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Happy Birthday Andy....my 50th was nice with a meal out.....its just the start of life - honest!


I attended a reception by the Turkish Minister of Defence once in the Hilton in Ankara... Half pint glasses of gin with a nip of tonic followed by half pints of whisky with a nip of dry ginger...next day was not a good one to visit the stand at the Defence Exhibition



Nothing, but nothing beats the consumption of alcohol at a Polish wedding. Invited to give a speech at a Polish friend's wedding in Lodz, I was liberally plyed with Vodka by my fellow wedding guests (and my friend's friends) from about 6pm (start of the wedding breakfast) until well after 4am the next day (and then everyone wondered why we were leaving so early...!).


Interestingly, I had absolutely NO hangover the next day (just a bit tired and slightly dehydrated) - apparently very high quality Vodka is the secret (at the same wedding I was introduced to the amazing "mad dog" pick-me-up... a story for another time)

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Morning all. 

50 not out. 


The last couple of days of Ryvita (other forms of desicated nutritional dust are available), starting a 30 day Abs challenge and running alongside my daughter as she cycles I've shed a couple of lbs. Hoping to shed the beer belly by the time I hit the pool when we head off to the Highlands in a few weeks time. 


Last night my daughter finally conquered a dive (some form of backwards somersault) she'd been struggling with for months. The look of triumph on her face as she surfaced was a real treat. I believe part of the splash may have hit me in the eye. I think it also made her coach's day, too.


Have a nice day everyone. Andy

Happy Birthday Andy - unlike some I actually DO remember my 50th.

The most memorable so far "unfortunately" as I awoke at 5AM with what I immediately determined was appendicitise (no idea HOW I determined that, just seemed I knew!!!), and by 7:15 was being prepped for an emergency appendectomy :O

So far none of my birthdays have measured up to that one, thankfully... Have a brilliant day, half-a-century is a good place to be :good:

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Well it's raining here and therefore Tillie is very reluctant to go out into the garden - we still have newspapers on the floor by the back door as she's only twelve weeks old, so I just had to change one of the newspapers!


Went to Lord & Butler to get some bits and pieces for Danemouth. The entrance from the fiddleyard is a Metcalfe single tunnel kit built a while ago - I deliberately didn't fit the wing walls and put the remains kit to one side ready for when they were needed. Except I forgot about the walls and threw the ends of the kit out a couple of weeks ago - guess what one of my purchases was today!


I've carved the foam I rescued from the builders skip next door, I will resurrect the Danemouth thread in the next week or two when I have something worth showing.


My sympathy to Neil and Deb or the tragic loss of their friend,





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  • RMweb Premium

Happy birthday, Andy! Hope you could enjoy your day, be it regardless of or because of the threshold you passed... :smoke:


Managed to snatch me some basic material for my next loco modding endeavour. The result is to be Leipziger Eisenbahn's 132 158, based on the Roco H0 scale model:




Note how the company has restored the loco to her Deutsche Reichsbahn appearance and running number. Her EVN-formatted running number is 92 80 1232 158-8 D-LEG.

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  • RMweb Premium

Good evening, friends.


Happy birthday Andy.  My 50th was spent in Paris, also celebrating our 25th wedding anniversary, which is the day before. 


Thank you all once again for the support - it has been a trying day, Post Mortem, funeral directors, police etc etc.  Jayne had a major loss of stiff upper lip this morning, the first big hit I think.  She is better now, having got some of the afore mentioned duties under way.  As we are her closest friends on the island (all surviving parents are in England and not able to be here until next week) we are taking a lead on things, she is now at the empty stage, not knowing what to do (she is a highly intelligent woman, a legal researcher for the Attorney General and MSc in metalurgy).  It is a very heart rending process to take part in.  But that of course is what real friends are for, to support those close and in need.

Edited by New Haven Neil
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"Came home and there was a new Roland piano waiting for me in the lounge."


Bluddy things, gate crashing parties everywhere.


Not gate-crashed; surely, they`d simply entrance using the right key! :mosking:


Debs, sincere apologies, I was obviously so tired when posting last night that I forgot to offer my condolences on your 'bad day'. Do you have a prognosis on great uncle yet? It may sound ghoulish, but I walk Archie the Westie round the large and old graveyard near to where Joanna and I live (part of my exercise regime!) and you would be amazed at the number of graves that contain both partners with a very short time elapsed between their interrment! Is there something in the 'broken heart' theory? I do hope great uncle proves it wrong!


Thanks Jock: Great-Uncle Richard remains unwell in the CCU; to lose one`s beloved after 60 years of devoted-marriage; his heart must indeed be broken.

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Thank you all once again for the support - it has been a trying day, Post Mortem, funeral directors, police etc etc.  Jayne had a major loss of stiff upper lip this morning, the first big hit I think.  She is better now, having got some of the afore mentioned duties under way.  As we are her closest friends on the island (all surviving parents are in England and not able to be here until next week) we are taking a lead on things, she is now at the empty stage, not knowing what to do (she is a highly intelligent woman, a legal researcher for the Attorney General and MSc in metalurgy).  It is a very heart rending process to take part in.  But that of course is what real friends are for, to support those close and in need.

Neil, just caught up with the last two days on ERS - my sincerest sympathies.  I am sure that Jayne is very lucky to have you as a friend, especially in her current time of need.

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Another late post and a very belated happy birthday to Andy I hope your 50th has been enjoyable. A big thank you to all of the kind comments and advice posted on here and via the private message I have received. All advice has been very helpful indeed. I have still not made a final decision, but my gut feeling is not to go for it. Whilst on the positive note it would be a step forward in the career and more money (much needed) I am not sure I can justify the added work load so soon after the house move. I would guess that such a role would not come with any sort of time in order to complete the multitude of tasks which the job would involve. This is very different to the head teacher post I considered earlier in the year. I do have experience of working with SEN children and I did a Special Needs module during my B'Ed course as well as writing my dissertation on the subject. Despite this my interests have moved towards other areas of education. I think a discussion with the new head teacher is needed.


 Work has gone well today with some planning towards next year. The student had an excellent lesson today and I am very happy with her progress. She will make a good teacher and I have no worries about leaving her in charge of the class whilst I catch up on other jobs. The SATs marathon is now over and I am very pleased with the results.


 On the home front Sarah has now moved out to her mother's due to the on-going damp problem. She is concerned about the effect on Amber's health. Hopefully it will prove to be a short term time away. Sadly she left this morning without defrosting the freezer so I arrived home this evening to a very wet kitchen floor! Sadly I did not discover this until much later after going to my parent's for tea and then onto the Mickleover club to give my Duke of Gloucester model a good run.


The new freezer comes tomorrow so I will finish sorting the old one in the morning, before work, once the remaining ice has melted into the containers I have quickly put in place. One day things will go smoothly! :jester:

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Good evening all,

Tired Jock here but fence panel break-down completed and SWMBO happy! Just needs a trip to the tip now. Early start tomorrow for my monthly appointment with the chemo nurses in Colchester - always a worry because the results of my blood tests dictate whether I can keep taking the pills or not and I really want to keep fighting the bas**rd within! Might mean I don't post till much later in the day.

Neil, I feel that I've come to know you to fair degree through your many posts over the last few months, and I am certain that you and your good lady are just the right type of friends to have in such terrible circumstances. Keeping Jane afloat is very important but don't forget to consider your own grief at the loss of such a friend.

Debs, you've obviously got a very varied DVD collection! Hope the news from the CCU is positive and that he makes a complete recovery. Will he be able to cope on his own if he does recover? I'm sure he'll find your support unstinting.

Downhill to the weekend now folks, let's hope for better news all round as the week progresses.

Kind regards,


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Thought I'd start everyone off (those east of me of course) with a joke and laugh for Thursday morning (BIN day), so here goes;


So this man, a computer programmer by profession says to his wife - "I'm off up the shop, do we need anything?"


Wife says - "sure, get a gallon of milk, if they have eggs, get a dozen"


Hubby returns a while later and puts 12 gallons of milk in the fridge...


Wife say - "What's with all the milk?"


Hubby - "They had eggs!"


<rim shot> :jester:  :jester:  :jester:


I know, I know - coat, hat, etc. :drag:


Edited: to add BIN day reminder, for some.

Edited by Ian Abel
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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

After another wet night we now have blue sky and sunshine but more cloud and the odd shower is forecast for today.

Parcels........Pah! Three arrived yesterday that weren't expected (for neighbours) but ours haven't..........1,2,3,4,5 etc........& breathe. As I have to go out today I hope the courier(s)/postie display their usual common sense  (yes - they normally do around here!) and leave them with one of the other neighbours.

I "need" to visit a model shop so am off to Tattenham Corner later and then have to collect Chris for the weekly resupply of comestibles and other stuff.

Daughter and grandchildren here later after school for a meal so that means it will end up being a great day!

Have a good one,


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Morning All,


It is a nice sunny morning here, with an extremely high pollen count!


Loved the computer programmer joke.  It reminds me of the old one:


There are 10 types of people in the world.  Those that understand binary, and those that don't.


Have a good day everyone...

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Morning one & all,  


Manic day yesterday followed by an equally manic evening....then around 3 am an absolute humdinger of a thunder storm.  The sound waves were making the crockery in the kitchen rattle!  Some thing I don't recall hearing before. 


Now a day of trying to prove (on paper) that a quart won't fit into a pint pot.  (well more so than a 5 Mva transformer, wont fit with a safety clearance were the stoopid customer wants to fit it!)


Still whats life without challenges? 



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all. Been raining during the night and it's still cloudy, but the forecast for the weekend sounds good. We'll be off to visit my parents and SWMBO's uncle from Friday till Monday.


Try to enjoy your day, folks...

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all!

Wet here ..everyone is going 'Le Grande Depart" crazy...just makes it more difficult for me to get to Barnsley for my umpiring duties. Feels like half the roads in the area will be sealed off for days...


Hope all goes well for everyone today


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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Blue sky, sunny, breezy here this morning.

I'm off to London today for my 6 monthly visit to Barts Hospital. I got the results of the blood tests done locally and assume the visit will result in a "keep taking the tablets, come back in six months" decision. 


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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all,

A lovely sunny start to the day and the garden is looking stunning. 


Thanks again to one and all for your birthday wishes yesterday. I had a great day and some lovely presents. We went for a meal in the evening, although the children ended up getting to bed an hour later than usual for a school night.


A massive bbq arrived yesterday afternoon - a present from my mum and MiL. Seems a lot of research went in to getting one that would "last", unlike a lot of the cheap ones I've bought in the past which end up looking sad and filled with rain water. This one has a heavy-duty cover, too! So, no excuses. 


Spent some time yesterday settling mum back into her home and working through care plans with various hired help, etc. Off to do her shopping in a bit. 


NHN, you're doing a great job looking after your friend. I hope that the practical care you are giving will go some small way to helping you cope with your own grief.   



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Morning, damp and grey here but then its June what can one expect! More so as I have a tennis lesson booked at 11 which is outside.


List for Wigan is now representing a loo roll in length and there are no locos or rolling stock on it......................yet!


Enjoy the day, the sun must be shining somewhere so enjoy!

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The sun has got his hat on here in the SW at last!


Best wishes to all who are facing health care appointments and special thoughts for Neil following the loss of his friend. His widow is lucky to have you for support.

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Morning all

Took a trip on the new Edinburgh Trams yesterday - York place to airport and return. No buffet car, though. Takes slightly longer than the Airport Express bus. Seemed that most of the travellers were grandparents using their ridacards taking grandchildren for a ride. Walkway from airport tramstop to airport buildings undercover apart from last 10 yards - naturally it was raining - and still is, 21 hours later. 


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Shhhh, the sun is shining in the Principality, at least that's what I think that big yellow ball in the sky is,


The bottom of the garden (which is permanently in shade)  is a quagmire after all the rain this winter so some continuous warm dry weather would be of real benefit.


Neil (NHN) your friend's wife is very lucky to have you and your wife supporting her at this difficult time. God Bless.



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