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A shock.


Letter from Scottish Widows telling me that they've been underpaying my annuity and a cheque for £1488... Totally unexpected.


That means that nice 35mm lens I've been looking at and probably a new mower when we get to France, and a grand left over. 


I think the phrase is 'cushty'.

Well-deserved in view of your lousy day on Friday, I would have thought!

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Well sun is shining, though I  only managed a couple of miles this morning, (but half of that was up hill) . The Blue-bells are not quite out which is a pity though. 


I've only been to the Ratty twice, once on a railtour, (Flying Scotsman, from St.Pancras which was in the early 1970's) and a lot later when I had to sign-off the installation of the engine in the new diesel loco. (Douglas ??) Unfortunately the photos of that trip have gone AWOL. Cab ride up & down the whole line with IIRC two (empty) coach rakes on the drawbar. (Well I had to do full tests didnt I?)








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Morning all, hazy start in Clacton - both weather and brain for some reason! Can you remind us when lunch is set for ilDottore? Sounds like we share a passion for cooking. I particularly love Italian, my signature dish being 'Brasato al Barolo', although these days I'm seeking an alternative wine as the price has gone through the roof in the UK. Luckily, grandmother and mum were both accomplished cooks who taught me the basic skills and so you can guess I got the job whilst house sharing at Uni. (If you experienced a meal prepared by my first wife, you would know why I had to continue these duties as a matter of self defence!). The current Mrs Jock is very happy to avoid what she sees as a chore....Jock67B.

I'm cooking for dinner at 18:00, Jock. I've done most of my mise-en-place and I only have a few last minute things to do (so I get to relax this afternoon). As it sounds like you like your nosh, you may be interested in the menu:

> Minted pea soup with ham julienne (which I might serve cold with a dollop of sour cream)

> Potted salmon, Melba toast, horseradish foam

> Grilled marinated lamb chops, carrot and ginger purée, pommes fondant

> Red and white poached pears (i.e. half poached in red wine & half poached white wine), cheesecake square, bitter chocolate shavings


Like you, I love to cook for other people (just for myself, a spam on white toast bread with mayo sandwich currently ticks all the comfort food boxes). My favourite cuisines? Italian, Malaysian/Chinese, Indian and British (although for great English food you need high quality ingredients and careful cooking - cos there's no place to hide poor ingredients or poor cooking [Rare Roast Beef on the bone being a good example of where care and quality ingredients are pivotal)


The most people I've ever cooked for is 30 people (with two friends to help), the most courses: 7 (soup, fish, game, meat, pudding, cheese board, coffee and sweetmeats). Like railway modelling, planning and organisation are key...


Regarding your question, instead of Barolo try a Primitivo. They are pretty gutsy wines and will do nicely when you want to slow cook a tough piece of meat.


Now, off to lunch (spam sandwich, given tonight's extravaganza)? Enjoy the day! en Guete

Edited by iL Dottore
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Thanks for the tip iL Dottore, had my eye on a 'Brunello' that I've had for some time as a possible replacement but the crux is, it has to be good and Italian. Sounds like a great menu, I'm now off to revise mine for tomorrow as you've awakened my interest! Hope it all goes well and that your lucky guests prove to be convivial company. I, like you have dabbled in many cuisines but sadly, what was my favourite, spicy dishes from various regions, are prohibited by the tenderness of the mouth lining caused by the chemo-therapy. I must say however, it is quite a challenge to make the bland taste interesting!

Great news Smiffy, I should now do the lottery today if I were you - hope you're on a roll............

Ian, clever bit of electrics there : I hadn't realised you were modelling the local scene (makes sense!). Is there a lot of R-T-R available or are you forced to scratch? I have just been handed the radio control remote for great grandson Freddie's quad, it appears that he has managed to pull the fine transmitter wire out of the PCB - now where have I hidden that soldering kit?

Kind regards all,


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...I'm now off to revise mine for tomorrow as you've awakened my interest!... Jock67B.

Do tell more!

If you are no longer able to tolerate the fiery stuff due to the chemo, try going to fresh herbs. I found a recipe for duck breast with a most amazing sauce based around thyme, chicken stock and port. The punters raved about it (I think that it was a Gordon Ramsay recipe). Another recipe you may want to try is Gamberoni alle erbe - huge prawns/shrimp cooked with mixed fresh herbs. Northern Italian cuisine relies less heavily on spices than southern Italian. Google <official ragu alla Bolognese recipe> to see what I mean. And once you've had the real ragu alla Bolognese (with tagliatelle NOT spaghetti), you'll never go back to the "tin of chopped tomatoes & pound of cheap mince" "spag Bol" sauce, ever (trust me on this).

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iL Dottore, that is most supportive, thank you. I have been making 'real' Bolognese for years thanks to my mothers complex recipe and insistence on doing things properly. I'm pleased to say that my grandchildren are showing an interest because they feel that Grumps' (yes - that is me) Lasagne is the best! I agree with you that spaghetti is for cissies! I tend to make a very large quantity of sauce at a time and freeze portions for convenience and, not surprisingly, I often see the kids when things are a bit tight and they leave clutching portions for dinner - truly a compliment I suppose! Thanks for the tip about the N/S divide - I now have most standard herbs on the window sill and fully concur. Sadly, I'm nearer to skill in swearing than cooking when it comes to G. Ramsay!!

Once again, enjoy tonight, would be interested in your wine selection to match the courses.

Kind regards,


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Loving the sunshine and made the most of it with a (free) bus ride to Teignmouth this morning where we enjoyed wandering around some of its quaint streets, before a walk on the prom and a refreshing cider to round off the visit. Well, the latter activity passed the time until the bus arrived!


Tonight we shall patronise the professional theatre for a change to see "Avenue Q" at the Princess Theatre in Torquay.


Hope the sun is enhancing your weekend's activities! Enjoy!

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Afternoon All,


It is a lovely sunny day here - we decided to head off into the woods to do a bit of Geocaching this morning.  However, that turned out not to be successful as where we chose to visit there were no parking spaces necessary.  Every available parking space was filled for several kilometers(!) in both directions.  It seems everyone had the same idea.


We therefore decided to come back to the airport and spend some time on the spotting platform - and have a walk in the woods near the airport.


Not a lot else is planned for today.  The perfect quiet Saturday!

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  • RMweb Gold

Just be a bit careful if this patio thingy is above someone else's accomodation, pressure washers can do some damage.



That was my concern too the first time I did it. I got permission to proceed though I was a bit surprised that I was the person who discovered the source of the slight leak into downstairs. Apparently surveyors and builders had looked at the roof. I noticed immediately the problem and it was sorted. I'm not a builder but somehow I have gained the knowledge that water doesn't usually flow up a slope.

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  • RMweb Premium

Lovely sunny day here. not much wind so went out on my bike again and went a few more miles a bit faster than on Thursday so far so good.   Now after a shower it will be time to do a bit of control panel work then in the evening I'm taking SWMBO out for a meal as we first met 36 years ago today. There's a rumour that I'm really an old softy at heart.



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It was quite interesting to note what a different repertoire of music was sung at East German schools - and even today, song books used in music lessons seem to be a bit different to the ones I encountered while at school. One of the songs we recited last night was http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Katyusha_(song) , and of course, my colleagues all knew the Russian lyrics!

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  • RMweb Gold

Absolutly beautiful wlaking the dogs on exmoor the last few days with Skylarks, Meadow Pippets and Stone Chats singing away. Walking along one path where we had seen a deer last time. Commented I don't expect we will see one today. Marion respond 'There is one just there'  Suddenly two more closer to use lifted there heads. Fortunately the dogs were nose down following their scent along the path which they had probably used earlier. And last night walking through the alleyway to the main road Mr Badger put his head round the corner intending to come our way but sensed the dogs and changed his mind.


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Back from ExpoEM, having met both Highmandman and ChrisF, as well as the guys on St Blazey and the WCP.. Got what I wanted - sunny drive both down and up with the car windows open and spring smells wafting.


Home to Sandy's home made fishcakes.


And speaking of meeting other halves, Sandy and I finally got together on June 6th thirty years ago How are we celebrating? Booked the car in for an MOT.  ;) .

Edited by Coombe Barton
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Ack!!! Hijacked over my cup of coffee and bowl of cereal making me WAY LATE on parade today :(


Mrs decided we needed to do a "quick tour of the yard" to make a list (EMPHASIS on "MAKE A LIST") determine what needs doing for spring cleanup and crowd control (the crowd is mostly weeds, volunteer shrubs and tree shoots),how to manage/handle the woodchipped landscaped areas, such as weeding/weed-killer, more wood-chips and who we'd get/assign the duties... never a good thing to start making to-do lists early on a very nice Saturday morning <sigh>


About 4 hours later, after we'd raked all the debris out of the shrubs and miscellaneous nooks and crannies (the lawn care guy DOES that!!), we'd bagged said debris in the designated "yard waste" sacks, I'd inspected the gutters (we WERE going to get someone to clean them out) and then hauled out the ladder and cleaned them all out, we weeded the wood-chiped landscape areas (we WERE/ARE going to have them sprayed with weed-killer), and I managed to get the hoses out from their winter nap and connect them up and turn on/flush the lines... we were "done"!!! Oh well, so much for 4 hours either 1) working more on the kitchen project or 2) modelling.


Sod me it's already 2:30 and I need a nap - Mrs is now washing her hair and off to a baby-shower... not sure whether to take a nap or what :jester:


Well, at least Arsenal won - wish I'd been able to watch it, but still great result. :locomotive:


Have a good weekend everyone - maybe I'll make an earlier parade time tomorrow, if I don't get hijacked again!!

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A big disappointment yesterday - I went to this place:




well signposted off the highway. Pulled into the 'Visitor parking', got out and walked to the gate, only to see a sign saying 'Closed to visitors' plus 'Do not enter', 'Employees only', 'Restricted area' etc. 


Apparently the BC Government is not renewing Coulson's standby firefighting contract for the Mars water bombers for this year. One of Coulson's two (the only two remaining) has been repainted in US Navy colours and will be flown to the National Naval Aviation Museum in Pensacola, Florida. The future of the other is uncertain. 


I took a few photos through a chain fence, but they aren't worth posting. However, here's a video of a demonstration by one of the planes - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rEeNmSOEgQY. I've seen one in the air a couple of times, once actually while sitting in my living room, as the Mars dumped a few loads of water to put out a fire on the mountains north of here. They are amazing aircraft, but apparently too costly to use on a regular basis - they are virtually 'last resort' for aerial firefighting. 


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We are back from Enfield. MiL's  patio/balcony/whatever flooring has been restored to cleanliness and all drainage/gutters checked. I must have done a good job last time as the patio washer attachment for the pressure washer was very effective this time.

I first met Aditi in 1975. I sat behind her in a lecture theatre at Keele University. I first spoke to her about a week later. We met up again when she started work in Hornchurch and I was working at a school in Essex. We got married in June '77. Her family did not attend!

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The hottest day of the year so far was a good start to the weekend. Much of today has been spent out in the garden. We may only be here in the bungalow for another few weeks but that does not stop the grass and the weeds growing at a rapid rate. I could leave it, but feel duty bound to my late Grandad to keep things looking reasonable. Both lawns were cut and the front flower beds weeded whilst Sarah sorted the borders in the back garden. We did manage to relax and enjoy some of the weather in the afternoon before having a take away tea in front of the F.A Cup Final. It does seem a little strange seeing this iconic game kicking off at 5pm rather than the traditional 3pm time.


 Life in the bungalow does remain less than idyllic. Since the news that the new house completion has slipped back to June 20th Sarah has been on her shortest of fuses. She hates living here, and I can understand that. It is not nice living amongst boxes and clutter with so much stuff still packed away. Sarah does not want to spend a moment longer than necessary within these four walls - as a result she is often keen to go out as much as possible at weekends. She was less than impressed when I told her we needed to stay in and tackle the gardens today. The tension has been there all day and she is fast asleep next to me as I type this.


 I am fortunate that I have my model railway to distract me a little. The layout is rigged up in the front room, on Sarah's suggestion, and I have had a chance to distract myself with a little play. It represents a preserved line so a two train service was worked today with Small Prairie 4566 and the West Country "Plymouth". The latter is a little too big for the layout in its present form but I could not resist running it again today after discovering it again on Wednesday. It is one of my favourite models. 


More good weather forecast for tomorrow - hopefully things will be more harmonious.

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Quick snapshot from phone camera (My phone is a good phone but doesn't have a super dooper camera!


Part 3 of my series of "I want to be a real modeller " : buses on bridge.






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  • RMweb Premium

Well.. Great day. I ended up umpiring a game(or was it a war?)


No modelling done, no painting done but her indoors was happy as the mighty St Chads Brookfield won...

Cup game tomorrow.. Great!


Please enjoy Sunday everyone!



Edited by Barry O
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Time for that nip again, how fast it flies the older you get! Six new fence panels and posts delivered this week, to replace those broken in the recent(?) gales. Can't fit them myself anymore but I'm told that the lads of the family will appear over the bank holiday weekend and it will be sorted! My task will be to prepare roast dinners with orders in for garlic and rosemary leg of lamb and pork with lots of crackling! The only problem I can foresee is that our side has to be coloured dark green by then and that will be my task so, please, all wish for dry weather for the next few days. (It isn't possible to stain in situ due to the proximity of well established shrubs).

Hope Sunday goes well for all,

Kind regards,


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