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  • RMweb Premium

Late on duty today and its been a long one. In school at 8am and not away again until 8.30pm. A full 12 and a half hour day, and that is before I completed the planning for tomorrow which added another hour to my day. Who says teachers do not work for a living???


Today was parents evening. It seemed to go ok, although there were a couple who just wanted to moan and nothing you ever do is good enough. As I was out before Amber woke up, and home after she went to bed I have not seen my daughter all day. A staff meeting called for after school tomorrow so another late finish beckons!


Morning Andy.

One innovation the new head introduced at my children's school was to issue, in advance, a form for parents to complete to give structure to each 10 minute appointment at parents' evening. Against each subject there was a chance to raise any issues, say what was was working, what wasn't and giving the teacher a heads up on an issues. I imagine it may have helped everyone keep to their scheduled slots and limit the "awkward squad" who just like to moan.


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  • RMweb Gold

Back in Minehead now which means there are a lot of jobs I could be doing and really should be doing before getting any modelling stuff out. Ah well.Sounds like the weather is going to improve too.

Enjoy yourselves if at all possible.


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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Rather cloudy and forecast to pour with rain all day.

I don't really recall any moaning parents at parent-teacher evenings. Perhaps things are different now but I used to spend most of my time saying how wonderful their child was. The parents of the pupils/students you really needed to see didn't turn up. 


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We had some folk from the Ratty at Groudle on Sunday - they were commenting on how smart we were, unlike their own station and guarding staff....oh dear. C'mon Trevor, you can do better than that.....

I remember similar issues on the Lakeside & Haverthwaite when I was a volunteer in the late 1970s.  The few 'full time' staff looked down at all the volunteers, while conveniently forgetting that without the volunteers, there wouldnt have been an operational line at all!  I just hope a friend of mine who is an occasional guard on the Ratty doesnt read NHNs post! 


On Neil's other thread, I have 218 days to my 60th and possible retirement.  Ironically I have considered joining my friend as a volunteer on the Ratty!

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Morning all,  


Started going through the boxes of "stuff" I've accumulated over the decades....lots of part built (I mean bits of)  scratch built locos...(Mainly "00" but  bits of  H0, H09, 0n3, 09, 0 & 16mm  :O   )   Now do I just junk it or try and find some one who could make use of it?   As I cant ship it across the world...Or do I just put it in one box and find some one to "look after it"?? 


Oh well lets see what the day brings?



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


The postman has just delivered a small package for me - two DVDs, a cab ride from Cambridge - Norwich, when the semaphores still controlled trains between Shippea Hill and Wymondham, and, as it was on offer, two for £20 a DVD about those same signals and boxes, something I've been meaning to buy for a while and as it was two for 1.3 it seemed a good time as any. Whilst buying these I also noticed, in their (Videoscene) catalogue, a cab ride around the East Suffolk, filmed from the front of the RHTT on ?October, 2012 (the website does give the exact day but can't remember now), I checked my notes and sure enough I was at Saxmundham on the day it was filmed, I want a video of the East Suffolk anyway, and it's with the RETB still in place, so I think I'll be investing in one of those soon - and seeing if I can see myself. I know some people find cab rides boring but I find them useful for seeing things normally hidden from my view.


Weather is improving, dull with occasional sun, we are forecast some storms later which should be "fun"


Have a good day all.

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  • RMweb Premium

Started to prepare for breakfast this morning, plugged the toaster in then remembered that there was no marmalade to go on the toast. So checked the fridge, no bacon for a bacon butty, so ended up with a yogurt for breakfast. :banghead:

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all.

Rather cloudy and forecast to pour with rain all day.

I don't really recall any moaning parents at parent-teacher evenings. Perhaps things are different now but I used to spend most of my time saying how wonderful their child was. The parents of the pupils/students you really needed to see didn't turn up. 



I think the flaw in the form template I mentioned earlier is exactly that. Those the teacher needs to see may not fill it in.

For what it's worth those that moan at teachers seem to have a tendency to progress through life moaning at everyone; nothing is ever their fault.  

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Morning all. Rather depressing seeing everyone's retirement countdown. Worked mine out. 3433 days. :banghead:


All quiet but messy in the boring borough. Seems as though the letter from the council has arrived next door. Not a peep out of them, and when the dogs went out this morning the first woof and they were back inside faster than you can say asbo. On the other hand their bin is overflowing and has been feasted upon by the varied wildlife. Well, foxes and perhaps a cat or 2. Then again they are so primitive, perhaps it was one of them having a midnight snack. That means crap strewn all over their front garden, our front garden, the pavement, road, neighbour on the other side's driveway, etc. My morning will be spent with gloves and power washer cleaning up their mess and removing half a tin of spag-bol from the garden wall. Pigs are less messy. Oh well, photographed and another complaint to the council made. Either its me and I've lost all tolerance to these scumbags or they are getting worse.


Last couple of days on my current work project. Apart from a major rewrite its been the most painless and assclown free thing I've done in a couple of years. A couple of weeks of training time mixed in with some leave will fill the rest of May. Chelsea Flower show next Tuesday. Inlaws back from their cruise over the bank holiday weekend, then 5 days in Belgium & Germany.


Have a good one all.

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Ordinary sort of morning, but woke up a bit late. Ah well...

About 2000 since I handed back the chalk and mortar board. Loved the job,  but it's not for old men.


On some sort of mystery tour to deliver some of Julie's work to a lady in Tadworth, then shopping. Wonderful.


Still trying to pluck up courage to strip and paint a Hornby E2 I got from Ebay. I've a Tamiya spraying turntable on order, may wait for that. Breakfast calls.

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Morning all, great to have you back Sherry, and I do appreciate the depressing nature of the return to routine - won't however stop me going to Cornwall at the end of June!

Andy, didn't you realise that, when you said 'I Do' that this is simply part of the contract? Married life is like a balance scale - as long as the good times outweigh the bad, it's working!!

Good luck with the work John, I hope you'll report back to us later to hear how you got on.

Concerned now about Don's silence : I thought he mentioned a 'fall-back' scenario involving his son after the last computer outage. Hopefully we'll hear soon. Don't know what Inkscape is yet Pete but I guess I'm going to have to look now! Tony I suppose the 'no show' of those parents probably sums up why you needed to talk to them in the first place?

Off to play with new great-granddaughter at Colchester General today, hope you all have as much fun as I'm going to!

Kind regards,


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  • RMweb Premium

I remember similar issues on the Lakeside & Haverthwaite when I was a volunteer in the late 1970s.  The few 'full time' staff looked down at all the volunteers, while conveniently forgetting that without the volunteers, there wouldnt have been an operational line at all!  I just hope a friend of mine who is an occasional guard on the Ratty doesnt read NHNs post! 


On Neil's other thread, I have 218 days to my 60th and possible retirement.  Ironically I have considered joining my friend as a volunteer on the Ratty!


Simon please don't forget the comment was made by an actual working volunteer at the Ratty, that particular one was not my opinion but one I was passing on.  I hope someone does read it actually, as I love the Ratty dearly and am a regular visitor, but I have to admit in retrospect their presentation when we visited in March early in the season (first weekend running I think) wasn't that good.  I know they have to dress appropriate to Lakeland weather but the driver was smarter than one of the guards, although the second one was dressed well.


Groudle is of course totally volunteer run, and I appreciate is a much smaller operation, but our Directors insist on Guards and station staff being appropriately dressed.  Of course there may be working staff riding the train in overalls, that's a different matter altogether.

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  • RMweb Gold


Our drive looks smart, having been block paved in our absence.

Welcome to the world of continually cleaning grass and weeds out of the cracks between the blocks.


You'll never have the time to go en vacance ever again :jester:

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  • RMweb Gold

Just had a phone call from "Barry" allegedly UK based, though caller display said international. Told him only injury I had recently had was rushing to the phone to answer spam phone call, "Good Byeeee". Next time he or his colleagues ring I'm going to speak Hindi and claim I am called Sanjay and live in Bangalore. I will of course be polite. I clearly need to get out more if I'm looking forward to "this is not a sales call" calls. I am going out in a minute as the local model railway emporium is open now and I want another corner shop cardboard kit. The corner between the railway cutting and the backscene is starting to fill up nicely now.



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  • RMweb Gold


Concerned now about Don's silence : I thought he mentioned a 'fall-back' scenario involving his son after the last computer outage. 

Tim is Don's God-son. I am fairly certain that no news is good news in the sense that it is only a PC problem. Don has mentioned that if he has to go off to hospital Tim has instructions to post for him.

When Don was still working I think he was on one of South Africa's slower internet connections. He does seem to have better connections now but I think this was his PC rather than the residential broadband.

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  • RMweb Gold

Good point but the contractor is returning to seal it later this week so that should reduce the likelihood of weeds becoming a problem.

One of our friends had a brick path in her back garden. She had planted it deliberately with aromatic herbs so that it would smell nice as she wandered along it on summer evenings. Her father came to visit and when she returned from work he greeted her with the news that he had weeded her path.

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In deep poop….


Decided to weather the walls on ET using MIG smoke powders and was getting along fine with a board stood on it's side on a pair of trestles.  Weathering powder is so fine so I wear a mask and hadn't realised the excess powder was falling to the laminate floor.  Of course I moved about and the soles of my slippers became well weathered.  Not a problem until I realised I had created a set of size 12 footprints down the stair carpet.


God knows how I'll get it out short of shampooing the whole carpet.


I think I'll stick to golf.  It's far safer….

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  • RMweb Gold

In deep poop….


Decided to weather the walls on ET using MIG smoke powders and was getting along fine with a board stood on it's side on a pair of trestles.  Weathering powder is so fine so I wear a mask and hadn't realised the excess powder was falling to the laminate floor.  Of course I moved about and the soles of my slippers became well weathered.  Not a problem until I realised I had created a set of size 12 footprints down the stair carpet.


God knows how I'll get it out short of shampooing the whole carpet.


I think I'll stick to golf.  It's far safer….

Weather the whole carpet?

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  • RMweb Gold

Weather the whole carpet?

To be serious is it worth trying on one footprint a product like Vanish carpet stain remover Power Foam? It is a very large aerosol. It has shifted some difficult stains without affecting carpets (brown coloured 80% wool 20% manmade fibres). You really can see the dirt lifting into the foam. Last thing I cleaned was a patch where Aditi had spilt the shavings from an eyeliner pencil and then trampled them in to the carpet.



Edited by Tony_S
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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


A much brighter start to the day, but more bad weather due later. The rest of the week looks better, however.


I have spent 30 mins photocopying documents for Alison, while she weeds my flowerbeds. The copies will remain here on hard drives for the time being. Cloak and dagger stuff!


About 3500 days since I retired. I learnt that while I liked the sociability of work, and was often regarded as the "life" of wherever I was, aka mouthy git, I coped very well with being just cooped up with Deb, and my social side has never felt frustrated in all those years. It's good to meet people occasionally, but apparently not essential for me.


Hope your week is progressing well.

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  • RMweb Gold

My world has ended.


Apparently I know nothing about signalling and have never been in a signal box in my life, well maybe once :this:


:mosking: :mosking: :mosking: :mosking:


Sorry, had to get that off my chest, I'll say no more.

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