italian Campaign was rather similar to an extended “holiday” (because even back then they had homes in Tuscany, presumably).


Best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Gold

Ian (Olddudders) clever Doh comment is even more appropriate when the word we hadn't recognised for deer was "Reh" although there weren't too "many drops of golden sun" when we visited Munich.

Jock. I have mentioned this on ER before but not while you have been with us. In 1989 or 1990 Aditi and I were driving to Austria. We had been driving for hours and somewhere near Stuttgart went into a service area for coffee and cake. We must have been a bit tired and not our usual chatty selves but then we heard an older German couple on the next table trying to determine from where we were from. Someone tall, blue-eyed and fairly fair associating with someone short and dark. In the end they concluded we were Yugoslavian.

Though Aditi often has had to explain to other people from North India or Pakistan why she can understand what they are saying. This usually then follows an interrogation "are both your parents Indian?" or more bluntly "why are you so so fair?". To the first she answers "yes" and to the second confuses people by telling them she is a princess! Her brother tells people he is from the north when queried about his complexion by Indians (usually elderly female patients, he is a GP). "Kashmir", they enquire, "No, Huddersfield".

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  • RMweb Gold

My Uncle was at Monte Cassino but before that he was sh@gging some Eyetalian Countess in Salerno, cue Big Family Scandal, it runs in the family... Seriously, it wasn’t helped by certain British MP’s suggesting (at the time) that the Italian Campaign was rather similar to an extended “holiday” (because even back then they had homes in Tuscany, presumably).


Best, Pete.

I am always amazed that people fail to understand how it must feel to be in or near the front line, with the potential outcome tomorrow that your foe will pop your clogs for you. In those circs, behaving with less decorum than in the family drawing room has always seemed likely, and little more than sensible, frankly. As the Bible doesn't quite put it "Sod 'em, for Gomorrah we die!"

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  • RMweb Gold

My Uncle was at Monte Cassino but before that he was sh@gging some Eyetalian Countess in Salerno

You uncle wasn't Spike Milligan was he?

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Mike, thanks for the link. Just had an entertaining(?) time running through that thread and I feel that Ian(Abel) has probably trodden on someone's toes or offended someone with possible connections to the company in question. I have a gut feeling that analysis would show a single dissenter. Perhaps all should read Simon Kohler's words again, in AndyY's post - 'I cannot abide silly comments or sarcasm when someone disagrees with someone else's views'! I remember 'robmcg' had issues similar to Ian not long ago which almost caused him to quit RMweb which would have been a great loss to all who enjoy his beautiful images. Entertainment however for those with a black sense of humour, but I can just picture Ian(Abel) building up a head of steam with the frustrations of long distance computer connections which just aren't working! He should be able to express his feelings without what looked like a personal attack to me.

My old Cornish retired tin miner neighbour one Frank Richards of Porkellis near Helston, taught me one of his sayings when I lived there - 'sometimes quietness is the best noise' - perhaps some of the people posting would do well to think on it!

Kind regards,


PS Mick B, Hope you can give us good news on the cat front soon.

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So a week away, a week building the new laptop, and now some time available at home. Plenty of late nights this week - not work, just family stuff, as son's car died terminally, delivering dog medications and generally getting rid of the cr@p that results from being away for a week. The lawn mower has been renewed and the silage tackled. Long job.


So now it's clearing up whilst listening to the rain beating down.


Not had time to catch up with multiple page forums posts so really don't know what's been going on with ERs. All will, undoubtedly become clear.

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  • RMweb Gold

I managed a whopping TWELVE (count em) "disagrees" in the space of about a couple of hours today - beat THAT

Ok. I'll have a go.


ERs is full of charming, witty, intelligent people.

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  • RMweb Gold

Mike, thanks for the link. Just had an entertaining(?) time running through that thread and I feel that Ian(Abel) has probably trodden on someone's toes or offended someone with possible connections to the company in question. I have a gut feeling that analysis would show a single dissenter. Perhaps all should read Simon Kohler's words again, in AndyY's post - 'I cannot abide silly comments or sarcasm when someone disagrees with someone else's views'! I remember 'robmcg' had issues similar to Ian not long ago which almost caused him to quit RMweb which would have been a great loss to all who enjoy his beautiful images. Entertainment however for those with a black sense of humour, but I can just picture Ian(Abel) building up a head of steam with the frustrations of long distance computer connections which just aren't working! He should be able to express his feelings without what looked like a personal attack to me.

My old Cornish retired tin miner neighbour one Frank Richards of Porkellis near Helston, taught me one of his sayings when I lived there - 'sometimes quietness is the best noise' - perhaps some of the people posting would do well to think on it!

Kind regards,


PS Mick B, Hope you can give us good news on the cat front soon.

Until the 'whining' comment on Page 3 I think all the 'disagrees' were from the same person - who might be a Hornby shareholder but judging by the age given on his profile doesn't work there (unless he's a part-time cleaner looking for a few bob to add to his pension).


Regrettably it's all too easy for any of us to press 'Post' without thinking about it and in fact I have just opened fire at someone (who until now I have always thought was 'ok') on another thread because he was downright rude, apart from anything else, in not only posting one of my photos without asking but not even acknowledging the fact that it's mine and that it is my copyright.  It can be very easy for a moment's thoughtlessness to cause someone to get their back up and, quite possibly, respond in relatively 'strong' terms - far better to steer clear of such attacks in the first place I think and normally I try to be reasonable even with some of the outright idiots who post factual rubbish on RMweb but we can all snap sometime.  Simple answer to all of it in my book - if you don't like stuff then don't read it.


Anyway the asparagus soup was, as usual, top notch and so was the sodA bread.

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  • RMweb Gold

Mike (SM)


I was trying to beat Ian's record for Disagrees and made a wildly inaccurate statement in the previous post.


Unbelievably, people started agreeing with it.

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  • RMweb Gold

Mike (SM)


I was trying to beat Ian's record for Disagrees and made a wildly inaccurate statement in the previous post.


Unbelievably, people started agreeing with it.

BoD you know we can be a right contrary lot on here - can be fun to prove it occasionally ;).


And in the meanwhile, with our impending voyage in mind, it is interesting to note that our ship we are supposed to be joining at Harwich is currently heading down the Channel at very nearly maximum speed with an ETA at Newhaven tonight.  Ah well at least we don't have to cross London if we have to join at Southampton.

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My Uncle was at Monte Cassino but before that he was sh@gging some Eyetalian Countess in Salerno, cue Big Family Scandal, it runs in the family... Seriously, it wasn’t helped by certain British MP’s suggesting (at the time) that the Italian Campaign was rather similar to an extended “holiday” (because even back then they had homes in Tuscany, presumably).


Best, Pete.

Hmm, thanks Pete, interesting, wasn't familiar with that aspect of the campaign, learn something new every day. Not sure my dad would have agreed that it was a holiday exactly, that's where he was wounded sufficiently badly to be airlifted out and ended the front-line war for him... then again he did end up recuperating in the SW-London area, and therefore met my mum and I "exist" as a result. Must've been the reason I guess!

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The global weather (well, reports from the ERs, mostly UK I suppose, with a smattering of central Europe, US east-coast and me) is starting to feel very odd!

Where I am we're EXPECTED and SUPPOSED to get huge ranging thunderstorm fronts this time of year, as witnessed by the morning "alarm", both Bob and I thought it was time to head for the pearly gates... but whilst I've been gone from the UK a long time, I do "keep up" to a fair degree and don't seem to recall there being so much consistent severe weather until very recently. Oh well!


Only 13 now may reach 17. It's been bucketing it down here since the wee hours, as expected with the front(s) moving through, but even for US (as in collectively, not United States) it's a lot more than normal. Local precip totals year-to-date are 6.5 inches above normal, and month-to-date (it's ONLY the 7th!!!) are almost 2 inches above normal - work continues apace on the ARK!!!

The local Edina Art Fair, one of the most touted in the area, is currently (radio reports, b*ugg**er**ed if I'm venturing over there to see) a wet, soggy mess, where usually it's a lively warm if not HOT sunny venue.


OK - enough with the weather... more importantly I'm working on my latest unacceptable post comment to see if I can beat my "disagree record" and keep it intact from the challenges of BoD :butcher: I MUST be able to find something offensive to say, then again as reported by others, might not need to be that offensive if posted outside of the ER compound! :jester:


Much support here from me and Bob awaiting word from Mick B of "smallest cat", hang in there :friends:


Enjoy your sporting events, those lucky enough to be at the TT (Neil) or Le Mans (Ian).. I'd love to be at either/both.


OK - we're going to finish up RMWeb (haven't ventured into the "danger zones" yet), then heading for the basement and some modelling, will check in often today as it's just me (and Bob). Happy Saturday everyone.

Edited by Ian Abel
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  • RMweb Gold

Enjoy your sporting events, those lucky enough to be at the TT (Neil) or Le Mans (Ian).. I'd love to be at either/both.


OK - we're going to finish up RMWeb (haven't ventured into the "danger zones" yet), then heading for the basement and some modelling, will check in often today as it's just me (and Bob). Happy Saturday everyone.

Just out of interest I am fairly certain that the incident that provoked the disagrees is a fault with the Hornby website. I couldn't remember my Hornby password and got the same result as you, no reminder. I set up a new account with a spare email address and it worked. I then asked for an email reminder from the new account and one failed to appear. I suspect you will receive lots of reminders on Monday morning when someone arrives at work and realises there is a fault. Once in a telephone conversation with some very pleasant people at Hornby I got the impression  (perhaps false but still an impression) that Friday lunchtime was the end of the week for communicating with the outside world. The weekend begins at noon Friday round here at the tractor factory so perhaps Hornby do as well. I hope this is a safe place to report my experiments!

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Tony, that'll be fine/excellent if that's the way it works, but having worked on similar web sites myself, I truly hope you are wrong.

All this should be totally automatic/automated, the resetting of an account password should have/require no human interaction, unless they (Hornby) are revamping their website based on 80's not 21st. century technology (wouldn't put it past them!).

The actual interaction with the Hornby website began Wednesday in fact, so the Friday lunchtime clock-out shouldn't be a factor IMHO   :)


Sadly, I do have one other issue with Hornby, so maybe that is why I'm rather more pessimistic than many/most.

I've have a rebuilt BB loco that was DOA, returned ONCE to Hornby last fall (autumn) and came back same/worse condition than it left. Since then they agreed that it'd be easier to find a replacement than both of us incur continued international shipping costs - so far, so good. However, continued monthly emails asking the status just recieve a "we're still working on finding a replacement and we'll let you know..." and the last two emails have simply gone unanswered... so there's a 120 quid down the drain and no BB loco to show for it - thank you Hornby :(

It's gone beyond "return to retailer for a refund", besides I actually WANT a rebuilt BB, not the money, did so when I contacted Hornby and they recommended sending it to the for repair and as they no longer reply/respond to the emails which quote the support #, I don't see much else I can do to fire them up - I was going to contact SImon as my next step, but that was right when he left <sigh>.

Anyone want a lovely looking MIB (isn't that how Gostude state it) Rebuilt BB "Sir Keith Park", for retail list?? Runs fine (so long as it's stationary) :jester:  :jester:  :jester:

Edited by Ian Abel
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  • RMweb Gold

The global weather (well, reports from the ERs, mostly UK I suppose, with a smattering of central Europe, US east-coast and me) is starting to feel very odd!

Today had started cloudy with light drizzle. The forecast was for squally stormy showers, with gusts to 65kph. In practice by lunchtime it was really completely calm and nice and now it's truly gorgeous, much too hot for me to mow or take other interest in the garden. I did trim some low-hanging fronds on that tall willow, as that was shady, of course.


The weather patterns are simply not being followed, and the forecasters have a problem.

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I might not be on here much in the next few days as we're visiting friends in Colton, near Rugeley, Staffs., then to family in Crewe.



Sh1t happens. Apparently this has gone a bit adrift. The intended guest of honour (70 tomorrow) at the "do" this afternoon slipped and broke her leg last night, is obviously in hospital awaiting surgical intervention, so the social is off - and the pub has been the beneficiary!

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