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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all...


Calm and sunny outside and I am just seeing a hot air balloon in the distance. I don't know if I would be willing to do a trip of one of these, though - having no propulsion whatsoever feels rather uncomfortable to me!


I'll be doing some spotting later today anyway - bank holiday over here :) .



Have a nice one!

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good morning all! :D

I'm back. Thanks for the thoughts.

Went to specialist last Friday, (14th)

I hadn't had a mini stroke as suspected by my GP but a clot blocking the femoral artery in my right leg. Operated on on Monday, out of hospital Thursday afternoon and back here today.

I have read back, but not diligently so may have missed out on some news.

It's good to be back amongst friends.

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"Any lasting difficulties from the treatment?

Share values in the Brandy industry plummeted on the news that you had gone into hospital"

Never fear, I took a brandy supply to hospital with me! The surgeon totally approved :D

HOWEVER, having got home from hospital I find that my capacity has diminished noticably!

It may be a while before the shares recover.

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Morning All,


Glad to see that things are back to normal - welcome back Don, glad to hear that you are doing Ok.


It is a nice sunny morning here, looks like it is going to be another hot one. I think a walk is in order this afternoon.


"so has been throwing sparks"

SWMBO does that.


That reminds me of a chap I used to work with. He used to take great delight in sending the apprentices down to the stores for a "box of sparks". There were of course various other things like left handed mallets and tins of elbow grease.


The storesman was just as bad - "Sorry, no left handed mallets at the moment - but ask him if he wants me to swap the handle over on a right handed one" - and the poor apprentoids used to be running back and forth like mad things!


Have a good day everyone.

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Guest Max Stafford

Good to have you back Don! Another lovely day here although there are lots of cotton wool clouds drifting past on a north-westerly. I wonder where that will take us today. All being well and having the day off, I might get my first kit-built coach completed too!

Have a good day everyone.



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all and glad you are back Don.

Very sunny and really quiet here this morning. I haven't done much so far today. I suspect not a lot is going to be be done either.



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  • RMweb Premium

First and foremost, welcome back, Don. I think it's fair to say you've been missed here.


Second - thanks Phil for finding out why Bittern has been off the main line.


Now then on with the drivel update.


Wasn't here on Sunday due to prior commitments with the garden, and putting back a load of stuff in cupboards - found that I've less storage than I had, so will have to dispose of a number of surplus modelling magazines - and I hope to be able to put them to good use as a way of swelling Andy's war chest - so watch this space. Managed to renew acquaintance with the Duchess of Sutherland on Saturday, and also managed to see two other loco hauled specials at the same time - Northern Belle ECS behind a 67 and a diesel hauled special with a 56 and a 66 DIT. Then the Duchess came South - and of course the inevitable 47 in tow, and ticking over - I know it's there in case of problems with the gradients, but as it adds about 80 tonnes to the trailing load, surely it is just asking the loco to pull a dead weight?


And finally - after some exchange of messages with Jaimie on here, I've decided to take the plunge this winter and to try to model my home town station, as between us, we have managed to unearth enough photographic material to make this a goer as a through station fiddle yard to storage siding. It was a simple double track with a four road yard with a goods shed, so should be easy to do - only one crossovers on the main line, and two signals in the scenic area.

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  • RMweb Gold

Weather is still nice here. Robbie didn't seem too keen on being out in the midday sun so spent most of the walk either in streams or near shady trees.

I've been preparing dinner. I suspect that choosing something from "Delia's Winter Collection" may not have been the wisest choice.


I suspect I may have to find out about signals for my new Ruritanian narrow gauge layout. The US HO layout doesn't have any!



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Robbie didn't seem too keen on being out in the midday sun so spent most of the walk either in streams or near shady trees.


Mad dogs and Englishmen! Clearly, Robbie is sane (as opposed to in Seine!) Presumably, you joined him in both?


How about serving the 'Winter Collection' cold?

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  • RMweb Gold

Mad dogs and Englishmen! Clearly, Robbie is sane (as opposed to in Seine!) Presumably, you joined him in both?


I took the straight line back to the car. I'm not sure if the human immune system would cope with the stream/ditch Robbie likes but he is very healthy and he has been jumping in for over 5 years now but I'm still not inclined to join him.


How about serving the 'Winter Collection' cold?


The dinner could be eaten cold I suppose (chilled goulash?) but it still had to be cooked and one of the instructions was "heat the oil until it is really hot" which meant I was quite warm. I have to get the spiciness of meals just right otherwise Matthew will be complaining it is "bland"or my wife will complain it is too "hot". At least it is now in the place in oven (140C) for 90 minutes so I can relax for a while.

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Morning all.

Second day of having to get up at 4:30. I'm out of the habit so it was a strain! I suppose I will get used to it in time, but being near mid-winter with sunrise not until nearly 8:00, it's going to take a while. And it's only Tuesday!

Happy Tuesday all.

Dd, I understand about the IL's and having to finish Phil's farm, but is anything happening on Wittering? I have a great interest in it's progress.

Gordon, good progress on Eastwood Town. Very glad to see it taking shape.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all!


It's a bit cloudy this morning, but still supposed to be warm. Rain appears to be due by tomorrow, though. And now I need an aspirin first of all, as I got a bit of a headache :( .


Have a nice day, guys!

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Morning All,


As Dominik said, a little on the hazy side this morning. I spent a very pleasant afternoon yesterday walking in the Taunus mountains - it was rather on the warm, though. Now, I just need to shift the rotten cough and sore throat that I seem to have picked up in the last couple of days.


Then the Duchess came South - and of course the inevitable 47 in tow, and ticking over - I know it's there in case of problems with the gradients, but as it adds about 80 tonnes to the trailing load, surely it is just asking the loco to pull a dead weight?


It does seem a little strange - probably all to do with the morbid fear that a steam locomotive could possibly break down on the main line and cause pathing problems. Rather riduculous given that in the days of steam, the locos were much better at "getting you home" than more modern motive power. Plus, given the state that a lot of the 47s are in these days, it is more likely that'll break down than the Dutchess! :rolleyes:


Have a good day everyone!

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"Dd, I understand about the IL's and having to finish Phil's farm, but is anything happening on Wittering?"

I'm hoping to get some time to carry on shortly, Don.

Seem to be chasing my tail in terms of time.

Managed to paint about 50 figures and bought quite a few odds and ends for structural work, finished some kit buildings (running costs are over £430 already!).

I've also been asked to supply a diorama for a raffle prize elsewhere before September.

Among other interference, I've had electricians in to correct the house installation of last year (shower not earthed and reversed polarity in some sections).

I'm also near a deadline for a long article.

I have a funeral to attend (200 miles round trip) and another trip to Cardiff (9 hour round trip) in the immediate future and various people are threatening to visit here.

In spite of winning a complete victory against E.ON with the help of the Ombudsman (and a 3" thick file of papers) a letter arrived yesterday threatening a Collection Agency for money I don't owe. Now emphatically sorted.

In brief therefore - not much progress on Wittering but various bits of preparation completed.

Rest assured that any progress will be fully illustrated in the appropriate place.

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Morning one and all...smile.gif


Nice to have you back Don. Are you having to wear support stockings on your leg? Have you got to take it easy for a while or is it all systems go?


Good grief DD. That's a few issues to deal with. I take my hat off to you having the stamina to deal with a case against a utility supplier. I'd probably give up after the 10th letter.


Much cooler here today. I thought of the guys on here who have loft layouts yesterday. Even with the windows open and a through draught, it was pretty warm up in my railway room. Thanks Don, progress is being made and I'm enjoying the leisurely pace of it all. Ballasted a couple of sections yesterday and thankfully, it's starting to look like a railway...


Some garden repairs to do today...


Have a good one, whatever you do.smile.gif

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Hi Dd, thanks for the comprehensive answer.

You have been busy!

My brother is ten years my senior, so frequent funerals are his lot too. He attended three last week! :( though all local, so did not involve travelling.

At our age (his and mine) reminders of our mortality are are constant!

Congrats on painting 50 figures. Even in OO gauge I find that too delicate and time consuming a task.

Good luck.

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