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Early Risers.


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Seems everyone over there is suffering the same fate we had yesterday, rain, raaiinn, MORE BLEEDING RAIN, and thunderstorms...

We ended the day with a whacking 2.25 inches of rain total - for the DAY!


Having staved off the 12 degree temps. yesterday amid the torrential rain, which didn't let up until early evening, we now have fog as a result of all the moisture. Still air with a warm front and area of high pressure pushing over us, we're now expecting 26 for today's high, at 14 already. Needed a sweater yesterday, and shorts today, go figure! :)


Have to post this picture, as I've been banging on about the engine shed - all interior components, venting and trusses/joists/rafters COMPLETED and fitted last night!!! YAY!!




All that's left now are the roof vents, barge boards and it's ready to be put in place - weathering etc., will come later.


Now I need to get on with work. Have a good day everyone, HUMP day is just around the corner...



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  • RMweb Gold

Appalled, again by Joss Stone case appeal verdict. Sentences reduced due to getting lucky and stopping their plans first? Ms. Stone could have ended seriously injured or worse. Back later when not angry...


Best, Pete.

Of course knowing the way the British compo culture now works (imported from the USA), it would not be at all surprising if the two scrotes individuals involved have to receive compensation or such like for their hurt feelings as we all know that criminals are now victims and never perpetrators.


However, the robust sentencing handed down by courts in the US should be copied here, as the pair involved will be out in half that time because of 'good behaviour'.

Edited by Happy Hippo
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  • RMweb Premium


Pleased to say it's still dry here although a storm could be on its way..

Just passed through here so will be with you any minute.




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Sadolin used to be pretty good, but I am not sure what it is like these days.


Well the rain has stayed away so far which has enabled me to sand down the old garden table and give it a coat of Sadolin which I still use on my window frames and find it lasts about 3 years before needing redoing.


Apparently I "never ever listen!"  All 3 grandchildren are now here causing mild mayhem because they're not going to after school activities but sports clubs run by their Dad this evening!


Normal service is resumed in my little corner of the world! 


Beer o'clock is nigh,


Thirsty of Sutton.

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Just passed through here so will be with you any minute.





Spot on, it's just arrived.  Better put your garden stuff away, Tony.  It will be with you soon….:-)


ER weather forecasting wins again..

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been busy doing this...


a Gresley Engine..




and an ex LMS engine of dubious parentage...




Sun shining here - have a choice of T20 games to watch tonight..... might sneak one near a pub :-))



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  • RMweb Gold

Today I've got the feeling that some people have been saving up difficult stuff and now "John's back, he can do it!"


It goes in the queue.

I once went back to six months of marking and it wasn't that "tick, very good" sort either! At least you aren't having people tell you how well they managed without you. 

I sometimes had people insisting they had to talk to me about their IT problems. Although my other colleagues were probably more capable apparently I was less likely to be irritated. 

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  • RMweb Premium

I once went back to six months of marking and it wasn't that "tick, very good" sort either! At least you aren't having people tell you how well they managed without you. 

I sometimes had people insisting they had to talk to me about their IT problems. Although my other colleagues were probably more capable apparently I was less likely to be irritated. 

I have made the mistake of being placid too. No more the odd flash of annoyance is enough to keep them on their toes.

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The Stationmaster is currently without Internet; he is calling it "Total Block Failure", Mrs Stationmaster is however delighted as it means The Stationmaster can tidy up the dining room. AOL appear to be rivalling Network Rail in their efficiency at getting things repaired (adequately).

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Smiffy, 'International' brand yacht paint was the answer for us, when we had a house with wooden windows that were sou'west facing.  I couldn't remember the name yesterday.  Breathes too, very good stuff.  White and blue tin with a red little propeller logo.  Expensive but long lasting and a good gloss finish.  Mrs H, our resident painter swears by it.  I'm not allowed to paint, says I make a mess, suits me... :O  :jester:

We do face south-west and are only 400m from the sea so get foul weather in spades.  I have used the International brand paint as well and it is good.  The breatheable bit is called microporous as Oldddudders says.  I used it on bargeboards for years until I decided that I don't like climbing ladders to the top of the house to paint the boards any more and got plastic boards instead!

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And a young black bear has just strolled along the street. Evidently not a smart one - didn't it know yesterday was a public holiday, so the garbage cans won't be out until tomorrow?

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Another day and once again I feel well and truly p###### off although work is not to blame this time. A pretty decent day at school really as I managed to unburden my shoulders of some of the things I "landed" yesterday. It was helped by being able to hand over all teaching commitments to the student. That was the plan anyway, and to be fair she was quite happy after a successful interview yesterday - grinning like the Cheshire cat comes to mind.


 Back at the bungalow I began the search of the "store room" for a resource book I need for later in the week. As I moved boxes I realised I was getting wet feet. The floor was all wet, clearly the room has been leaking somewhere. The search was promptly stopped and a salvage operation begun. Several large cardboard boxes of DVD's and books were rescued. No serious damage found thus far. I have whipped round to the local branch of Asda for some plastic storage boxes and these are being filled as the cardboard ones are emptied. Bang goes my evening of work, and no doubt I will have to spend the next few nights on it as well so the club night and the staff meal will be off the agenda too. If we were not fed up of living here before, we certainly are now. The builders better get that house done soon! We didn't even get to watch the film tonight!

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Evening all, pleased to say that ,despite a short weather delay (sympathise with the umpire amongst us!), the fence panel staining is complete. Lots of other little jobs before the weekend. I appreciate that my fence panels are rustic, but the ones destroyed by the storms were coated some 12 years ago and the colour (forest green) is still evident. I sprayed these with Cuprinol, using their spray machine all that time ago, and so I'd no hesitation in going for it again! Not sure how it would work on smooth wood however.

Feel very weary now, but smugly think I've earned my nip! Another bank holiday beckons, as do the in-store battles with the visitors who seem hell bent on emptying the shelves for the sake of one day!!

Sleep well, kind regards,


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Morning All, back from a 2 day business trip to Frankfurt. I used to enjoy travelling for business - but that was for a company that whilst not profligate realised that to get the best from employees a certain standard of travel was required. Now, alas, I absolutely loathe travelling for business: everything is organised at the very last minute and on the cheap (and I mean cheap - a £62/night hotel in Frankfurt [one of Germany's most expensive cities for hotels] was considered extravagent!). My own, private, travel arrangements, are to a far higher standard than at work (but I also have the advantage of being able to organise myself and book well in advance). At least I could persuade my incredibly tight fisted boss to fork out for a first class train ticket....


Travelled there and back in one of the older DB ICEs - which are showing their age (on the return journey, the first seat I had was broken), yet clean and with good customer service. These 1st and 2nd generation ICEs are good for quite a few million km more, but they need some serious refreshing and refurbishment. As good as DB is/was, if the same clowns with the same philosophy as those who were let loose on the UK's railway network are let loose on DB, there are going to be a lot of unhappy Germans. Yet the politicos, a venal and craven bunch no matter on which side of the despatch box you rest your feet, can think of nothing better to do than interfere in things they know not what of!


Congratulations to Ashers, it may be reassuring to know that due to the incredibly significant improvements in childhood nutrition and health care in the post WWII period, our ageing processes seem to have been slowed down - so that "60 is the new 40" So, Ashers, consider yourself a slightly wrinkled 40 year old.


Commiserations to Jock on having to help Mrs Jock quit tobacco, neither myself or Mrs iD do much with the weed beyond the occasional cigar/cigarillo and are most certainly not addicted, but we know those who do partake and have tried to quit.... Apparently, according to some authorities, nicotine is more addictive and harder to quit than heroin.


Glad to read that Ian (and others) has had his teef sorted out. I have a very good dentist who is also a dental surgeon (not all dentists are). My recent cleaning/yearly check-up revealed that the prosthesis he implanted in my jaw some 17 years ago, is doing quite nicely (and to think my maternal grandfather, at the same age as I now, already had dentures).


Herr Barton, what lovely dogs - although Robbie's photo is misleading: it is hard to believe such a dignified old Gentleman is responsible for even a fraction of the mayhem you ascribe to him. I hope that Deb's Collies have weathered the storm (literally). Jordi, our late and much missed "Hairy Houseguest", was absolutely petrified by thunder and could be found during thunderstorms cowering in the cellar - poor lad. Schotty is unperturbed by thunder and bangs, thank goodness. And whilst on the topic of dogs, it's now time to walk the hairy monster. Have a great day one and all.

Edited by iL Dottore
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Good morning all,

Dry, 11oC and the sun is making an appearance. A fine dry day is forecast with rain to come this evening.

Got some shopping to do today as the liquid refreshment is running low. I haven't been drinking as much as usual for about 3 months due to trying to lose some weight but that doesn't mean I've gone totally TT!  I have slipped slightly in the past couple of weeks and put on about 4lbs so am still about 8lbs away from my target. The trouble is that the extra physical effort in the garden has increased my appetite considerably and I haven't quite got the balance right. (there is also the (not so) small issue of cake that my better half and Abbie keep making - it would be very rude not to sample it!) Oh - and did I mention the chocolate due to a surfeit of Easter eggs? 

In view of the weather looks like I'll be spending some more time in the garden. The table needs another coat and I started painting the shed last week but only did the back of it before being sidetracked. There is also the small matter of a conservatory roof that is badly in need of cleaning. Somehow need to fit in some railway modelling as well.

How on earth did we ever find time to go to work?

Have a good one,


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Good morning all, 


A day of keeping a two Y.O. entertained beckons...but at least I'll get to play with the Biro trains!    Not much else to report from here apart  fro the suns shining dawn chorus was drowned  out by a couple of vocal crows.


Have a happy hump day, 



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning to one and all!

Its the middle of the week and, despite clearing off a lot from the things to do list it doesn't seem to be getting any shorter!


Hope Wednesday s good for everyone..it will be nice to see some of our computer failed ERs back!


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It has been over a fortnight since Don Bradley last visited.

A long time for him. I know his PC and connection has been flakey recently, so here's hoping that is his problem too.

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The sun is up and shining this morning so hopefully today will be an improvement on the problems of yesterday. The spare room / store room / dumping room has boxes strewn everywhere as we tried to get them clear of the wet areas of floor and some of the plastic storage boxes await filling. I will rescue the saw horses / trestles from the garage and see if we can use these to stand some of the boxes on so they are above floor level. That will all have to wait until this evening when I get home from work although Sarah promises to have a bash this afternoon.


 Work hopefully will not be too bad (famous last words) as I have another day free of teaching commitments. I have two observations to complete on the student during the morning and then have the afternoon free for the final SATs marking. Sarah has said she does not mind if I go to the club tonight but I will wait and see what the state of play is later.


Whatever you are doing this Wednesday I hope you have a good one. Hopefully I can post a positive ER post soon!!!!

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Morning All,


I am slightly later on parade, as I had to hit the ground running when I got to the office this morning.


The weather is supposed to be even warmer than yesterday's 30°C this afternoon - but at the moment it is pretty cloudy.


I hope Don is Ok.  I realised it is a while since he visited, but I didn't realise it was as long as two weeks.


Time for a coffee!


Have a good day everyone...

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Morning,  Well we had rain last night for 10 mins around 9ish then dry all night and this morning its a blue sky with a few clouds here with a dry day forecast.


I'm in advance of the "to do" list by my reckoning, so its model shop for a few bits and bobs this morning then a game of tennis followed by liquid refreshment. I will give this afternoons activities due thought over my liquid lunch.


This is helped by other half being out at her mothers today but I am  ahead of the list honest!


Enjoy your day folks

Edited by Shedman5
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