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Wet but sunny, so a proper good morning.

Working on the gallery accounts with Julie (chizz) then packing for France tomorrow, slightly complicated by leaving the case for my drills out overnight so it's now full of water...


Condolences, Neil, that's a horrible shock for everyone, and I sympathise with how you must be feeling.


And Andy - go for it (but G&T isn't part of a SENCO's responsibility - or it wasn't when I was helping write the rules). Worth mentioning just the same but there should be a separate lead teacher for that as the issues are very different.


Went to see my grandsons yesterday - lovely kids, and the youngest is making such amazing progress after such a dreadful start! I've had two medical miracles in my family this year, almost like winning the lottery twice.

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  • RMweb Gold

Happy Birthday Andy.

I can't remember anything about my half century birthday. Matthew would have just had his tenth birthday the week before and we were in France for that, so perhaps we were unpacking on my birthday, I recall my 40th being spent in a special care baby unit wondering when Matthew could come home. My 60th was celebrated with a meal in a nice pub restaurant though.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


A day of condolence for Neil and those close to his departed friend, of hope for Debs great uncle ,and best wishes for Andy (and like Tony I can't remember anything of my 50th birthday and I'd certainly rather forget the 51st).


Now a small hint for young Dr Station Cat - sorry to let you down after your successful quest but heavy rain is promised for this afternoon - it appears it didn't all come down last night.  And maybe the cat wouldn't have been sick if you hadn't given him that curry (or on the other hand the other one might not have been sick if you had given him the curry).


So today the grass is too wet to cut and the jungle is too wet to strim - think I might do a bit of auction sorting and tomorrow I'll find out if my weekend commission bids were successful, although somehow I doubt I'll get the LNER paddle steamers as there were some extremely tasty edwardian MacBraynes cards in the same lot and if anyone saw them it would be big bucks.  Hope remains for the Caley cards notwithstanding the tartan print on some of them.


Have a good day everybody.

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Now a small hint for young Dr Station Cat - sorry to let you down after your successful quest but heavy rain is promised for this afternoon - it appears it didn't all come down last night.  And maybe the cat wouldn't have been sick if you hadn't given him that curry (or on the other hand the other one might not have been sick if you had given him the curry).




Simba is going on a curry diet forthwith in that case! Well as soon as found my waterproofs anyway, that might have to take priority.

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  • RMweb Gold

 Penblwydd hapus i ti, Andy! :friends:

Oi! No bl**dy swearing on here!


Happy Birthday, Andy, and 50 is a tough one to endure. I took the day off work, had a pint at lunchtime - for which Deb joined me - and generally felt a bit dismal (November days can do that). Dinner in the evening at another pub wasn't a great success either. My 60th and 65th birthdays, unavoidably spending both alone all evening, were a great deal more positive!

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Morning (late) all,

AndyB, 50NO isn't a bad score but any decent batsman would try and go on for the century! Hope you get close mate!

'andyram' , what I posted last night stands and I'm gratified to see that I am far from alone, but the decision obviously rests with you. This really needs very careful consideration of all the angles. As to the fridge freezer issue, I took photos of the beef joints etc. that had spoiled (probably too late now!) and the insurance assessor simply rolled over!

Debs, sincere apologies, I was obviously so tired when posting last night that I forgot to offer my condolences on your 'bad day'. Do you have a prognosis on great uncle yet? It may sound ghoulish, but I walk Archie the Westie round the large and old graveyard near to where Joanna and I live (part of my exercise regime!) and you would be amazed at the number of graves that contain both partners with a very short time elapsed between their interrment! Is there something in the 'broken heart' theory? I do hope great uncle proves it wrong!

After yesterday's news, the mood in the Kerr household is a bit sombre, matched only by the weather today. Even Joanna was moved by Neil's news - she hasn't shown much interest in RMweb hitherto but she does know what a close knit bunch we bikers and ex-bikers are!

Let's hope for news from South Africa soon, the back up system doesn't seem to be working too well.

Hope you all get over the 'hump' without incident,

Kind regards,


PS Debs just does surprise - 'fluid' in Latin and Welsh!!

Edited by Jock67B
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  • RMweb Premium

Thanks for all the birthday wishes everyone.

Bit rushed this morning as the rest of the family had to rush off to work / school.

Got a "Happy birthday" from the Post Mistress earlier.

"How do you know it's my birthday?"

"You're wearing a 'Happy Birthday" badge."

"Doh!" Welcome to the new low-cost dementia test.


So, my "big" present from swmbo appears to be a French rustic cooking course over in Oxfordshire. I'm particularly pleased by this, having spent the majority of my teenage summer holidays en famille with a family whose matriarch came from the Pyrennees and whose style of cooking was exactly this. I shall take a photo of her along with me to keep at my cooking station. I'm thinking that this may be part of swmbo's plan for us to eventually move to France.    


Recalling past "decade" birthdays, my 30th was in Modena and the part seemed to last all weekend. The hangover seemed to last longer.

My 40th was spent in a railway carriage in Petworth. Came home and there was a new Roland piano waiting for me in the lounge.

My 50th may be spent pottering in the garage, although I'm told there is a pub meal booked for later. 

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AndyB, BTW hope you and SWMBO enjoy France - safe journey etc. and hope you can stay connected whilst over there! Sounds like a fantastic present that cookery course : enjoy and make sure we get to hear of any stand-out recipes you learn!

Kind regards,


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  • RMweb Gold

Many happy returns Andy.

I remember turning 50 - it was 15 years ago but it only seems like yesterday.


Still raining and still waiting for parcels although one of mine has now arrived.

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  • RMweb Gold

Oldddudders can expect a house guest(s) sometime soon then?

I think Andy B would be a bit bored quite quickly - and Mrs B would not be impressed either.


I am not expecting a house guest until early July - but will keep ERs advised!

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  • RMweb Gold

Happy Birthday Andy.


I vaguely remember mine but that was mostly self inflicted. I blame the Belgians though.

Never go drinking with Belgians - the aftermath can be painful  (eating is ok, but drinking can be distinctly dangerous - especially if there are also Germans in the party, darned good job the hotel in Mainz was only just round the corner)  However Bulgarians are even worse - but not many other folk I've come across happily share their champagne at breakfast time.

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  • RMweb Premium

AndyB, BTW hope you and SWMBO enjoy France - safe journey etc. and hope you can stay connected whilst over there! Sounds like a fantastic present that cookery course : enjoy and make sure we get to hear of any stand-out recipes you learn!

Kind regards,


Think it may be some years before we actually move there - if it actually does happen. 

The cooking course is somewhat more local, over in Great Milton, Oxfordshire.

I'm hoping we might get to cook rabbit and lentils, although technically I could do that now.    


Mike, I had the good fortune to attend quite a few international conferences during my time. I can't recommend a combination of Australians and Swedes. One for the capacity and the other because they are doing it "on the cheap" till they get back across the border. I do remember teaching a course on fluid dynamics over in Istanbul once. The other lecturers pulled out, leaving me with about 3 slots to fill pdq. By way of thanks for stepping into the breach the organisers took me out to dinner; I still veer away from Raki to this day.   

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  • RMweb Premium

Happy Birthday Andy....my 50th was nice with a meal out.....its just the start of life - honest!


I attended a reception by the Turkish Minister of Defence once in the Hilton in Ankara... Half pint glasses of gin with a nip of tonic followed by half pints of whisky with a nip of dry ginger...next day was not a good one to visit the stand at the Defence Exhibition



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AndyB, what better field of expertise than 'fluid dynamics' when it comes to putting away the drink. For my part, Muscovites at a Vodka tasting takes some beating - can't even remember if there was a hang-over!

Kind regards,


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Bit late but sorry to hear of the loss of your friend, Neil. Coincidently I read of the incident on the BBC site before coming here (I was looking for something else on IOM).

A real tragedy for the family, indeed.



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 ...Recalling past "decade" birthdays, my 30th was in Modena and the part seemed to last all weekend. The hangover seemed to last longer.

My 40th was spent in a railway carriage in Petworth. Came home and there was a new Roland piano waiting for me in the lounge.

My 50th may be spent pottering in the garage, although I'm told there is a pub meal booked for later. 

 I have a birthday coming up in a few days, and I fancy that it will be, as seems to have been the case over the last decade, as exciting as a wet Wednesday in Scunthorpe stuck in an budget no tell-motel room with a broken TV...


Very much the case of "suddenly, nothing happened"

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