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  • RMweb Gold

Oh, I say chaps.

Have I missed something.

What is this petrol stuff that everyone is talking about.

Will it make my scythe sharper?

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Sunny here. Forecast to be warmer than  yesterday. We will go and have lunch with MiL in Enfield today. I think she would like me to power-wash her patio. This isn't a patio at ground level (she has a penthouse flat) so I'm not sure if patio is the right description. It doesn't hang from the wall like a balcony. Whatever it is it needs the mossy slime removing.



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Cup final KO at 5pm?  Is nothing sacred?...


I must be losing the plot as Googling told me it's been that way since 2012…:-)


Otherwise I shall be wandering over to Expo EM at Bracknell for the morning.  First show I've been to in a couple of years, so hopefully tons of inspiration.


What was the bit with Laurenceb about?  I took it he was going off on holiday, but perhaps there was more to it.


I'm definitely losing it.  No doubt a side effect of retirement..

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all. Late at home yesterday after a staff dinner at school. It but honestly was a lot of fun, and therefore worlds away from what I had encountered at the other school!

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Morning all. Southwest London, the sun's out, the birds are singing and all's well. Should be going along to ExpoEM today to pick up some supplies. Looking forward to maybe bumping into some RMwebbers.

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all

Dry sunny start and another fine day in prospect. I'm aching all over after spending 9 hours in the garden yesterday so intend to take it easier today. (even if somebody else thinks differently!)

Might stroll to the recreation ground where the local Neighbourhood Watch have organised a "picnic in the park." Son in law Steve (who's a sports coach) will be there with a stall with a few activities for the kids and our two youngest grandchildren are "assisting" him and his coaches. There will also be an  Army Reservists (TA) display, assorted police vehicles and a fire engine for the kids to climb all over. (Hmmm- never been in a fire engine.....or a police car either!)

Tonight we're off a friend's house for their son's 16th birthday party so all in all should be a great day.

Have a good one,


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Bright and sunny.


A46, M40 and M4 will lead to Bracknell and ExpoEM. Setting off soon.


Shopping list complete, stand visit list done, wallet stocked, permission to spend granted.


What have I done right? (For a change)

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Morning all, 


Another bright and sunny morning here,   yesterday morning (much to my surprise) managed a 4 mile walk....only started as a stroll round the block. but ended up walking to the next village & back.

Called in at the PO and posted off some of the 0e stuff, and picked up a box to ship stuff to my GF's place in Canada....then spent an hour or so deciding which of the bits n pieces from the "will-come-in-useful-one-day"  draws.  (Hamblings driving wheels any one?)


Well think I'll go for a walk shortly & this time take the camera..


Try to make the most of the day,



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Morning all from a bright sunny dull overcast boring borough. Where the feck did the sun go? It was there a minute ago. SWMBO has decreed that groceries must be obtained. That means schlepping to Morrison's as early as practical in order to even get near the parking lot. She has also run low on potting soil. That means a secondary trip to the garden centre. I may be some time........


Enjoy your Saturday.

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“Great US Inventions (when you are very hungry at odd hours)"


The 24 hour independent “Diner" with a hot freshly grilled "Philly Cheese Steak Sandwich". About half pound of US sirloin steak sliced as thin as paper with melted cheese and grilled to almost black onions (Peppers optional). Served in a 8” hot sub. $7.00 and cheap at the price....Philly refers to the city that reputedly invented it.




Best, Pete.

Edited by trisonic
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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Somewhat jaded this morning as we were up early ready to head off to Henley - of StationMaster fame - for a family do, and, of course, I'm hoping to get some photography of the GW main line prior to electrification in.


We were all settling down when an email arrived, 47841 and 90010 to work 0G99, 23:04 Crown Point - Wymondham. WHAT ? a 90 at Wymondham, got to go for that ... so here it is, just before midnight


The 90 had wheelset issues and was being taken, on a skate, to Dereham, for loading onto road haulage for the journey to Crewe for repairs - as it's limited to 10mph and 5mph over points it's very difficult to schedule a path by rail, it would take ages, involve lots of cost so road is the better option here.




Have a good day all, back tomorrow.

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Cup final KO at 5pm?  Is nothing sacred?...


I must be losing the plot as Googling told me it's been that way since 2012…:-)


Otherwise I shall be wandering over to Expo EM at Bracknell for the morning.  First show I've been to in a couple of years, so hopefully tons of inspiration.


What was the bit with Laurenceb about?  I took it he was going off on holiday, but perhaps there was more to it.


I'm definitely losing it.  No doubt a side effect of retirement..

The Lurker told us he was out of here and to have a good couple of weeks so I returned the compliment.


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  • RMweb Premium

Sunny day and no umpiring.. B##gger!

Still it means I can paint the 4 doors I missed, do a bit of weathering and even get some gardening done...

Sounds of a car crash outside but can't see anything.


Have a great day everybody and can I have a steak philly please Pete? Like anytime would do but now would be better....


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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all. Southwest London, the sun's out, the birds are singing and all's well. Should be going along to ExpoEM today to pick up some supplies. Looking forward to maybe bumping into some RMwebbers.

Gordon will be easy to spot, he will be the tall chap buying up all the MIG weathering powder.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all, a bright sunny day door open to let the heat from the conservatory into the house! Recovering from physical exertions yesterday, the course was about restraint and how to avoid it some thought they may go to bed early....  Plenty of gardening and Dads taxi type stuff to do as well as washing and shopping but some modelling might be done. Enjoy the weekend.

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Morning all, hazy start in Clacton - both weather and brain for some reason! Can you remind us when lunch is set for ilDottore? Sounds like we share a passion for cooking. I particularly love Italian, my signature dish being 'Brasato al Barolo', although these days I'm seeking an alternative wine as the price has gone through the roof in the UK. Luckily, grandmother and mum were both accomplished cooks who taught me the basic skills and so you can guess I got the job whilst house sharing at Uni. (If you experienced a meal prepared by my first wife, you would know why I had to continue these duties as a matter of self defence!). The current Mrs Jock is very happy to avoid what she sees as a chore! There is nothing nicer than clearing away clean plates following a successful Sunday lunch with all the family. (PS the wine is stored in the kitchen, so it's not the worst place to be working!)

Enjoy what you plan to do but be safe,

Kind regards,


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  • RMweb Gold

Still lovely and sunny here.


The lawnmower parts have arrived for it's overhaul (it works, but needs a good service) so son #1 is now busy with tools fitting it all out, followed by an attack on the sea of green weeds we call a lawn.  I of course an acting in purely in a supervisory role, although I am minded to make him a cup of tea after i have finished writing this.


The postie also bought a load of N gauge stuff which I have purchased for our 'new' club layout, so that needs to be checked out and then the junior modellers in our group can vigorously test them.  They do like being given a box of goodies and told to 'test that out, please'.


After coffee I think I shall adjourn to the shade of the oak tree and carry our some gentle weeding, although the garden railway site is begging me to work there instead.


Such decisions!

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


Bright and sunny again today.


Unusually I watched Gordon's music vid - I seldom do click on these, I'm afraid - and was struck by how a song called Sandstorm had a vid featuring neither sand nor storms. A generation thing no doubt. OTOH the "thief", despite being young and skinny, seemed to be - er - quite nicely made in certain respects.


Gardening, shopping and a call to MiL are on the agenda for today. Makes me wonder why I got up!


I did do some modelling yesterday, with a positive result, too. One of my French railcars - a Nord ABJ1 https://www.google.com/search?q=electrotren+abj1+nord&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=KSN3U-7EGsSe0QWuzoDYBA&sqi=2&ved=0CAYQ_AUoAQ&biw=1280&bih=627 - had lost its headlights at one end. LEDs don't fail very often, so rather than just replace it I checked the voltage off the PCB - 9.4, which is way too high for an LED, and the one the other end was reading 3.5. So I dug out an LED, cut it down a bit to fit (they do generally have space at the rounded end to allow that) and added a resistor. Result!


Hope those going to Bracknell have a good day and manage some of the excellent socialising that I enjoyed at Railex last year, meeting more than a dozen RMwebbers. My Facebook page tells me Wetherspoons there is a good venue afterwards - approved by experienced modellers and pissheads beer drinkers!

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Sun's out, Dr Station Cat has set off to help 'test' the new Terminal 2 at LHR, son has just departed for the Kingston beer festival, herself has a friend coming in an hour or so and then they're out for lunch meanwhile I'm being told the newly painted dining room needs reorganising to 'test' a changed layout of the bookcases - surely even the little show at Knowle Hill could be better than that?  But at least we're going to Fawley tomorrow, thank goodness.


Anyway just to encourage Neil here's a pic of the commodious seating arrangements on 'River Irt' together with a view of her regular Driver (Keith) oiling round at Dalegarth - notice the special slimline Driver provided for broad gauge visitors  (and I wonder who will be off next?  :angel: )


Enjoy your day whatever you have planned - Beast mobile radar is now operating;)









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Morning all.

Sunny here. Forecast to be warmer than  yesterday. We will go and have lunch with MiL in Enfield today. I think she would like me to power-wash her patio. This isn't a patio at ground level (she has a penthouse flat) so I'm not sure if patio is the right description. It doesn't hang from the wall like a balcony. Whatever it is it needs the mossy slime removing.




Just be a bit careful if this patio thingy is above someone else's accomodation, pressure washers can do some damage.



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A shock.


Letter from Scottish Widows telling me that they've been underpaying my annuity and a cheque for £1488... Totally unexpected.


That means that nice 35mm lens I've been looking at and probably a new mower when we get to France, and a grand left over. 


I think the phrase is 'cushty'.

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