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  • RMweb Premium

A good sunny start here, if a bit nippy....  Pacific Slope Railroads by George B Abdill, 1959, 




You'd never get a job at the BBC.  :jester:

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I couldn’t help but notice that “Clusterf@$k” was not included - I’m mindful that some terms are developed in one profession and then taken over by another.


The definition of “Clusterf@$k” (aided by Andrew) is the “net result of two Assclowns being introduced to each other”.

In the music business this would be applicable to astupid graphic design company being introduced to a pretentious beat combo (whose vocalist persists in shouting at the audience about his Mother or Margaret Thatcher - they are interchangeable) with resultant delays and missed deadlines due to “artistic impulses” and ridiculously complicated packaging.


Best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Gold

I have not taken the swearing quiz thingy, and shall not do so.


Either I will be embarrassed by scoring low, indicating a sheltered life, or will max out, showing what a life of depravity I have led.


Although those who want a laugh at the expense of the Royal Armoured Corps are welcome to this one:


The badge of the collective units of the RAC is a mailed fist:


Commonly referred to as the  'W*nking Spanner'.


Most appropriate as it was the cap badge of the Junior Leaders Regt RAC

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  • RMweb Gold


The definition of “Clusterf@$k” (aided by Andrew) is the “net result of two Assclowns being introduced to each other”.

In the music business this would be applicable to astupid graphic design company being introduced to a pretentious beat combo (whose vocalist persists in shouting at the audience about his Mother or Margaret Thatcher - they are interchangeable) with resultant delays and missed deadlines due to “artistic impulses” and ridiculously complicated packaging.


Is this the story behind the never released hip hop album "Pork Scratchings" by Pinky and Perky?

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  • RMweb Premium

I couldn’t help but notice that “Clusterf@$k” was not included - I’m mindful that some terms are developed in one profession and then taken over by another.


The definition of “Clusterf@$k” (aided by Andrew) is the “net result of two Assclowns being introduced to each other”.

In the music business this would be applicable to astupid graphic design company being introduced to a pretentious beat combo (whose vocalist persists in shouting at the audience about his Mother or Margaret Thatcher - they are interchangeable) with resultant delays and missed deadlines due to “artistic impulses” and ridiculously complicated packaging.


Best, Pete.


A term in common use in this team, but not in that context - usually directed at senior (CEO) management skills and outcomes!

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  • RMweb Gold

ERs will I'm sure be pleased to know that I was rather cross just but somehow didn't swear. 

A young person and his female passenger seemed to think it was funny to accelerate rapidly towards me in the car-park at the local park. I don't think the idea was to harm me just make me jump out of the way (not that I was causing an obstruction standing by the open tailgate of my car). I think the hereditary stupidity cut in and I didn't jump. I'm not sure how well the driver appreciated my advice about how to drive safely in a car park as he wouldn't look at me.


Anyway some good news. Matthew informs me that he has been allocated a place in the LSE accommodation (near Charing Cross) that is only a 10 minute walk from wherever the LSE lectures take place. So he has now been offered a place on the course and accommodation. All he needs to do now is a get a 2.1 from Leicester. 


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  • RMweb Premium

A former colleague of mine was pestered by a debt collecting firm chasing after the former occupant of her flat. Her husband got rid of them by telling them that the person they wanted was in prison for assault with a deadly weapon.

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  • RMweb Premium

A former colleague of mine was pestered by a debt collecting firm chasing after the former occupant of her flat. Her husband got rid of them by telling them that the person they wanted was in prison for assault with a deadly weapon.


I sure wish I had such punch lines (pun probably inevitable) readily available!

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THE WORLD IS MINE   -              Author Unknown



I was sent this by a friend - some of us have much to be thankful for

Today, upon a bus, I saw a very beautiful woman And wished I were as beautiful.
When suddenly she rose to leave, I saw her hobble down the aisle.
She had one leg and used a crutch. But as she passed, she passed a smile.
Oh, God, forgive me when I whine. I have two legs; the world is mine.
I stopped to buy some candy. The lad who sold it had such charm.
I talked with him, he seemed so glad. If I were late, it'd do no harm.
And as I left, he said to me, "I thank you, you've been so kind.
It's nice to talk with folks like you. You see," he said, "I'm blind."
Oh, God, forgive me when I whine. I have two eyes;  the world is mine.
Later while walking down the street, I saw a child I knew.
He stood and watched the others play, but he did not know what to do.
I stopped a moment and then I said, "Why don't you join them dear?"
He looked ahead without a word. I forgot, he couldn't hear.
Oh, God, forgive me when I whine. I have two ears; the world is mine.
With feet to take me where I'd go.
With eyes to see the sunset's glow.
With ears to hear what I'd like to know,
Oh, God, forgive me when I whine. I’ve been blessed indeed, the world is mine.
If this poem makes you feel thankful, it has achieved its objective -  
After all, it's just a simple reminder that some of us have more than others!
Edited by shortliner
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Sunny and clear today - so is the weather :) 12 but we're expecting a frost overnight...


Funny I completely missed the omission of clusterf***ck from the list! It's used here a LOT especially in my business, as there is a lot of it going on Har Har...


Have a great HUMP day everyone

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Afternoon all. The replacement jockey wheel for the dryer turned up so a quiet afternoon became a fix the dryer afternoon. Not too difficult but my hand managed to find a rather sharp bit of metal inside the casing. Not once but 3 times. I went through a lot of the sweary list and spent more time cleaning up the blood than actually installing the replacement part. Anyhoo we have a working dryer again, thank feck. New brakes for the Landy tomorrow, new work laptop on Friday, and the past 2 days have been both 14 hour work days. Bloody busy week.


I make it beer o clock.

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  • RMweb Premium

Thanks to all those who ticked various buttons on my last post about the car door mirror.  I can now report that the 'new' one is now safely in place and everything is working.   The Police have been in contact but no news yet as to whether they've found the young piece of vermin that's responsible.    Now It's back to modelling and control panel building.



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Is this the story behind the never released hip hop album "Pork Scratchings" by Pinky and Perky?

More Pinky rather than Perky. The six stringed plucker and the drummer are OK though, but.


Best, Pete.

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Back from  day two return to work - all OK thus far - except for the eighth time failed laptop!


I'm trying to get the stuff off that I have - but it even blue screened on me three times while I was doing that. The power that is IT management has agreed that we give up (fifteen hundred quids worth of giving up) but I'm now pressing for the replacement.


Other than that nice bright sunny day here.


However dentist tomorrow.

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  • RMweb Premium

Ready for the morning, New pot of marmalade in the cupboard and a pack of dry cured smokey bacon in the fridge, have plenty of thick sliced bread and baps so now the only problem is what to have for breakfast.

Marmalade toast this morning, just had the bacon butty this evening for supper, yummy.

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Just got back from an enjoyable running night at the club. Earlier in the evening I happened across a box of model railway stuff amongst the boxes stored away in the dumping room. I unearthed one of my favourite models - the Hornby weathered West Country, Plymouth. I have not run it for at least four years so it went straight into the stock box for the evening and it performed perfectly with 7 Hornby Mark 1's in tow. I also took my Bachmann HO gauge model of "Emily" to show some of the guys who are building the new Thomas layout. This got quite a bit of attention and looked great trundling around on the opposite track.  An enjoyable night and much needed too.


 A post work visit to the building site continues to see the kitchen being fitted in the new house, things are progressing. A little bit of the green eyed monster surfaced though when I saw that next door had a completed kitchen, carpets and landscaped garden. They really can't be far from moving in. We certainly could do with getting to that stage. Life in the bungalow is getting Sarah down and it resulted in a few cross words this evening. She is fed up of living out of boxes and I can't really blame her.


 Another pleasing day on the SATs front with most of the children achieving the top grade in today's Year 2 test. One greatly exceeded expectations, but it was balanced out by one who fell one mark short of the top bracket. I did not get the writing test marked though so I will have to get stuck into that tomorrow!

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Evening all, babies head now and truly soaked. Lovely meal with Nursie daughter and beautiful granddaughter joining SWMBO and I to help with the dispersal of bubbles!

Try to make a more coherent post in the morning! Soon be running down to the weekend folks!

Kind regards,


PS Full moon looking splendid and as yet no wolf howls in this part of the world! How about MN and points west?

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