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Thanks for posting the pic, Debs.  I had been looking for a blonde and would have missed that pic…:-)


Been watching Rotherham qualify for Wembley as a temporary supporter for the night. My daughters best mate for the last 25 years is married to one of their players, so we might make a pilgrimage to Wembley to see if they can make the Championship…..on the other hand I might just watch it on TV... ;)

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Late 60s / early 70s and I was wearing Laura Ashley style long dresses in the hope they'd make me look taller.    :laugh_mini:   :rofl_mini:  :sad_mini:


Sometime after that it was the brightly coloured "leisure suit" when everyone looked as though they were off to the athletics track. The Green Goddess days - remember her?   :biggrin_mini:


At least I'm more sensible (?) these days - jeans and t-shirt.  Still don't look any taller, though  :cray_mini2: 


but I can just about get away with long hair.  :spruceup:



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I also had crushed velvet flares, often worn with an Afghan sheepskin waistcoat. With long hair, sideburns and Zapata moustache I looked like Lemmy from Motorhead before he did. He was with Hawkwind then anyway. As a totally un-reconstructed ageing hippy I still have the hair (most of it) and 'tache.



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  • RMweb Gold

I also had crushed velvet flares, often worn with an Afghan sheepskin waistcoat. With long hair, sideburns and Zapata moustache I looked like Lemmy from Motorhead before he did. He was with Hawkwind then anyway. As a totally un-reconstructed ageing hippy I still have the hair (most of it) and 'tache.



When I first met Aditi she did look like some kind of hippy princess with really long hair and she was planning to go to Switzerland to become a teacher of Transcendental Medititation, She now has very short hair.

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Evening all, dandelions decapitated and a couple of other chores ticked off the list. Debs, I managed to make a big mistake in jokingly asking the boss how this lady, yourself, can reverse park two bl**dy great locomotives when you struggle with a Citroen C3 Picasso. Not clever as I've lost today's brownie points no doubt. Is 'foot in mouth' disease a male affliction?

Never did do much following of fashion : I did love the lassies however and so I tended to go for what I perceived to be the 'predatory male look'!

This site pulls out some wonderful memories - Prokofiev from 1216 025 - Alexander Nevsky became one of my heroes having seen how he saved Russia from the attacking Hun by leading their army onto ice which failed to support their weight. A fantastic film IMHO, by Sergei Eisenstein which had a profound effect on me. Even more poignant was the fact that we passed the very site on a grand Russian tour a few years ago and I can remember our Russian hostesses surprise that I new the story!!

Thanks for re-awakening it Dom!

Sleep well all, TGIF tomorrow,

Kind regards,


Edited by Jock67B
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Hair down my back . . . now it's down the plug-hole

Loon pants bottoms of 32" . . waist was smaller at 28"


Had a crushed velvet navy blue suit  . . . pleased none of those survived . . .

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Back from the Matisse exhibit and not sure I'm the better for it. Interesting studies with bright colour, especially all the time he spent in Nice, but not my favourite style by a long shot.

Good to get some culture though - I aint arf smarter than I wos when I got there :)   A very enjoyable light supper at the Institute bar/cafe afterwards too, Mrs and I vowed to be SURE and plan well ahead for the next visits...


It's a far cry now where you can simply use your smart phone to listen to the insights and commentary about an exhibit, instead of wandering around like an uninformed moron as in the way distant past (well, that describes ME at least!!!). There are times when I really love technology. This and DCC are two of them :senile:


Sleep well all you ER lads and lasses, POETS day fast approaches - post plenty of drivel  pointless drooling  clap-trap  insightful thought provoking commentary for me to read when I get up. :jester:

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Morning everybody. Can't sleep due to nastiness in Achilles tendon. It's worst when lying down.


Plans for today include sitting at the computer for a few hours then, if the tendon calms down a bit, over to Jane's Trains to try to get some paint for the Schools I stripped down and undercoated yesterday. Going to paint it as an early version (no smoke deflectors) in Maunsell green. Probably as Westminster, but nameplates not yet ordered though, If I get another one it'll be Bash Street. I'm also struggling with finding suitable lining. 

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Dick, I would advise seeing a doctor about that. I tried to keep going on an injured Achilles and it ended up snapping completely. Eight weeks with the foot and ankle in a downward-pointing, non-walking cast and several more weeks of physiotherapy - you want to avoid that if you can!

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Thanks. I've been to the doctor and physio over this a number of times in the past, so I have a set of exercises - this goes back several years now. It's a feature of old age, overweight and diabetes apparently. It's not as bad as it has been (I can walk, albeit a bit crab-wisely) and Ibuprofen dulls it quite a bit. It's a b*ggeration, especially just now.


Three months of watching daytime TV a few years ago was enough!

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Morning all

Had a nice day out seeing Tony Wright's layout yesterday with nicktoix,mike edge,rupertb and Dr John.

Made very welcome by Tony and his good lady..not too many accidents and lots of informed discussions on various aspects of model railways.


Today I shall mainly be doing shopping followed by weathering of a loco and wagons for stubby of rmweb.


Have a great Friday folks..hope the sun is shining wherever you are...



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Lovely morning here. I saw swallows in the park yesterday so it must be summer!

No shopping today as we seem to have acquired enough food to last a while.

My scenic work on the layout has made the garage very untidy so some sweeping out will help. I took some photos yesterday as it helps me work out which bits don't look right. I'm glad that digital cameras exist, I wouldn't have liked to have wasted film.



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Bright here.


Today it's back to the GP to get a corrected release note. The one I have doesn't specify wat hours I can work. It's either that or occupational health which takes 4-6 weeks. I'm wanting to get back to normality, dammit!


Copying files has finally finished, as has the overwriting of sensitive data. Wonder if it'll last long enough without crashing for me to actually DO something!


At least it's Friday, and ExpoEM tomorrow with a shopping list!

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Morning all from a very sunny and warm boring borough. Landy back from the mechanic all sparkly clean with new brakes all around. First time I haven't used the dealership for repairs. Saved around £180 and supported a local business instead. Turns out they are Land Rover certified and the guy that worked on my Landy recognised it as he used to work at the dealership.


No work from home today, its off to the wilds of Baker St to head office, and to migrate over to a new laptop. 17.5" screen, 1Tb drive, i7 quadcore, 16Gb. Time for my old faithful dinosaur to retire and go to Silicon Heaven. Trouble is I only get a base build, so its going to take me the best part of 2 days to migrate everything over and install all the "optional" software. Oh well, keeps me off the streets.


Have a good one all. Its Friday!!!!

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Trouble is I only get a base build, so its going to take me the best part of 2 days to migrate everything over and install all the "optional" software.

And me - it takes some practice to keep twiddling your thumbs for that length of time.

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Morning all, 


Bright and sunny in this part of Zummerset.  Now the sun helped light a few more 0e models to list.  I had forgotten just how much stock I had got! 


Whether any will shift though is a moot point....


Now I must find that photo with my shoulder length hair....(or perhaps not!)


Enjoy what you can today, 



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blue and sunny at Borough Market junction, but with a bit of pollution haze.


Last day in the office for a couple of weeks as next week I am travelling on business (Miami and New Orleans but nowhere near as glamorous as it sounds) and then a week's hol in Majorca.


I imagine I'll be spending a lot of time running around preparing handover notes for the boss - he's been out all week, and making sure the guy who works for me has done what has supposed to have done and is set for the next couple of weeks.

Oh - and I should say I am not posting the picture of me in fulls 80's goth regalia!

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morniing all,

Looks like being a lovely sunny day.

Hair? Wossatt?

Off to Q & B in a mo to buy some shed/fence paint. I've (we've)  "somebody" has decided that things need sprucing up a bit!

Dick - what are Jane's Trains like?- I've never been there.

Have a good one,


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I declare today to be summer on Fraggle Rock, it was warmer outside than inside as we stepped out of the house this morning.  Glorious here now.


The One Show (other wastes of time after the news are available) is live from here tonight (from about 100 yards from my office) if anyone is interested, the Queen's Baton for the Commonwealth (and small rocks) Games is here.  One stage of it's journey is on the steam railway hauled by 'Caledonia' (Glasgow built - Dubs) so it may get a clip.

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Morning all,


Nice and sunny at present, forecast for a cloudy, but warm day.


Bit annoyed this morning, I had a 300mm lens away for repair, their advisory didn't get to me so, to cut the story short, it ended up being away for 3 months, rather than the more usual 1. It was returned last week and I tried it out on the birds, fine. Took it out on Wednesday and tried to photograph a signal but the focus was poor, however the light was lacking contrast so I assumed the auto focus couldn't decide what to do. I took it out again last night and the focus doesn't work at all, not even manually, so I now have a useless lens. I've fired off an email and I'm sure (hopefully) they will take it back and resolve the problem but it means being without it again, and it's useful for dramatic shots, especially when I add the 2X converter on it, making it a 600mm. A week tomorrow the 'liners are diverted over the fens again and I wanted it for some shots around Manea - ho hum.


Have a good day all.


PS - I was a punk in the late 1970s - and no, I don't have photos.



Here's one of me and Jill during our first romantic interlude back in ca 1987 - we are supposed to be Mary the punk and her boyfriend (lofty ?)  off Eastenders going to a fancy dress party. We won, and they played the Eastenders duff duff theme, much to Jills embarrassment.




and here's one of me around the same time with my favourite girl - Monty (Full name, Penrith - Eamont Junction)



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Don’t be hard on Jack, I think he spent the "swinging sixties" in buzzing Belize..


The really funny thing about the sixties in my opinion is that we were made fun of by the older generations (or even my brother...) yet over the period both my brother and Dad’s hair became longer and their shirts under their suits became wilder (and ties wider) - yet all this years after 1967. They were out of sync.


Wet here today - or expected to be; temp swings have been from 86f on Monday to 68f on Wednesday - it’s that time of the year...

Have a good one, everybody.


Best, Pete.

Edited by trisonic
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Morning all,

Another sunny start to the day. This is apparently the weekend when the new railway room will be finished and tidied. SWMBO has spoken!


Mum had another fall the night before last. She was apparently confused about which room she was in, tried to sit down on her sofa and....ironically we think the confusion may stem from the number of painkillers and related tablets the Dr has her on.

I've asked if it might be time to think about other accommodation options but am given to understand that "No chance. A home is the beginning of the end!"  


Eye test (I had both done whilst there) were ok. No damage, gluacoma, diabetes. Having two young monkeys children I wasn't surprised to learn that my peripheral vision is perfect - after all I've been telling them for years that I can see through walls and have eyes in the back of my head. 


Have a nice day everyone. Andy

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