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  • RMweb Premium

Evening all. Home and now been awake for about 19 hours, as we had a publicity evening at school.


Thanks for your words of support, guys - much appreciated. I did carry out some communications today so as to avoid a vicious circle like the one I've just got out of emerging anew.


Now off for Mattress Listening Duty...

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Brassed off of Clacton here - still no baby(see this mornings post). Got as far as grandson scrubbed up and partner in pre-med when another emergency landed whereupon theirs was cancelled ; it will be Monday now. They've taken it well as Freddie arrived in the world as just such an emergency just less than 3 years ago! Everyone's logistics thrown out and Champagne still on ice! Still, we'll cope.

Ian, glad your time with VIP was enjoyable - hope to hear of a further liaison soon!

It appears the sausage fingers have been at work again - AndyP informs me that I managed to hit a couple of 'indecipherable' this morning. If I did it to you,it was in error as I haven't used that button intentionally. Hope Andy can get back to me with where as I can't find them to correct. Is it possible that he was reading as I did it and missed my correction or indeed is there any other way of finding out?

Sleep well all,

Kind regards,


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Evening here now and I've just returned from the cabin having the first successful "no problems" install of the pump in 4 years. Yay!!!

Harsh weather takes its toll on un-winterized summer dwellings, and often as not, there are some plumbing issues when the pump is re-installed. This year went without a hitch...


The importance of all this is that generally I'd then hang out and do odd jobs around the cabin all weekend whilst Mrs does the opening "cleaning" and "arranging", but this year we're on critter-watching duty for our next door neighbors over the weekend - and since "someone" has to do it, I was elected, so Mrs can do her cabin opening in peace.


That places me in the enviable position of being at home all weekend with a VERY SHORT to-do list, and a LOT OF FREE TIME - modelling here we come :senile:  :jester:  :locomotive:


I'm off for a couple of G-and-Ts, watch something amusing and unchallenging on TV, and head to bed to dream of layout work in the AM - first stopping in here to discover what you all have been up to on Saturday... pleasant dreams


EDIT: Oh dear, just re-read this after I posted it - does expectations of dreaming of a model railway layout, rather than something more exotic, place me in the truly "sad old fart" category??? :O  :scared:

Edited by Ian Abel
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As Dom is keeping count I’ve been up today for just over 22.5 hours - and I’m good for another 4 hours or so (Bombay Bicycle Club are in town....)


Kids today just don’t have the stamina....


Last tea awaits.


Best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Wet and windy weather here at the moment. Forecast is for wet and windy weather for the rest of the day. I'm not sure what we are doing today, I know Aditi has a routine dental appointment this morning and I'll need to take Robbie somewhere for a walk.


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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Wet & windy start to the day. It might brighten up during the morning but more blustery showers expected later with possibility of some thunder.

Looks like I'm a free agent for most of the day so the railway beckons. (provided I can resist being on here!  I've got to take Chris to Nicki's house this morning and this afternoon they're going to watch Gemma in her first gymnastics display. (Could only get two tickets)  I'll be returning there later for dinner and (at least) a couple of pints this evening.

Have a good one,


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Evening here now and I've just returned from the cabin having the first successful "no problems" install of the pump in 4 years. Yay!!!

Harsh weather takes its toll on un-winterized summer dwellings, and often as not, there are some plumbing issues when the pump is re-installed. This year went without a hitch...


The importance of all this is that generally I'd then hang out and do odd jobs around the cabin all weekend whilst Mrs does the opening "cleaning" and "arranging", but this year we're on critter-watching duty for our next door neighbors over the weekend - and since "someone" has to do it, I was elected, so Mrs can do her cabin opening in peace.


That places me in the enviable position of being at home all weekend with a VERY SHORT to-do list, and a LOT OF FREE TIME - modelling here we come :senile:  :jester:  :locomotive:


I'm off for a couple of G-and-Ts, watch something amusing and unchallenging on TV, and head to bed to dream of layout work in the AM - first stopping in here to discover what you all have been up to on Saturday... pleasant dreams


EDIT: Oh dear, just re-read this after I posted it - does expectations of dreaming of a model railway layout, rather than something more exotic, place me in the truly "sad old fart" category??? :O  :scared:


What kind of pump do you need to install/re-install every year Ian?



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  • RMweb Premium

Was wet ... now cracking the flags so cricket may be on today.....


A bit of junior umpire "training" first then Yorkshire Academy v Barnsley.... It means i am missing the Leeds MRS Open Day.. such is the life of an umpire.


see you all later good people.... 


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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all. Sunny but breezy hereabouts. It sure was good to be able to sleep in for a bit!


As it wouldn't have made much sense to go home in between lessons and our publicity evening, I had taken my camera with me and took a few snapshots around the Döllnitz Railway. This is one of the numerous 750 mm narrow gauge lines to have been built in Saxony and does, in fact, still provide passenger services – though the timetable isn't really extensive. It does provide for a rather interesting commute for some of our students, though – the line passing within about 200 metres of our school.




In the meadows near the Döllnitz River, I captured 199 031 which was on duty that day, and is seen here working the DBG 107 service to Oschatz Station between Kleinforst and Oschatz Southern Station.





The 750 mm area of Oschatz Station is south of the standard gauge mainline station. The narrow gauge line is interesting in passing right through the town centre.





Here, 199 031 has run around her train which is standing by to work the DBG 106 working to Mügeln.





The locomotives on this line are ex-ÖBB class 2041 diesels, which were actually designed during the BBÖ period and first built in 1940. They were designed for the 760 mm Bosnian gauge lines which were built in numerous places of former Austria-Hungary, and were classified as baggage railcars but in practice used like locomotives. The rear hood in this photo housed the baggage compartment.





A derelict semaphore at the townside end of the station area.





This would appear to be the narrow gauge signal box at Oschatz Station.





There also seemed to be a standard gauge branch into Oschatz, which but has been closed and disassembled years ago. Note how this stretch had been set up as gauntlet track originally.





And finally, 199 031 was leaving on the DBG 106 working.



Have a good one, folks...

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Greetings All,


Still not dead yet.... :preved:


Just passing through (again). My modelling has disappeared into a black hole as of late, although I did acquire and install a Canon Pixma colour printer so that I can make (further) progress on Camden Lock by printing out the tunnel walls. Dog and theatre have been taking most of my time.


I also finally gave up on a 4mm steam roller kit I was building and binned it. It must have been a lovely kit once (when the moulds were new), but a combination of very poor quality plastic and poor mouldings meant that I was fighting an uphill battle.... I didn't even bother to salvage it for parts (the fate of kits that no longer are deemed "fit-for-purpose").


I am pleased to hear of Jock's good news and also pleased that other ERs are doing well. Olddudders' new photo is certainly an improvement over the vintage Interpol mugshot. The new photo makes him look very distinguished indeed.


Commiserations to those with "neighbours from hell". It's not too much of a problem where I live (but there again the Police can and do come if you party too hearty), most people are pretty considerate.


I forgot to mention, that Mrs iD and I recently celebrated 6 months of Hairy Monster ownership. His nibs is very much Mrs iD's mutt, but we get on splendidly (and there's very little he wouldn't do for a custard creme biscuit - the ultimate bribe). Despite emergency vet visits, a tendency for him to chase after anything small and furry, the ability to chew through plate armour in seconds (or so it seems) and a picky and finicky palate that would do credit to a Master Chef judge, we wouldn't have it otherwise. I am continually amazed at our good fortune in adopting him. What is worrying, however, is that we have realised that we are very, very much "dog people" and Mrs iD and I have been seriously discussing getting another dog. If we do (and at present it's 50:50) we'd get an older bitch that would both mother Schotty and keep him in line. We even have chosen a name for her (Lucy) and the animal shelter where we found Schotty has two possible candidates. We'd even have more dogs if we could (two would be the absolute limit at present)


Y'know, with the right amount of money in the bank, I'd most happily become a recluse: big house (all those books, CDs, DVDs and model railways), big big garden, 3 or more dogs and regular parcels from Amazon, Hattons, the grocers, the butcher and the vintner... Bliss.


And on that wishful note, I bid you all a Schöne Tag

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


It seems to have been a busier week than usual this week. I don't mind preparation and marking or extra revision classes we are 'asked' to do, it's for the benefit of the pupils, but some of the other mindless tasks really pee me off. Tasks that mostly have no impact on the pupils' learning but keep the management and pen pushers happy. Evidence for Ofsted. Pah.

Three sets of reports to do this weekend so I better cheer up a bit or I might write what I really think about 'Little Johnny'.

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Is this how it goes?


Grotty start to the day - windy and wet.


Up early, blood sugars down but still nasty, out into the shed in the drizzle and wind to clean up and prime a couple of plank loads for the wagons I painted yesterday and will probably repaint again tomorrow... Loving the airbrush and gradually getting to grips with it, just getting the paint to the right viscosity the thing now.


Halfords white primer is pants on resin, isn't it? Why didn't someone tell me?


Spanish GP qualifying later - could be interesting - my money's on Hamilton.


Off later to photograph the Buggy Army protesting against threats to the local hospital, getting the pix up on the website. Possibly some deliveries for the local elections (depends on the weather and my feet!).

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  • RMweb Gold

SWMBO has just pointed out that it is Eurovision time again.

Britain being awarded 'nul points' on one channel whilst the other channel is telling us that Britain's Got Talent.

Oh the irony.


Those reports are starting to look not so bad after all.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all, bright but a bit too breezy at present potenial for rain later . Animals and shopping day today rats, locusts and human food. Tomorrow Mickleover show down in Derby but MrsBs health is declining a bit at the moment so might just be me or a no show. New car feels very modern compared to the Zafira I just hope it is as reliable.It certainly is strange having a reversing camera showing in colour an overlay of the width of the car as well as bars showing how close you are to objects.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


Il Dottore's kind remarks about my outgoing avatar will be passed to the photographer - who also took the new one nearly 4 years later, i.e. this week. She will be pleased. Don't forget I had a colleague who'd been to the same skool as the Kray twins.


Hay delivered at 10 this morning - and Richard's tow-vehicle also contained his daughter and her French beau. So now the Skoda is sold! Laura, born in UK but essentially French educated, seems to be commuting to Uni in Nantes, I think, so needs a car with legs.


I agree Mr H.A.Milton will be in or close to the frame in F1 quali today, maybe tomorrow afternoon as well. He is apparently Britain's highest-paid sportsman, although how these things are calculated I know not. Jenson's comments about practice suggest he's not kidding himself too much. Lotus seems to be in dire trouble - allegedly has not been paying Renault for engines, so Renault is down on budget, affecting development in a year when Mercedes's engine is already the one to have.


Drizzly and blustery, with worse to follow in the next couple of days. Hope your weekend is better.

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Morning all, late on parade as usual but dog chores, medication etc. completed!

John,(CoombeBarton), how interesting the mention of archaeology in your post - I had the pleasure, whilst working in the Citroen garage, of looking after the motoring needs of Michael Corbishley who was I believe the first Education Officer of the Council for British Archaeology c.1977! He was possibly my favourite client and often sat at my desk whilst having his cars serviced. His conversation was always fascinating, as I have always had a love of the subject! I have never known anyone so committed to the cause - his book output was prolific and he is passionate about the education of the young ; still marking degree level papers in his spare time! He hasn't seemed happier than over the last few years when he has spent several months lecturing in his beloved Greece but the sad news is that I last bumped into him in Colchester General Hospital where he was seeing the same oncologist that cares for me! Sadly, from this I guess he has been stricken by the same ba**ard that got me. Thanks for reawakening such good memories!

Good to see that you are still passing through iLDottore, and that you and Mrs iD have become such dog lovers - never wanted one myself but (ganged up on by SWMBO, daughter and granddaughter, I didn't stand a chance!). Archie the pedigree Westie has been with us for over 7 years now and you might guess has wormed his way into my heart! Now that my travel is restricted to short journeys, we always book dog friendly accommodation - he'll be with us in Cornwall this summer.

Welcome Smiffy2, I'm with 'DDolfelin' - sounds a busy and committed life!

Thanks for the links Ian, 'pit pass' is now in my favourites, C'mon Lewis!!!

Hope the weekend brings you what you wish for

Kind regards,


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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


Il Dottore's kind remarks about my outgoing avatar will be passed to the photographer - who also took the new one nearly 4 years later, i.e. this week. She will be pleased. Don't forget I had a colleague who'd been to the same skool as the Kray twins.



Are you going to change the Facebook photo too?

A family who used to live opposite us had tortoises called Reggie and Ronnie. Their dog was called Trevor (West Ham fans apparently).

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Morning all, just!  Been back in dear old blighty for a couple of hours after for some reason a sleepless night. Normally once I'm fed on the plane, its  solid sleep till break fast. But a window seat on a clear night is a marvel!  


Models seemed to have arrived safely, with no inquisitive security / customs type poking about. 


Reckon a couple of hours kip is called for after lunch...enjoy the rest of your day,



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  • RMweb Gold

Looking at Olddudders's new avatar, reminds me that if I'm ever to look as rugged, I'll have to get off the roof (or out of the muddy hollow) and stop eating cake, especially special cake!


Although in my defence, I will admit to losing a stone in weight since I had the retinal repair.


The pity is, half that loss is due to the weight of the glasses I used to wear!  They were definitely Cider goggles.


The trip to the opticians yesterday has me cleared from the cataract clinic, although I still have to see the consultant about my retina next week.  I'm reliably informed that everything is looking really good, although I might have either a mild infection of the eye lid or an allergic reaction to the drops I've been taking.  There are also two 'silver bits' in the eye, which I suspect are bits of stitch that haven't yet dissolved. 


The Obergrumpenfuhrer was away bright and early this morning, to deliver another training session for adult leaders:  This time in Oswestry.


This leaves me in charge at Headquarters, so I have tasked son no 1 with some cleaning and tidying duties.


Of course, 'My doctor has forbidden me to push/pull/dust/operate machines that vibrate' so until Tuesday at the earliest, I am forced to remain merely in a supervisory role.


The look on his face when I told him it could be like this for another 12 months was a picture. :angel: 

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Game just called off due to the sun/rain/torrential rain/sun/rain.... we have had for the last couple of days.


May manage to get to the Open Day at the club but her indoors thinks glossing should come first.....


Love that German narrow/dual gauge...

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