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Good morning all. It is grey and overcast here too. The nerves are starting up already, we are off to Wembley very soon. Everything crossed that we will be smiling rather than frowning tonight. Hopefully Derby can get the result to get to the Premier League.

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Morning all, 


Last day in the UK for a while.....and it's persisting down...still checked in on line, boarding card to print, two parcels to take to PO, carry on to pack  (complete with re-stock of plasticard).


What ever you're up to,  try and find something to smile at.



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


Quite grey here, with the occasional hint of something better, but the forecast isn't optimistic. It will get warmer next week, but still be showery. What fun.


Good to hear better news from Glasgow, where fire damage is less than first feared.


There's a thread about a recent cyber-attack on ebay, following which they are slowly (the attack, ebay tells us, was months ago) asking customers to change passwords. I am refusing to do so, as it's their cock-up, not mine, and I pay their wages, not the other way round. If only others would do this, they'd be in a right mess - more so than after the hackers had visited! It almost certainly means no more ebay for me, if I can't log in. Money saved is money earned!


For some reason Friday practice at Monaco happened on Thursday, leaving me scratching my head when I read the times early yesterday morning. I'm not sure whether the Beeb gets this one live, but will look on the Skybox (free channels only, natch) shortly to find out.


I hope your weekend gets better rather than worse.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all,


Eldest daughter home from her week-long school trip. We assumed that it would be SWMBO would get a huge hug and I'd get the leftovers. Not so. A small person came haring across the playground and leapt into my arms.    :sungum:


Was wondering if anyone has tried emailing Gruffallo? I see on his profile that he has an email address that might be monitored even if his RMweb account isn't active?


More garage time for me this morning - trying to line and level up kitchen cupboards on a sloping floor.  

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Friday practice has always happened on Thursday at Monaco, so that the streets can be free on Friday for normal business and, I think, a market.

That said, they closed the roads for a GP2 race yesterday...

I think the degree of modification now means that they can't open the streets very easily. So it's just tradition.

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  • RMweb Gold


Was wondering if anyone has tried emailing Gruffallo? 



A few minutes ago I spoke to Tony (Gruff) after finding his mobile phone no. which I obtained when we met at High Wycombe last year and stupidly forgot I had! Can't believe I did that after several references to him on here. :banghead: 


He is OK but apparently has had rather a torrid time lately but is improving and hopes to be back at some stage. He seemed rather pleased that we were concerned about him.

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Good morning all from a very wet Clacton - really need it to be better tomorrow! I've just been told that the partners and children of the fence building team will be joining us for dinner and so I guess that more shopping is on the cards - better organise some preparation today as it looks like 9 or 10 plus a couple of little ones. What with bacon and egg butties for brunch, it will be like running a cafe!

Ian, I regret that the GP is on Sky F1 HD this weekend : I'm lucky enough to have this for free as I held out switching to the then new HD box until the sales girl got fed up and added it in as a deal closer! It is actually very good technically although lacking in eye candy of the Suzy Perry class! I had hoped to start using e-Bay and Pay-Pal in the way of starting a small business to dispose of the masses of clutter that I have gathered over the years (in order not to burden Joanna when my Nemesis catches up with me) but I'm now having second thoughts. It did occur to me that, if I take out a credit card for that specific purpose, I should be protected by them. If any ER's are regular users, any comments/advice would be much appreciated.

The news from Glasgow is encouraging, whether you like Charles Rennie Mackintosh or not, he is recognised as one of the worlds great originals. Bizarre how such damage can be done by what was a small fire in an electrical device - await H & S postmortem as such iconic buildings are irreplaceable! And the artefacts lost forever, very sad.

Be safe in whatever you decide to do this weekend,

Kind regards,


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Strange that Mike should lay himself open to comments from ERs about his books.

(My vote is for 1912).


Spent my birthday being appropriately grateful for greetings and presents followed by 2 hours at the solicitors.

For those interested in such things we are now in the realms of Hotchpot.


On floodwatch AGAIN. Good job I live up a mountain - at least the water gets away quickly.

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 If any ER's are regular users, any comments/advice would be much appreciated.



Not very regular but top tip is allow a big percentage for fees!


On a recent £193 sale, the deductions totalled £38.36 to include Insured postage.

I'm not a business user and the fees might be different.

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Nice sunny morning here unlike the rain that seems to be everywhere else - though I think we will get it later.  Morning so far spent chopping wood for the woodburner, then some gardening planned.  Some modelling later when the rain has arrived.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


And precipitating here too, a dismal and miserable morning.  However bright spots exist - it's Dr Station Cat's birthday so we're out to eat at the excellent Chinese restaurant in Pangbourne this evening and tomorrow I'm taking her to Railex as her birthday treat; just the sort of thing a caring dad should be doing for his daughter in my view.


I believe today will be partially devoted to drilling holes in the walls in the dining room to provide places for a couple of mirrors.  The new colour scheme has provided a rather nice background for a painting of MV Staffordshire I acquired very cheaply as part of an auction lot some years back although I'm not sure if the funnel colour is correct for Bibby Line - but it goes nicely with the red wall :O   Meanwhile Dr Station Cat's print of HMS Hood now adorns another wall (sorry about the flash reflection) and a further change of picture is planned for the 'bookcase wall' where it's currently intended that my Tralee & Dingle painting by Johnathan Clay will replace the Bristol Channel tugs watercolour between the two bookcases once it is properly framed behind non-reflective glass.












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  • RMweb Gold

Not very regular but top tip is allow a big percentage for fees!


On a recent £193 sale, the deductions totalled £38.36 to include Insured postage.

I'm not a business user and the fees might be different.

That's not very different from the sort of charge you'd face with a decent auction house,  - which involves far less work and messing about.  (But beware, not all auction houses are 'decent' when it comes to commission rates)


PS Not '1912' but one of the books has since appeared in two more of the pics I've posted ;)

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Strange that Mike should lay himself open to comments from ERs about his books.

(My vote is for 1912).


Spent my birthday being appropriately grateful for greetings and presents followed by 2 hours at the solicitors.

For those interested in such things we are now in the realms of Hotchpot.


On floodwatch AGAIN. Good job I live up a mountain - at least the water gets away quickly.

Sympathies DD, been involved with that 'old pudding' myself but thankfully many years ago!

Water under the bridge now.



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  • RMweb Gold

Admire the Moorcroft, Mike.

Thanks DD - herself has been doing a spot of relocating of the china which has put the older pieces on top of a bookcase.  Aand before anybody gets too excited all of the older pieces have been 'restored' at some time but you have to look very closely to find out what was done to them.  The big advantage of buying restored items is that they cost a lot less than 'perfect' pieces - a lot, lot less (thank goodness) - but still look good from normal viewing distance.  I am now banned from buying any more 'because we haven't got anywhere to put it' (and model railway and book prices have risen so there is something of a financial squeeze on of course).

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  • RMweb Premium

Hmmm reminds me of a colour we painted the kids playroom wall in then rapidly repainted in blue..... youngest left school officially yesterday and I was 40 in the year she was born so now feel every bit of my 57 years plus.

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  • RMweb Premium

Making me a mere sapling, I suspect. Well, till the first week of June, anyway. 


Well done Bob for getting in touch with the Gruff. Hope you told him he has about 300 pages of ER to catch up on when he feels up to it. :)


Kitchen cupboards now sort of level. Off to buy chipboard tops later. Which should make tomorrow a baseboard making day. Yoinks, at this rate I may even get a train running by my birthday as per the project plan! 



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  • RMweb Gold

Hmmm reminds me of a colour we painted the kids playroom wall in then rapidly repainted in blue..... youngest left school officially yesterday and I was 40 in the year she was born so now feel every bit of my 57 years plus.



My "little" girl is now 42 and my "little" boy is 39 so I now feel positively ancient. (Mind you Chris and I were fairly young getting married at 21)

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  • RMweb Gold

Afternoon, wet and grey here, nothing special to report apart from living in France is not dull apparently.


A French mayor has been murdered and then castrated by an electrician who suspected the official was having an affair with his girlfriend, reports say.

Dominique Leboucher was stabbed in the neck by the 39-year-old man, according to a prosecutor.

Mr Leboucher, 55, was apparently castrated after being killed and then the attacker took his own life, Catherine Denis said.

The killing and reported castration in Bretteville-le-Rabet - a village of 250 people in France's northern Calvados region - has caused shock and horror.

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  • RMweb Premium

Rain!  We called our "cricket" match off at 1 o'clock, had a fine lunch courtesy of Yorkshire Academy and came home...


Some modelling is in prospect ( commissions to complete for overseas...)


Book case hunting in full flow... her indoors has measured up and most are too wide or too narrow... may have to have one made(!)  




PS stop talking age... My head says I am 21, my age is 56 but my knees think I am 70... too much sport in my youth...

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