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14 and sunny here but clouding over slowly - a nice enough start to Mothers Day (US-style).


Some to-do-list done yesterday and less modelling than hoped, but that's OK I guess :)


More "to-do" on the agenda, and some additional modelling until late afternoon when Mrs returns from the cabin and we can have a Mothers Day dinner - son will come over and we'll either go out somewhere or become chefs-in-residence and conjour up something special, we've not decided which is preferable yet...


Hope the soccer goes as planned for everyone, I can't easily follow it here (more's the pity - but I'm too cheap to pay the extorntionate fee Comcast want to add the soccer channel as it's only available as part of a 100-channel package <grr>) but have seen that Spurs apaprently have about 1/2 a game left to become top and more importantly ABOVE Man. U. for the first time in 25 years! That'll make someone feel good I'm sure, neither team interest me really (ducks and runs for cover)...

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  • RMweb Gold

Afternoon all,


Having a quiet day today, completely knackered after a Saturday afternoo spent boozing and fighting...


Before you get the wrong idea, I was in rehearsals for 12th Night. I had a fight scene - which had me hacking away with a sword and trying to impale my opponent with my trusty walking stick at the same time; and my "drunk" scene - where I stumble around the stage, swigging from my hip flask, belching at the audience before collapsing into a drunken stupor! Wow! It's great being a role model.


Arise Sir Toby.

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  • RMweb Premium

There is something slightly surreal about a woollen cup....

Yep but I would warn against saying too funny about it.. the locals of the area as defined by Rule HW1 part B:


"The competition shall be restricted to a maximum of 32 clubs within an 18-mile radius of Batley Town Hall."  


can get reet stroppy if you tease them...

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  • RMweb Gold

Mike Yes I knew about the do at Sir William's and we did see a couple of traction engines on the road I assume were headed there. Not the sort of event suited to our two dogs and you cannot really leave them in a motorhome although not as bad as a car. We did enter Tesco's looking for some scones (have just had scones, raspberry jam and cream mmm!) seem a lot better than the Minehead one odly enough Tesco delivery service in Minehead comes from the Taunton store.


We reached the campsite at Seend and have walked nearly to Bradford on Avon and back hence an excuse for the above over indulgance. A nice sunny afternoon but the wind was rather strong.


65th congrats Smithy. It was mine yesterday greeted by an old friend at Reading by 'Ah your officially an old git now'



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Evening all. Its been a rather Murphy filled weekend in and out of the boring borough. First the dryer packed it in. Managed to take it to bits and discover the belt had slipped off the jockey wheel. Easy enough to fix. However, it wouldn't say on the wheel. Turns out the wheel's bearing had vanished. No idea where it went, the whole brass sleeve was gone. Replacement part ordered. Another problem. Getting the old wheel off. No way to reach the bolts holding it to the motor without taking both sides and back panel off the dryer, then removing the whole drum. So at the moment the bathtub has a massive dryer drum sitting in it as I await the replacement part. That was most of Saturday afternoon wasted.


Today started good. A nice quick blast down the M3 to Southampton to meet up with the outlaws as their cruise had a layover. Good day, good lunch. Coming home on the other hand..... Slammed on the brakes hard as some assclown decided to exit from the right lane across my path. Now I've got a grinding in the front right disc. Sounds like that was its last gasp and time to book the old thing in for servicing this week. Once upon a time I'd just order the parts and do it myself. Can't be arsed anymore.


On top of that we ran into a  queue from an earlier accident right at the junction with the M25. Sat in that for the best part of an hour. I think that the person that is responsible for accidents that cause delays should be forced to stand at the side of the road with a sign around their neck apologising for their stupidity. Bring back the stocks. No doubt some enterprising individual could make a fortune selling rotten fruit to people stuck in motorway queues.


That was my weekend. Shattered, and headed for a hot shower and an early night.

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Brilliant lunch with the family, interrupted by a phone call from my oldest friend (we were born in the same ward in the same week) to call me an old git and try to persuade me that my pension had been cancelled...


Then had to play the role of a mage with the grandchildren and cast spells in a pub garden. Which is easier after a couple of pints of Young's.


Made two appointments to have lunch with two different sets of friends in France when we go out in June - looking forward to the oysters at Cancale.


It's a full life. I may have a lie down.

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  • RMweb Gold

Mike Yes I knew about the do at Sir William's and we did see a couple of traction engines on the road I assume were headed there. Not the sort of event suited to our two dogs and you cannot really leave them in a motorhome although not as bad as a car. 



Tough luck Don - and the dogs will miss out on the dogshow so you'd best not tell them (or let on that we know one of the judges).

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  • RMweb Premium

for interest the Crowther Cup is for second teams in the Heavy Woollen area of Yorkshire. Hence you get to umpire teams from across a wide range of Leagues. Its big brother .. the Heavy Woollen Cup is the oldest cricket cup competition



Our old neighbour in Giggleswick used to talk about her sister pnce having got lost in The Heavy Woollens.  I used to think this was quite amusing until I married a girl from Batley.



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning.  Yesterday morning I think....which probably indicates NHN has had a busy weekend.


Shopping, gardening blah blah, Groudle Glen today where we had all hands dressed up in our best as we had some corporate entertainment to do.  Rained a couple of times but we were busy, so that was good anyway.  Next weekend is odds and sods day (diesel, electric and, er, used to be diesel) so the Steamplex will be out, I'm guard on that train so may say clean!


The Steamplex....with Dibnah junior, not NHN.





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  • RMweb Gold

Tough luck Don - and the dogs will miss out on the dogshow so you'd best not tell them (or let on that we know one of the judges).

Monty would have a fine time playing chase with all the competitors!


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  • RMweb Gold

Monty would have a fine time playing chase with all the competitors!


He would definitely have fitted in very well last year than Don because that's exactly what happened at one point.  the competitors were initially quite well behaved but a passing 'non-competitor' clearly decided it was some sort of fun and decided to join in and create a suitable space for himself by 'relocating' those already there.  Give the judges and assistants their due they did manage to sort out the mayhem but the crowd thought it was great fun.

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All smiles tonight after a cracking afternoon at Pride Park. Derby 4 Brighton 1 and we are off to Wembley. Whatever happens there we have had a cracking season so it will be a case of savouring the day and hoping we can repeat the success of 2007 (but without the disastrous season that followed).


 This morning I helped out at Moorways supplying the exhibitors and traders with their teas and coffees. With two or three of us on duty at times there were some good laughs and banter except when the boiler decided to play up. After my stint I enjoyed another look around. Sadly the Bachmann "Director" Butler Henderson had been sold since yesterday - I should have bought it at the time. Oh well.

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Evening all, pleased to report that lunch was very well received and several other members of the family called to see son Stuart with the lady friend in tow! Luckily SWMBO did her usual over-catering and all ate well!! As promised, a report on said lady friend, an absolutely beautiful Taiwanese lass called Christina who fitted in to our close and cuddly crowd immediately. A confident and pleasant girl and we all fell in love with her (possibly bad news for Stuart?). They have been an item for over a year now and this is the first time he's brought her to see us, leading SWMBO to conclude that the relationship is developing! I'm very proud of him turning up in his Porsche Boxster, he really has worked hard for his success and it makes the decision to send him to 'public' school one of our better moves.

So to bed and I hope that the arrival of great granddaughter, promised for early tomorrow, goes without a hitch - I'm fed up looking at the couple of bottles of bubbly just asking to be popped!

Hope your weekend was mainly what you wanted from it ; must say I feel very happy tonight - wonder if the short course of steroids prescribed by my oncologist on Thursday are kicking in as I managed throughout the day without my usual bouts of weariness. Better not mention that to the boss or the chores list will be instantly extended!

Kind regards,


PS just realised that DonB appears to have gone off air again - hope it's nothing more serious than his SA internet connection again!

Edited by Jock67B
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Morning All,


It is a nice sunny morning in this part of the world.  Which makes a change from the weather we had over the weekend.  Wet and windy was the order of the day.


There isn't a lot else to report - so have a good day everyone!

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Somewhat overcast and breezy here.

Not a lot planned for today. I think if I go out to the garage it will probably be to tidy up. Modifying the styrofoam scenery base on the layout has created a lot of mess. 


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Morning all, weather is wet and dismal appropiate for a Moanday morning. Weekend went too fast not sure how but it went. Four days training this week so just one normal day to get through and then become a trainee old dog new tricks springs to mind but death by powerpoint looms.....

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all.


Safe journey to the travellers amongst us. Nice here at the moment. I am allowed to go to headingley to watch Yorkshire when I have completed the glossing.

Had fun putting some of our pictures back on the walls downstairs yesterday. You can never get them straight!


Have a great Monday and,to avoid death by PowerPoint press shift and b to blank the screen!



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Have a great Monday and,to avoid death by PowerPoint press shift and b to blank the screen!


Morning All,  Dry but cool here so far today.


I will be delivering 'death by powerpoint' later today when training some of our personnel in Manual Handling!  Hopefully I wont fall into the oft seen trap of just reading the slides verbatim.

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Sunny but trying to rain possibly getting heavier as the day progresses.

This morning I have to take Chris shopping (for clothes) Not looking forward to that at all.

Have a good one - I probably won't!

Bored already of Sutton.

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Safely on board 'Mont St Michel' sailing out of Ouistreham. More blue sky than we've seen for a few days. Au revoir au France! :(

Ah! The Mont St Michel - so many journeys on that one. I always had to have the top bunk, and I hated it...

Even with the Owners' Club the ticket price on Brittany Ferries just got too high, and now we take the Tunnel, and one day I'll find the chemin de fer de la baie de la Somme, honest.


Sunny and bright here today, no clear plans but waiting on some deliveries. Planning a trip to Jane's Trains some time this week for some paint and possibly another E2.

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