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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Another lovely sunny day but a late start from me due to not getting to bed until 2.30am after a 16th birthday party last night. It was a cracking do and it was great to see so many well behaved & polite youngsters having a good time. You hear so many bad things about today's youth but if this lot are an example then maybe there is hope for the future!

Going for a stroll round the corner in a couple of hours time as the local model engineering club are holding an open day and there will be some live steam running. Surprisingly The Boss has decided to accompany me!

Have a good one,




P.S. Andrew- absolutely loved the tractor clip!

Edited by grandadbob
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Morning again folks, like so many days since my enforced retirement, plans are changed by others! Nursie daughter appeared a while back with a bag of beautiful lean casserole steak which, with her family otherwise engaged this weekend, she donated to us. Hardly the weather for it but there is now a large casserole in the slow cooker! We can always freeze portions for another day if it's too warm later. Easy solution for tonight though as with weather like this, I must get on to the fence panel staining.

Don't know how I ever had time to work.

Hope it is as sunny in your part of the world,

Kind regards,


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We all know what mad dogs and Englishmen are famous for. So, at 12.15, safety specs and straw hat in place, I started 40 minutes strimming the front ditch. Am now sitting drinking tepid water to recover (tooth won't stand cold or hot!).

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Really sympathise Ian, there's nothing worse than that pain right inside your head. Perhaps a copious amount of 'liquid anaesthetic' when you finish using machinery? Hope you get it sorted early tomorrow,

Kind regards,


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I was wondering about Expo EM if we get back from Fawley in good time but thanks for the warning Gordon - and it is Railex next weekend, now that is good, really good.

Even though a member of the Society, if I were in your shoes I'd hold off for Railex if you want 'stuff'. Layouts - that's another matter - you'll have to decide.


I thought that attendance was down - didn't have to breathe in once.

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  • RMweb Gold

Afternoon all,


Thanks for the ExpoEM advice gents although as we've only just got home from Fawley you will understand that in the event i had no need to make a decision (my main interest at Bracknell would have been Brassmasters as they don't do Railex, but they do do mail order so not the end of the world).  And that layout wouldn't have rocked my boat either Gordon but some of the track looks rather good - meanwhile I've had the nostalgia trip of watching 'Holiday Haunts'  but with some excellent modern (wash my mouth out) freight stock which has appeared in a thread on RMweb.  Plus lots of live steam in road going form, superb ice cream served by a lady in full 1960s gear -



Alas there were several bookstalls (secondhand variety but some very good stuff) and I succumbed to a very interesting album about the Furness Railway, serves me right for being up there last week and finding a lot of the original Company style surviving in various buildings at smaller stations.


Anyway a great afternoon out and a bigger and better event than last year although I'm not just putting that down to the quartet of lady saxophinists who were rather good  :sungum:

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Ahhhh, another day dawns (well over HERE at least - you lot are nearly done fo course!!)


Last evening I managed quite some modelling as the baby-shower apparently went on until nearly 9PM - had to fend for myself for dinner too!!!

I'm working furiously (wish that were the true speed) at building a 4-road Scalescenes engine shed. I love building these things, for some reason there's a great feeling of calm to building them, BUT, it takes so blamed long to cut all the pieces out, not frustrating, but there's a sense of not going anywhere very fast. I'm doing the rafters tight now and each section, a total of six needed, has 10 quite small and delicate pieces that have to be cut, trimmed, edges coloured, and then glued. Even with a few hours last night I only managed to "forge ahead" with 2 more and two more sections of the 8 sections of interior venting... <phew>


18 already here, clear and sunny, heading for 22, what a difference a day makes this time of years - frost early yesterday morning, 22 high today!

Mrs has popped off to take MiL to church - she can't get there without a ride so Mrs takes her every couple of weeks - leaves me to do some modelling, interspersed with a little additional kitchen trim work.


Enjoy your Sunday, far as I can tell so far I will :)

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Rafters - reference point. As I sat down to make three more of these beasties I thought I'd provide some pictorial details.


Sheet of parts to make ONE section (includes a few additional non-related components)




Finished article



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New addition to son's family. Pickles, eleven month old spaniel/lab cross, female.  


Apart from the slightly shorter ears Pickles looks like many of the working cocker spaniels I have met.

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Tony: that scene is missing an RTA, and a house fire complete with all the flashing blue lights and smoke effect. :no:


I have spent some time sorting out some police cars (from my 1960s Panda car collection) and will endeavour to arrange something. I have been filling holes in scenery today as although holes in the ground could well be explained by the model being set in the Warwickshire coalfields I'm not sure that pink styrofoam subsoil is prototypical.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning!  yesterday morning in fact.....it's been a busy weekend!


No idea where yesterday went, biking, eating BBQ, drinking....although it was too windy to sit out long, but indoors a bottle of decent shiraz seemed to disappear.  Today I was out first thing as I was guard again at Groudle on one train, it was a two train day again.  Everything went well, a reasonable busy day, and no rule disasters were detected.  A very satisfying day in fact, most enjoyable.  Knackered now of course.


No culinary delicacies here this evening, a Chinese carry out in fact, see 'knackered' above! 

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As with NHN, no idea where the weekend has gone!  Very pleasant weather though, but with a keen wind today.  SWMBO has a bad cold, so I have been keeping well clear!  Even had to do the shopping myself today as she wasn't up to that, and then made her dinner as well .

Having been on RMWEB for some time, I decided to put a photo into my profile today - one taken a couple of months ago in the mountains on Gran Canaria.

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  • RMweb Gold

We had a barbecue at lunchtime. I really like the gas grill we got last year. I quite like the "eating outside" but can't say I particularly enjoyed the "man make fire, man burn meat (and veg) " process with our old charcoal BBQ. The gas grill is more about food than arson.

No wine today, just a can of Guinness!



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close game but it took ages to complete (95.2 overs to be precise...)


One petulant outburst so my colleague and I explained what Respect means..


No modelling today but more scheduled later in the week..



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Good evening, late on duty today. The effects of yesterday's gardening led to a bit of a lie in, almost causing me to miss my team's game this morning. The match, played in sauna like conditions, ended in a narrow 3-2 defeat. I was rather expecting some banter about my new blue and orange trainers but all was quiet - probably as I didn't have a bad game. I was off the pitch when two of the goals were scored.


 We enjoyed the sunshine with a walk around the estate collecting Sarah's Avon books before heading off to the in-laws for tea. On route we called at the building site again. The move date is once again in doubt after contact from the building society to state that our mortgage offer expires 6 days before the new completion date. The sales woman and site manager are meeting tomorrow so with a bit of luck the date could be brought forward a little. Whilst there we did sneak into the back garden again and enjoyed planning where things were going to go. I still have the planning consent for a G scale garden railway! Fuelled with excitement we called in at the local outlet of "The Range" and bought a few garden ornaments. We are quite taken with their dinosaur ornaments so it looks like we could have a prehistoric corner.


 I did find some time to run a few trains again with the Small Prairie and West Country again in service. Later my father in law was eagerly filling me in on his latest layout plan which involves converting his garage into a railway room. His two purchases from last week's Moorways show provided our entertainment on his Track Mat style layout - a large Prairie and a Southern N15.


 Things all harmonious today - let's hope there will be good news from the builders tomorrow to help maintain this situation!

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Caravan collected and washed. You think they're only a bit bigger than a car. Wrong - they're a LOT bigger. And they have all sorts of crooks and nannies that collect a load of detritus, with plenty of sticky out bits as well. And it takes longer and you have to use a ladder. So a long, damp, time of it. Praise be to the god of Karcher.


However yesterday's purchase of a G.W. Models Rivet tool, a chance unearthing of MRJ Number 6, digging out Guy Williams Wild Swan book, checking on the High Level and Alan Gibson websites for components and a long term project is born. Something small to cut the teeth and doesn't really matter if it takes a few attempts. If it comes off it'll be a minor major miracle. And realising that the tools I've been buying over the past few years are finally going to come into their own.


The rest of this week is discovering where we've hidden all the caravan stuff and packing it in the van to use.

Edited by Coombe Barton
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Before the barbecue there was a hot dog! Robbie accompanied us down to the Horticultural Society shop. He wasn't allowed in so we sat and waited (and waited) in the adjacent bus shelter. Robbie never looked away from the store entrance!



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The rest of this week is discovering where we've hidden all the caravan stuff and packing it in the van to use.


It's under the stuff you took off the dining table for Christmas .    :sungum: 

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Evening all, tired of Clacton here - started on the aforementioned fence panel staining and after manoeuvering them into the garden, I rigged up a tarpaulin to spray them against. We have stone coloured patio slabs and SWMBO didn't want green Cup**nol stain all over them. The white towels were also drying nearby in the lovely sunshine. I was amazed to get the sprayer working again as it must be over 12 years since it was last used, but new batteries and contact cleaning did the trick. Sadly, just got all set up and a gusting breeze sprang up which threatened to cover everything around (the towels would have been a sacking offence!). I was left no option but to clean out the sprayer again after testing it, and resort to hand brushing - tiring and time consuming . Almost half way through but ran out of steam so hoping for good weather for the next couple of days.

The casserole I put in the slow cooker this morning therefore came in very useful! 'The best laid plans' as our national poet would have it!

I'm going to enjoy that nip tonight and, after my little dramas of the day, I suspect that sleep will soon follow.

Hope Monday isn't too painful ; it was for 'Lawrence of Arabia' who wrote off his Brough Superior and himself 19/5/1935!

Kind regards,


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