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Good morning all,  


At long last I managed to get the steam dummies roof pretty much finished last night...ended up making my own filler out of plasticard dust and solvent! 


Back to the D day stuff,  my dad would never talk about what he did or saw.  Spent from what little I know most of his time with the RAF in Ceylon mending airplanes.  Having now (and as recently as yesterday!) done a bit of research I think I can guess why he never spoke, cant have been a very pleasant task patching up the shot up planes that did make it back.. R.I.P 


Mind you his father was ground support for the RFC / RAF during the first war,  some how he managed to spirit a complete wooden propeller home!  When M & D sold the house some years back this item was duly returned to the RAF museum at Hendon.  


Well a day of mixed work, and some more on the steam dummy..... and then see if I can find whatever hornets nest  Ian has been poking his stick into! 


Try to find something to smile at today 



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If it's any consolation Ian I had a similar experience when I dared to post constructive criticism on DEMU show page. You would have thought I had slagged off the organisers with the response. Funnily enough the only times I have had similar problems on this site have been when I have commented on diesel and electric modellers pages. Are they a different breed? (With apologies to any diesel and electric modellers on these pages).

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Aditi would have either smiled sweetly and asked for a menu in French or instructed me to take one off another table. 


Aditi would have either smiled sweetly and asked for a menu in French or instructed me to take one off another table. 

Oh we did - it was much easier to understand... (Not the sort of place where the menus are on the tables!).

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  • RMweb Premium

Another toaster problem this morning, I've now got it to work properly so this morning it carried on working until the smoke alarm told me that the toast was 'done'. After I had binned the two pieces of charcoal fortunately it behaved itself, but a new toaster is on the cards methinks.

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  • RMweb Gold

The seaweed twirlers promsed thunder last night and today. As it rather upsets the dogs we came home yesterday evening rather than this morning we had a pleasant drive and the storms came during the night so a broken sleep for us. It is also rather damp this morning. Still the next trip is only days away for the 2mm Supermeet. It is a hard life.


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A moving day yesterday, although had to chuckle about the old boy who went AWOL.


Scheduled to play a match at 10, so off I went only to return half an hour later as the heavens opened. Now rescheduled to 12, so a couple of hours to kill. Thought I'd do a bit on ET to while away the time, but that's now been kicked into touch as another koi decided he'd had enough and coiled over. Pretty sure it's natural causes, but having now lost a couple of biggun's in a few weeks, I'm a bit peed off.


Now have to dig a big hole to take a 2' orange and white fish that must have weighed 12-15bs as the large net I use was certainly bending under the strain. Of course soon as Golly saw him, he was out. Food!


Now have to dig the big hole even deeper, or I may find the remains of a koi on the lawn in a few days. Little tyke!...

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  • RMweb Gold

Oh we did - it was much easier to understand... (Not the sort of place where the menus are on the tables!).

Then of course there are the "regional" names for things . Once you get nearer Austria some of the names for German food items change from those learned at school. At the very nice hotel we have stayed at in Austria the translations for the English menu were usually perfect but if in doubt they used their initiative. Aditi did tell them that Kohlrabi is also kohlrabi in England, not cabbage-beet.

We were in Munich and were attempting to identify the special item of the day with a really nice waiter who was very keen to use his English. We had determined it was meat and came from the forest, 

"is it deer?"

"No, not at all expensive". 

"I mean, like Bambi"

"Ja,Ja, Bambi's Mutti!"

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  • RMweb Gold

Then of course there are the "regional" names for things . Once you get nearer Austria some of the names for German food items change from those learned at school. At the very nice hotel we have stayed at in Austria the translations for the English menu were usually perfect but if in doubt they used their initiative. Aditi did tell them that Kohlrabi is also kohlrabi in England, not cabbage-beet.

We were in Munich and were attempting to identify the special item of the day with a really nice waiter who was very keen to use his English. We had determined it was meat and came from the forest, 

"is it deer?"

"No, not at all expensive". 

"I mean, like Bambi"

"Ja,Ja, Bambi's Mutti!"

To which the only answer is "Doh!"

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ISTR an ISIRTA (for the innocents among us that's "I seem to remember an I'm Sorry I'll Read That Again") radio programme years ago involving mills oop north, with lots of phoney Yorkshire dialect words and pronunciation. The sketch finished with the mills being sold off and someone filling them with German dogs. German dogs? "Yes, the mills are alive with the hounds of Munich!"


Putting off ringing MiL can do wonders for your powers of trivial recall....

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I was very moved by the pictures from Normandy both in the papers and on TV - Dad was in the Navy but in the Far East at that time.


Woken by continuous thunder and lightning at 5:15 this morning, it still raining.


Tillie can from today be taken for walks, it's a week from her second injections - not in the rain I think!


So I shall go and do a little work on Danemouth,



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The thunderstorm has arrived, blustery, lots of rain, lightning flashes and guess whose dog is raring to go out. I don't think Robbie has ever grasped the idea that the weather may not to be my liking! 

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Morning all,


Pretty wet outside and occasionally getting even wetter.  Full thunderstorm precautions taken last night with various electrical gear unplugged etc but if it did thunder it didn't wake me - so i don't know if it did or not?


Menus can be fun but sometimes in unexpected ways on arrival in a Paris restaurant with a newly appointed colleague I handed him the menu and asked what he fancied - he couldn't understand a word of it.  Not odd you might think but this chap spent most of his annual leave chasing loco hauled trains all over Western Europe so I had expected a glimmer of understanding of at least a French menu, Serbo-Croat and i would have been in the same boat.  So I duly asked how he managed 'we go to Macdonalds if there is one, if not we just point to something on the menu and see what we get'  Oh dear, the English abroad were still at large in the late 20th century - and I really should have sent him to the tripe restaurant I'd found in Brussels, where only one main course wasn't tripe :)


Anyway a local concert this evening, could be interesting as it's an amateur group but some of its members were on stage at Fawley the other week and if they're that good it will be a great evening.  Now for a wander round RMweb - could be good, or possibly just plain miserable.


Have a  good day and hope you avoid the rains as much as possible.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning, its actually just stopped raining but we still have a strong breeze, the rain has been  heavy enough to postpone any gardening jobs for at least 24/48 hours.


Departing for Wigan shortly with the list...yippee!


Enjoy the day folks

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  • RMweb Gold

Having watched the spectacle of yesterday's D day landing celebrations, I felt a lot of sadness for those surviving veterans who didn't storm ashore in Normandy on 06 Jun 1944.

Many had already fought their way ashore into Europe in 1943 and had already liberated Rome and were still forging northward, or were fighting in Burma.  yet scarcely warrant a mention.

Edited by Happy Hippo
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I managed a whopping TWELVE (count em) "disagrees" in the space of about a couple of hours today - beat THAT :sungum:  :triniti:  :mail:


:nono: It`s not like it`s 'life or death' or anything..........it`s much more serious than that; it`s Hornby! :laugh:

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  • RMweb Premium

Having watched the spectacle of yesterday's D day landing celebrations, I felt a lot of sadness for those surviving veterans who didn't storm ashore in Normandy on 06 Jun 1944.

Many had already fought their way ashore into Europe in 1943 and had already liberated Rome and were still forging northward, or were fighting in Burma.  yet scarcely warrant a mention.


on this week's Mark Ratcliffes' Radio 2 Folk Programme he played a very good rendition of "We are the D Day dodgers" penned to explain to Nancy Astor that the Armed forces in Italy were not dodging D-Day. She didn't mention the forgotten Army in India and Burma...



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Tillie can from today be taken for walks, it's a week from her second injections - not in the rain I think!

Stop Press!


The rain stopped, sun shone and SWMBO & daughter took Tillie for her first walk. The dog was reluctant to leave the house and was apparently frightened for some of the walk, particularly by traffic noise. Doubtless in a day or two she will take it all in her stride.


If nothing else the walks will wear her claws down thank goodness!


In the meantime I've PVA'd the embankment on Danemouth into place.



Edited by Danemouth
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  • RMweb Premium

Having watched the spectacle of yesterday's D day landing celebrations, I felt a lot of sadness for those surviving veterans who didn't storm ashore in Normandy on 06 Jun 1944.

Many had already fought their way ashore into Europe in 1943 and had already liberated Rome and were still forging northward, or were fighting in Burma.  yet scarcely warrant a mention.

My dad was out in Burma 1942-1945 serving with the XIV army, known as the 'Forgotten army'.

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Late good morning all from Clacton where the sun is shining in short spells between heavy showers and a bit of thunder thrown in. Joanna woke me just before 5am to tell me that it was raining like a monsoon (I obviously thanked her for sharing that with me!!) soon after, the thunder broke right overhead but luckily, Archie the Westie guard dog isn't fazed by it and didn't make a peep. I however, took some time to get back to sleep and then followed up with an early rise!

Every now and then, something happens which reinforces your belief in human nature and strengthens your resolve re. your illness - my next door neighbour, another Andy, who shares the fence that we replaced a few days back (we are 'link-detached' in agent speak), insisted that he transport all the wood which I'd stripped and de-nailed to the recycling centre, also insisting that I don't attempt to help! He is a survivor of a very nasty abdominal cancer which the medics appear to have beaten, and he and his wife have been fantastic since they found out about my little problem - evidence being this mornings action! I'm going to upset him later by raiding my stock of Rioja and insisting he have one to enjoy tonight as I really can't thank him enough. That goes for all you ERs who have been so kind - very humbling.

Can't match your sausage story Ian but SWMBO and I, in a rather bedraggled state from a long days travel, decided to dine in a French menu'd restaurant in the heart of Brussels. Two Dame Edna look-a-likes at the next table, hearing our English/Scottish conversation, made several derogatory remarks about our appearance in French, so when the waiter came to take our order, I mustered my best French accent and ordered entirely in the waiters mother tongue! You should have seen the old dames' reaction - the redness even shone through the deep make-up. Joanna and I often laugh about the incident years later - never judge a book by the cover eh!

Hope you all enjoy what you have planned for the weekend - I know Ian will (there speaks jealousy!) at the LeMans scrutineering. Could someone please make my life easier by pointing out the thread that so upset Minnesota's finest as I can't find it?

Kind regards,


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Here you go Jock - the fun & games really get going on Page 3 (hmm, must be story in that one? - maybe somebody boobed - hat coat and all that  :jester: )




Meanwhile in the land of normality Mrs Stationmaster is currently making asparagus soup - a firm favourite in this household - and sod bread to go with it so we can look forward to a nice little lunch.  Laddo has headed off to the Twyford Beer Festival but hopefully he won't do too much celebrating of his promotion yesterday - he will now become a 'Senior Consultant' but far more important than a title he will be in command of his employer's largest account and while he can easily manage it he does seem a little concerned about things although that is, everyone thinks, basically a reflection of his very conscientious attitude to the job and the effort he puts in to make sure the customer is looked after as well as possible.

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Haven't gone to Chester smallest cat fell off the windowsill which she has done many times before but today she has hurt herself and is at the vets having an x-ray..... Looking at the rain it would be a miserable trip anyway.

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Meanwhile in the land of normality Mrs Stationmaster is currently making asparagus soup - a firm favourite in this household - and sod bread to go with it s

Never heard of that type of bread before Mike :) :) :) :)






p.s. soda bread?

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